Showing posts with label 1970. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1970. Show all posts

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Date With Debbi #9 (1970)

Date With Debbi #9 (May-June, 1970)
"The Hitchhiker"
"Debbi's Secret Weapon"
"Not Worth a Scent!"
"Where the Action is!"
By Doug Crane & Samm Schwartz
Letters - Gaspar Saladino (least the cover, anyhow)
Horoscopes - Liz Berube
Edits - Dick Giordano
Cover Price: $0.15

And now for something... ain't nobody gonna care about!  It's gonna be fun for me though, and sometimes, ya gotta take your victories where ya can!

Today we're going to look at a genre we don't really do too often.  Not for a lack of interest (well, maybe a little bit of that), but because these sort of Archie-alike books don't come to the surface very often during my bin-dives.  We've already visited with Binky's Buddies, Windy and Willy, and the incomparable (though only Archie-ish in its art) Angel Love.  Today we've got Date With Debbi... not to be confused with Debbi's Dates... which, was the other Debbi book... cuz Lord knows she couldn't be contained by one!  In fairness, they're bi-monthly books... for all I know, they might've just filled in each other's "off-months".

Anyhoo, who's excited?  Any-body?  Uh... is this thing on?


Our first story, The Hitchhiker! opens with Debbi and her boyfriend, Buddy out for a drive.  Suddenly, Buddy spies a beautiful stranger looking for a ride.  He slams on the brakes so hard, he actually ejects Debbi from his hooptie!  Ya see, kids, hitchhiking is way dangerous.  The new-girl hops in, and Buddy hits the gas... only realizing when they're already down the road that Debbi wasn't still in the car!  He flips a U-y and finds her, legs up in a bush... dead.  Well, no, no... she's okay.  In fact, the accident only seems to have made her feistier... she socks Budro in the mush.

Back on the road, the hooptie has a blow-out.  Since they're on an incline (which Buddy refers to as a decline... which, I guess is the same-ish thing), he heads into the brush to find something he can use as wheel chocks.  Debbie starts jacking up the rig, while their "guest" gleefully looks on.

Unfortunately, while we knew this road has a "decline", one thing we weren't aware of was the fact that they were basically at the edge of a cliff.  Debbi jacked the car up so well, it... tipped, and rolled right off the cliff!

And so, we rejoin our trio... several hours later, when they finally arrive in civilization.  Well, a farmhouse anyway.  Buddy calls the insurance company (what a responsible teen-ager!), and the farmer offers to let him borrow one of his spare cars in order to get home.  Whatta guy!  Buddy hops a fence... to, uh... find the car, I guess?  Only problem here is, he's hopped right into the bull's penn.  Poor Buddy winds up being gored... to death.  Well, no... it would appear that he's got some'a dem cartoon "rubber bones".  The bull's horns only manage to send him flying into a tree.

We wrap up with Debbi giving Buddy a ride back home in their borrowed car.  When, what should happen but... she spies a hunk of a fella on the side of the road!  She slams on the brakes so hard... poor Buddy went flyin'!  Wonk wonk wonnnnnk.

Debbi's Secret Weapon opens with our favorite gal bringing her daddy some breakfast in bed.  Upon entering his room, she naturally catches her foot in the carpet.

... annnnd, poor daddy gets covered in the stuff!  He then makes the mistake of looking out his bedroom window.  Debbi winds up bumping him with the door, sending him plummeting... to his death.

Well, no... he just has a tremendous bump on his head.  Probably brain damage too, but it isn't clear from the artwork.  Anyhoo, morning commences, Debbi's little brother, Rocky rushes out to school, lest his sister prepare him breakfast.  Daddy leaves to find medication for his achin' noggin.

While Debbi prepares some biscuits, she's interrupted by a knock at the door.  It's a man with the Buddsville Charity.  He's collecting funds for underprivileged chirren.  Debbi the Dullard doesn't quite know how to respond... that is, until he mistakes her for the winner of the "Most Beautiful Girl" pageant.  This causes her to hop-to, rush upstairs, and steal $10 out of her daddy's dresser!  That's like $66.52 in today's money!  The dude takes the cash, and leaves Deb to pose in front of her mirror in peace.

Just then, Buddy arrives!  Just in time for Debbi's biscuits to start burning!  As she nyoink's the blackened breads out of the burner, a news report plays over the radio.  Looks like there's some dude posing as a Charity collection-guy.  Ruh-roh, did our Debbi get scammed, bamboozled, duped, even?!

No worries, Buddy's on the case!  He rushes out the house to chase the con-man down!  It... doesn't go all that well for our boy.  In fact, it would appear as though the dumpy old thief handed him his butt.

Now, it's time for, just as the title promised... Debbi's Secret Weapon!  She, ya ready for this... oh boy, it's a goodie.  She... ooh, I can't wait to tell ya.  She... well, throws one of her burnt biscuits at the baddie.

The police arrive and wrangle the creep, who tries to sweet-talk his way out of being arrested (and it looks like it almost worked!).  Debbi reveals that she kayoed the con-man with a "home-made weapon"... which, if you were to say that to the police nowadays, they'd likely assume you were making bombs out of fertilizer.  So, uh... never say that to the police.

Next, we get a little bonus strip called Not Worth a Scent! in which Debbi buys herself some new perfume in order to, uh... probably turn Buddy on?  She stands over him, with her arm up in the air, wafting her armpit aroma in Buddy's direction while he works on his hooptie.  She is unsuccessful in getting his attention.  Word to the wise, this isn't the best way to impress your would-be mate.  I mean, I'm not gonna kink-shame, but this method will probably only work for ya one out of every twelve-hundred times.  Debbi returns to the department store to complain... and ask if they had any perfume that smelled like motor oil.  Wonk wonk.

Finally, we arrive at Where the Action is! in which Budro is tutoring a pretty young thing.  Imagine being so bad at life, you need friggin' Buddy as a mentor?  Crazy times, y'all.  Anyhoo, she expresses surprise that Debbi didn't seem jealous that her beau Bud would be chillin' with another gal.

Naturally, our Debbi is currently hiding in the bushes outside his house.  The tutoring sesh ends, and Mona (the other girl) calls Buddy "Dream-Boy", which... I mean, I'm no expert, but those are flirtin' words to me.  They pull out in Buddy's new car... which illustrates that friggin' Date With Debbi has a better grasp on continuity than anything from DC Comics over the past decade!  Poor Debbi gets a facefull of mud when they peel out.

Mona regales Buddy with some heated discussion about her achin' shoulder.  I assumed here that she was trying to talk herself into a massage of some sort, but... no, she just really likes talking about her appendages!  I said it once, and I'll say it again... I'm not gonna kink-shame!  With a dulled look on his face, Buddy drops her off on the corner, and drives away.

He pops into the soda pop shop, where he is soon joined by Anna from English Class!  You know Anna... she's that girl... from English Class!  The one whose sleeves never match her dress.  Yeah, her!  Anyhoo, they chat for a bit... starting with Buddy asking her if she's showing any symptoms.  Wait, what year was this written in?  Who'da thunk Date With Debbi would be 2020-relevant?

The two teen-agers hit it off... with Buddy even referring to Anna as a "pretty chick".  Wow, dude... I mean, yeah, Debbi's a pain in the ass, but she's still your pain in the ass.  Buddy walks Anna home, and with a dulled look on his face, bids her adieu.

We wrap up with Buddy visiting Debbi, who is trying to kill a mosquito with a giant book she's likely never read.  Naturally, she accidentally bonks Buddy on the head... killing him instantly.  Well, no... actually, it just convinces him that all he needs in this world is Debbi... and every bit of the craziness that comes with her.


So, this was an experience, wunnit?

Certainly not the greatest thing we've ever looked at here on the site... but, not nearly the worst either!  Overall, I'd say I had a pretty good time with this.  If for no other reason than it actually cleared up a question I posed way back on Christmas Eve, 2017!  Ya see, that day I looked at Adventures of Superman #520 (1995), in it, all Lois wants for Christmas is a doll... a Date With Debbi doll!  Back then, I wracked my brain trying to figure out what this might be analogous to.  I wondered if there was any "hot toy" back in 1995 that this could've been in reference to.  I did everything except... well, Google "Date With Debbi".  Had I simply done that, I'd have had my answer straight away!

Anyhoo, Superman does manage to find the doll... annnnnd, the colorist whiffed it, by making her blonde!  C'mon... poor Debbi's only appearance in like a half-century, and ya mess it up?

Colors - Glenn Whitmore
So, with the semi-relevance of Debbi out of the way... how'd we feel about this quartet of stories?

They were... fine.  Nothing that's gonna rock any socks, perfectly breezy and silly Saturday morning reading.  Debbi comes across as sort of a simple conniver, kinda Lucy-ish, I guess.  Ya see, the thing with comics like this... they're fun to share, but... there's not a whole lot to "analyze", ya know?  Debbi's a pain in the ass, she unwittingly torments everyone in her presence... and has to deal with an ascot-wearing boyfriend whose eyes-wander more than Robert Gibson's.  The stories were cartoony... and fun enough.

I will say that I thought the "extras" included here were really cool.  Never seen horoscopes in a comic before... and the "reader designed" outfits were neat.  The art was clean, though not really my preferred style.  If you do dig that classic Archie look, you'll probably like this nearly as much.

Overall, I'd tell ya if you happened across an issue of Date With Debbi (or Debbi's Dates) in the cheap-o bin, you could do far worse!  I wouldn't break the bank for it though.


Letters Page:


Dress Designs!


Your Horoscope (click to enlarge... if you dare)!


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Monday, November 13, 2017

Teen Titans #26 (1970)

Teen Titans #26 (March-April, 1970)
"A Penny for a Black Star"
Script - Bob Kanigher
Art - Nick Cardy
Editor - Dick Giordano
Cover Price: $0.15

Welcome to a we-e-e-e-eird time for the Titanic Teens.  No longer acting on their own as a force for good, they now answer to the enigmatic Mister Jupiter!  Well, least that means we'll be getting some Lilith!

As you read along, keep the story title in the back of your mind... it turns out that it's a bit of a play on words.  Though, perhaps I'm just thinking too hard.

Let's get to it... and while we're at it, let's meet Vox, er... Guardian, um... Hornblower... ehhh, ya know, Mal Duncan!


We open with the Teen Titans, though here they're dressed more like Challengers of the Unknown... or, with those collars maybe like the SuperFriends Wonder Twins.  They are being led through the darkness by a robot named Angel, before being sent through a string of death-traps!

The team emerges safely from the terrifying obstacle course, entering into Mr. Jupiter's strange office... through some holes in the wall.  Really don't like seeing a bunch of holes in a surface... makes my skin crawl.  Anyhoo, Mistuh J tells the Teens that they were never in any real peril, and informs them that they've all "passed".  The second-half of this assignment is to... well, that's for the kids to find out, it seems.  He hands them each a shiny penny, and sends them into Hell's Corner (which, I'm assuming is something like Hell's Kitchen... and I'll very likely use the terms interchangeably from this point forward!

The confused kids leave Mr. Jupiter's office, and try to wrap their heads around just what in the hell he expects from them.  Suddenly, Lilith pipes in with the idea that they use the penny to find... a black star!  Lilith, you're babbling again.  Turns out she briefly tuned-in to a psychic message... which, is kinda cheating.  Thought these "street clothes" Titans didn't use their powers... maybe Lilith doesn't count.

The Teens finally arrive in Hell's Corner... where they find a young girl selling cups of lemonade for... a penny each!  Well, ain't that a fine howdoyado?  The thirsty Titans all pony up their pennies... when they are descended upon by super-tough street gang... Hell's Hawks!

These geeks try to shake the poor girl down for a "kickback" of her profits.  I mean, c'mon guys... she's selling lemonade for a penny a pop!  Anyhoo, the Hell's Hawks proceed to kick over her lemonade stand, and knock the drinks out of the Titans' hands.  Wow, these guys mean business!  Hawk... that is, Hank Hall clenches his fists... until Dove reminds him of their secret shame.

Flashback time!  Ya see, last issue the Titans failed to save the life of the most important Peacenik on the planet Earth... Dr. Arthur Swenson.  Dr. Martin Luther King's assassination occurred just a couple of years earlier, and I would assume that this was DC's answer to it.  Anyhoo, it was after Swenson's passing that the Titans swore to never again wear their costumes... or use their powers.  Gotta wonder how somebody like Robin or Speedy "stop" using their powers.  I mean, Robin's just a smart acrobatic kid... and Speedy can fire arrows.  Is Speedy just never going to pick up a bow again?  This new status quo doesn't really take... which isn't really a surprise.

Back on the street, the Hell's Hawks go to grab the gals... and, get this... the frickin' Titans allow it!  Are you kidding me?  Wally actually holds Roy back from intervening because... they're "down".  Down with what, jackass?  Wonder Chick getting molested?  Well, to be fair... it also seems like Donna's down with it too... lest they act, and another Peacenik drops dead!  Remember the old saying, "Every time a Titans balls his fist... a peace-loving man dies!"

Well, luckily that doesn't apply to neighborhood do-gooders, like... hey, it's Mal Duncan!  It turns out that the lemonade girl is actually his little sister, Cindy!  He hops to and starts beating up the baddies.

The Titans, who are still standing their twiddling their thumbs realize... hey, if we don't step in, this Mal is gonna get bum rushed.  So, finally... we get some Titans fighting.  I counted about ten punches, which likely means ten Peaceniks just bought the farm.  When the dust settles, the Hell's Hawks have flown the coop... and Mal leaves with his sister.  Lilith suggests that they haven't seen the last of him.

Now, without their shiny pennies, the Titans realize they're going to need jobs!  Donna and Lilith break away to apply for a gig at a dress shop... and it turns out these groovy chicks are pretty good at slinging outfits.

Nearby, the fellas are approached by a coordinator for a local "boy's club"... like an after-school program to keep kids (boys and girls) off the streets.  He asks if they're willing to work long hours for crappy pay... and boy howdy, are they!

That evening, the Titans share a meal with the club coordinator... and Donna has her first taste of Soul Food... delicious!  The Titans learn that the next day will feature the club's big boxing matches... more on that in a bit.

That night, a brick-wrapped-in-a-note is hurled through the window of the boy's dorm.  It's a warning for them to go back where they came from... and threatens that perhaps next time, instead of a brick it'll be a Molotov Cocktail.

The next day is the day of the big boxing match... turns out this year's feature bout pits our new friend Mal Duncan against... Storm from the Hell's Hawks!  Now... okay.  We've got the Hell's Hawks, right?  Real no-good jerks... who would steal pennies from a little girl.  Now we learn that they hang out at the Community Center?  Wha--? 

Mal kayos the crud with the quickness... to a mixed reaction.

... and after the bout, the Titans save him from a beat-down in the locker room.  Looks like at least four more Peaceniks just bit the big one!

Donna suggests they celebrate Mal's victory with "a little rock"... didn't think crack-cocaine was really a thing back in 1970.  Okay, okay... she means the music.  Mal has a different idea... and so, he takes them to The Cool Cat Club for some smooth jazz and dancing.

While there, Mal engages in a little bit of projection... until Lilith asks if he's down for a dance.

While they shake-shake-shake, Wally suggests to Donna that they invite Mal to join their Mr. Jupiter brigade.  After all... they spent a penny, and found themselves a... ahem... black star.  Mal doesn't take to the invite right away, but comes around before the night is through.

He runs through the same death-defying obstacles that his new pals did, and passes with flying colors.  He's certainly earned his Challengers' leisure suit.  That night, after spurning Hawk's advances, he remains awake... wondering if he's made the right decision in joining up with these weirdos.  After all, he's just a kid from Hell's Corner.

Over the next few days, we get a bit more insight as to what Mr. Jupiter hopes to accomplish... and boy does it seem pointless.  He's planning to send an unmanned spaceship on a one-way trek to Venus.  Why?  Who knows.  Why does he need the Titans for this?  Again... who knows.  Mal gazes longingly at the spaceship as lift-off fast approaches.

The night before lift-off, Mal sneaks out of his dorm.  Lilith catches him in the act, but lets him go.  He heads toward the spaceship... but why?

The lift-off is set for the following day... and it's a success!  Well, until they learn that their unmanned ship is currently... ya know, manned.  Our man Mal reports in... saying he'll provide "human reactions" for Mr. Jupiter's data.  Which really doesn't sound as useful as he thinks.

We wrap up with the Titans promising to find a way to bring him back.  If only they lived in the same universe as Superman... oh, wait.


Toldja it was a w-e-e-e-eird time for the Titans!

We've got a little bit to break down here.  This issue has the same cover month as the first iconic Green Lantern/Green Arrow "relevant" era book (April, 1970).  So many folks attribute DC's leap into social relevancy as a result of that O'Neil/Adams run.  Let's look to the Titans though... this issue (#26) deals with the fallout of a Peace Demonstrator being assassinated (in issue #25/February, 1970).  Could the Titans have been the super-secret-start of the "relevant era" for DC Comics?  We don't really hear about the Silver-Bronze Age Titans outside of "zany Haney" references... but, who knows?

Anyhoo... today we meet Mal Duncan... and he gets blasted to Venus his first time out.  This sort of reminds me of that EC Comic that was almost banned by the Comics Code Authority for featuring a black astronaut.  The Code would be relaxed about a year after this issue hits the stands (1971)... gotta wonder if DC got any odd flack from the CCA for this one.

It's also worth noting that Mal was sort of a "one and done" here.  Wonder if DC had to compromise with the CCA to even do the story to begin with!  Like, yeah... "we really want to introduce a black hero... but don't worry, he'll only be around for one issue."  Man, the early-CCA era was a strange (and awful) time.

The "threat" (if we can call them that) of the Hell's Hawks was as silly as it gets... literally stealing pennies from a little girl... and kicking over her milk-crate lemonade stand to boot!  Still find it hilarious that these menaces to society take part in the Community Center sports appreciation day.

I hinted at it during the synopsis... but it's really hard for me to muster up feelings of urgency for some of these stories.  Yeah, Mal's been blasted to Venus... maybe one day we'll see him again.  Or... or... or, maybe we call Superman and in about eight-seconds, we've got Mal back?  I dunno.  Guess maybe the street-clothes-Titans vow doesn't allow them to use anybody's powers?

Overall, this issue was a blast... had a great time with it, silliness and all!  Nick Cardy draws some absolutely beautiful faces here, and is always a treat.  Well worth checking... and has been collected in SHOWCASE Presents Teen Titans, Volume 2.  Give it a look and get relevant with the Titanic Teens!


Letters Page (featuring Alan Brennert):


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