The Reign of the Superman (January, 1933)
From: SCIENCE FICTION, The Advance Guard of Future Civilization #3
Writer - "Herbert S. Fine" (aka Jerry Siegel)
Art - Joe Shuster
Heyyy, everyone... it's leap-day! Also, Superman's Birthday! We only get to celebrate it once every four-years... so, in his honor, I decided to take a look at something way out and wild... well, for this blog anyway... The Reign of the Superman story from the ol' Siegel Fanzine Science Fiction, the Advance Guard of Future Civilization!
Mention The Reign of the Superman among comics enthusiasts, and you'll likely be met with knowing nods, a bit of beard stroking... and a lot of folks pretending to have actually read the thing (sort of like if you were to bring up Seduction of the Innocent... I haven't met a single other person besides myself who've subjected themselves to that!). Heck, maybe I'm just projecting, since... up 'til today, I'd have been among those fakers! Just never got around to reading it... but, it was always sorta-kinda on my "to-do list".
Figured this Super-Birthday would give me the perfect excuse to finally check this one off my list. This is going to be from, duh, a reprint of the story, appearing in Nemo: The Classics Comics Library #2 (August, 1983).
The rest of the Nemo Mag is pretty great too. I tell ya what, if you're a bin-diver like me... do not dismiss the magazine bins, there is a ton of fun and history to be found in there!
Anyhoo, without further ado... let's meet Siegel and Shuster's original Superman. After my (mostly useless) synopsis and review, I'll include the original story in its entirety.
Our story begins on a breadline. A Professor Smalley watches as the starving vagrants look to fill their bellies... or, at the very least, their mouths. It seems as though this is something Smalley does kind of often. Ya see, he's looking for something... well, someone.
Some time before, Smalley was able to nab some fragments of a meteor. He came to find that whatever element this happened to be, affected his lab animals in strange and amazing ways. Smalley was curious how a human subject might react if exposed to this space-substance.
While he wasn't completely "taken" by any of the occupants of the breadline, Smalley decided to approach a fella by the name of Bill Dunn. He offers Dunn a meal and a new suit... seemingly out of the kindness of his heart. Our man Bill is a bit trepidatious about going-with, but seeing just how well Smalley was dressed, decided to trust him anyway.
They are driven back to Smalley's home, where Dunn is given a brand-new pressed suit, and has his first shave in weeks. Upon requesting his meal, he is given more food than he's seen in quite awhile... which he eats with the quickness. Little does he realize, however, that Smalley spiked his coffee... with a few granules of that Meteor!
A dizzied Dunn is led to his quarters for the night, with promises of being given a "position" the following morning. At this point, however, the jig is kind of up... Dunn senses something sinister about Smalley (ya think?). After being left alone in his room, Dunn makes his escape through a window. Smalley eventually realizes this... and, as you might imagine, is none too happy.
We rejoin Dunn as he is running like a madman through a nearby park. He isn't paying any attention to his surroundings, and just happens to run headfirst into a tree... which knocks him on his tuchus. At this point, something strange(r) happens. His head is flooded with random rambling noise. It's as though his hearing has become super-charged. He overhears bits and pieces of random conversations... or are they just random thoughts (yes, they are) before finally zeroing in on some statements from Professor Smalley himself. Smalley laments the fact that Dunn got away... and also, that he wasted his precious chemical on the bum.
Dunn decides to test his senses to see if they have been affected... and, his self-exam comes back inconclusive. That is, until he decides to test his sight. He looks into the night sky, and sees a tiny red orb. As he focuses on it, another voice in his head fires up... this one simply says, in a robotic tone, "Mars".
Suddenly, he was viewing a very interesting scene on Mars itself. A tree-like creature and a red "intelligence" were embroiled in battle. The intelligence winds up winning the fight... at which point, Dunn (still laying on the ground at the park) passes out.
The next morning, Bill Dunn wakes up... well, his body does, we're not entirely sure where his mind is at this point. He recalls recent events, and chuckles to himself. He also lambastes himself for sleeping on the ground rather than in a bed... but, knows he only did so out of a lack of funds. And so, he decides to "remedy" that condition.
Now, check this out... in his night sleeping in the park, our Superman has become something of a "sponge"... he's absorbed all of the knowledge in the universe. Also, he's realized that he has the power to: intercept interplanetary messages (which should come in real handy), read minds, force his own ideas into other peoples' heads, and throw his vision anywhere.
He next decides to visit the library in order to gain even more knowledge... which, how much more can there be? Well, turns out he wants to read The Expanding Universe by Albert Einstein. Einstein was alive back in 1933... so, I don't know why Dunn didn't just read his mind. Whatever the case, a librarian fetches the book for him, however the only copy they have is in German. No matter, our Superman knows all the languages. He reads the book in an instant, and dismisses it as trash. I ain't the most Einsteiny fella myself, so I don't know thing-one about the book... or, heck, if it even was a real book to begin with!
An older man enters the library, and furrows his brow in Dunn's direction. He decides he's going to try and outsmart our Superman by asking him a question out of a magazine called... Science Fiction! Heyyyy, that's the magazine we're reading right now! Anyhoo, the old fella goes to quiz him about the FitzGerald Contraction... however, before the words even leave his lips, Dunn's got an answer... which we all know is L equals the square-root of 1-V2. Duhhh.
Satisfied with himself, Dunn leaves the library in search of money. He pops in on a pharmacy, and chats up a fella named Smith. He is able to convince Smith that a) he's his grandfather, and b) that he owes him ten bucks. He then bets Smith another fiver that he can guess his weight... and, he does. So, our Superman is now the proud owner of fifteen (assumedly) American dollars.
Dunn then gets the drug-store clerk to offer him some booze... which, he's willing to part with for ten smackers. Instead of paying, Dunn convinces him that he's a Federal Agent, who knows that the clerk has been up to no good. He offers to take a bribe of $100 to leave him alone. And so, our Superman is now up $115.
After leaving the drug-store, Superman takes a gander at a man reading the paper on a bench. What catches his eye is the date on the newspaper. Ya see, it's tomorrow's date. So, Bill Dunn has managed to find a way to see into the future! Now, how might he use this to his advantage? Well, if you've ever seen Back to the Future 2... you've probably got the right idea. Our man... is gonna gamble (and dabble in stocks, which is sorta like gambling) to procure his fortune!
We shift scenes back to Professor Smalley (remember him?). He sits alone in his laboratory, having fired his butler earlier that day for whatever reason. We soon find out that this scene is occurring some time after the last, because it's here we learn that Dunn's "get rich quick" scheme... worked! A newspaper reports of his uncanny luck... and, seeming powers of suggestion. Not only is he killin' it in gambling and stocks, he's also got some of the city's wealthiest citizens voluntarily signing over mass quantities of cash to him... folks who have never even heard of him! The newspapers can't make heads or tails of it, but Smalley knows exactly what's goin' on.
The Prof decides he'll expose the Superman for everything he's done to amass this fortune, and sets to writing a harshly worded letter to the editor (really...). After returning back from the Post Office, Smalley sets back into his lab and decides to brew up one last bit of Meteor-ade, and imbibe it himself!
And so, the Professor whips up the final batch of formula. Before he can sip it, however, there's someone at his door. Any guesses?
Naturally, it's the Superman. Smalley invites Dunn inside, and demands he tell him all about his super-powered experiences. Somewhat surprisingly, Dunn tells him every single bit without hesitation. Smalley reveals that he will also be taking the formula, and so, together they can rule the universe.
Unfortunately for Smalley, Dunn can read minds... and so, he immediately knows the Professor's true intentions. Those intentions include... killing Bill Dunn. Well, the Superman decides "uh-uh", and the two begin to fight. Oddly enough, it's a fairly even skirmish! The two goofs roll around on the laboratory floor... before Smalley manages to break away and dart toward the flask o' formula!
Then... a disorienting and jarring scene shift. The International Conciliatory Council is in session... and once peaceful talks turn rather antagonistic... to the point where former friends are literally at each others throats. Alrighty then.
Then... heyyy, another jarring scene shift. This time, we wind up at the newspaper office, and meet a fella by the name of Forrest Ackerman. We're going to assume this is at least a day later, since Smalley's letter had arrived... and the prior scene of international incident seems to have already be common knowledge. Anyhoo, Ackerman is handed Smalley's letter, and heads to the lab to follow up on the story. Along the way, he hypothesizes that Dunn's mental influence might be the cause of the hullabaloo at the Council.
Upon arrival at Smalley's home, Forrest knocks on the door. There's no answer. He decides to enter anyway. What he finds inside is... well, a big ol' mess of wrecked furniture... and dried blood. He thinks... for a lonnnng while about who's blood it might be: Smalley's or the Superman's. I mean, he ponders this for what feels likes dozens of paragraphs. Quite the slog, this little ditty.
Ackerman bursts out of Smalley's home and hops in his hooptie prepared to write a piece on what he's seen. However, once he's a few blocks away... he appears to forget about his purpose, and instead begins driving on what seems to be a predestined route. This takes him to dusty office inside an old building. Inside, he is greeted by a man. But... who?
The man asks Ackerman to have a seat... and so, he does. Once seated, however, some "bars of metal" sprang up around him, locking him in place. Ackerman demands to know who his captor is... Smalley, or Dunn.
It's Dunn.
And he freely admits that he'd killed Smalley.
Ackerman asks what Dunn's plans are... and we learn that he is planning on continuing to broadcast his own hate... worldwide... in order to plunge the planet into chaos. Forrest starts ranting at what a horrible thing the Superman's doing. Then, he begins to pray.
Dunn doesn't seem all to bothered... at first. Suddenly, however, panic sets in. Now, due to Ackerman's praying, you might think this has something to do with divine intervention... but, it ain't. What it is, is... Dunn has tapped into his precognition-vision, and has seen himself tomorrow, back sleeping in the park... powerless. Sort of a fascistic super-powered Flowers for Algernon situation here.
The Superman knows that within mere moments, the effect of the meteor concoction will wear off... and the severity of his sins begins to set in. He knows that had he used his great power... responsibly, he would be heralded as a hero... and not viewed as, well, whatever the hell he is.
Our story ends with Dunn assuring Forrest Ackerman that he will be released from his torture chair within 15 minutes... at which time, he himself will be... back on the bread-line.
Good Lord, but this took forever. Quite a long, dense, and somewhat dry read... I'm sure it's taken me less time to read a current-year trade paperback! Being a grad student, a huge part of my "reading diet" includes some of the driest text you can imagine, and I swear this felt like more of a slog than any of that!
First things first. When folks speak of this story, it's very seldom that you hear anything about its quality... or honestly, even its content. Usually, all we hear is that "The Superman" is an evil bald scientist... who is then usually compared to Lex Luthor. Having finally read the damned thing, that's not entirely true, now is it? Dunn, the Superman, isn't a mad scientist... he's just a bum who'd been discovered by a mad scientist.
So... the story. Bill Dunn finds himself with all the power in the world, and decides to use it for evil. Fair enough... poor dude's been a downtrodden hobo, it might stand to reason that he'd use his fantastical powers for self-preservation/self-actualization. No harm, no foul there. I don't quite understand why he'd want to watch the world burn, however. That doesn't seem like a "value-added" measure. I mean, sure... get rich, get comfortable... but, why make the planet you're living on, a Living Hell?
The ending, hitting us with a Flowers for Algernon-style revelation of a loss of "fortunes" and return to the former self (some quarter-century before Flowers for Algernon was even published!)... I liked it! I always dig this sort of scene... though, weird as it might sound for a guy who said this story was a slog, I wish it lasted a bit longer. I always wanna see the Kubler-Ross stages of grief play out... though, in fairness, Death and Dying was still nearly 40 years away from being published when this story hit! Context is a crazy thing, innit?
I do wonder, however, whatever happened to Dunn's fortune? I mean, he won a bunch of money gambling, no? Did he blow it all? If so, on what? Not sure why he needed to head back to the bread-line right away... I guess he didn't think to sock away and dough for a rainy day? Oh well. I suppose if he had, the ending wouldn't have been quite as poignant.
Overall, I'm happy that I finally read this. Feels like a Superman-Fan's rite of passage... and one that I've shrugged off for several decades at this point. Would I recommend it? Well, maybe. As mentioned, it's a bit dry... and the writing doesn't exactly "flow". I've tried to make my synopsis a bit "breezier" a read... hopefully I succeeded. If you do wanna read the whole thing... well, just keep'a scrollin', cuz I included the whole magilla below.
Happy Birthday, Superman! I'd say "here's to many more", but the way DC Comics is headed, I can't be too sure ol' Kal-El will still be around come February 29, 2024!
The Reign of the Superman (click to enlarge):
From The Golden Age of DC Comics (2013, TASCHEN):
Interview with Siegel and Shuster (1983):
Originally posted this at the Chris is on Infinite Earths Facebook Group... but, I assume nobody even knows/cares that exists! This is a very interesting chat with Jerry and Joe from the early 80's conducted by the very same Nemo Magazine.
BIZARRO BREAK #5 (Chameleon Boy)
"Where's Proty?"
Writer - Abe Foreu
Art - James Kochalka
Colors - Matt Madden
Edits - Joey Cavalieri
Today's #BizarroBreak is one'a them "good news, bad news" situations. I've had a few folks request some Legion-centric material be covered here... and, while I don't quite have the time to go "all-in" on the Legion of Super-Heroes... I do have the time to talk about this one time where Chameleon Boy tried giving Proty a bath!
We open with Chameleon Boy on the hunt for Proty. Ya see, it's bath-time, and the little glob of putty is hiding. Chameleon Boy tells Cosmic Boy about his hunt, to which we learn that Saturn Girl is currently occupying the shower. Ehh, no worries, Proty's so small he can be scrubbed in the sink. Cosmic Boy reveals that, boy howdy, Proty's been stinky of late.
The pair of Legionnaires try and track down the blob... and think they've found him disguised as a "suspicious" lamp (the worst kind of lamp)!
Turns out, nah... it's actually just Lightning Lad's new lamp.
We shift scenes to the bathroom, where Saturn Girl has just emerged from the tub. She immediately reaches for her hair dryer and plugs it in. Uh-oh! Looks like Proty was disguised as that very same hair dryer... and gets quite the shock.
We wrap up with Chameleon Boy finally givin' the blob a scrub.
Oh man, how much silly fun was this?
It's just a funny little vignette, about the challenges in giving a reluctant blob of protoplasm a bath. No end-of-the-world stakes... heck, not even "dinner is ruined" stakes. But, a whole lot of fun... and once again, the #BizarroBreak proves to be a wonderful little palette cleanser.
I can't find a whole heckuva lot regarding Abe Foreu... all I'm able to come across is... well, this story. Could'a sworn I've read his name before though. Well, I've been wrong before. Across the table, we've got James Kochalka, whose work I've long admired. It has that weird, for lack of a better term, "simplicity" to it... that, is almost too perfect? Does that make sense? Maybe not. Hopefully you get my meaning. It's really fun stuff. Certainly wouldn't mind covering more stories from him!
Tomorrow: Something completely different, as we say: Happy Birthday, Superman!
New Talent Showcase #3 (March, 1984)
Class of 2064: "Dark Side of the Earth"
Writers - Todd Klein, Beppe Sabatini, Brian Jacobs, & Rich Margopoulos
Pencils - Scott Hampton, Dan Day, Geof Isherwood, & Stan Woch
Inks - Steve Montano
Letters - Todd Klein, Duncan Andrews, & John Costanza
Colors - Shelley Eiber, Helen Vesik, Robin Keuneke, & Jeanine Casey
Edits - Marv Wolfman, Ernie Colon, & Roger Slifer
Cover Price: $0.75
Wow, three issues down... we're about 1/6 through this little project (that is, of course discounting the more recent New Talent Showcases... which, we'll probably cover here too).
This issue features a pair of endings, and a pair of (as far as I can tell) one-offs. Very strange indeed. We're going to say goodbye to both the Class of 2064 and Forever Amber... probably (though don't quote me) for good. The other two filler stories weren't half bad either, as you'll soon find out... if you haven't already hit the back-button on your browser, that is.
If I had to pick a favorite this week, it'd probably be our third story... Ticker Blood. It was very weird, very unexpected... and just good fun. Be sure to lemme know which one you dug the most! I've tinkered a bit with the Blogger Comments dealie, so it (in theory) should be easier to leave comments without having to enter your Social Security Number, Blood Type, and Mother's Maiden Name... hopefully no more having to offer up your first-born either!
I mention this at the end of this piece, but I do not own New Talent Showcase #4... but, as soon as I track it down, I'll continue this project. Got plenty of other stuff in the hopper though, so for the foreseeable future, there oughta still be stuff coming out every day.
Before hopping into the synopsis, I wanna draw some attention to the new New Talent Showdays compilation page, where you can catch up with or revisit these features in the order they're meant to be read!
We open with Pern and Tycho rescuing Chryse from the hot air balloon just in the nick of time before it hovers over the microwave receiver. Feels like we've missed a scene between chapters, as I don't quite know how we got here, but alas... here, we are. After getting to safety, a still unconscious Chryse begins to seize. Pern's all sorts of worried, but Tycho assures him that she has epilepsy, and appears to be past the worst of her seizure. Pern's a bit annoyed that Tycho did some background checking on the object of his affection... but, whattayagonnado? Chryse comes to just in time for our trio to be confronted by... FREE EARTHERS!

While elsewhere, the Canyon Police bumble and stumble their way into a plan, the Big Free Earth (BFE) fella proceeds to chat up the children. He claims to mean them no harm, and just wants to show them the truth. They hop into his hooptie, and fly over the site of World War III's Ground Zero... Phoenix, Arizona? Whaaaa? Well, Phoenix has such a bad case of "little big town syndrome", I'm sure this was a fist-pump moment... even if it's only due to the absolute decimation of our fair city.
The Big Guy keeps talking... and shares with the kids the story of how the ones that survived the bombings had to deal with radiation... all things we've come to expect from fallout-type situations. The craft lands and the kids exit, only to find themselves at a "Radiation Camp". The BFE tells Chryse that they need her.

Back at the Canyon, the Police still try and figure out how to track down and rescue the children... but, they're too boring to really dedicate an entire paragraph to, so... back to the Camp! Chryse has her memory jogged about her last visit to the Doctor... before the trip. If you recall, from way back in Chapter One, that Doctor had mentioned something about getting the "virus" out to Earth. Well, this is when that happened. The Virus was placed into Chryse's medication in hopes that it would arrive safely where it was needed. The BFE removes his gas-mask-helmet gimmick, to reveal his deformed visage. He tells the kids that he's dying... however, the "virus" can help those around him who are not yet that far gone. Chryse doesn't even need to think about it, she hands over the virus-laden meds.

The BFE puts his helmet back on and asks the kids to relay the true story of the Free Earth movement upon their return to Mars (or wherever). Pern and Tycho agree... and, check this out, we get a group-hug out of it! Isn't that the most adorable thing you've ever seen?
Right about now, the Canyon Police finally catch up with the kids... and they're taken back to rejoin their classmates. When the dust settles, Pern tries to "seal the deal" with Chryse. Well, I've got some bad news for ya, Copernicus... the Martian Girl only has eyes for Tycho! Chryse and Tycho retire to the bedroom... and, from the hearts floating about... are probably in the process of doin' it! Welp, didn't expect that... but, I should've.

The story proper ends the following morning. Tycho makes a comment about The War of the Worlds... and compares it to this instance of the Martians landing on Earth. He just hopes they were in time.
That was a pretty satisfying ending, wunnit? I don't think it's anything we didn't already see coming, but it was still quite good.
From the get-go, it felt as though we weren't given all the information we needed about the Free Earthers. Even in the earliest pages of this feature, it seemed as though they were more "freedom fighter" than "terrorist". Though, I suppose nowadays that might be a dicier and more contentious statement than I intend for it to be.
We're living in an era where the media has a measure of control over the "narrative". Regardless of your stance, you always know when "your side" is getting the short shrift in the news. The Free Earth Movement has been condemned... to the point where the children of Mars/LaGrange are told, in no uncertain terms, that the FE's are the bad guys. If you recall, the one bit of advice Pern's father gives him before leaving on the trip was to watch out for Free Earthers.
The earlier parts of the story had several "doth protest too much" sort of statements... so, the ultimate reveal was pretty-well telegraphed. If a writer tries to convince you over and over again during the earliest part of their story that something walks and talks like a duck... you can be damn sure it's not gonna wind up being a duck.
That said, this was all perfectly fine. The cast was, for the most part, likable... and the threat/non-threat felt substantial. The writing was quite good, with some fun moments of humor in otherwise dire scenes.
I think my only problem with Class of 2064 overall was... the sorta-kinda disjointed feeling I'd get between scene transitions. I feel like there were a few scenes left on the "cutting room floor", ya know? I could be completely talking out my ass (and I likely am), but some scenes just "happened", ya know? Last week we talked about the "beach stories" that the classmates reflected on. Feels like we should've seen that... otherwise, why bother referencing it? Even consider the opening to this chapter. Pern and Tycho are already saving Chryse? Feels like we missed something.
Also, the brief cutaways back to the Canyon Police... felt like both too much and not enough time was spent with the cops trying to track down the kids. It was a worst of both worlds situation... made me wonder why Klein even bothered with it. I don't think we needed a page of the Police lamenting the fact that they'd have to deploy a helicopter to facilitate the search... but, we got one! While this added a "scene" to the story... it didn't add anything substantial. Ya follow? There really wasn't any need for it, because nothing actually came of it. I'd have been fine if the Canyon Cops just showed up at the end, and told the trio that they'd been looking for them all this time.
Overall, though... I think if you sat down with this story, you'd have a mostly good time with it. As mentioned, the characters are likable... and, as cliche as it might've been, it's always fun to see the girl wind up with the nerd, right? I probably ought to mention the art... which remains fantastic throughout this entire feature. I really wish there were more chapters of this. I haven't looked into the future... so, for all I know, we might just get another go-round with these kids down the line. I kinda doubt it... but, ya never know!
Definitely recommend checking this one out.
This story opens with a King Tobias stood atop a tower within his kingdom. He laments the fact that on this very day the "King's Treaty" expires. What's that? Well, ya see... there's some sort of "Ancient Agreement" in this realm regarding the King's ability to bear an heir to the throne. Today is the last day for Tobias to, well, have a son. If his (thankfully pregnant) wife can't pop the tot out before nightfall, they're out on their butts. It's almost a certainty that Tobias will be removed from power before tomorrow... to the point to where his replacement, Vulmic is waiting in the nearby waters.
Tobias checks in on his (third) wife (The King is a two-time... two-time widower), and... no dice... no baby just yet. The King than meets with one of his royal guards, who informs him they are more than prepared to fight off Vulmic and his forces, should it come to that. Tobias, however, wishes to stick to the original treaty he'd agreed to.
Well, about that... Tobias' Royal Guard have decided to go on the offensive. While Vulmic acts an irritant, a great big fist raises out of the water... and smashes one of the warships to splinters!
At that very moment, on board another of Vulmic's fleet... a man begins to glow. He's their Alchemist. Ya see, up until now, with the treaty in place, no one could use magic against Tobias. Now that there has been outward aggression, the treaty is null and void (I guess)... and so, magic begins to flow! Oh, we also learn that Vulmic was responsible for the deaths of Tobias' prior two wives... which begs the question, just who really broke the treaty here?!

Tobias rushes back to his wife's bedside... and finds an insectoid assassin readying to murder the queen... and their unborn child!
We spend the next few pages watching Tobias and Vulmics forces fighting... and, while it's all rendered nicely, there really isn't all that much to say about it. Suddenly, however, the monsters and magic vanish. Vulmic stands in disbelief... uncertain as to what might happen next. Well... what happens next is, Tobias emerges from his chambers, hoisting aloft... his son.
For a story that I never would have read on my own, I thought this was pretty good. Even when I first flipped through to create my cover-images, I saw the art (which is great... but, didn't exactly inspire my interest), I figured this was going to be a slog. Thankfully, it was only an eight-pager... and managed to keep a really good sense of urgency throughout.
I am, however, left with a few questions... mostly regarding the nebulous nature of this "treaty". It seemed as though this "pact" was, in a way "natural". As soon as it was broken by Tobias' men, magic returned. So then, why wasn't the treaty broken when Vulmic murdered the previous two Queens? Is this Ancient Agreement only predicated on outward aggression from the King? That doesn't exactly sound fair, does it? Oh well... it was what it was... and it all worked out for Tobias in the end.
Since this is a new "feature", it means we have some New Talent to meet... so, let's do that. Beppe Sabatini, in addition to having a very fun-to-say name (give it a try!), was a prolific letterhack before trying his hand at writing comics. He has written... well, a few comics stories. For DC, in addition to this, he wrote "S.O.S. From Nowhere!", which appeared in Action Comics #572... which featured a trio of short stories, that also included Mark Waid's first DC Comics story, "The Puzzle of the Purloined Fortress!"
Found a little bit about his letter-writing days in Superman: The Persistence of an American Icon (2017, Rutgers University Press) by Ian Gordon:
Across the table, we've got Dan Day. If that surname is familiar, it's because Dan is the brother of Gene Day. I don't know a heckuva lot about Gene, other than the fact that he passed way too early, and was something of a mentor to Dave Sim, the creator of Cerebus. Back in the late-90's I found myself reading a lot of Dave Sim's writings... not necessarily his comics, but his essays. Many of them referenced Gene Day. If I recall right, Sim even spearheaded a Gene Day Award in his honor.
Now, as for Dan... he, like Beppe, has a handful of credits to his name for both Marvel and DC. He worked in the indies, notably for Renegade Press. The DC Wikia also credits him with some of the turn of the century era Cartoon Network books... which feels like something of a style clash. I've never read one'a those, so I can't speak to it!
Anyhoo, this was pretty good... and I enjoyed it. I'm also glad it doesn't look like it's getting any subsequent chapters. Overall, worth a look!
Our story takes place in Arizona, 1892... so, quite a while before the Class of 2064's World War III decimates the state. We're at a prison in the middle of nowhere, where a Lieutenant (there's that difficult to spell word again) Bo Tucker has strict orders to retrieve a man who had been serving a sentence for multiple murders. A man, named Ticker Blood. So... with all the names in the world, and we've got a Tucker and a Ticker... really? Now, about Ticker... he's quite the mess. He's haunted by nightmares, screams, and laughter. In fact, when Lt. Bo comes for him, he isn't 100% sure whether or not it's the "real life", or just another dream.
Together, they mount steed and begin their long trek back to the Fort. Tucker won't tell Ticker why he'd come for him... mostly due to the fact that he isn't entirely sure. He repeatedly tells our man that he's just "doing his duty". Blood laughs, revealing that just "doing his duty" is what got him into the mess he's been in for a decade.

Nearly a week passes before the T's arrive at the Fort. Ticker is deposited at the Nurse's station for a once-over. The Doc insists he have his shackles removed before she proceeds with the examination. He's sat on a bed... and, the sound of children playing outside that really throws him for a loop. With this, he leaps up, thanks the Doc for her kindness, and rushes outside.
Ticker heads toward the Sheriff's station, and overhears the reason why he'd been freed. Ya see, there's a bit of a "problem" a town or two over... something having to do with creatures. Blood bursts into the station, and reveals that this is the exact situation he found himself in ten-years prior. Ya see, he and his men entered a town... which had been taken over by creatures. In fact, Tucker's own men transformed as well! He continues to explain that the only reason he'd been spared was... he ran. He ran into the desert, then snuck back in after nightfall, and set the whole dang town on fire.
The Sheriff apologizes for not believing Ticker Blood all dem years ago... then dispatches T & T off to investigate the "problem". As our men enter the town, they are approached by a "cute little girl". Tucker rides toward her, and Ticker's all "not so fast, kemo sabe". Just then... the kid yanks her own head off, revealing a mess of tentacles and suckers that latch onto Lt. Bo!
Before he knows it, Ticker is surrounded by tentacle-heads! He throws himself through a Gun Shop window and engages in an hours-long firefight. Lucky thing that Gun Shop was there, no? The story ends with Ticker victorious... but, once again finds himself surrounded by authorities. Are his troubles behind him... or have they just begun?
This was pretty cool! I really wasn't expecting this to veer into the horror-realm. Thought this was going to be a straightforward (and dull) western romp!
Ticker's tale is a tragic one... imprisoned under false pretenses, haunted by the terrible things he had been forced to do. It's just a really great foundation for an empathetic character. I also appreciate how we're kind of walking the line between reality and insanity throughout.
Early on, Ticker's unsure whether or not this is even real... which, kind of just felt like an attempt at playing off his fragile mental state. However, the deeper we get into the story, the more the reader might find themselves questioning it themselves. The ending here is quite striking. Ticker has "slaughtered" yet another town, including (assumedly) his own ally. Was this real? Was it another tortured flashback? Did Ticker ever actually leave his cell in this story? What would be the best ending? This is really good.
Let's meet our New Talents! Brian Jacobs... uhh, wrote this? The only thing that comes up anywhere online (including the DC Wikia) is a character with the name from some Zenescope book. According to Horror Comics in Black and White: A History and Catalog, 1964-2004 (McFarland & Company, 2013) he contributed to Creepy #130 (August, 1981).
Across the table sits a far more familiar name, Geof Isherwood. He would go on to have a prolific career in comics, with runs on Suicide Squad for DC, and Doctor Strange, Conan, and The 'Nam (among others) for Marvel. It isn't often that these New Talents actually have recognizable names, so it's always a treat when they do!
Overall, this was a good one... and, just like with By Ancient Agreement, a story I never would have read if not for this project! Good stuff!

Our final chapter picks up right where we left off last week, with Amber being held up at some warehouse by a group of police officers... one of whom promises to splatter her "pretty brains" all over the wall should she get out of line. He continues running her down, and even tosses a few racial epithets for good measure. It looks as though all hope is lost for our Amber, when suddenly... gunshots! Remember how last time, that one rapist guy was trying to sell all that opium... but Amber turned it all to, well, amber? Well, this is the fall-out from that. The rapist has very likely just been shot to death. All the cops, but one, rush off to the "tub" to find out what all the hub-bub's about. Lucky for Amber, the officer left guarding her is sympathetic to her situation. He too is of mixed race, and knows how difficult that can be... he assures her that America is still a land of opportunity and sends her away.

We follow Amber all the way to... her father's house! Wow, I wasn't expecting to meet him quite this quickly. She knocks on his door, as the Sun Stone glows. When he answers... get this, he's overjoyed to see his daughter! He rushes for an embrace, which Amber returns... and they both start crying. The End.
Okay, it's not really the end. Inside, Amber and Mr. Jones catch up. All seems to be going well, if not a bit reserved. Amber finally asks her big question: Why did he abandon them all those years ago? Well... I hope you're ready for some exposition, cuz I'm about to deliver dollops.
Ya see, Roderick Jones was a Combat Engineer in the Vietnam War. While on R&R, he met Su Wan, fell in love, and dey make'a da baby. Su Wan was already with the Circus, and Roddy was called to the field... so their relationship seemed doomed from the start to be a short one. Fast-forward later in the war, Roddy is exposed to Agent Orange... and his quality of life plummets. He's discharged, and broke... but still sends whatever he can to Su Wan and Amber. He never called for them to join him in America, because, as he puts it... he's a "rotting corpse gradually rotting away."

This sends Amber and a weird "This is America" style rant... she just can't believe that the government would turn its back on its people this way. Dad explains that, back then, everyone had "blind faith" in Washington, D.C. and didn't ask any questions. During Vietnam, really man? Ya tellin' me there weren't any... I dunno, "movements" during that era? Hmm. Anyhoo, the discussion is interrupted by a ringing phone. It's Jones' buddy Scully... and, from the sounds of it... somethin' big is about to go down.

Ya see, there's this Army General Brillhart speaking out against the Vietnam Vets who have been pressuring Congress for more medical aid... and, well... the Vets are pretty ticked. So ticked, in fact, that they've kidnapped the General! What's more, they're planning on executing him... tonight! Dad decides he's gotta intervene and stop his pals before they do anything they'll regret. Amber insists she come along as well... and so, she does. Before we know it (18 minutes later), Amber bursts through the door of the place where the General is being held. She does her "Kali this, vessel that" spiel while wiping out a gaggle of Vets. When finally stood before the General... well, let's just say, this dude's a real piece of work. He breaks out a Fred Blassie line, mocking Papa Rod for being a "Pencil-Necked Geek".

Brillhart assures the Vets that he has no fears about dying... which, might just be his way of trying to call their bluff. Welp, Scully don't play that... and instead of backing down... he raises his rifle to around the General's eye-level. Jones, however, steps in before he can pull the trigger. Then, it's Amber's turn to talk. She reflects on a time where she and Su Wan tried getting into the American Embassy... and were given the boot by some Colonel. She draws a single rose from a nearby vase. Wow, nothing sets the stage for an execution like a vase full of roses! These Vets sure know a thing or two about the romance aspect of an assassination. Anyhoo, she picks up the rose... and turns it Forever Amber!

She then threatens to do the same to the General... annnnnd, knowing this broad ain't screwing around, he finally gives up. He begrudgingly tells the Vets that, while he can't actually help them fight for their benefits... he can stop running their names through the mud. The Vets are cool with that. We wrap up with Amber and Daddy Rod walking up to the United States Senate for a hearing on Agent Orange. The End... probably?
Betcha weren't expecting this to be a story about the fallout of the Vietnam War... because, I sure wasn't!
This wasn't bad or anything, it just went a whole 'nother direction from where I assumed it was heading. Really not sure why we even needed Amber to have her Sun Stone powers for a story such as this, ya know? She only really used it a couple of times... and, it was more as an "added" thing than anything outright intrinsic. She could very well have beaten up any number of goons using her actual fighting prowess... and, heck, there had to be another way she could'a FUBARed the Opium deal. She could've "Secretly replaced their regular drugs with Folgers Crystals" or something.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, with all the set-up... it feels like Amber was being built for more than just this type of story. I feel like she should be sparring with Super Villains, not threatening some General with a rose she turned to glass. I mean, what's next: Amber stands up during the Senate Hearings on Agent Orange and starts ominously and threateningly waving her Sun-Stoned hand around?
Let's talk pacing, because... boy howdy, did we get quite an exposition dump today! Feels like multiple chapters worth of information was plopped in our laps... so much so, that we're barely given the opportunity to digest it all before the story ends. I wonder if this was always planned as a three-part arc, or if Margopoulos and Company assumed this would run a few more issues before wrapping? It feels to me like the first two-parts were (relatively speaking) lollygagging compared to this. This was some breakneck "go-go-go" stuff.
Again, it's not bad or anything... I just wish it had more time to "breathe".
Speaking of "breathing"... I don't actually own New Talent Showcase #4 (and try as I may, I haven't been able to find it anywhere over the past several weeks)... so, this feature might be going on a bit of a "breather". No worries though, I've got plenty more in the works, including a whole new (very-much DIY) "Showcase" I'll be introducing this weekend. Should be fun, especially for readers who want to see some more stuff from the actual DC Universe here. I'm really looking forward to it. We've also got Superman's Birthday on 2/29... so, expect something kinda weird that day too! Hopefully, before long, we can pick up with NTS where we left off! Heck, maybe I'll find it in the next couple days to render this entire paragraph completely meaningless!
(Not the) Letters Page:
Wraparound Cover: