Monday, April 5, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 159 - Hellions #9 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Fifty-Nine

Hellions #9 (April, 2021)
"Funny Games: Level 1"
Writer - Zeb Wells
Art - Stephen Segovia
Colors - David Curiel
Letters - VC's Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, Basso, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: February 3, 2021

Who swiped Sassy Sinister and his Stinky Cape?  What's more -- is anything we see here REAL?

Today we're havin' a cuppa with our dear old friend, Mastermind... who we might wanna let take a sip first.  It's all Funny Games til someone poisons the tea!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

1 comment:

  1. I had a weird response to this issue. It's Hellions so it's one of my favourite books and I didn't love it. I suppose it's the Mastermindiness of it all but I felt like I was really held at arms length by the story. I'm used to feeling really involved. I also felt like Stephen Segovia's art was a little flat and artificial. It may be a deliberate choice to mirror the artificiality of the team's experiences but it didn't sing with me.

    As you know Hellions is one of the books I buy so I'm not waiting for Marvel Unlimited but I just realised that, though I have bought it, I haven't yet read issue 10 of Hellions. This has never happened before now. I think I might be falling out of love with this book.

    Anyway, until it turns out that we were never really listening to X-Lapsed at all, Make Mine X-Lapsed!


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