Sunday, August 23, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 147 - Omaha the Cat Dancer #1 (1984)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #147

Omaha the Cat Dancer #1 (1984)
"The Adventures of Omaha the Cat Dancer"
By Reed Waller
SteelDragon Press
Reprinted by Kitchen Sink Press (October, 1986)
Cover Price: $1.60 / $2.00

What's New, Pussycats?

Keeping our limited-engagement"Final Five" episodes of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill rolling on... we're covering an interesting little comic, created by perhaps an even more interesting fella, in Reed Waller.

It's classic Cosmic Treadmill, as we go deep on the life and times of the creator... and his battles with various global governments attempts at slapping obscenity charges on his work.  So, all the stuff you love about the show... with all the explicit cat sex ya don't!

Just like with last episode's look at Cherry Poptart #1... listener discretion is strongly advised!  In fact, if you do decide to listen in public... without earbuds, you might get looked at even weirder for this one!

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From Reggie's Original Show-Notes:
Good evening, comics enthusiasts! In this episode, humanoid weevils Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) get very uncomfortable when they cover the Kitchen Sink Comics reprint of "Omaha" the Cat Dancer from 1986! We cover every sexy page...and probably spend too much time on the dialogue. It's a scintillating episode that is sure to have you looking at your pets strangely, so don't miss it!
And, one more time... my disclaimer!

It should go without saying, that... this will be a "spicy" episode, and listener discretion is strongly advised!  You'll get several warnings over the course of the first few minutes of the show... please heed them if you're concerned about looking like a weirdo listening to two grown men play-act several mature... err, creepy comic scenarios... with CATS!
-- Omaha the Cat Dancer - The Album!
The Shakers - Reed Waller / Kate Worley

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