House of X #6 (December, 2019)
"I Am Not Ashamed"
Writer - Jonathan Hickman
Art - Pepe Larraz
Colors - Marte Gracia & David Curiel
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale Date: October 2, 2019
It's the penultimate issue of HoX/PoX... and, boy these "other shoes" just keep droppin', don't they?
Join me for House of X #6, as I discuss Xavier stepping over the Rubicon... and also establishing the first Krakoan government, complete with a trio of laws! It's an issue that will leave your humble host with chills, a few times over! It's conflicting, scary, and so WRONG that it can't help but to feel RIGHT... plus, there's a party at the end that almost brought me to tears!
All that, plus listener mail, and an apology to Jonathan Hickman for ever discounting his work.
Damien's "Should I Love This Comic?" Podcast:
Thanks for bigging up my podcast. It was interesting to hear about your podcast process. To illustrate my podcast process I'll give you a little behind the scenes. I got up this morning intending to complete my preparation for the next episode of Should I Love This Comic.
ReplyDeleteI decided to check my email and I was excited to see podbean had messaged to say I'd had my first download in the USA. This meant I had to check out the app and I noticed 2 new episodes of X-lapsed. Well I had to listen to them so time to reread 2 issues of HOXPOX, then listen to the episodes and comment on them both. So here I am hours later with no podcast prep done but some very enjoyable time passed. In X-Men terms you're clearly a John Romita Jr and I'm an Arthur Adams.
I really want to know more about your project management experience. If you can compare your experiences to sitting round a table with your mortal enemies you must have some stories.
When reading this issue I was most struck by the fact that even before putting on the helmet Xavier's face is not completely shown. What is Hickman hiding and why?
You talk about missing the discourse around this issue. It probably says something about my community that I mainly saw people discussing potential sexual relationships between characters. The implication of the Sinister Secrets that Jean and Scott were in an open relationship led to lots of speculation about their scenes with Wolverine. In particular the fact that Jean giving a beer to Emma while Scott and Logan watched was read by a lot of my friends as suggesting a fourway thing. I always want more lgbt+ representation but that seemed a step too far.
I do like Hickman's decision to focus on resurrected characters in the party scene. Seeing Siryn with Banshee or Mondo with Skin shows a level of jubilation (pun slightly intended) that wouldn't happen if they just showed the traditional X-Men. I'm not sure Exodus is a great character to leave with the kids. I imagine he's indoctrinating them and not just to know when to kneel during a mass.
So looking forward to next episode. Mainly so I can reveal what it left me expecting and therefore why I was disappointed with DOX.