Monday, January 9, 2023

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 063 - X-Men #48 (1968)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Sixty-Three

X-Men #48 (September, 1968)
"Beware Computo, Commander of the Robot Hive!"
"Yours Truly, the Beast"

Writer - Arnold Drake
Pencils - Don Heck & Werner Roth
Inks - John Tartaglione
Letters - Irving Watanabe
Edits - Stan Lee
Cover Price: 12¢

How can we miss the X-Men if they never go away?

Today we wrap up the "split-up era" for our Uncanny Heroes... just an issue after we kicked it off! This time, we're hanging out high in the desert mountains of New York City with Cyclops and Marvel Girl while they face off with a reject Fantastic Four baddie! It's not ALL bad though, once we get through with our lead feature, we get to watch Hank McCoy write with his feet for a few pages!

There's still the Mutant Mail-Box, the Bullpen Bulletins, and Stan's Soapbox gets relevant! All that, plus some discussion and interview notes about Gary Friedrich and Arnold Drake's little discussed time with the World's Strangest Teens!

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