S.W.O.R.D. (vol.2) #2 (March, 2021)
"In the Dark"
Writer - Al Ewing
Art - Valerio Schiti
Colors - Marte Gracia
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: January 13, 2021
It's the King in Black tie-in that wasn't... well, it wasn't "officially branded" as such, anyway - but it totally is!
Today we'll talk all about how little I know about the King in Black event... other than to say, it sounds like pretty much EVERY Marvel mass crossover event, just with a gooey coat of paint!
Also: Great Mailbag!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill / weirdcomicshistory@gmail.com
Marvel Unlimited have finally added a new x-book so here I am to talk about SWORD number 2.
ReplyDeleteI have talked about how some of the x-books seem designed to be loved by me but this is truly the opposite. It features so many things that annoy me about comics.
Firstly we have the controlling overlord character in Abigail Brand. She knows everything about everything and knows exactly what to do when and where. And, of course, she's a cynic. Criticising everyone else but her. I think she's an overused trope and it annoys me.
There is plenty of good characterisation in here but it can't get over this hurdle. I also feel like he's adding too many characters. I was fascinated by the cast in issue 1 but he has to add Mentallo and Paibok and Sunfire. I wanted more of Peepers and Wiz Kid.
And then we have Venom. I didn't care when I bought Amazing Spider-Man 300 and I still don't care. The only good version of the character was in Chris Giarruso's Bullpen Bits cartoons where he just always said "Brains."
Talking of which, did I have a brainfart reading this issue? I had no idea that the Venomised character was Cable. I took the "To me, my X-Men" as a suggestion that it was Professor Xavier. I know he's got a big gun and a giant sword but I thought they were just because it's a Venom story therefore 90s.
I know you said every Marvel crossover is the same nowadays but I am seeing more similarities with an old DC crossover, Eclipso the Darkness Within. I suppose I should be grateful they didn't stick a lump of plastic to the front cover.
Very amusing hearing your reaction to mention of the Initiative. Isn't it weird how these things pass from the memory. I wonder what the most forgettable crossover is?
Anyway, until I get a new black costume,Make Mine X-Lapsed!