Monday, August 10, 2020

Morituri Mondays, Episode 25 - Strikeforce: Morituri #25 (1/89)

Morituri Mondays, Episode #25

Strikeforce: Morituri #25 (January, 1989)
“Living in the Shadow”
Written by James D. Hudnall
Pencils by John Calimee
Inks by Tony DeZuniga
Letters by Phil Felix
Colors by Max Scheele
Edits by Carl Potts
Foul Odor from Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.25 USD / $1.75 CAN / 50p UK
Release Date: September 6, 1988

Welcome, friends to a Morituri Milestone... the twenty-fifth episode of Morituri Mondays (we apologize for not covering ourselves in glitter and holograms... but, you can probably fit us both in a bag of some sort)!

This time out we're taking a step back from the ongoing war between the Earth and the Horde, and watching as our current team sorta-kinda falls apart!  We've got new members, we've got deaths, we've got some backroom shenanigans from the Paideia... we've got the return (a-hem) of Peter B. Gillis and Brent Anderson... what more could you want?
Also: We put Rich Little to shame with our impersonation skills, chat up scary breakfast cereals, Konami's Life Force, Marvel's Assistant Editor Bootcamp (which seemingly caused them to miss many little errors that we will giddily point out), and much much more!
Your January, 1989 Strikeforce: Morituri Roster - Brava, Shear, Scanner, Revenge, Lifter, Burn

Alumni - Snapdragon (#4), Vyking (#6), Marathon (#12), Adept (#13), Wildcard (#13), Radian (#15), Scaredycat (#19), Blackthorn (#20), Toxyn (#21), Backhand (#22), Hardcase (#23), Silencer (#23), Scatterbrain (#24)
Back-Matter from this issue that we discuss:

Saved by the Bell meets... ALF???:

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