Sunday, May 23, 2021

Questerdays, An EPIC ElfQuest Podcast, Episode 2 - ElfQuest #2 (1985)

Questerdays, An EPIC ElfQuest Podcast, Episode Two

ElfQuest #2 (September, 1985)
"Journey to Sorrow's End"
By Wendy & Richard Pini
Colors - Glynis Oliver (uncredited)
EPIC Editor - Archie Goodwin
Chief - Jim Shooter
Cover Price: $0.75 USD / $1 CAN

They've been through the desert on a wolf with no name...

After a long layoff, the Chris's's's are finally back to begin the the Quest of the Wolfriders in earnest!  This time out, our tiny heroes try and strike a deal with some crafty Trolls... and find themselves in quite a mess... stranded in a desert wasteland with absolutely nothing on the horizon.  It's a good thing Skywise has that hunk of rock he won't stop talking about!

Will our Elves make it to safety?  Will they keep banded together even in these most trying times?  Will Redlance (somehow) prove even more useless?  The answers to all those questions, and many many more lay within this episode!

Also: In our grand Morituri Mondays style, we go through the Bullpen Bulletins, chat up some notable ads... and go (relatively) deep on everything EPIC for the cover-month of September, 1985!

We hope you'll join us on the Quest!

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