Sunday, May 9, 2021

Generation X-Lapsed, Episode 09 - Generation X (vol.2) #9 (2018)

Generation X-Lapsed, Episode Nine

Generation X (vol.2) #9 (February, 2018)
Writer - Christina Strain
Art - Amilcar Pinna
Colors - Felipe Sobreiro
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles
Edits - Robinson, Shan, Paniccia, Alonso
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 22, 2017

In the FINAL issue of Generation X (vol.2), we deal with the fallout of Kid Krakoa's accidental rampage through the streets of New York City... where, evidently, the Police and Emergency Services are too disinterested in taking a look at themselves... because it's all being left to our lovable loser squad (and Quentin Quire)!

Also: Jubilee gives Jono one heck of an arm hickey...

Next Time Out - It's Marvel Legacy!


@acecomics / @90sxmen /


  1. Hola! I'm still playing catch up and I think it'll be a couple more weeks before I'm about current. I've been listening to quite a few episodes a day in-between watching movies and week-old recordings of the paralympics while working. But I also listen when I'm not working to avoid the possibility of creating a conditioned aversion to the podcast. It's the same reason I never wear my favorite clothes to work.
    I originally dropped out of comics as a kid during the 90's clone saga (though I later enjoyed reading the behind-the-scenes of it so much that I printed every entry from the Life of Reilly blog and hole-punched them into a binder). I came back to comics at some point in 2006 and left again in 2016. And listening to your show has not yet triggered my return to Marvel or DC, but it has made me go back and catch up on the indie/"indie" books I've been missing. I don't like the way Marvel treats and seemingly views their comic fans, characters, and series so I'll probably stay away until that changes. I don't usually follow the comic news and culture but I did look up "pro" reviews for X-Men 14 and couldn't find any that even mentioned it containing mostly reprinted X-Men 12. On Roundup, six reviews were 8 or above with with remainder being a 7, a 6, and a 4. I wonder how many folks are still a part of the regular comic culture that aren't die hard Marvelites or DCians.

    Additional sentences:

    When is the last time that there was an editor on the X-books that mattered?

    I don't know what Banshee looks like in Sept 2021 but I always liked this 2.0 design done by Declan Shalvey:

    There are a lot of podcasts out there with a single person talking into a microphone and I don't listen to any of them. Except this one. Your site and the continuing of this feed is an incredible feat so until Cannonball stops finishing dead last in diving competitions, make mine X-Lapsed/C2C/Morituri/Chris Is On/Cosmic Treadmill and many more!

    1. Thank you SO much for your kind words, Peter! You made my day!

      I'll be covering your message in the mailbag (for the main X-Lapsed show), just as soon as DCBS delivers this month's books!

      Thanks again! It really means a lot!


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