Sunday, July 26, 2020

Cosmic Treadmill Presents... Comix Tawk, Episode 11: "Teen Titans, the Early Years"

Cosmic Treadmill Presents... Comix Tawk, Episode #11
"Teen Titans, the Early Years"

Have a title-specific installment of Comix Tawk to share this week... which was meant to be the first episode of a multi-part series wherein we discussed the lives and times of the Teen Titans.
Rather than referring to this as a "Part One", we will just look at it as our look at "The Early Years" of that team we enjoy so much.

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As promised a few weeks back, when I re-shared our Green Lantern-flavored episode of Comix Tawk, this week we will be looking as the Teen Titans.  It's not a complete run-down of their history... and was likely going to wind up being a decently-long series (if my outline estimates were right) at five or six parts in length.

The Titans are definitely a favorite... and I hope you enjoy this little chat.

Only two Comix Tawks left after this... the last of which includes the final bits of audio Reggie and I recorded together.


  1. Good review. But one mistake you mention Mal stealing a rocket in the original TT series (#26). You mentioned Robin being able to contact Superman but Robin wasn't with the team at that point. He left in the previous issue to attend college.

  2. That was awesome. I know that this indepth look at the history of the Teen Titans can not be continued in the form that it began, but if you as an individual ever wanted to continue to cover the Titans history I would pay money to listen to that.

    I did not experience this era of the Titans as it came out, but I do feel that it serves as a time capsule as to what was happening in comics and in the world at the time these stories were originally released.

    I would absolutely love to hear your personal stories of the Wolfman/Perez era of New Teen Titans. I have such wonderful memories of that series myself. I can never get enough New Teen Titans.

    Have you ever found that NTT #2 yet?


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