Tuesday, November 24, 2020

X-Lapsed, Episode 071 - Hellions #1 (2020)

X-Lapsed, Episode Seventy-One

Hellions #1 (May, 2020)
"Let Them Be Snakes"
Writer - Zeb Wells
Art - Stephen Segovia
Colors - David Curiel
Letters - VC's Cory Petit
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - An Uncredited Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $4.99
On-Sale: March 25, 2020

Dawn of X, Wave Two rolls on with the introduction of a very bizarre book, indeed - it's Hellions!

What happens when you put Sassy Sinister in charge of a group of "inconvenient mutants"?  Well, we're about to find out.  This is a book that should NOT work - but, damned if it doesn't!  We're gonna have fun with this one!

Also: A Giant-Size (and somewhat emotional) mailbag segment!  Thank you all for helping to push the Chris and Reggie Channel over 100,000 downloads!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com






  1. I'm finally catching back up with you. I've missed X-Lapsed.

    Hellions 1 might be the perfect first issue. Of course it's helped by featuring a team of characters from my era of X-Men. I am also becoming more and more enamoured with sassy Sinister. Honestly this issue made my day. So much fun and intrigue.

    I just wanted to offer my opinion on your response to my feedback. You said that no-one should be allowed to mess with the Marvel Universe unless they had created a major non-derivative character for Marvel. I would argue that no-one should create a new character for Marvel unless they hugely change their policies. It shocks me that Jim Starlin received less money for all the movies starring Thanos combined than he did for the use of the KGBeast's real name in one of the DC movies. Similarly Len Wein (and his estate) made more from Lucius Fox than from Wolverine.

    You would have to be an idiot to give an interesting new character to Marvel. They might end up in one of the most watched movies of all time and earn you almost nothing.

  2. By the way you can let Evan know that the UK is protected from Selkies by an organised system of Selkie Defence Classes which are a key element of our schooling. Druids are far easier. We just give them the occasional barrel of mead and then ignore the resulting public nudity.


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