Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #134
Flash #268 (December, 1978)
"Riddle of the Runaway Comic"
Writer - Cary Bates
Pencils - Irv Novick
Inks - Frank McLaughlin
Letters - Mike Stevens
Colors - Gene D'Angelo
Edits - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $0.40
From DC Comics
Episode Published March 31, 2019
One of our oft-used taglines was that we put 40-hours of research into every episode of the Cosmic Treadmill. Welp, I'm going to somewhat shatter that illusion here, and suggest that a time or two, what it actually took was one of us to handcuff ourselves to our computer for an 8-10 hour stint.
This was one of those times.
Green Lantern (vol.2) #100 (January, 1978)
"Rider of the Air Waves"
"Beware the Blazing Inferno!"
Writers - Denny O'Neil & Elliot S! Maggin
Pencils - Alex Saviuk & Mike Grell
Inks - Vince Colletta
Letters - Ben Oda
Colors - Anthony Tollin
Editor - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $0.60
Today we're going to take a look at... almost certainly the most valuable book in my collection, because it features the first appearance of... Hal Jordan!
Whattayamean... not that Hal Jordan?!
Our first story opens with Hal Jordan acclimating to his new lot in life as an over-the-road trucker. He tells his little alien starfish pal Itty that he borrowed the dosh from his fiancee, Carol Ferris... and he actually uses her full name. Seems a little informal, don't it? Anyhoo, he hears over the Citizen's Band (that's the CB Radio to the rest of us) that there's a trucker in need of assistance. Their "twenty" is at a "haircut palace". The editor fills us in that a "twenty" is a location, and Hal tells us that a "haircut palace" is a low-bridge. I think reading this will grant us all Commercial Driver's Licences... or at least learners permits! Hal hits the Oath, and heads off to see what's up.
A woman (using the handle "Goldilocks") is having her truck robbed by fur thieves. Ya see, she's hauling... well, fur. Hal makes short work of the goofs, even siccing a construct-bear at them.
After tying the baddies up... with an oddly yellow power beam, Hal checks in on Goldilocks (Real Name: Bertha Vann... which is kind of unfortunate). She's a brassy young lady, and she's shocked that her distress call was heard by anybody considering the amount of static over the Citizen's Band. Hal says he'd heard the unusual static as well... and decides he'll investigate further.
Hal follows the sound of the static, until it starts to decode into individual beeps and boops... it's the very familiar three-short, three-long, three-short Morse Code for S.O.S. After further "beam scannin'" a two-dimensional figure appears. After fully materializing, this figure punches Hal in the mush!
Hal answers in kind, and socks the gaudy punk but good. He then proceeds to lock him in a construct cage. The youngster is apologetic and claims to just be disoriented. He introduces himself as Hal J--. Hmm. After realizing leading with his civvie name is a stupid thing to do, the lad introduces himself as Air-Wave... but since his father was the original, he suggests he be referred to as "Air-Wave II". C'mon kid, outside of Who's Who? ain't nobody callin' you that!
His father, the original Air-Wave, is dead (I didn't even know he was sick!). The boy unmasks and explains his power-set... ya see, thanks to his helmet, he can travel along "air waves", like radio, television, radar... stuff like that. At this point, Hal decides to take the boy under his wing and train him on how to be a superhero. Thankfully, he doesn't make him change his name to "Teen Lantern".
Meanwhile, the fearsome supervillain Master-Tek uses his "broadcast director" mitt to attempt to destroy an underground chamber that houses the convergence point for a quarter of the United States' telephone lines. In that chamber, Lieutenant Burke Jansen gets kayoed by some falling debris.
Green Lantern and Air-Wave return to "Hal Jordan's" truck, so they can radio the police. The youngster is positively shocked to hear the name "Hal Jordan".
After attempting to make contact with the Highway Patrol, Hal deduces there is most certainly something blocking the transmission. He and Air-Wave head off to investigate... after some "threes and eights" from gal-pal, Bertha. That's "love and kisses" to you and I.
It isn't long before our green heroes happen across... Master-Tek! Air-Wave accuses him of wanting to conquer the Earth... to which, the mustachioed goof laughs. He's just in it for the money, ya see. Ten Million large!
Hal rushes in to take a shot... but misses. Master-Tek responds with a blast from his "broadcast director" which causes Hal to begin vibrating uncontrollably. Nearby, Air-Wave attempts to tune in a radio station on his helmet... and when he finally does (KWK, St. Louis), he begins ridin' the waves!
He materializes right behind Master-Tek and "flattens" him with a punch... and by "flattens" I mean "mildly annoys". Master-Tek turns around and decks the boy... which opens up an opportunity for Hal to just beat the hell out of him. Thanks for comin', Master-Tek. Hope y'all didn't get too attached... cause he's done... forever.
After Hal drops the baddie off with the authorities, he returns to his truck where he left Air-Wave and Itty. Air-Wave reveals that he knows that Green Lantern and Hal Jordan are one in the same... to which, Hal doesn't seem all that bothered! He then, Air-Wave that is, reveals that... he too is Hal Jordan! B-bu-but, how can that be?!
Ya see, Hal (Green Lantern) has an Uncle Larry who... for whatever reason... named his son Hal too! Maybe it wasn't such a big deal, since I'm guessing Uncle Larry was the original Air-Wave lived and operated on Earth-2. Well, this new Hal (Air-Wave) is Hal's (Green Lantern) younger cousin... Earths removed?! I dunno. We wrap up learning that Hal's (Green Lantern) offer still stands, and he will train Hal (Air-Wave) in how to be a superhero. Ay yai yai. For future installments, we will be referring to Air-Wave as "Harold"!
We're not done yet though! This is a DC Giant... back before that meant "a whole bunch of non-connected reprints you can only buy at Walmart". Our second story features Green Arrow... and we open with a performance of Roy Harper's band, "Great Frog"!
Turns out, not everybody's a fan of the "Frog"... because somebody planted some explosives at the venue (South End High School)!
We shift scenes to the offices of Queen Promotions, where Ollie gets a call from Mayor Major (yikes) about a "big job" he has for him. During the call, word of the explosion comes across the news... interrupting As the World Turns, even! Ollie is worried when he realizes that Speedy's band was playing South End High!
Ollie and Dinah suit up, and head out. Canary performs some crowd control to ensure the panicking folks don't injure one another in a stampede. Ollie manages to make his way on stage to check on his young ward. Roy, it's worth noting, suffered a broken leg in the blast. The rest of "Great Frog"? Well, looks like we'll never know...
After investigating inside the school, Oliver and Roy discover the explosives... which fortunately (and almost unbelievably), still have the serial numbers intact! It isn't long before they learn that this load was bought from a gang called the Blazing Infernos... with a credit card... under the name of business big-wigs Marcus, Barkis, and Fish.
Nearby, Mayor Major chats up Black Canary. When the Commissioner gets wind of this, he accuses Canary of being behind the blast! Major rightfully calls him an ass, and suggests he thank the heroes rather than accuse. Ollie motions to Dinah that they'd best split before getting too cozy with the bureaucrats, and off they go!
The Mayor and Commish hop into a car and have a chat about their local vigilantes. Mayor Major explains that Oliver Queen had once passed on an opportunity to succeed him as Mayor... and also, that he has reason to believe that Ollie and Green Arrow are one in the same.
He explains... something about Oliver Queen losing his fortune. I mean, dude could've just said "Green Arrow and Oliver Queen both grew very distinct Van Dyke beards at the exact same time" and been done with it. Anyhoo, now Major claims to have a plan to ensure Ollie will agree to succeed him as Mayor of Star City. What that plan is... I haven't the foggiest!
We rejoin Ollie, Dinah, and one-legged Roy as they infiltrate the Blazing Infernos' bomb-building den. They manage to beat up most of them, however a couple get away due to some errant twangin' from Roy. He's not used to "lettin' fly" with one leg.
The trio heads to the offices of Mungus, Fungus, and Fish... or whoever they are... and find themselves swarmed by a gaggle of men in black suits. Seems their only purpose was to make this story one page longer... because they go down quick.
Inside the building, Ollie takes it to the fat-cats... and after a few trick arrow shots... Dingus, Dungus, and Fish are ultimately arrested. Good thing, too... you see how that one guy is wielding a telephone like a deadly weapon?!
Somehow... this whole shebang does convince Ollie to run for Mayor. Not sure how we got here... but, got here we did! Mayor Major agrees to back him in his campaign.
We close out with an epilogue... where Dinah expresses concern that getting into politics might corrupt Oliver. Nahhh, he won't be corrupted... he'll just become overly precious... and often kiiiiiiiiiinda annoying.
Not exactly what one might expect from a "hundredth issue celebration", right? That being said, I enjoyed both of these stories quite a bit! Let's start with the monumental meeting between Hal Jordan and Hal Jordan!
Air-Wave... is kind of a dork, but I still kinda dig him. I thought this was a great way to introduce him as a new and untrained wannabe superhero. His helmet grants him a pretty spectacular power... but, he hasn't the foggiest idea how to best use it. Here, he just happened to be enough of a distraction to throw Master-Tek off his game. Young Harold's punch was ineffective... and he still wound up getting socked himself.
His deducing that Green Lantern and Hal Jordan are one in the same... I mean, with the information he was given, it probably isn't the most outlandish idea that he'd put two-and-two together. I mean, they're using Hal's truck as a "command center"... all the while, Hal himself is nowhere to be seen. It doesn't take a genius.
What surprised me was Hal's reaction to this revelation. He doesn't seem all that bothered that this costumed kid he's never met before has figured out his alter-ego. I guess he just assumed there was an innate goodness in Air-Wave... and their meeting wouldn't end with an attempt at blackmail?
The ultimate reveal that Hal and Harold are actually cousins... is kinda wonky. I mean, Air-Wave (the first) is an Earth-2 character, right? So, it might stand to reason that Harold would be an Earth-2 character as well... right? Was there an Air-Wave (I) on Earth-1? I guess there was an Uncle Larry Jordan on Earth-1... but, Air-Wave... I dunno.
I'm going to assume the only reason this all went down the way it did was so Julius Schwartz could confuse me 40 years later. Good job, Julie! Ya got me, Sir!
Our second story was another good one... and also a little bit confusing. Before digging in, though... "Great Frog"? C'mon, that's just awesome. We need Great Frog t-shirts. I'm putting them on the list of "must haves" with the Prez turtlenecks.
Also... I gotta mention, I've read that this Green Arrow story was originally slated for 1st Issue Special #14!!! For completionist's sake, I'll add this piece to our 1st Chrissue Special page!
I really dug the action here... as well as Ollie's sorta-reluctance to associate with the politicos. He's all about "the task" and doesn't have time to glad-hand. I really like that.
As for the revelation that Major Major has figured out Ollie's dual-identity... I mean, I'd be surprised if he was the only one. We've got (at one time) Star City's resident millionaire... and resident super-hero both having the same young red-headed tag-along... and... c'mon, they both grew the same exact weird-beard at the same time. People are gonna notice that, right?!
Where I'm confused though is why this one event would steer Ollie into the political life. I mean, he's taken on "fat cats" before... that was kinda his "thing" around this time. Why is this one any different? I dunno, maybe I'm missing some of the context.
Overall... this was a lot of fun. Fun stories, great art... really well put together package. Not what I'd expect for a "hundredth", but damn good nonetheless. Doesn't look like either of these stories have been collected, nor been made available digitally at this point. I'd say it's worth a hunt... but, don't break the bank for it!
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Firestorm #2 (April, 1978)
"Danger Doubled is Death!"
Writer - Gerry Conway
Pencils - Al Milgrom
Inks - Bob McLeod
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Ben Oda
Editor - Jack C. Harris
Cover Price: $0.35
Back in the long ago, I was so annoyed at this issue. Ya see, when I first started collecting in earnest, I came across a whole bunch of Firestorm in the cheap-o bins... among them was Fury of Firestorm #1... and the issue we're about to discuss.
Now, being a youngling and not knowing diddly-squat about DC's Explosions and Implosions... I didn't even realize these were from two different series'... heck, two different decades!
I mean, I suppose the trade dress should've tipped me off... but, my fellow bin divers know that in those times where we hit "pay dirt" we narrow our already-tunneled vision onto issue numbers only.
The annoyance must've passed by quickly... because, up until I started this blog, I'd forgotten just how many (and which) issues of these series' I even had!
Let's hit it and git it!
We open with Firestorm descending on a pair of thugs hassling an old man about a debt he owes "the mob". Now, I'm no mafioso aficionado, but I didn't think they ran around shouting words like "the mob" in broad daylight. Anyhoo, Firestorm changes the atomic structure of the cement to a gloppy tar... and leaves! I guess this takes out "the mob" in one fell swoop because the old man thanks the young her for saving his life?
Oh well, next for our flameheaded pal is... proving to his bodily-bunkmate Doctor Stein that he can still chat up the foxy ladies. This doesn't go so well for our Ronnie... he causes the foxiest of ladies to faint. I do really like how the first thing folks seem to notice is that Firestorm's hair is on fire. Seems like such a human reaction to seeing him... I guess we do whatever we can to frame this kinda phenomenon in ways we can identify by sight.
Ronnie and the Prof have wasted enough time for the morning... and it's time for the former to head to class. They split out of the Firestorm Matrix... and Stein groggily hobbles away. Ronnie reflects on what caused them to by joined in the first place... it all started with the muttonchopped menace, Cliff Carmichael.
To prove that he's more than just a "dumb jock", Ronnie joined the Coalition to Resist Atomic Power. This group proved to be just a shade too extreme, in that... they wanted to blow up all of the nuclear plants, and let Ronnie take the blame... so yeah, a little nutty. One of the plants they blew sky high belonged to Professor Martin Stein... only the explosion somehow caused Stein and Ronnie to merge into the Nuclear Man we know as Firestorm.

Back in the present, Stein is being questioned by the police. The flatfoot don't dig the nebulous nature of Stein's timeline. Place went boom... and he doesn't remember a thing about it. Just then, Stein's assistant Danton Black saunters up... and he's as mad as a hornet. He says he'll sue Stein for stealing his plans... then accuses him of blowing up the plant to cover it all up. The cop... does nothing. I mean, I don't even think he took his hands out of his pockets. Black then stomps off with a killer headache... one that causes him to see double.

After a day of being bullied for being a "mental midget" by Cliff Carmichael, Ronnie heads home. There he finds his father, who hasn't been home for dinner in quite some time. They watch the news, and hear about Firestorm. Ronnie's Pop ain't too keen on having another superhero in New York... man, try moving over to the Marvel Universe then. Ronnie goes out for some air. Meanwhile, a certain other news reporter wraps up his evening broadcast.
As Superman heads toward the Big Apple, Professor Stein attempts to salvage anything he can from his wrecked power plant. He gets knocked on his keister by a pair of nogoodniks! At the very same time, the Xamot to his Tomax also gets knocked back. Ronnie knows the Prof's in trouble!
Ronnie tries to find a quick way to Westchester... but all routes are pretty gummed up. In desperation, he attempts to tap into the Firestorm Matrix... even though he and the Professor are separated by many miles. And... it works! Not only is Ronnie able to "flame on", Professor Stein is whisked away from the dangerous duo out to beat him about.
Firestorm arrives at the power plant just as the two baddies are... well, it looks like they're dancing at a rave... but, they're actually absorbing as much atomic energy as they can. Without thinking, Ronnie bursts into action... and gets double-socked for his troubles.
A fight is on... and it would seem that the Mulitplex Duo and inexperienced Firestorm are pretty evenly matched at this point. Firestorm takes the fight outside... away from all'a that delicious atomic energy. At this point, it just so happens that a friendly Justice League recruiter is passing by.
Firstorm gets sent skyward by a busted fire hydrant... and lands right in Superman's arms. Ronnie lets his fanboyism take over for a moment... and in that moment, the baddies are able to get away.
Superman's all "ehh, no big deal kid... we all make mistakes"... even though, I mean, the stakes are literally nuclear, right? Oh well... Professor Stein reminds Ronnie that wherever Multiplex went off to, it's likely to be a place where he can suck up some atomic energy. Ronnie deduces that the closest place would be... New York's own, State University. He bids Superman adieu and heads out.
Turns out Ronnie's first instinct was the right one! He heads to State U, and uses his powers to change the delicious and nutritious uranium into phosphorescence. So, when Multiplex went for a drink... they actually got weaker! Firestorm takes 'em out with a BALAMMO punch.
We wrap up with Firestorm explaining how he bested Multiplex to Superman. They then unmask Multiplex to find... gasp... two Danton Blacks! He eventually settles into a singular body... but Ronnie knows it's likely not the last he's seen of this threat. Before Superman leaves, he giddily tells Firestorm that, if he keeps this up, he's a shoe-in for Justice League membership. Wow, they were really pushing this early!
This was okay.
Full disclosure... despite owning most issues of Firestorm, I haven't been able to get all that far in any Firestorm-themed "reading projects". I always get really excited to give it a shot... but, it never holds my attention for more than a handful of issues. Now, I say this from a position of ignorance, but... I dunno, there's just this real "boilerplate" vibe that I can't push through. Maybe this go-round will be different.
For this issue, I appreciated the refresher on Firestorm's origin. Not that it was necessarily needed, but it's always a good idea to catch people up. Only taking a portion of a page to tell it was also welcome.
I also appreciated the fact that both Martin and Ronnie are still acclimating to this dynamic. There isn't really a contentious relationship there... which, would have probably been easier to write. I really dig that they're both learning as they go. On some level a Professor and a "dumb jock" are at the same point developmentally... and, I dunno... it's neat.
I like how the normal folk are reacting to Firestorm, both his appearance... and his very presence in New York. I said it last time, and hundreds of folks have said it before that... this feels very Spider-Man. Not a novel observation or anything... just something that "is". I dig that there's a little bit of trepidation here. Usually DC's heroes are just accepted. This is different, and is better for it.
Then... there's Superman. Dude shows up just to dangle the Justice League carrot... and, wow... they're pushing this hard right out of the gate. These days we talk about "forced" storytelling quite a bit... usually in reference to some sort of "agenda" the writer has. Well, it's plain to see what Conway's "agenda" is here... he wants Firestorm on the Justice League... and damned if he won't get his way pretty quick!
Other silliness includes... the scene featuring "the mob" early on. Like I said during the synopsis... I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject... heck, never even seen The Godfather... but, I'm not sure mobsters actually shout that they're with "the mob" on crowded public streets. Is this a case of just a couple of jamokes trying to sound more important than they are? I remember going to a fast food joint a while back... that had a manager who wouldn't shut up about the fact that they were "the manager"... on the way out, I says ta him, "if you gotta keep tellin' people you're in charge... you're not." I'm getting similar vibes from these two jerks... who I clearly have thought farrrrrr too much about.
There's also the officer rattling Stein's cage. I mean, dude's there for answers... however, when Danton Black accuses Stein of blowing the roof off the joint himself, the officer just stands there. I mean, I don't expect him to make an arrest off of one dude's rantings... but, c'mon... at least look like you're paying attention!
Overall... happy to report that I had more fun with this than I'd expected. Not going to rock everyone's socks, but there's certainly a good time here. This issue is available digitally and has been collected in (the seemingly out-of-print) Firestorm: The Nuclear Man trade paperback.
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