Showing posts with label 1984. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1984. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2020

New Talent Showcase #4 (1984)

New Talent Showcase #4 (April, 1984)
Ekko: "Ekko, Part One"
Bobcat: "Bobcat"
Feral Man: "Who is the Feral Man?"
Full Circle: "Full Circle"
Writers - Rich Margopoulos, Mike Tiefenbacher, Steve Ringgenberg, & Ashley Tillman
Pencils - Steve Lightle, Stan Woch, June Brigman, & Shawn McManus
Inks - Gary Martin, Karl Kesel, Rick Magyar, & Mark Alexander
Letters - Duncan Andrews & Andy Kubert
Colors - Jeanine Casey, Shelley Eiber, & Helen Vesik
Edits - Karen Berger
Cover Price: $0.75

Welcome gang, to the fourth compilation post for New Talent Showcase!

Now, a funny thing happened to me the other day while rifling through some cheap-o bins around town... I just so happened to find and procure an issue of the more "current year" New Talent Showcase.  Ya know, the big fat book that DC put out once a year to see how some of their workshop creators fare plying what they'd learned to some of DC's heaviest-hitting characters.

I was happy to find it, because... I gotta tell ya, there's no way I'm spending the $7.99 cover price DC was asking for this.  When I first saw the price, I was sure that it was either a mistake... or DC was just screwing with us.  Hell, even at DCBS prices (40-50% off), there's still no way I was gonna bite on that!

For a buck though?  Yeah... I've spent more on less for this site, and this will keep the project going for an extra couple of weeks (after we discuss the whole 19 (?) issue run from the mid-80's of course).  So, it was definitely a cool find... caused me to swipe the card... and, we'll get to it... ya know, down the line!

For now though, we've got a somewhat eclectic foursome of stories... that, for the most part, I enjoyed very much.  I hope you do as well!


Our story opens with a fella being hunted down in an alley by a Grenadier and an archer known as Quarrel.  His name is Trevor Hawks, and it looks like he's gotten himself in too deep researching the so-called "Crimeking".  Quarrel puts a bolt through his heart, and they leave him for dead.  A weirdo named Screwball arrives in a... well, giant hamster ball... to transport the baddies back to base.

We shift scenes to New York's Hope General Hospital, where inside we meet a doctor who finds himself with the hotpants for the pretty new doc on the block.  He asks to join her for lunch in the cafeteria, and she seems cool with it.  While he chats her up, he puffs on his pipe... that's no euphemism folks... frankly, I'm not sure he's that flexible.  Anyhoo, he's interrupted by an intern with a bad mohawk named Klepto... who pops by to try and steal his gold Zippo lighter.  We're world-building here, folks!

The Docs then learn that they got a "bleeder" who just showed up.  It is, of course, Trevor Hawks.  Get this... that pipe-puffin' Doc is Simon Hawks, Trevor's little brother!  The hot-doc is named Gretchen, by the way.  Together, they look at the victim, and realize that: they can rebuild him... they have the technology.  Now, when I was reading this, I assumed that these two turned Trevor into Ekko...

... but, that's not the case at all!  Gretchen and Simon do manage to save Trevor's life... but, get this... it's Simon who turns out to be Ekko!  Our new hero suits up, and can sense the arrival of... Grenadier and Quarrel, who are here to finish the job they'd started in the alley.

We get a couple of pages of Ekko showing his stuff... which is basically that the suit gives him heightened senses... maybe super-strength.  I'm sure we'll learn more as we go through.  We wrap up, however, on the dire scene of Ekko being blasted out of a hospital window... some eight stories high!  Will he survive?  Well, we'll have to wait until next time to find out...


You remember back in the early 90's when they stopped making G.I. Joes look like... well, G.I. Joes?  Instead of looking like actual "army men", we'd get these neon-colored, crazy-helmeted, huge-booted, gaudy-ass goofballs?  That's... well, that's kind of what I think about when I see our new friend, Ekko.

I really assumed that this was going to wind up being a Six-Million Dollar Man riff, with poor clinging-to-life Trevor being suited up into the gimmick.  For all I know, it still might go that direction... if Simon actually doesn't survive the fall.  Eh, anything can happen, right?

I appreciated the little bit of "world-building" we get here.  Establishing a civilian cast and setting to surround our hero is something I always dig... even if some of our characters are a bit one-note.  I mean, a dude named Klepto... who has a proclivity to pocketing shiny things?  Oh well... can't win 'em all.

The baddies?  Well, more early-90's G.I. Joe fare.  I mean, these weirdos could easily be slotted into Cobra or the Dreadnoks, no?  Oh well.  I'll withhold judgment on 'em for now... and let 'em grow into their roles.

Since this is New Talent Showcase... let's meet us some new talent, shall we?  Our writer, Rich Margopoulos... well, we've already met him.  He was the man behind our earlier Forever Amber feature... remember?  The DC Brass of 1984 must've been pretty high on the guy, considering he's given the lead-off feature both times out so far!

Across the table, we've got Steve Lightle... who, I'm actually kind of surprised we've never discussed here at the site!  He would go on from here to have a pretty prolific career.  When I think of him, my mind immediately goes to the Kupperberg Doom Patrol, even though his run there was very short... like 5-6 issues, if I'm not mistaken.  I think a lot of folks will know him as the guy who penciled over Keith Giffen's layouts on the early Baxter-era Legion of Superheroes.  It's really neat seeing some of his early work here.

Overall... Ekko is a pretty neat, if low-stakes, little strip.  It feels a lot like the DC-Impact line.  Kind of boilerplate stuff... but, inoffensive enough to enjoy.


We open with little Davey Tresh having his mother put some Neosporin on his scrapes.  Ya see, this kid has been dealing with a serial bully named Billy Myers.  It seems like every day, Dave gets his butt whupped.  Telling his folks only makes it worse... because Dave's dad calls Billy's dad... and, lemme tell ya, that ain't never a good idea.  All'at will getcha is more whuppins.  Davey is a fan of "big cats"... he's not quite a Tiger King or anything, but he's certainly a fan.  He play-acts beating Bully-Billy up with his cat models... breaking one in the process.  That night, Dave's sister reveals that our boy Davey might've been cruisin' for a bruisin' this fine day... as she overheard him singing "I wish I was a Billy Myer's wiener".  Ouch!

That night, Davey hits the hay... and has a wonderful dream that he is a big cat... hunting down a Billy Myers-faced rat!

The next day at school, Dave learns that the Myers family leaves Billy home alone at night... and, somehow, this gives him an idea.  He still falls for the "Spell 'I met'." (I am E.T.) gimmick... which, when I was growing up was "Spell 'I cup'."... maybe it was regional?  Anyhoo, that evening, David puts his plan in motion... he uses his "Christmas Ink" to dye his little sweatsuit black... then practices acting like a big cat in the bathroom (with the water running to cover up his growls and grunts).

Davey heads downstairs to dinner... and gets the third degree from Mom.  She asks what he was doing in the bathroom all that time with the water running... which, I feel is a line purposely setting me up to say something perverted... but, I won't.  Anyhoo, Dave pretends to start sleepwalking at around 7:30 and heads up to bed.  Upstairs, he "suits up"... and prepares to give Billy Myers Wiener the scare of his life!

And, well... he does just that!  Turns out Bill Myers actually is kind of a wiener... though, if I were in fourth grade and suddenly saw a glowing-eyed anthropomorphic cat beast howling in a tree in my side yard, I'd very likely have to change my drawers.  Hell, if I saw I regular critter howling in my tree I'd start sweating!  Anyhoo, it looks as though our Davey might have a little of the Catholic guilt in him, because he immediately decides to come clean... reveal to Billy that there's no cat-beast outside... it's just him giving him a fright.

Billy comes around pretty quick... and suggests that maybe they become friends.  He's got an attic they can have all sorts of adventures in... which, ya know, sounds like how an after-school special might start.  Whatever the case, the kids decide to put their differences aside... and Davey is christened as: Bobcat.  He heads home... hootin' and howlin'... and annoying some neighborhood dogs.


So yeah... this was not at all what I was expecting!  I had this pegged as some throwaway street-level deal with a lady (Davey's mom) in a catsuit.  I couldn't be happier that my hot-take was completely and totally wrong!

I had a lot of fun with this... it was a sorta silly coming of age bit, but I feel it did a lot of things right.  Having been a kid, not unlike Davey, I had my share of bullying done at me.  I remember having to plan alternate routes home to avoid certain blocks or houses.  I can definitely relate to what this character was going through.  Feelings of powerlessness, anger... and maybe being just enough of a smart-ass to sorta-kinda deserve a butt-kicking or two.

I really dug this... though, I must say... I'm not sure I'm really looking forward to where this is headed (if, in fact, it is headed anywhere).  This opening chapter just tapped into so many memories for me... simpler times, but when little things meant the world, ya know?  Feels like Davey's entire world revolves around trying not to get beat up at school... which, sure, really sucks... but, at the same time, in the greater scheme of things, isn't much more than a hiccup in a lifetime.

We met artist Stan Woch in an earlier NTS... but, Mike Tiefenbacher is a newbie.  There isn't all that much I'm able to dig up about ol' Mike... heck, his DC Wiki page doesn't even list him as a writer on this story!  What I have found is that Mike wrote a handful of backup strips for DC Comics Presents... and also provided some pencils for the Funny Stuff Stocking Stuffer.  Of note, he was at one time the Executive Editor for the Comics Reader fanzine, of which I've actually happened across a copy or two in my travels.  Love coming across the ol' zines.  It makes me nostalgic for a time that I didn't even live through!

Overall, this was a fun little feature, and I'd love to see more like this.


We open in the far-flung year of 1997... boy oh boy, the future was such a long time ago!  Here we meet a former Agency Research Analyst who has volunteered to undergo a process that can "expand his consciousness".  Looks like he's starting to regret his decision, but by now, it's too late to go back.  He's already strapped to the table and being injected with all sortsa stuff.  Once the formula begins to flow, our man is haunted by some strange visions... his cat, his girlfriend, and some pervert with a mustache and a headband.  He wakes up... transformed!

He's transformed all right, he's now... the Feral Man!  His hair has grown out a bit, and he now sorta resembles Pa Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie.  The doctors look on, pleased as punch that they've "unlocked his primal essence", whatever that means.  We spend the next few months watching our hero go through training sessions and what-not.

One night, our man tries to read... and finds it to be too much of a challenge for his "frenzied" mind.  We shift to another day of training, and a contentious chat between our Feral Friend and a "coach" of sorts named Muldoon.  Things go sideways, and our hero lunges at the fella in something not unlike a Berzerker Rage.  Thankfully, he's able to check himself before he wrecked... uh, the other guy.

Our hero next decides it's time to check out of the facility... and so, he makes a break for it.  He narrowly manages to escape, and a few hours later he's made his way back home.  Once inside, he's frightened by his cat... and so, he slams it against the wall... killing it.  We wrap up with the Feral Man realizing just how much the company has messed with him... and decides to, I'm going to assume, whistle-blow... telling his tale to The Washington Post!


Well... they can't all be winners, can they?

This... ehh... was kind of a stinker.  Not only did our new hero look like he stunk, but the story pretty much did too.  Not much to it, unfortunately... so, it's hard to really analyze it.

I can tell ya some superficial bits I didn't like... such as the Nietzsche quote that opened it.  I mean, if you're a writer, and your first instinct is to begin your story with a Nietzsche quote... maybe just close the laptop for the day.  It's never quite as clever as you think it's going to be, and ultimately just makes it look like you're trying too hard.

I thought his dream of pi (not to be confused with dreams of pie, which I have regularly... Salish cherry especially), was another bit of preciousness.  Sort of a shorthand for "hey, ain't this smart writing?"  No, no it's not.  Fifth-graders know what pi is... this isn't deep stuff here.

Other than that... I wasn't keen on our Feral Friend killing his cat.  Don't like seeing animals get hurt, even two-dimensional ones that I haven't even met yet... though, I suppose that does drive home the point that he's a changed man post-treatment.  Gotta wonder though, if this cat can survive months without being fed... it oughta be able to shrug off being chucked into a wall.

Overall... this was... ehh.  It was fine.  Can't get too mad at it, though I will say, I'm not all that excited for our next chapter.


We open in Union Square Park in Manhattan where we meet a 51-year old fella named Allen Turgen.  He explains that, up until today... he had the world by the tail... but, that's all over now.  His life, to this point, has been a series of disappointments and tragedies... including the death of his wife in a car accident several years prior.  From there, he would dive headfirst into his work... and would eventually meet another lady-friend.  Then, today... his company was bought out... and everybody near retirement age was given the ol' heave-ho (Fifty-One is near retirement age?  On what planet?).  Not only that, his new gal-pal, Cindy decided this was the best time to dump his sorry ass.

So, our hero sits in the park... wallowing.  Can't really hold it against him, it sounds like he's had a pretty lousy day, dunnit?  Then, suddenly he hears a shriek!  Two thugs are trying to rob an old homeless woman of her bag.  Our Turgen (uncharacteristically) leaps into action!

He ultimately gets his butt-kicked... and the baddies get the bag.  The lady thanks him for trying... but can't disguise her disappointment that her bag was stolen.  Ya see, her whole entire life was in that bag.  Our hero vows to track it down... and, a couple'a panels later... he does just that.  As there was nothing of monetary value in the bag, the baddies dumped it in a nearby garbage can.  Did... did the pickpockets actually think an old bag lady would have anything worth stealing in her pocketbook?  C'mon...

We wrap up with Turgen returning the bag... and the two new friends going out to grab breakfast together.  Ya see, our hero thought he'd lost everything that day... but actually wound up finding something inside himself he didn't even know he had.


This wasn't half-bad!  It kind of felt out of place, here... but, I enjoyed it for what it was.  It actually feels like something that might've been more at home in the pages of Wasteland or something.  Well, actually... it's probably better than most of the stuff we read over there!

This is the kind of story where I wonder how the fan of the day received it.  It's unlike anything else in the issue... there's nothing supernatural about it (unless we're assuming ol' Turgen tapped into some sort of power to sniff out the proper garbage can), and there were no superheroes.  I guess ol' Turgen was pretty heroic... but, again, dude's not wearing tights or a cape.

There's not a whole heckuva lot to say about this one... it was a wee bit shorter than the other features in this issue, weighing in at just six pages... but, I feel like they really "nailed" the story they were trying to tell in the pages they were afforded.

Who are "they"?  Well, we're talking about Ashley Tillman and Shawn McManus.

Ashley Tillman... unfortunately didn't go on to do all that much at DC... at least according to the information available online.  Just this story, and a few others (all appearing in New Talent Showcase).  If you're able to dig up anything else about Ashley, please pass it along and I'll edit the piece!

Across the table sits Shawn McManus... he'd go on to do a whole bunch in the biz... and if Marvel Comics Chrisesnts is still going strong in like six years, we'll eventually see him pop up there!  He's got some pretty decent runs on some of the Vertigo books, including Sandman and Fables.

Overall... a decent enough low-key (relatively speaking) story here... and a nice way to close out the issue.




Wraparound Cover:

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 20: Justice League of America #224 (1984)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #20

Justice League of America #224 (March, 1984)
"The Supremacy Factor!"
Writer - Kurt Busiek
Penciller - Chuck Patton
Inker - Dick Giordano
Letterers - John Costanza & Todd Klein
Colorist - Gene D'Angelo
Editor - Len Wein
Cover Price: $0.75

Today I'm revisiting an episode wherein I discuss my last trip to a Comic Book Convention... along with my overall distaste for the "current year" Convention racket, and how I let me preciosity get in the way of a great friendship.  Oh, also heat-stroke... because I got it that weekend!

And heyyy, I just found out I can no longer drag inserted images where I'd like them to go!  Way to keep letting me down, Blogger!  Just when I think you're the worst thing ever, you make me pine for how lousy you were just yesterday!

And Ho-lee crap, now I can't toggle HTML without great swaths of my writing vanishing into the ether?  Are you kidding me?  This is a product from Google, right?  I can't be the only person having these problems, can I?

Welp, lemme jump through the hoops and try and revert back to "Legacy Blogger".

Friday, June 12, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 82: Jim Nastics #1 (1984)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #82

Jim Nastics #1 (October, 1984)
by Bill Mitchell & Alan Larsen
Redstone Productions
Cover Price: $1.50

I finally managed to get out of the house yesterday... and go to a place that wasn't a Walmart or a grocery store.  It was the first time I'd ventured out to a comic shop since the world went wonky a few months back.  Rather than listen to the radio (especially since Sirius XM is taking their sweet time putting Yacht Rock Radio back on car audio!), I decided it was probably time for me to actually revisit an old episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill.

I haven't been able to listen to any of our work... outside of dipping in a bit on some of the Patreon exclusives to ensure they were decent enough to move to the regular feed, so this kind of a big deal to me.  I decided to just pick an episode at random, spanning our near 150 episode library... and, as luck would have it... this was the episode that started to play.

This was a special episode... though, honestly, I'd be hard-pressed to think of one that wasn't.  This one was special for a few reasons.  First, this was a book nobody had heard of, and one we knew wouldn't likely get all that much reach online (which is to say, most of the "community" wouldn't give a rip about this one, which of course, isn't to say they ever did normally)... and very unpodcasthosty, we didn't care.  This was a 100% "for fun" episode, which, honestly... is the best kind.

Also, this was a book Reggie couldn't get his hands on.  He went to a few of his local shops looking for it... and, nobody had even heard of it.  Even on eBay, he couldn't find this issue!  That speaks to both the glut of 1980's black and white comics, and to just how lost in the shuffle something like Jim Nastics would be.  This was the first time I had to actually upload the entire issue online just so Reggie could read it!  This added to the feeling that we would be dealing with the "great unknown"... a book that, when the episode dropped on that Sunday morning, folks' first thought might be "What in the--?"...

And, well... "What in the--?" indeed.  Jim Nastics #1 was a wild ride!

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Here are the first six pages from this instant classic to give you a taste 
(click the image to embiggen)... including a hot, steamy, Jim Nastics shower scene... maybe I should mark this NSFW?!

This issue actually had two stories... In between them were "Intermission Pin-Ups":

They even left room for a Letters Page... which, really speaks to the earnestness of this project.  Mitchell and Larsen really believed in Jim Nastics... which, at the end of the day, makes me feel like a horrible human being for mocking it!

Now, here's the thing about Jim Nastics... as a new property, this was revealed at a certain small northeastern comic book convention... the very same day as another 1980's black and white independent comic book property... that you might've heard of.  I'll just let Bill Mitchell tell it (from his site): 

That's right... if not for those dang Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles stealing the spotlight, Jim Nastics could'a been a contendah!  That revelation was one of the times where Reggie and I both absolutely lost it on-air.  I added this bit to the script at the very last minute... I wanted it to be a surprise, and I wanted to see how he delivered it "fresh".  He didn't disappoint.  We both busted up... big time!

Another bit of specialness from this episode was the fact that we reached out to folks in the community beforehand (perhaps unconsciously as a way to mitigate the overall disinterest in this issue/episode), to ask what people's weirdest and/or greatest finds in the cheap-o bins were.  Ya see, every episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill came with, what we called "a hook".  The segment following the discussion of the book, but before listener mail, wherein we'd kind of "link" what we were talking about to the larger comics' scene/history.  This "hook" was going to focus on, my home away from home, the cheap-o bins.  I'll conclude this piece by sharing some of the finds that were shared with us (I'd love to hear more about folks' finds if anyone might want to share in the comments!)

But first to put a pin in Jim Nastics... this episode wound up being farther reaching than we ever expected, in fact, Bill Mitchell, the co-creator of Mr. Nastics actually listened to the show, and sent us an email!

I want to both thank Mr. Mitchell for being a good sport... as well as apologize if anything we said might've been a bit too spicy or seem mean-spirited.  It was never our intention to be little jerks about anything!  We had more fun with this episode than most... and we very much appreciated the fact that Jim Nastics is something that exists.  I don't have any reason to believe there might be any hard-feelings, however, as Mr. Mitchell even shared the episode on his site!

Anyhoo, that's a little bit about one of our most bizarre episodes... and a little bit about Jim Nastics.  I encourage you all to check out the episode if you're interested.  It was a whole lot of fun... a very bittersweet revisit for me personally.

We'll wrap up today with... The Hook!

Finds from our Friends (both Bizarre and Bargain-Bin Gold!):

Michael Alan Carlyle from The Crapbox of Son of Cthulhu

Rabid Rachel #1
Click the cover for Mike's thoughts!

Jeremiah Jones-Goldstein (@bigox737) from the Comics Comics Comics Blog

Mantech Robot Warriors #1
Mickey and Goofy explore the Universe of Energy

Chris (@btoandbatbooks) from The Batman Universe's Bat-Books for Beginners and Batgirl to Oracle Podcasts

Fast Willie Jackson #5
The Hands of the Dragon
The New People
Gold Key Spotlight: Tom, Dick and Harriet

Meet The New People (1969, ABC-TV)!

Alex Martin (@martinalguy) who creates the cover-art for the Weird Science DC Comics Podcast

The Authority #1 (1999)

Luke Hollywood (@LJ_Hollywood)

Green Lantern (vol.3) #48 (first Kyle Rayner!)

Dallas Gipson (@RedGrassState)

Fear Agent Ashcan
Avengers #196 (first Taskmaster!)

Christopher Hyden (@hydenc89)

Batman, Incorporated (vol.2) #8 (Death of Damian Wayne)

Dan Schwent (@DanSchwent)

Creatures of the Id (first Frank Einstein/Madman)

Ryan (@CineCrisis) of the CineCrisis YouTube Channel

Archie and the History of Electronics (Radio Shack freebie)
The Life of Pope John Paul II #1 (Marvel Comics)

Professor Alan (@ProfessorAlan) of the Relatively Geeky Network and Quarter-Bin Podcast

Race Warrior 
Blackhawk #122

Chris (@CharltonHero) curator of Super-Blog Team-Up and proprietor of the Super-Hero Satellite

Giant-Size X-Men #1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
Dark Knight Returns #4
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #2


(@BTPBlog) from the Between the Pages Blog

A stack of early Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four, including #45 (first Inhumans) and #53 (second Black Panther)

Paul O'Conner (@LBoxGraveyard), writer of 4 Seconds from Thrillbent Comics and proprietor of Long Box Graveyard (currently holding a Super-Team March Madness Tournament you can vote on right now!)

He found... comics he'd written!

Clinton Robison (@CoffeeComicsBlg) from the Coffee and Comics Podcast

Sandman Mystery Theatre #13, signed by Matt Wagner!

Walt Kneeland (@waltkneeland) from Comic Reviews by Walt

Birds of Prey #8
The Screwtape Letters
G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #155
Harbinger #1

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