X-Lapsed Origins – Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #382 (1982)
Well, here’s a familiar cover to those of us who picked up the semi-recent TRUE BELIEVERS reprint focusing on Saturnyne during the build-up to the massive and bloated Ecks of Tens crossover event.
We open on a kind of clunky exchange between Captain Britain and the Status Crew. Brian informs them that they’re under arrest… then immediately asks what authority they have. I think maybe a word balloon was attributed to the wrong fella in one of those panels.
Whatever the case, the Crew start blasting at our hero who grabs Ms. Opal Luna to protect within his forcefield. While this fracas continues, other Crew Members pull up a scanning monitor to get all the deets on Beautiful Brian… which seems pretty weird, but turns out to be effective enough in learning what they need to know. I guess?
By now, the Avant Guard are back in the brouhaha, and they use their umbrella guns to blast open some rips in the space-time continuum to suck in a pair of Status Crewsters. The remaining Crew-dudes don’t take kindly to that… and make swiss cheese out of the umbrellamen.
They then attempt to put hands on the Interdimensional Witch Queen… which, doesn’t go well for them.
Elsewhere, Captain Britain is being dogpiled by the bad guys… who just keep on coming. It’s almost as though they’re multiplying. Brian is zapped by a vibration ray, and beaten down with the Crewsters’ billy clubs…
… until he digs deep and powers his way out! Unfortunately, by now, he’s completely drained of his power. One of the Status Crew takes this opportunity to get the Captain in his sights… however, before he can pull the trigger, Brian’s loyal friend Jackdaw dives into the line of fire — and is rendered into ash!
Captain Britain slumps to the ground defeated… while Saturnine nags him for being an idiot. Way to show some sensitivity for a fella who just lost his drunken elf friend, ya jerk!