I still remember the mix of excitement and embarrassment as I headed upstairs to try and dig this one out of the longbox... knowing that I would soon be writing about it. I hid this fact from my wife - because, a) I really should have been concentrating on my Forensics assignment, and b) I wasn't sure what she'd think about me, at the ripe old age of 36, writing about comic books. This wasn't something I'd tried doing since I was a kid -- so, maybe, in some ways it felt like a step backwards... or a regression. I dunno.
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Five Years Later...
I still remember the mix of excitement and embarrassment as I headed upstairs to try and dig this one out of the longbox... knowing that I would soon be writing about it. I hid this fact from my wife - because, a) I really should have been concentrating on my Forensics assignment, and b) I wasn't sure what she'd think about me, at the ripe old age of 36, writing about comic books. This wasn't something I'd tried doing since I was a kid -- so, maybe, in some ways it felt like a step backwards... or a regression. I dunno.
eXLapsedination, Episode 4 - Extermination #3 (2018)
Marking FIVE YEARS of daily discussions, reviews, blogs and/or pods at Chris is on Infinite Earths dot com!
Today's episode is another short one... but, it's action-packed. Your humble host starts to get a feel for where this is headed - and is still having a lot of fun x-periencing and getting answers out of this event miniseries.
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Saturday, January 30, 2021
From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1e - Excalibur #42 (1991)
And now for something completely different...
While the rest of the X-Family of books was undergoing a somewhat x-treme and hyper-posed makeover - across the pond, Excalibur was just plain weird. With a rogues gallery that included the crazy Technet (including show-favorite Joyboy) and a bird-bomb Henery Hawk knockoff - and mysteries surrounding the interdimensional garbage can that is Widget's dome - this title can't help but to stand out as something special.
For this segment, I am joined by my friend Jesse (@stiznarkey), and we have a really good time x-ploring the other side of the X-Books! Jesse also shares his life and times as an X-Fan! It's a great chat, we hope you'll give us a shot!
Friday, January 29, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 113 - Wolverine #6 (2020)
The Search for the Swords has begun -- and it's taking our titular hairy hero straight to Hell? Well, I guess that's as good a place as any - but, to paraphrase from our theme song: "Well, how did we GET here?"
Will we get that answer? Uhh... please listen anyway!
Also, the Mailbag is a'rockin! We hope you join in on the discussion!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Thursday, January 28, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 112 - X-Factor #4 (2020)
As we reach the 1/11th point of this massive crossover event, your humble host's barometer moves from "neutral" to "positive" - as what we get here is a wonderfully solid bit of storytelling that really amps up the threat... and includes something these books have been missing since the get-go: actual STAKES!
The Resurrection Protocols and yours truly have the same problem, and it's name is "Otherworld"! We're gonna talk a LOT about that... as well as the Father-Daughter relationship between a couple of magnetic personalities, and much, much more!
Also - The always X-Cellent Mailbag! Some great discussions to be had here - and I do so hope you'll join in on the fun!
Plus - The opportunity for you (yes, YOU) to guide the X-Men into their next phase... as Marvel.com is currently holding an election wherein WE the readers can choose the final member of the new X-Men team! Vote runs from today until February 2! Be sure your voice is heard -- and also, mebbe let your pal Chris know who you voted for!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 111 - X of Swords: Creation #1 (2020)
The moment has finally arrived, friends - we have reached... #EcksofTens! I hope we survive the x-perience...
Today's x-tra sized tale is pretty wild... giving us A LOT to talk about in this x-tra sized episode. I hope you'll join us for the ride!
Also - An awesome selection of letters from the X-Lapsed Mailbag... one of which left your humble host laughing like a buffoon (well, more of a buffoon).
Plus - The opportunity for you (yes, YOU) to guide the X-Men into their next phase... as Marvel.com is currently holding an election wherein WE the readers can choose the final member of the new X-Men team! Vote runs from today until February 2! Be sure your voice is heard -- and also, mebbe let your pal Chris know who you voted for!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 110 - X-Men Free Comic Book Day 2020
We're on the Eve of #EcksofTens... and, we're about to be taken to school. It's time to look at the Dawn of X offering for 2020's Free Comic Book Day... which, leads to your humble host angrily shaking his fist at the clouds about how halfhearted and throwaway so many FCBD issues are! The one we're covering today is... well, it's something. We'll do our best!
Also: More X-Cellent (and X-istential) Listener Mail!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Monday, January 25, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 109 - Juggernaut #1 (2020)
Today's episode of X-Lapsed takes us a bit off the beaten path inasfar as our Dawn of X coverage has gone... and right into your humble host's own personal X-Fan wheelhouse! Today's issue was written by Fabian Nicieza, who loomed large in the X-Braintrust when I was just finding my footing in the franchise... and who really informed my take on what the X-Men are. Mr. Nicieza is also, in a roundabout way, responsible for my becoming pals with a real good buddy of mine - and I'll tell ya how today!
Also: More Mailbag - and some Ecks of Tens housekeeping!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Sunday, January 24, 2021
eXLapsedination, Episode 3 - Extermination #2 (2018)
Extermination rolls on, and we're down another time-displaced original X-Man! What'll happen when our Amalgamated X-Men Color-Guard and Adjacents realize that Ahab isn't the only threat on their radar? And what might happen if our heroes have a Hound Sleeper Agent among them? Give a listen and find out (some of the answers)!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Saturday, January 23, 2021
From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1d - X-Force #1-3 (1991)
In this very special segment of From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1 - Chris and Chris cover not one... not two... but, the first three issues of X-Force! They also work their way through a certain temperature-taking thing that Marvel used to add to their Bullpen Bulletin Pages... the Coolometer!
All that, and Mr. Bailey shares with us his history as an X-Fan! It's a great time as always, we hope you'll join us!
@acecomics @Charlton_Hero
For More Chris and Chris:
Friday, January 22, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 108 - X-Men #12 (2020)
That beeping sound you hear is a dump truck... backing up, about to drop about 5000 lbs. of exposition right on top of us - and, unfortunately, all we've got are these tiny li'l 5 lb. bags!
It's everything you wanted to know about Arakko... but never knew you were supposed to ask! #EcksofTens can't come quick enough!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Thursday, January 21, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 107 - Giant-Size X-Men: Storm #1 (2020)
A somewhat Giant-Sized episode to discuss a Giant-Size issue... wherein we barely talk about the comic, because - well, not a whole heckuva lot happens that's worth talking about!
There IS however an X-Tended and X-Cellent Mailbag segment, wherein we will discuss some eXLapsedination theories, chat up some divisive books, and ask some much-needed questions about clones and the Resurrection Protocols! We'd love it if you joined us!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 106 - Excalibur #12 (2020)
How do you solve a problem like Candra? Or, the rest of the Externals for that matter? Welp, ya do a little literal soul-searching... I think.
This is a confusing one, gang - I think I'm falling prey to the "Otherworld Effect"... save yourselves!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 105 - X-Force #12 (2020)
We're still on the Path to #EcksofTens - and our man Hank McCoy is engaging in some mutant profiling to aid in tracking down the Cerebro Sword. It's a sticky read... made even stickier when you notice all the details.
Plus - Our usual X-Cellent Mailbag segment!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Monday, January 18, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 104 - X-Factor #3 (2020)
We're still in the "current year" Mojoverse... and your humble host is doing his best to adapt. Will this be the issue that breaks me? (Spoiler Alert: No).
Some strong scenes in this issue, as well as a returning 'star straight from my wheelhouse as an X-Fan.
Also: Great listener mail, including a sorta-kinda "live-tweeted" tour through Empyre(colon)X-Men!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Sunday, January 17, 2021
eXLapsedination, Episode 2 - Extermination #1 (2018)
After pressing through the "Countdown to", we're into the event miniseries proper! It's an issue with a couple of casualties (one notable... one, less so)... as well as an introduction of a character who looms large in our current Dawn of X landscape!
We'll talk a lot (ie. project) about potential original plans for the original five... and what that might've meant for X-Men lore. If the time-displaced crew were a) from the 616, and b) sent back to the past with the knowledge of everything that was yet to come... what might that have meant for our current-day continuity?
Could they have originally been intended as an in-story reboot mechanism for our mutant heroes? Probably not... but, we're going to have fun playing "What if...?" anyway!
I'd love to hear (and share) your hot-takes on this issue as well. If you've got any, please don't hesitate to send 'em in!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Saturday, January 16, 2021
From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 1c - X-Factor #71 (1991)
Back to the #FCTCXMen Episode One Redux... today, I'm sharing the FIRST segment we'd ever recorded for the program... and, for the first time, you're going to be hearing the whole thing! It's the X-Tended Cut of X-Factor #71 with Jeremiah (@bigox737), complete with awkward Treadmillisms I'd included when I wasn't completely sure how these segments were going to go, and a long chat on the house ads included in the issue!
Friday, January 15, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 103 - Marauders #12 (2020)
We tease her a lot... cuz we got her on the spot - Welcome Back, Kitty!
Yes, friends - Call Me Kate is back... re-tatted, and ready for revenge - which might have to be put on hold so we can sidebar into #EcksofTens. Let's talk about it!
Also: Our X-Cellent Mailbag features some... kind words regarding Empyre-colon-X-Men??? All that, and much more - You won't wanna miss it!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Thursday, January 14, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 102 - Hellions #4 (2020)
In which Madelyne Pryor and your humble host continue sharing an X-istential crisis!
We talk a lot about legacy... what does it mean to exist, and when you can be sure that you actually do! It's a half-hour of a marblemouthed idiot trying to sound as deep as a high school freshman who'd just discovered Nietzsche - you won't wanna miss it!
Plus - Our customarily awesome mailbag including more #XLapsed100 chatter!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 101 - Deadpool #6 (2020)
Hello friends - today we take a sorta-kinda pitstop over to a sorta-kinda "unofficial" chapter of Dawn of X... in, of all things, an issue of Deadpool (vol.8)! What happens when Wade feels like he's being left out of the X-Men's reindeer games? Well, he does exactly what your humble host does when he feels the same way - he pouts a bunch!
Trust me, it's a lot funnier than I'm making it sound... this issue is an absolute delight, and if you're following the Dawn of X books - you need this one as part of your "current year" library!
Plus: #XLapsed100 missives and much more in our mailbag!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 100 - Wolverine #5 (2020)
In our milestone ONE HUNDREDTH episode... we talk about a wildly underwhelming issue of Wolverine! Welp, we certainly do play the ball where it lay here on the show, don't we?
Today's episode is dedicated to anyone who has listened to this program - without you, there's no way I'd be able to keep up this rigorous schedule. Your listenership and engagement mean more to me than I can put into words. Thank you all.
We have an excellent Milestone Mailbag this episode as well!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Monday, January 11, 2021
X-Lapsed, Episode 099 - New Mutants #12 (2020)
On the eve of #XLapsed100, we're going to be talking about a confrontation that listeners of the show know I've been looking forward to for awhile - it's the New Mutants vs. DOX!
Can this face-off possibly live up to my expectations... or will my uncharacteristic optimism be slapped down! It's a story of slippery slopes and technicalities... you won't wanna miss it!
Also: Our final "Merry" Mailbag feature (for now), and much begging for #XLapsed100 engagement from your humble host!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com
Sunday, January 10, 2021
eXLapsedination, Episode 1 - Countdown to Extermination (2018)
- X-Men Gold #27
- X-Men Blue #27
- X-Men Red #5
- Astonishing X-Men (vol.4) #13
- Cable #159
Welcome to the new X-Lapsed Sunday Special Series...
It's another one that I've been really looking forward to: Extermination - wherein we're going to find out where Kid Cable came from... and where the time-displaced Original Five went! Well, that's the plan anyway... anything could happen!
But before all that, we're going to have to get to Extermination... you might say, we're going to have to Countdown to Extermination. Today we're going to chat about the post AvX landscape which brought us to this point... and then the five "post credits sequences" that lead us into the event miniseries proper. It's bound to be a good time - I hope you decide to come along!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / 90sxmen@gmail.com