Showing posts with label 1983. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1983. Show all posts

Sunday, March 27, 2022

X-Men Vignettes, Chapter Zero (1983)

X-Men Vignettes, Chapter 0 (1983)
"a day like any other"
Writer - Chris Claremont
Art - Dave Cockrum & Hilary Barta
Letters - Tom Orzechowski & David Cody Weiss
Colors - Andy Yanchus
Edits - Jones, Shooter
From: Special Edition X-Men #1 (February, 1983)

Hey, it's Sunday... least if I'm reading this calendar right -- if you've been following me, o these many years, you'll know that calendars are my Kryptonite -- just can't figure 'em out. But, if I'm right -- today's Sunday. And, Sunday is a day where I'll sometimes try and fit something a little "odd" into the rotation.

Enter: today's Vignette offering. First, how ya like that awesome(ly bad) cover I mocked up using a Cockrum pin-up? Eh? Eh? Pretty badass, right?

Now, what's our plan here? This isn't out of an issue of Classix... so, what's the deal? Well, here's da t'ing. I was out and about the other day, fishing thru the bins looking for a copy of Classic X-Men #19... which, I'll eventually be needing to track down for an upcoming post. As I've mentioned, I'd only recently prioritized collecting the Classix... and, as such, I don't yet got 'em all. Sure, I could just use the Marvel Unlimited digitals... but by now, y'all know that isn't my style. So yeah, I was trawlin' the bins for a copy of #19.

Now, da t'ing about Classix is... well, they're easy to find -- but, you can never be quite sure where you'll find 'em. Lemme x-plain. Just like when I was trying to track down my last few issues of 1st Issue Special, the back-issue bins can be a rather frustrating place. Let's take our ol' favorite 1st Issue Special #4... better known these days as the "lolz, Lady Cop issue". If you're bin-diving... this issue could be filed ahead of the A's... as in the "#" books for "1st", or it could be filed in the F's for "First", or it could be filed in the L's for "Lady Cop". I've even found some 1IS's filed in the D's for "DC"! So, kinduva pain in the butt. Add to the fact that most shops could give a crap about a title as offbeat as 1IS (until now, when it's suddenly en vogue to care about it), and you're in for a hunt.

Applying that to this run... we've got Classic X-Men... which changes to X-Men Classic. Which means you might find these filed under the "C" (singing crabs optional), or under the "X" -- sometimes they're jammed after the Uncanny's... sometimes they're crammed in the "X-Men Miniseries/Etc." bins. I mean, these are "caviar problems" for me to be kvetching about, to be sure -- but, what can I say?

Anyway, so I'm lookin' fer #19, right? And, I'm in the "X-Misc." region of the bins, and I happened across Special Edition X-Men #1... which I've seen like a million times before, but never felt the need to nab. I usually associate this one with those other X-Men Classics... ya know, the three-issue dealie from 1983 (below) that reprinted some of the Thomas/Adams Savage Land stuff from outta the original 66? I see those all the time too... but, only recently pulled the trigger outta "Classix completionism".

I'd long heard that this Special Edition has "x-tra pages"... which, as it's a reprint of Giant-Size #1, I assumed meant that it had those added pages that were also a part of the lead-story in Classic X-Men #1 (1986). And, since I need another reprint of Giant-Size like I need a hole in the head, I never thought to pick it up -- especially not at the twenty or so bucks I regularly see it going for.

Well, during this recent bin-dive, I managed to find a copy of the thing for... well, cover-price - two bucks! Figured, "eh, what da hell?" and picked it up as a curiosity. When I got home and de-bagged it, I noticed the "All-New" story promoted on the back cover... and, well -- this might make me seem like an even more Fake-Ass Comics/X-Men Historian than ever, it was a story I never realize x-isted! Cracked it open -- saw the weird little story -- saw the very recognizable "climax" panel... and, figured I might as well add it to the Vignette pile.

Which... some several hundred words later, finally brings us to actually talkin' about the thing.


We open on... well if the title is to be believed (and it really shouldn't be), a day like any other, where Kitty Pry... err, waitasec... what happened to her face? I know Byrne mentioned that he used Sigourney Weaver as inspiration for Kitty' facial design, but I didn't realize he meant "current day". Lemme just get this outta the way -- the art here, though we've got Cockrum's name in the credits -- ain't gonna be the most pleasant to behold. I feel bad saying so -- but, well, it has to be said. Anyway, she's practicing some of her gymnastics in the Danger Room, when she overexerts herself and misses a reach of the uneven bars -- resulting in her slamming to the ground shoulder first. She was so shocked by the miss, that she didn't even have the chance to phase through the floor before hitting it. Lucky (?) for her, Illyana is there to check and make sure she's not too dinged up. Well, let's hope she doesn't look Kitty in the face.

Illyana tells Kitty how overwhelming the Xavier Mansion is... and how she's been exploring it bit-by-bit. Now, let's try and match this up in "real-time"... well, Marvel-real-time, anyway. This Special Edition X-Men has a February, 1983 cover-date -- which lines it up with the release of Uncanny X-Men #166. Yup, it lines up -- (teen-age) Illyana was still quite new to the mansion at this point. Anyway, so it's here that Kitty decides that she'll give her pal the grand tour of the place -- starting with a chat about the Dangerous Room they currently occupy. Now, there's something to be said about subtlety, yes? And how it's possible to write an info-dump without it immediately feeling like one. Well, Claremont kinda straddles the line here -- some bits feel like organic lines of conversation, while the rest are text-book citations. Oh well, I suppose that sorta was the mission of this short story, eh?

After a once over of the Danger Room, including a brief comparison of the new Shi'ar version and the Original "wrecking balls and spiked walls" version, the gals head into Professor X's office. Well, I'm actually getting a bit ahead of myself. Kitty tells Illyana that the School is broken up into three segments. In addition to some "common areas", there are areas for the X-Men, the New Mutants, and for Xavier himself. Okay, with that said, it's into Xavier's study. Kitty points out that there's a lab in there that no one's allowed to enter -- so, that's probably where the Juggernaut's hanging out. Also, Cerebro, which Kitty describes as being something that the Professor doesn't use very often because of the massive strain it puts on his brain. I mean, it's not like he'll ever wear the thing as a helmet, right?!

Since there ain't all that much more to look at here, the girls next head up to the attic to admire Storm's indoor garden. Kitty says that she's responsible for taking care of it while Ororo's away -- and that includes having full-on conversations with the plants! Well, it works for my mother-in-law. I tell ya, her plants grow alarmingly fast -- whereas ours refuse to. Only difference seems to be that she talks to them all the time. I ain't no botanist... not even a fake-ass one, so I couldn't say what's what. Kitty also shares a story of Ororo's past with Illyana, which I cannot off the top of my head, pin-point. Though, since it's Claremont, I'm sure it's a legit nod to his own prior work.

Next up, we'll do a two-fer, since there ain't much to this next leg of the tour. First stop is the "Guest Room", which formerly belonged to Jean Grey. Kitty mentions that she'd only ever met Jean once, and it was right before she died. During that meeting, however, Jean did save her life. The next room over, belongs to Cyclops -- who, Kitty doesn't really seem to have a whole lot to say about. We see that he's got some rocketship paraphernalia on his shelves, a framed photo of he, Corsair, and (assumedly) Alex. There's also a portrait of Jean on his desk. Like I said, Kitty is quite disinterested in this leg of the tour, probably because "eww, original five".

Next stop is Wolverine's room -- which, is far more romantic and samurai-ish than Illyana expected. Wolverine's original miniseries (Claremont/Miller) had already run by this point -- which, I suppose defined Logan's personality as a dude who's into Japanese culture. He's got a couple of framed photos on his table... which, if the wayyy overused (and not half as funny as folks seem to think) meme can be believed, he probably snuggles up with 'em in bed regularly.

Next, we've got another two-fer. Nightcrawler's room is equipped with a jungle gym, which he sometimes lets Kitty use. He's also got a tiny pterodactyl in a birdcage. The dino's name is Colonel Pterydactylee... and this is apparently the only time we'll ever see the li'l feller. Then, it's Colossus room, which as you might imagine looks kinda artsy. It's here we get a bit of icky statutory chatter among the gals. Illyana really seems to wanna see Call Me Kitty get it on with her big bro. It's... ya know, icky.

From here, we head to Kitty and Illyana's shared dorm... and it's a mess. It's full'a fun pop culture relics of the day -- and, a bit more icky "you ought start banging my big brother" chatter. Kitty feels about as weirded out as the rest of us do about this proposed coupling. She states that Piotr is 19... and she's only 14. Wow, before we get into the Chris Hansen-ness of that line, let's talk about Katya's age for a beat. Here, in 1983 (our time), CC tells us that she's 14. From here, we'll have the Mutant Massacre... Kitty'll leave to join Excalibur, where she'll stay for the entirety of its 125 issue run (including a romantic... and physical relationship with Pete Wisdom), she'd also join S.H.I.E.L.D.! Then, she'd be brought back (with Colossus and Nightcrawler) during that weird Children of the Atom dealie -- then, a couple'a years after that, CC would return to the X-Books, and have Kitty say that she's "only 16". Hrmm. I'm all for "sliding timelines", but... c'mahhhhhhhn, Chris. Okay, with that outta the way, Illyana continues to badger Kitty into boffin' her brother, even going so far as to say that Romeo and Juliut had a bigger age gap between 'em. Oy.

Howasabout we move along before we're added to a watch-list, yes? Okay, lets. Kitty and Illyana then head out to the pool, where... speaking of creeps, a bald man is watching them via monitor... and he's quite pleased by what he sees. Sinisterly, she posits that he'll give them a return home they won't soon forget! Uh-oh.

After dipping in the pool, the gals dip into the lake. It's a very swimmy afternoon, ya see? From the lake, they reach a secret underwater entrance to the Blackbird hangar. They then head off to the adjoining "dressing room" to change clothes and blow-dry their hair -- before taking a peek at the Mansion's "holography system" -- basically a way to keep tabs on the entire property and ensure nobody breaks in.

Speaking of which -- they just so happen to see an intrusion occur right before their eyes! Someone has broken into the main house! The girls hop into the tram-monorail-gimmick to rush back and see what's up. On the way, Kitty tells Illyana about that N'Garai monster she had to fight on that one Christmas Eve -- a story I discussed during Merry X-Lapsed, Year One.

Anyway, they finally make it to the main house... and come up to the room where the holographic alarm sounded. Kitty goes to open the door... at which time, Illyana shoves her into the room - where... the entire X-tended Family are waiting to spring a Surprise Birthday Party on Ms. Pryde. Gonna guess she turned 14... today then? Worth noting, if you're a part of the X-Lapsed Facebook Group... this is the image I usually post anytime a member has a birthday. I never stopped to think about what issue it actually occurred in... but, now I know!

Kitty blows out her candles, kisses a confused and uncomfortable Piotr on the lips, and thanks Illyana for keeping her off the scent long enough for the party to be sprung, thereby gifting her the best day of her entire life.


So... that was our look into the "Secrets of the Mansion", courtesy of Kitty and Illyana -- what'd you all think of that one?

I... kinda dug it. Looking at it in the Gestalt of when it was released, it stands to reason that Marvel would wanna properly introduce the new/then-current cast of characters to a potentially new reader, who might've heard a bit of a buzz about Giant-Size. So, in this Special Edition package, you're getting Giant-Size in its entirety... plus, something x-tra. Now, as I've mentioned time and again -- Giant-Size ain't all that great a story. It's basic, it's formulaic -- it's a means to an end, and not much more. It's quite surprising how Claremont was able to springboard from it into his seminal and legendary run!

Now, the transition from Warren's famous "whattawegonnadowi'tirteenecksmen?" line into Kitty stumblin' and fumblin' in the Danger Room might be a bit of a shock to the system for a newbie -- but, the story itself (while not pleasant to look at) does the job of familiarizing us with the current-day status quo quite well. Using Illyana as our POV character was a great idea as well. At this point, she was "new" enough of a character to come across as somewhat naïve... while being familiar enough with all things X to be able to follow along and interject when context was needed.

This was also a fun reminder of Kitty and Illyana's friendship... which, in my opinion, hasn't felt this genuine in ages. Nowadays... well, nowadays, the characters change personalities just as often as the writer needs 'em to in order to tell their story -- so, it's probably not a fair comparison. In any event, it was fun to see 'em chummin' it up here. Even if the "hey, you oughta go bang my adult older brother" discussion was perhaps a bit too "take a seat" for my tastes.

The quick 'n dirty on the current slew of X-Folks was, as mentioned during the spoilery synopsis, a decent enough straddling of organic discourse and infodump lecture. It served its purpose... though, I tell ya what, it was very weird at how (comparably) little discussion Jean and Scott got here. I guess it's all about when you discover the team, eh? As you (may) know, I came in with the 1991 series, where Scott and Jean loomed large -- and characters like Nightcrawler and Kitty were off in that other weird book I couldn't afford to add to my meager pull.

The ending with the reveal of Kitty's surprise birthday party was cute. I'm happy to finally know where that "SURPRISE!" panel came from -- lord knows I use the thing often enough over at the FB group! Weird that I never stopped to think where it first appeared! I guess I probably just assumed I'd read it somewhere. Sometimes these stories blend together.

I don't wanna dwell too long on the art... because, ya know -- I'm not an artist, and I feel bad bagging on the work of others, but... woof. Not sure if this was a rush job, or perhaps Cockrum didn't blend well with Barta... but, the difference between that final page of the story from Giant-Size and the first page of this? Man, that'll send ya into some weird ocular whiplash! Not the finest outing art-wise.

Overall, glad to finally own this Special Edition... and very pleased to be able to x-perience and share an X-Men ditty I never knew x-isted! Hope you all dug this dip into the weird... and, I'll get things more back to "normal" next time out.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Marvel Super Hero Portfolios - Uncanny X-Men Set Two (1983)

 Uncanny X-Men Portfolio #2

Marvel Super Hero Portfolios
Uncanny X-Men Set Two (1983)
By Steve Fastner & Rich Larson
S.Q. Productions
Cover Price: $7.95

Hey everybody - just a quick share for today.

Yesterday we received the call that our pup's ashes were ready to be picked up... which resulted in a very strange mix of emotions. I'm sure I'm not blowing any minds here, but - this is my first time having to deal with anything like this, so please bear with me.

This was the call I was looking forward to ever since losing him last week -- I felt as though not having him at home was a weird "loose end". I couldn't bear the thought that he was in a drawer... or, wherever. Does that make sense? I dunno.

So, we got the call. And I really wasn't quite as prepared for it as I thought I was. There was a measure of comfort and relief, don't get me wrong. Knowing that we'd be getting him back really set my heart at ease -- but then, that other shoe, as it often does, dropped -- and the finality began to set in.

It's not like I'd deluded myself into thinking that there'd be some sort of miraculous ending to this. Well, I guess maybe I might've deluded myself a little bit. I think that's just human nature... or, whatever passes for it in my addled mind. But this call meant that... I dunno, it was over and done with -- and it truly would be the final word.

Odd aside... the night our boy passed, shortly after he did pass - we brought him to the local emergency animal hospital to set up the handling and presentation of his remains. We were there for the better part of an hour trying to process the entire situation -- while also attempting to make decisions about the next steps.

We ultimately chose a beautiful rosewood box for his remains. We paid, and left... without him.

On the car ride home, my wife's phone rang. It was from a local number. Now, it was around 2am, so we wouldn't normally be getting a call at this time. We immediately realized it had to be the emergency vet -- and, bless us, in those scant few moments - we both convinced ourselves that they were going to tell us that he'd "woken up"... and everything was going to go back to normal.

Now, it was the vet calling... but, of course, no such miracle occurred. The simply wanted to know if we wanted them to hold on to the blanket we had wrapped him up in. But -- for the two or so rings before my wife answered, we were filled with that odd and desperate hope.

And, well -- I don't think that hope, naïve and foolish as it may've been, ever went away... until getting that call yesterday.

I'd mentally prepared myself to receive his little box. I think I cognitively adapted so that, upon sight of it, I'd feel comfort... a feeling of "wholeness", ya know? So, when I did see it - I was largely relieved. We had him back, and - while it was never going to be the same again -- it was a level of "sameness", if that makes any sense at all.

What I wasn't prepared for was... the paw prints.

I knew they were part of the package... but, I don't think I ever registered the fact that I'd actually see them. Like, I knew they were coming... but, never emotionally prepared to see his little footprints. That absolutely kicked my ass. I had to pull the car over for a few minutes in order to compose myself.

Now that he's home again, however, the house once again feels "whole". As "whole" as it can be, given the circumstances. It's not ideal, it's not perfect -- but, it's the best we've got.


So, what in all hecks does this have to do with an X-Men Portfolio?

Nothing... I just really wanted to share. Plus, I happened across this bit of ephemera while aimlessly driving around during the aftermath. The wife suggested that I just get my mind off of things for a bit... rather than just clomping around the house like a weeping golem. So, I did.

I stopped at one of the more eclectic shops in the area... a place where I'm almost guaranteed to happen across an oddity or two -- and yesterday was no different. Not only did I find some relatively ancient Comic Shop News's's's... but, I also found this portfolio set -- that I never even knew existed in the first place.

The prints are... well, there alright. I think of the four, the Jean Grey print is the only one I'd consider hanging up -- but, that's not to say that the other three are bad in any way. Just a bit, I dunno... weird? I'm still trying to figure out this WordPress thing... but, I think if you click on the pics, they'll embiggen if you wanna get a better look.

Really not a whole lot more to say... mostly using today's post as a means to get out some pent up emotion, while also sharing some pretty unique X-Ephemera. I apologize if this one was a bit too heavy... and I appreciate you allowing me to indulge a bit.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Uncanny X-Men: Super Activity Book (1983)

Uncanny X-Men Super Activity Book

Uncanny X-Men: Super Activity Book (1983)
"The Alphabet Pet Battles the X-Men"
By Owen McCarron
Cover Price: 3 f'r a dolla

Well, well, well... what in all the hells do we have here? Wouldja believe the most important X-Men story ever told? Not only because it introduces the dread Alphabet Pet, but because this is an X-Men adventure that requires OUR alphabetical expertise in order to get our heroes thru!

So, let's do da t'ang!


x-men activity splash

We open with our... uh, what we'd usually call the "Silver-Age Spoilery Splash Page"... wherein we see our heroes being attacked by a torrent of literal X's! Cyclops is confused, Kitty's looking like that one dude in the corner of Action Comics #1's cover, and Nightcrawler is just looking to save his own hide. Before we get much further... how about we take a look at our Quadruple-Page Spread of ROLL CALL and... cred... ibility-killing content! What's wrong with me? Why am I making this a blog post?! Anyway, let's meet the team... including a macrocephalic Professor Xavier!

Meanwhile, while likely seated on a toilet somewhere on Island M, Magneto pledges to invent a new way to rid the world of his Uncanny foes... but first, he must jot down all the three and four-letter words that can be found within his own name!

Bah! Ain't nobody got time for that... and so, with his karate chop action feature, the Master of Magnetism swats his very name to pieces! He also manages to crush his pencil via his Kung-Fu grip.

It's here where Magneto finally figures out how to kill the X-Men... it's all in the Letters, ya see? And so, he toils for the next several days in order to create -- the dread Alphabet Pet! This creepy critter appears to have been tattooed with 25 out of the 26 letters of the Alphabet. Any guesses which one ol' Mags might've forgotten to include? Whatta veXing question!

Magneto decides to test his beastie by feeding the names of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidates into it... which, the Alphabet Pet rightly vomits all over the place, leaving we poor readers with quite the conundrum... and, a puzzle to solve!

It also leaves Magneto doubting the threat of the Alphabet Pet! And so, he decides to imbue the thing with some of his own personal magnetism -- which is, apparently, something Magneto can do! The Alphabet Pet sucks down a giant letter M... while giving us a quiz!

The Pet continues to suck... and so, Magneto hooks it up to his Compute-A-Letter Energizer. You can keep yer Cerebro Helmets and vats of liquid Adamantium -- the Compute-A-Letter Energizer is where it's at!

Mags has A.P. read a very challenging four-letter word-scramble... with which, he hopes to confuse the X-Men. The little beastie proceeds to belch out a bunch of nonsense.

The wild-eyed Magneto shouts at is s'more, until it finally unscrambles the word the way he wanted it to all along -- to make the word "fist". Uh, hey, Mags... what you do in your free-time is your business. No need to be all cagey about it. This is a judgment-free zone. Anyway, with this, the Alphabet Pet vomits a fist - which socks Magneto in the mush. Here's a stupid question... why the puzzle? I mean, "Activity Book" wise, it makes sense... but, c'mon people - you can't tell me that you're not caught up in the story of this one!

Magneto is rapidly becoming convinced of the efficacy of the Alphabet Pet. Well, almost. He is going to need him to perform one last test... which, doesn't have a whole helluva lot to do with the Alphabet. Instead, he has the beastie manifest eleven animal silhouettes... which will supposedly prepare the critter for a sneak attack. Well, far be it from me to argue with that kinda logic. Izzit "far be it from me" or "far be it for me"?

Anyway, with our training montage behind us... Magneto is now 100% positive that the Alphabet Pet is ready to take out his Uncanny Enemies. And with that, the A.P. belches out the word "X-Men". Hey, I thought it didn't have any X's! C'mon, does continuity truly mean nothing? Who edited this thing?

From here, we follow Magneto and the Pet to... a random street, where Wolverine just so happened to be out for a jolly stroll... in full-costume... with a great big smile on his face! Mags orders the A.P. to "sting" ol' Logan!

And so, next thing we know - Wolverine is being attacked by a swarm of B's! Get it? B's... that's a joke, son. Anyway - it doesn't take long for the Alphabet Pet to best the Best There Is. Before we know it, poor Logan is tangled up in a B-Trap!

Just then, Nightcrawler saunters on up to try and chat up the Pet about what it did to "Wolfie". The Pet ain't got time to answer... but, it does have time for riddles! The Alphabet Pet asks Kurt which letter of the alphabet you can swim in. Well, here's the thing - Nightcrawler hasn't the foggiest because, his secret shame is that -- he can't swim!

Next thing we know - Kurt's being drowned in the C. C... get it? Kurt, in fact, DOES get it. Si, Si - he gets it! He also probably dies. Magneto chuckles at the Alphabet Pet's Carson-level sense of humor.

Then Chris Claremont takes over the scripting for a page, because it's here where Cyclops arrives and introduces himself. Only problem is... he didn't bring his visor, so he's just got a bunch of numbered dots on his face.

The Alphabet Pet keeps hittin' us with the letter puns... making reference to Cyclops's "one big eye" by firing off... uh, one big "I". Which, Slim leaps onto and pretends he's the Silver Surfer. Ya know... have the X-Men ever had a team-up with the Silver Surfer? I'm sure they've bumped into each other during one of the several dozen "Infinity" stories we've gotten... but, have they ever like... really teamed-up?

Anyway, Cyclops' surfing safari is short-lived... as the "I" grows into the super-slippery word "ICE". Scott thinks for a second about whether or not he should mention that one of the founding members of the X-Men was ice-themed, before deciding not to. So, Scott's slippin'... but the Alphabet Pet ain't done yet. ICE was just the beginning... of the word ICECUBES. Suddenly, Cyclops is covered by hundreds of pounds of Bobby Drake's finest.

Then - Storm shows up to threaten the Pet. Only problem is, that somehow the baddie expected her to arrive... and blows a torrential wind in her direction.

Storm finds herself tangled up in a... well, storm. I didn't know that was possible... but, I suppose we'll allow it. It's left to us to deduce exactly what kind of storm poor 'Ro is caught up in... but, sadly - even if we do solve this one... it's all for naught - because this is where our story ends -- forever!


Welp... that was an abrupt ending!

Part of me thought that maybe I had some pages missing... but, I don't think I do! I guess we'll just be left wondering how or even if the X-Men managed to best Magneto and his Alphabet Pet!

Ya know, this is going to sound so stupid to say... but, as I was "reading" through this, I actually became somewhat invested in how this was going to play out. I was fully expecting some sorta Saturday Morning cartoon nonsense to happen, causing the Alphabet Pet to realize that Magneto's a bad dude, and siding with the X-Men against him. Ehh, maybe that'll happen in Uncanny X-Men: Super Activity Book #2 (or, in current-year parlance, Uncanny X-Men: Super Activity Book (vol.2) #1)!

I fully expected the Pet to come around... and probably even wind up living at the Mansion forevermore... only, never to be heard from again -- like Jessie's wicked-step-brother or the homeless family Zack took in on Saved By the Bell. That show was great about adding new characters and never featuring them ever again!

Anyway... what'd we think about this one? I dunno about you, but I had a lot of fun. I came across this book in a "garbage pile" -- a/k/a, what I call that weird pile of stuff in a comic shop that nobody in their right mind would bother to rifle through... hence, why I'm always so drawn to them! I love finding odd bits of ephemera like this... and being able to share them here is pretty great.

I hope you enjoyed this little x-cursion into the weird... and, hey - if you can figure out the ending for this one... please lemme know!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!
(00:00:00) Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 20
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Special #2 (1983)
(01:10:40) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 35
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Specials & History
(02:59:45) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 107
American Honda & Supergirl Teach us how to Buckle Up!
Total Running Time: 4 Hours, 32 Minutes, 29 Seconds

Gather 'round gang, it's time to learn about being a responsible citizen!

Today's TOTAL PACKAGE revisits the times Reggie and I discussed the Public Service Announcement specials released by DC Comics during the first-half of the 1980s, chock full of Gestalty goodness - and in our own inimitable style!

In addition to the Cosmic Treadmill episodes, and in the interest of completionism, I have also included an episode of the old Chris is on Infinite Earths show, where I spend an hour blabbing about psychological addiction and how one of these comics actually realizes that it's a thing that exists!

I hope you enjoy!

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