Monday, July 27, 2020

Morituri Mondays, Episode 23 - Strikeforce: Morituri #23 (11/88)

Morituri Mondays, Episode #23

Strikeforce: Morituri #23 (November, 1988)
“Castles of Fire Rivers of Blood”
Writer - James D. Hudnall
Pencils - Mark Bagley
Inks - Val Mayerik
Letters - Phil Felix
Colors - Max Scheele
Edits - Carl Potts
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.25 USD / $1.75 CAN / 50p UK

Release Date: July 5, 1988

Welcome to Strikeforce: Morituri, Mark Bagley... we hope you survive the experience!

Could it be... that Strikeforce: Morituri has returned to form?  An issue of the post-Gillis/Anderson run that didn't make us want to run for the hills???  Well, believe it, friends... because we have a heck of an issue to chat about today!
If you dropped this show like you dropped this book back in 1988... we humbly ask you to give this new creative team a try along with us!  We don't think you'll regret it!
Today we have corporate and political intrigue, Morituri-adult-fun-time, and an examination of what it might mean for Earth-1287 now that conscription (which we might've called "transcription" a few times during the episode) appears to be a viable option for the Paideia!
Also, all the usual nonsense... including a fun Pro-File for Editor/Colorist Gregory Wright, and some odd advertisements where we discuss mail-away action figures, CDs for pennies scams, and that time the current President of the United States shilled for M&M's???
We hope you join us and enjoy!  Spread the word!
Your November, 1988 Strikeforce: Morituri Roster - Scatterbrain (?), Hardcase, Brava, Silencer, Shear, Scanner, Revenge
Alumni - Snapdragon (#4), Vyking (#6), Marathon (#12), Adept (#13), Wildcard (#13), Radian (#15), Scaredycat (#19), Blackthorn (#20), Toxyn (#21), Backhand (#22)

Back-Matter discussed during this episode:

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