Sunday, March 19, 2017

Super Sons #1 (2017)

Super Sons #1 (April, 2017)
"When I Grow Up..., Part One"
Writer - Peter J. Tomasi
Artist - Jorge Jimenez
Colorist - Alejandro Sanchez
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Associate Editor - Paul Kaminski
Group Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.99

When DC Comics' Rebirth initiative was first announced... yeesh, over a year ago (where does the time go, anyway?), one of the books many of us were most excited for was, well... the one we're going to discuss today, Super Sons.  

I know there was a bit of disappointment when the title was not among the initial wave of books... however, I gotta say, I think waiting to release this was the right move.  When I think back to The New-52! I can't help but think that books like Teen Titans would have been best served to be part of the second (or third) wave of books released.  DC could have used the first several months to introduce the new versions of the characters... establish them in the new landscape... then organically assemble them into a team.

Well, was Super Sons worth the wait?  Let's find out...


We open with a strange prologue involving a family on a film set.  After some chatter, one of the children forcefully calls for a group hug.  Kind of reminds me of that episode of the Twilight Zone where Billy Mumy sent his poor terrified family members to the cornfield... though, I'll concede I might be reaching here.  We immediately shift to the present where Superboy and Robin... or is that Robin and Superboy, are dashing through a jungle infested with robot simulacrums in their likeness.

Two days earlier, we join Jon Kent as he hops on the school bus for his morning ride in.  He notices that his normal bus driver is out today.  During the ride, Jon witnesses a bit of bullying and when he attempts to quell the event, he receives a face-full of spitwads for his troubles.

Upon arrival to the school, the kids decide to take advantage of the snow-covered ground and settle their differences with a snowball fight.  One of Jon's friends gets whacked in the side of his head with a whopper... it seems the other team is packin' their balls with rocks!

Jon considers using his heat-vision to even the odds, however, before he can... a giant snowball falls from above and clobbers the competition.  Jon looks up to see the substitute school bus driver was the culprit of the packed-flurry.  Of course it wasn't really some mild-mannered older fella... it's actually revealed to be Damian Wayne in disguise!

After a bit of witty chatter, we shift scenes to later that evening at the Batcave.  Damian is preparing to head out for the evening with his father... but it's not to be.  Papa Batman calls him on blowing off his studies... and until that's settled, he's staying home.

Next stop the Kent... White... Smith... farm, where the Super-family is playing cards and chatting about their day.  Lois and Clark express pride in their boy for not letting loose with his powers during the snowball fight.  After Lois wins yet another hand, Clark gets called off on some Justice League business.

Jon is sent to bed for the night, however, just as soon as he puts his head down he is interrupted by... Damian!  After some good-natured boyish ribbing, Robin tells Superboy about some hacking occurring at Lexcorp that he'd like for the two of them to look into.

And so, they head out.  It looks like these two might just be in over their heads...


I think the word most reviewers are using when they discuss this book is "fun"... and ya know, there's a pretty good reason for that.

This book is, so far, everything I would've hoped for... even (silly as it may sound) down to the return of the Superman/Batman logo from the pre-Flashpoint DCU.  Love it!

Now, we've already seen the first meeting between the Super Sons, so we get to skip the normal "heroes fight before teaming up" trope.  I appreciate that we open this series with the kids already being acquainted.  Their banter is humorous, without feeling forced.  This isn't that rapid-fire Bendis-esque dialogue... this feels more natural, and innocent.

The inclusion of at least a little bit of their disparate family lives was great to see.  I dig how we can see that the Kents and the Waynes can be so similar... and so different... in their goals, methods, and perspective on justice... which, is probably the point of it all, right?

Jorge Jimenez's art here feels completely appropriate for a book of this type.  It's got a bit of a manga feel, however, keeps enough "western" sensibilities as to not completely cross into that style.  This is a clean, and vibrantly colorful book... kinda the way comic books ought to be, right?

Overall... well worth your time.  Being a new book, it's obviously available digitally... and is very likely still on the shelves at your local shop.  Super Sons is a bright point in an already stacked DC Rebirth line-up.


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