Wednesday, April 7, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 161 - Runaways #33 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode One Hundred Sixty-One

Runaways (vol.5) #33 (April, 2021)
"Come Away With Me, Pt II"
Writer - Rainbow Rowell
Art - Andres Genolet
Colors - Dee Cunniffe
Letters - VC's Joe Caramagna
Edits - Kathleen Wisneski, Nick Lowe, C.B. Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: February 3, 2021

Going a bit (or maybe more) off the beaten X-Path today, to discuss the first of three issues of Runaways (vol.5) we'll be covering on the program.  We've got Wolverine and Pixie pullin' a rescue... but, what happens when the rescuee (Molly Hayes) doesn't even realize she'd asked for help?

Plus: Some Great Mailbag!


@acecomics / @cosmictmill /

1 comment:

  1. I had never read an issue of Runaways or any story featuring these characters. They just passed me by. I was pleasantly surprised that Rainbow Rowell was able to involve me in a story featuring characters I didn't know.

    The high school setting helps. Everyone knows those tropes, we instantly feel at home. As you say there was real horror in the Shelter in Place scenes. The banality of the horror makes it worse.

    Loved the way that Wolverine and Pixie arrive and I love the idea of a Doombot butler. Just an altogether delightful comic.

    Anyway until I get a Doombot to keep my flat organised, Make Mine X-Lapsed.


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