Sunday, October 3, 2021

... to the Choir, Episode 1 - Preacher #1 (1995)

... to the Choir, Episode One

Preacher #1 (April, 1995)
"The Time of the Preacher"
Writer - Garth Ennis
Art - Steve Dillon
Colors - Matt Hollingsworth
Letters - Clem Robins
Cover Art - Glenn Fabry
Edits - Rottenberg, Moore, Berger
Cover Price: $2.95
On-Sale: February 28, 1995

Welcome to a new ongoing series here at the channel!

"... to the Choir" will be an issue-by-issue look at the legendary DC Comics/Vertigo series, Preacher!  Join a Preacher newbie (Chris) and a Preacher veteran (Dave) as we kick off this exciting new project!

For this first episode, we will be talking about when we discovered the character, and what our initial impressions were.  In addition to chatting up the entire first issue, we will also be diving into the pre-historic Internet reaction from back in the day, when we dip into the dicey ol' USENET BBS's!

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this title - as well as your thoughts on the "envelope pushing" within!

Leave us a Voicemail! 623-396-JERK


  1. This is one of the more fuddy-duddy episodes with the very specific pop culture references and Where Were You During The O.J. Verdict memories, the back-in-my-day comic talk, and even an "it got me laid" joke thrown in for good measure. So speaking of being a fuddy-duddy, I think when a writer essays (rants) about people getting offended and an artist tells all those sensitive Sallys out there to go clutch their pearls and shut up in the very same month their book launches that it's a strong indicator they're hoping to offend. I doubt very much it was the driving force behind the series but I think both preacher and The Boys are done in a way where the creators are hoping to offends the "right kind of people". And I guess it didn't make that kind of splash because those kinds of people don't pay much attention comics populated by glaring, gritted-toothed, wooden, life-sized ventriloquist dummies.

    1. Thank you for writing in, Peter! We'll be covering your message on the air in Episode 2 (which is nearly done).

      I've got one (Stan Lee in the Silver-Age style) question though... did you enjoy the episode?

      Thanks again!

  2. I did. My mileage varies on hearing about the ads in the book because sometimes there's nothing funny or interesting about them but otherwise I enjoyed hearing about this issue from you two.


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