Showing posts with label acw - superman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label acw - superman. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2019

ACW #641 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #641 (Superman)
"Justice For All"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin
Special Thanks - Tom Peyer

Forty-One Weeks... Eighty-Two Pages.  This story wouldn't even fill a hundred-page giant... and yet, it's been released in trade paperback?

Granted, I wouldn't touch that TPB with a ten-foot pole, for all I know there might be an extra or two in there that's worth looking at!


Superman catches up with the xenophobic arsonists, and gives 'em a "talkin' to".  One of them reminds him that he (Superman, that is) once wiped out the Quraci Air Force... so, he figures they're all on the "same side".  This gives the Man o' Steel a moment of pause, but he still nyoinks them up by their belts and flies them back to the scene of the crime.

The nogoodniks lash out at Superman for being in cahoots with a terrorist... and, then... we get the lecture this entire mini-arc has been building toward.  The man may be Quraci by birth, but he is not responsible for the atrocities of his former government.  Ya see, he fled from the brutal dictatorship... and is actually an American citizen at this point.

Then Superman gives the quick and dirty on how he already lost one planet... and he isn't keen on losing another, especially not to hatred.  The End.


Well, this is the only way this one could have ended... and while it might've been a bit heavy-handed and cliche, I will say it was worlds better than the Fellowship arc we trudged through for the better part of the year.  Wow, I can say without hyperbole that we spent nearly a year with the friggin' Fellowship!

Anyhoo... this feels kind of like a PSA... something that could run in lieu of a Letters Page or something in a month's worth of books.  Not bad, not great... just a story.  Gotta wonder if they had something a bit more "fleshed out" planned in the instance that Action Comics Weekly didn't go back to "normal" with #643?  I guess we'll never know... and, ya know what... considering the first 38 parts of this serial, I'm willing to take that as a "win".

Wish I had more to say about this... but, honestly, I'm just glad it's over.

Tomorrow: The Phantom Stranger returns... just so he can leave again!

Saturday, November 9, 2019

ACW #640 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #640 (Superman)
"Where There's Smoke..."
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin
Special Thanks - Tom Peyer

Can ya... can ya believe it?  We're about to look at, and I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around it... the penultimate installment of Superman!  Certainly not the first "penultimate" chapter we've looked at during this Action Comics Daily journey... but, this one... the feature we've looked at (for better or worse) for the past forty weeks, coming to a close... really signifies that this project is actually about to end.

Wild stuff... come this time next week, we'll never have to look at a Superman two-pager again!


We open with Clark Kent walking down a Metropolis street.  He laments the fact that he'd been tied up in California (with the Fellowship and the Consortium) for the past little while, otherwise he might've been able to do something about the Quraci conflict... So, I guess, California... and all the stuff he was still able to do in the other skatey-eight books he manages to appear in every month, if what kept him from addressing Qurac.

Anyhoo, he begins to smell fire, and so... he decides to supe up and check it out.  He comes across that Quraci Restaurant... which we saw get lit up last week.  He puts out the flames and rescues the Proprietor.  He learns that two nogoodniks started the fire... and, the Restaurant Owner seems more offended by the fact that they said he wasn't American than anything!

Superman is on the case... and it doesn't take him look to find the pyromaniacs.


As good a "middle chapter" as we're likely to get given the premise.  Not half bad... but, certainly not as powerful as last week's outing.

Really, my lone takeaway from this bit was the fact that the Restaurateur was more upset at the idea that the pyros referred to him as not being American.  It's almost as though torching his place was secondary.  There's a certain poignancy to that... something that really tugs at ya.

It's weird how, in just two parts (four-pages) we have already gotten deeper characterization and more interesting conflict than we had gotten in the entirety of the first thirty-eight!

Tomorrow: Invading Spaces with Phantom Lady

Saturday, November 2, 2019

ACW #639 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #639 (Superman)
"An Eye For an Eye"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin
Special Thanks - Tom Peyer

So close to the end, and here we are starting a brand-new arc!

Will this one make us miss the Fellowship?!  Let'sa find out!


We open at the Daily Planet, where it's coming in over the wire that the Quracis are taking credit for a recent suicide bombing.  Lois and Clark are pretty somber in the telling, but there's this fella named George beside them who uses this as an opportunity to make some ignorant blanket statements about "those miserable" so-and-so's.

Lois is aghast at his comments, and she and Clark try to learn this fella something about not letting the actions of a few besmirch the reputation of an entire culture.  George goes all "eye for an eye" before storming out to grab some lunch, it's really about as unsubtle as you might imagine.

We shift scenes to the Quraci Gardens Restaurant, where the proprietor laments the recent bombing news... as anytime the Quracis do anything, his business suffers.  These are some real concerns... and, I'm kind of shocked that they're being addressed.  Anyhoo, a pair of street toughs storm into the joint and proceed to beat the owner up!

All the while, he's trying to reason with them that he's an American.  Unfortunately for him, these goons ain't in the mood to listen.  We wrap up with the restaurateur kayoed... and his establishment set on fire!


Well, I'll tell you this much... this beats the hell out of the Fellowship garbage we've been following for the past 38 weeks!

This is actually a well-crafted chapter... we have a conflict established with the Quraci Bombing... the tone set with the air of distrust, anger, and fear toward the Quaraci people... and we see it play out right on panel!

So, you're tellin' me that Roger Stern was capable of giving us a substantial chapter in two pages all this time... and he waited til the very end to actually do so?!  C'mon, that's just unfair!

Now, for the story... it's good... it's real.  I probably could have done without such an unsubtle character in intolerant George... but, I have to admit that it set the table for our ending... and, I mean, ultimately he's going to wind up seeing the error of his ways, right?

I appreciate the restaurant owner lamenting the cause-and-effect of Quraci aggression... and how it really messes with his bottom line.  He considers himself an American... and part of his American dream is being a successful restaurateur.  This is a really good scene that drives home Clark's earlier point regarding "holding an entire people responsible for the actions of a few".

Overall... where has this kind of two-page storytelling been all this time?!  This is good!

Tomorrow: Costume Party!

Saturday, October 26, 2019

ACW #638 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #638 (Superman)
"The Power Within"
Editor - Mike Carlin
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Letters - Bill Oakley
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Pencils - Curt Swan
Writer - Roger Stern
Special Thanks - Tom Peyer

It's Superman Day... and it might just be the last time we gotta slog through with the Fellowship!  Fingers crossed, right?


Darkseid does his thing to the Consortium geeks, and explains to Superman that he's only here to follow up on his little experiment.  Then, he vanishes!  Superman feels pretty bad about not being able to save those Consortium guys...

... to which, the lead-lady of the Fellowship (whose name escapes me), is totally fine with Darkseid wiping them out... considering that the Consortium was responsible for the raid (and subsequent massacre) of the Fellowship that we witnessed back in "flashback land".

Superman tries to set her straight... including stifling another attempt at referring to him as "Holy One".  He then gives her the lay of the land... ya know, Darkseid gave them the power... and in so doing, took away some of their free will.  He continues to lecture them for awhile before flying away.

The woman (Tierra!) laments the fact that they have been foresaken, to which... our old creepy friend, Bob Galt suggests that Superman did not abandon them... he freed them.  Fair enough?


Man... could this be the last time we have to see Bob Galt and the Fellowship?!  That's not a rhetorical question, folks... this is me begging and pleading with whoever's in charge for this to be the end of 'em!

It's kind of "out with a whimper" though, innit?  I mean, we've spent 38 weeks, and 76 pages building to this scene... and, it's kind of a cop-out, right?  Just a lecture, a lesson-learned... and that's it?  Blech.  Not worth the build... and yet, somehow... this is one of the only things from Action Comics Weekly that DC Comics bothered to collect in trade paperback?  I know the company is known for making some of the dumbest decisions in entertainment (hello, 2020!), but... why would you waste the paper, electricity, and man-power collecting this?!

Least it looks good.

Tomorrow: Dee found her thrill, on Capitol Hill

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ACW #637 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #637 (Superman)
"The Power of Darkseid!"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Welp, after last week's big reveal... something's gotta start happening here, right?!


Ba-Boom... it's Darkseid.  See ya tomorrow, everybody!

Okay, okay... Darkseid is revealed as the mastermind of this "Holy War" between the Fellowship of Superman and the Consortium.  After a brief expository introduction for the rocky Apokoliptan ruler, we learn a little bit more about our present situation.

Ya see, Darkseid put all of this together as sort of a social experiment.  He was intrigued with the concept of "fanaticism" and wondered just how far humans would go to show their devotion.  Turns out, they'll go pretty far... especially when bestowed with amazing powers.

Superman asks how many lives have been lost in the name of Darkseid's twisted "science project"... to which, D-Side calmly replies, "thirty-four".  Love that.

The baddie then turns his attention to the Consortium... and after giving them their due props for orchestrating much of this Holy War, he... uh... banishes them to the Scream-Centers of Apokolips.  Heckuva "gold watch" retirement, I must say!


Alright... here we finally go!

It's fitting, in a way, that this whole magilla comes down to Darkseid just being kind of bored, and while waiting for the right opportunity to, ya know, take over the Earth... is killing time conducting a little social experiment.  This whole story, to this point, has been a non-event... and learning that it's born out of something similarly mundane... I dunno, actually kinda makes it work?  Sorta?  On a meta "Chris is projecting his feelings into this story" kind of way?

Really not much more to say though... I mean, no matter how good it is (and it's worlds better than what we usually get), it's still like... a dozen talky panels.  They're good panels... but, unfortunately, they don't give me too terribly much to blather on about.

Tomorrow: The second-cringiest costume reveal in all of Action Comics Weekly?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

ACW #636 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #636 (Superman)
"The Face and the Voice!"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

It's Superman Day... featuring the only strip that survives The Crash unhindered!  Hooray?


Superman swoops back in from space just in time to stop his buddy Bob Galt from eating the butt-end of a Consortium rifle.  He tells the baddies to beat it... and, well... they do.  They just leave.

Superman tries to convince the Fellowship to quit worshiping him, before going to take off.  Before he can get off the ground, however, he is stopped by a very familiar voice!  A voice that claims to be both God and the Devil.  The voice... of Darkseid!


Well, it took us thirty-six weeks, and seventy-two pages... but we now finally know what we're up against.  And well, that's it.  All this was was a reveal.  It's a doozy of a reveal, don't get me wrong... but, there really isn't all that much more to say about it.  It's Darkseid.  Cool?

Stop me if you've heard this one before... hopefully, now that we're getting some answers... something might finally happen in this strip!  Just like our Man of Steel above... I'm not holding my breath.

Tomorrow: Welcome... Phantom Lady!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

ACW #635 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #635 (Superman)
"Power Failure!"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

From 0 to 60... and back again!  After yesterday's relatively raucous The Crash of '88!, it feels kind of strange just plopping back down into our regular Superman two-pager, dunnit?


The Consortium is rather annoyed that Superman has interfered, and has seemingly cut their feed of the proceedings.  They don't get the opportunity to fret long, however, as they are met by... their "Silent Partner".  Weird scene, it looks like they're all sitting in the dark side of a shadow or somethin'... or, was it seed?  What am I talkin' about?  Probably nothing.

Up in the who-knows-where, Superman manages to escape the booming interdimensional portal... but, will it even matter?

Cuz ya see, the Fellowship geeks are suddenly completely without their powers (and, from the looks of it, perspective... unless one of the Fellowship is a giant... which, hell, they very well might've been).  The Superman Worshipers refuse to stand down... in fact, they'd rather die in his name.  The Consortium appears to be all too happy to oblige that request.


Okay, we're finally getting somewhere... sorta.  After 35 weeks, and 70 pages... we're finally going to be figuring out who is behind this entire boondoggle affair.  If my "hints" haven't given it all away, you're in for a nice surprise in the coming weeks.

As for this chapter?  It's par for the course for the Superman strip.  Nothing special... but, hopefully that's all about to change.  No promises though...

Tomorrow: The End for Green Lantern!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

ACW #634 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #634 (Superman)
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Ah, Superman... the only strip in this mag that will continue on unchanged following next week's The Crash of '88! crossover.

Heck, he's still gonna be "on duty" next week... they're actually going to be cramming a two-pager in with it!


Superman continues his ascension toward... whatever is beaming down to Earth and causing the Fellowship to display their weird powers.  Upon arrival, he manages to come across a... machine of sorts?

After some relentless pounding and tearing, all the while trying to keep a little bit'a oxygen in his lungs, Superman is able to nyoink the "heart" out of the machine.  We wrap up with him fearing that he might just have breathed his final breath.


Well, this certainly was the next chronological scene of this story, now wasn't it?

Now, there were a few things I actually liked here.  The fact that Superman is preoccupied with how he's going to breathe in a vacuum is a new post-Crisis/post-Man of Steel wrinkle in his makeup, and I'm happy to see it be included here.  Also, with Superman knocking the machine "offline", we're left wondering if he just (un)wittingly disarmed his Fellowship Followers!  This might be leading to something... dare I say, interesting?

Just like Superman, though... I suggest we not hold our breath!

Tomorrow: A Series of Very Convenient Events... for real, this time!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ACW #633 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #633 (Superman)
"Blood and Sand"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

In a week mostly comprised of penultimate chapters... there also must be Superman.  This is, well... not the second-to-last installment of this one... the "Sunday strip" will remain with us to the bitter end!


The Fellowship and the Consortium finally square off... and, ya know... considering the fact that only one side of this battle appears to have superpowers, I gotta wonder why it was the Fellowship that went into hiding?

Anyhoo, all Superman can do is watch... and, in so doing, he notices that the Fellowship's powers are growing exponentially.  He decides it's time to get to the bottom of the source of these powers... and so, he follows the tube-esque trail of the cosmic beam into space where he's suddenly struck by a boom!  Hmm... can't be any significance to any'a that, right?


Superman strip?  It's... it's not you, it's me.

I want to love you... I really do.  I want to accept you for what you are... but I can't.  I feel like you're holding out on me, and so... I can't trust you to tell a satisfying story.  And, where there is no trust... there cannot be a healthy relationship.

I... don't wanna split up or anything.  I think we should stay together... for the reader's sake.  We'll just be staying in separate rooms from here on out.  I'll compliment you when it's appropriate, and I'll try not too be too harsh in my criticisms... it's not your fault you can't be what I'm looking for.  I'm sorry.

Tomorrow: The Year of the Cat...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

ACW #632 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #632 (Superman)
"Holy War"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

It's... Superman Day!  Rah?


The Fellowship realizes that their guest has gone missing... and so, they decide to head up to the surface and have a look around.

Their guest, now in his "work clothes", is laid out before one of those Consortium tanks.  It doesn't take him too long to shake it off, however... and proceeds to engage with his can-opener impression.

Then... the Fellowship arrives, and Superman realizes he's not only gotta fight off the tanks, but now he's also gotta protect these geeks too!


Alrighty... you know I don't care for this, and I know I don't care for this... so, I'll spare ya my usual complaints.  At least Superman gets to do something adjacent to "super" this week!

Tomorrow: After the blast!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

ACW #631 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #631 (Superman)
"Point Blank"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

It's Superman Day... rejoice?


Clark Kent is given a short tour of the Fellowship's facilities, and promised that if he only give himself over to Superman-Worship, he'd be granted with the same sort of phenomenal powers as they.

Later, while retired in some guest room, CK uses his x-ray vision to follow the cosmic beam that he believes has endowed the Fellowshippers their gimmicks.  As he does so, he notices that there is a small army heading directly for them!  He suits up, and heads out.

In the middle of the California desert, he confronts the tanks and jets.  They refer to him as a "demon", and blast the bejeezus out of him!


Well, I can't say there wasn't any action here!  While this is still moving at a rather glacial pace, I'm just happy it's moving at all.  Hopefully, now that the initial confrontation is out of the way, things will begin happening at a quicker clip!

Unfortunately for today's piece, there still isn't all that much to say.  We learned that it was cosmic beams causing the Fellowship to have their powers... so, that wasn't exactly new information.  It is leading somewhere interesting, though... of that, I can assure you.  I just hope I manage to stay awake long enough to get there!

Tomorrow: Can we finally get some Nightwing in our Nightwing story?  Err, do you really want me to answer that?

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

ACW #630 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #630 (Superman)
"The Power From Beyond!"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

This Superman feature... I'm sitting here, and since we're at this nice round-numbered issue, it hits me that today's piece is comprised of the 59th and 60th pages of this story.  Dassa lotta pages... especially when stuff only happened on around eight of em!

Let's do it!


As the Consortium approaches, Clark Kent is walked down the winding tunnels where the Elders of the Fellowship have sought refuge.  He learns that all who remain of the Fellowship were survivors of that attack we witnessed via Bob Galt's super-projection power all them weeks back.

Clark looks on while these goofs kumbaya in Superman's name, and appear to exhibit some actual super-powers.  Realizing that this... really shouldn't be a thing, he decides to let his super-senses take in the surroundings.  He finds that there's an odd radiation in the air... and when he attempts to find out its point of origin, he deduces that there isn't one!  He now knows there's far more than meets the eye to this Fellowship.  They are being controlled by someone, or something very dangerous.


Man, we're so close... this is almost starting to feel like there's an actual story to follow!  That said though, there still isn't all that much to say.

All we've got is that there's more than meets the eye about the Fellowship, and possibly, the Consortium as well.  Even if it's not Superman, looks like there is going to be some sort of "higher power" involved.  The question is: Who or what could it be?

Tomorrow: Back on the train!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

ACW #629 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #629 (Superman)
"Journey's End"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Special Note: Today is #SuperBlogTeamUp Eve!  Tomorrow (Wednesday, August 28, 2019) marks the launch of the next #SBTU go-round, which we're calling Super-Blog Team-Up: Immortal!  Now, that doesn't mean our #ActionComicsDaily coverage will skip a beat, however... because this time out, I am participating via the Chris is on Infinite Earths Podcast - Episode 26.

So, if you're interested in hearing me talk about two versions of Resurrection Man, definitely keep an eye (and ear) out for that!

I'll also include the links for all of the Super-Bloggers here tomorrow.


Picking up from last week, Clark looks back at their would-be pursuers.  Just then, the Earth appears to open up and swallow both he and Bob Galt.  Clark ain't exactly digging this, however, Bob tells him to just go with the flow, maaaaaaan.  Ya see, this crazy act of nature is being manipulated by Mother Tierra of the Fellowship.

Before we know it, our pair are plopped out the other end... in the Secret Sanctuary of the Fellowship.  They find themselves stood before Mother Tierra herself, who lambastes Bob as a traitor.  If you recall, he was sent to fetch Superman... and, instead, has returned with just some Mild-Mannered Reporter for a Great Metropolitan Newspaper.

Bob assures her that this is all in "his plan", and projects Superman's message to "Trust Kent" from like a hundred weeks ago.  She apologizes to Clark... and promises to introduce him to the Fellowship.  This pleases our man.

Elsewhere, the Consortium is brought up to speed by their rocket-bike duo.  They have tracked Galt's trail all the way to that mass of upturned desert landscape.  This leads the Big Bads to deduce that the Secret Sanctuary of the Fellowship must be... underground!  Well, maybe these guys aren't as bumbling as I thought!


Wowzers... stuff happened!  There might actually be more story in this two-pager than the last two chapters of Green Lantern!

And while stuff definitely happened... there still isn't all that much to say.  We're introduced to Mother Tierra, which definitely does tell us that we're getting closer to meeting the rest of the Superman-hippies.  Also, despite his best (?) efforts, Bob Galt and Mama T. were a bit sloppy with their escape... they might be leading the (suddenly competent) Consortium right to their front door!

Whatever the case, I was pleased with the proceedings this time out... and am looking forward to seeing this one roll on.

Tomorrow: Life in a Northern Town

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

ACW #628 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #628 (Superman)
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

I just can't shake it... I'm sitting here, looking at this strip... and the damn thing is called "Wipeout!"... and so, I've had that song (or at least the first verse and change) on repeat in the little radio station I've got playing in my head.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaa.... let's do this.


Still being trailed by those Sky-Bikes (for like the third week runnin') Clark and Bob continue their hasty journey across the desert.  Bob begins to pray to the Fellowship Elders for guidance.  Clark thinks this is a great idea... and, recalling Bob's odd ability to project images, suggests he project something big and dangerous to trip their Consortium Pursuers up once and for all.

Bob digs deep and projects... the Daily Planet Building!  The Sky-Bikers freak out, fearing they're just seconds away from becoming wall-pizza, and so, they bail!  The building vanishes just as suddenly as it appeared.

Our heroes survive to drive another day (or, in our case, week).  Actually, Clark looks back at the baddies... and thinks to himself that he would really appreciate some answers.  And so, I gotta wonder if next week will be an interrogation strip?  That could be a very good thing... or, a very bad thing.


Well, at least something happened, right?

Bob Galt got an opportunity to use his powers, and shine for a moment... which, was cool.  It was also like the first time in all these twenty-eight weeks (to date) that I didn't wanna punch him in the face... so, there's that too!

Really not much more to say... it was a creative way to duck their pursuers, and really probably wasn't the worst thing I'll read today!

Tomorrow: Mockingbird Unmasked... for real this time!  Prepare to be whelmed...

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

ACW #627 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #627 (Superman)
"Panic in the Sands!"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Guilt is a heckuva thing.  I don't see anything that I do here as being anything all that special nor of all that much import.  However, in three-and-a-half years of daily blogging, if I've helped you get through a droll workday, or kept you company during a mid-day snack, I like to think that I always "bring it".  I put forward the right amount of effort and passion, and try to take us all on a journey... together.

Ever since I started grad school and made the switch to the Action Comics Daily format, I've felt guilty... felt like I've been short-changing the readers.  I've still tried to "bring it"... but, lemme tell y'all... these Superman strips?  There just isn't all that much to say... and I apologize.


Clark and Bob are still driving through the desert, with those adorable jet-bikes hot on their tail.  Clark imagines how easy it would be to just change into Superman and save the day... but, ultimately decides against it, considering the can of worms that would open.  Then... one of the jets fires a shot into the side of the Jeep!  Thaaaaaaaat's it.


Now, I don't wanna continue to harp on this "Sunday strip" format.  I don't think it works.  I'm missing the point.  I'm judging it unfairly... all that stuff.  What's more, DC Comics probably never foresaw that some idiot would be dedicating a day to looking at and half-ass reviewing each individual installment over a quarter-century later.

With all that said... this one is what it is, and it continues to trudge along.

Tomorrow: The first of two chapters featuring Nightwing & Speedy

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

ACW #626 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #626 (Superman)
"... Into the Fire!"
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Lemme run somethin' by ya... the five or six of you that are still here. You can tell me if this idea sounds too crazy to try.  Last night, I came across Brian Augustyn's "Bye." cartoon from the last page of Action Comics Weekly... and decided to zhuhz it up a bit in our colors.

Looking at it... it seems so "final", ya know?

I've been (w)racking my brain, trying to figure out which direction to take the blog after this wraps up.  Part of me is thinkin' New Talent Showcase... another part, "Bonus Books"... a third part (after a reader recommendation), some in depth coverage of some back-ups that used to run in various DC Comics.  Any of these options will keep our daily page count lower than a full-size comic... which should keep "keeping up" with the grind doable.

The back-up feature-focus seemed like a really fun idea... and one I don't think I've ever seen done before.  But, how would I organize such a thing?  You should all know how anal I am about my blog post organization... so, this could very well be something that would keep me up nights.

Then it came to me... howzabout we launch ourselves an Action Comics Weekly, Volume 2?  I'm thinking a 5-6 "back-up" features a week, that can rotate in and out... just like the real thing!  But, here's a fun part... they can be from any era of DC Comics!  In one "issue", there can be a stories from the Silver, Bronze, and Modern Ages... pre-Crisis/post-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint/Wednesday Comics... really, the sky's the limit!

Another fun part... and this might be a hair too ambitious, but I'm willing to "try it on"... the weekly polls can continue, but, they can also actually inform which stories stay in the rotation... and which ones get the boot!

Just some food for thought... I'm very interested in what you all think.  Is this too crazy?  Is it worth a try?  Does it have the "legs" to become the sorta-new/sorta-same direction for Chris is on Infinite Earths?  I mean, this is just me freestylin'... for all I know, it might be more trouble than it's worth.  Lemme know whatcha think!


The Consortium comes to the realization that "Fellowship Messenger" Bob Galt is traveling with Clark Kent... who they immediately recognize as a "media stooge" and propagandist/advocate for Superman.

We join our hero(es) as they're off-roading in their rented Jeep.  In the vast desert landscape, they find themselves pursued by just about the cutest little jets you ever done seen!  The jets open fire... and we're out!


Another week, another beat.  At least the good guys and bad guys are finally within the borders of the same state!

Also, another week... and another chapter that I just don't have a whole heckuva lot to say about!

Tomorrow: Deadman's final (ACW) farewell!


Your Moment of Vartox:

From Power Girl (vol.2) #12 (2010)
Jimmy Palmiotti & Justin Gray (w) / Amanda Conner (a)
Vartox can't even get into Power Girl's "friend zone".

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

ACW #625 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #625 (Superman)
"Out of the Frying Pan..."
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

It's Superman Day... and, after the past couple of installments, I gotta say... I'm pretty optimistic about this one!  Well, that's certainly never bit me in the behind before!


Clark and Galt fly from Metropolis to California... where, upon arrival they rent a Jeep.  Not just any Jeep, mind you... but, a Jeep that the Consortium has planted a tracking device in!

and... scene.



If this book was actually called Action Comics Daily, I feel like they could get away with such a nothin' happenin' sort of installment.  The fact that this is something folks had to wait a week to get... kinda stinks.

Now, I know that this is in the spirit of the "Sunday Strip"... and any comparisons I make to the other features in the anthology is akin to comparing apples to elephants.  I get that.  I really do.  I might be mistaken, probably am, but wasn't the Superman newspaper strip a "daily"?  Like, were the Sunday strips "anchoring" an ongoing daily strip?  I dunno.  I could be completely wrong.

What I'm trying to say is... we've got some great creators here, and great characters... but, I feel like we need "more".  Like, there had to be a better way to tell this story.

Well, the good news (for me, at least) is... Clark is where he needs to be in order to move the story forward.  Fingers crossed that next week gets this story back to flowin'!

Tomorrow:  Coochie-Coochie-Coo!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

ACW #624 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #624 (Superman)
"Pin the Tail..."
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Alright gang... I've never lied to you, and I'm going to continue being honest with you today.  Last week, I... I... I'm sorry, I'm having trouble getting it out.  Ahem... last week, I (just say it, man!) VOTED FOR SUPERMAN.

Whew, that feels better.

I'm not sure if this due to the fact that I found the Super-Strip to be uncharacteristically strong... or, that I found the entirety of Action Comics Weekly #623 to be an underwhelming, under-delivering waste of time...

... but, here we are!  I decided to giffify my actual vote for posterity... and so I'll never be able to deny it.  Here's the damning proof:

Let's see if Superman can make it two in a row!


The Consortium is hot on the trail of our Bob Galt... and at the very same time, Clark cashes in on his favor.  Bob promised to take Clark to the Fellowship's... uh, Retreat?  Cult Digs?

The pair head to the airport... and Clark is quick to realize that the Consortium has "eyes" just about everywhere.  He and Bob slip through an area for authorized folks only, narrowly evading... some dude... before hopping a flight on a private delivery plane.

We wrap up with another dude calling in what he'd just seen to the Consortium.


Okay, this might not have been as great as last week... but, if we look at it as a "connective tissue" chapter, it's not a bad one.  We've got to get from Metropolis to California somehow... and, at least this way, we were able to see just how omnipresent the Consortium members are.  They're just everywhere... really amping-up the danger they represent.

So, this wasn't half-bad... there's just not much to talk about.

Tomorrow: Ah do declare...

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

ACW #623 - Superman

Action Comics Weekly #623 (Superman)
Writer - Roger Stern
Pencils - Curt Swan
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Letters - Bill Oakley
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Mike Carlin

Hey all!  Considering this is Superman Day... which means, more often than not, a shorter-than-usual blog post from yours truly... I figured I would share a recent milestone I reached in my Superman collection.

After twenty-something years, I have finally completed my "triangle number" library.  Floating in-and-out (though, mostly "out") of Superman collecting during my youth, I missed a great deal of the triangle era.  It was one of those things I always wanted to collect, but when it cam to comics-buying, my meager lunch money didn't allow me to veer too far out of the X-Men Universe.

I nearly celebrated this "milestone" several weeks back when I finally found an affordable copy of Superman: Emperor Joker (Triangle # 2000/38), which I had assumed was the last book I needed to complete the run.  It was only after doing some research that I realized I needed the Supermen of America one-shot (March, 1999).  I wasn't even aware there was a SoA one-shot!  I knew about the six-issue miniseries that came out a year later... but, didn't know anything had preceded it!  What's worse, none of the comic shops in my town had a clue either!

And so, the hunt was on!  A couple weeks, and several hundred miles on my car later... and:

I finally found it... in, of all places, a 50-cent bin.  I love it when that happens!  The hunt is over... all three "triangle eras" are done and collected (the 90's run/New Krypton/New-52: Last Days of Superman).  I'm left wondering what my next "hunt" will be.  I considered those 90's Legion books that were "numbered"... buuuut, I dunno.  I'm just not that into the Legion.

Below you can see my complete checklist.  Darkened cells show where DC Comics misnumbered/skipped.  To my knowledge, this is complete.  If you see anything I missed, don't hesitate to reach out and let me know!


Our strip opens with the Consortium... that group of baddies we've learned far too little about to this point.  Their gimmick is that they're big into R & D... and they've made some technological breakthroughs.  The thing of it is, they see the arrival of Superman as a sign of the Apocalypse.  Alrighty then.

We get a shot of Superman on their giant monitor... and, hey... it's just like the one on this week's cover!  They run down the Man of Steel's accolades, and discuss how what was once "hero worship" has now, for some, become full-blown theological worship.  The Consortium is certain that Superman isn't the Messiah... but, the Anti-Christ.  Stands to reason they wanna wipe him off the planet.


Ya know what?  I enjoyed this one!

Over the past many weeks, I've complained about this strip... mostly framing my misgivings in the fact that so little happens.  That was probably a bit unfair, considering the minimal "real estate" Superman gets each and every week.  My other complaint was, irrespective of the amount of "action"... we also haven't been getting all that much in the way of information.  We knew so little about what was going on, that even using my go-to descriptor of "nebulous" would've been too gracious.

Here, however, we're starting to learn more about the motivations behind the Consortium's actions... and, it's a welcome thing.  Would I have preferred getting this information say... a dozen weeks ago?  Sure, but whattayagonnado?

If future installments of this strip continue to deliver even half as much exposition as this one, I think I might just stop dreading "Superman Day".

Tomorrow: The Return of Hunter S. Thompson?
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