Showing posts with label alan davis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alan davis. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Excalibur #44 (1991)


Excalibur #44 (Late November, 1991)
"Witless for the Prosecution"
Writer/Pencils - Alan Davis
Inks - Mark Farmer
Letters - Michael Heisler
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Edits - Terry Kavanagh
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.75

Your humble host is still down in the dumps... usually by now I'm able to fake my way out of it -- at least I think that's the case. For all I know, I might always come across as a pretty miserable fellow. You be the judge, dear reader -- and, when you figure it out, please do me a solid and, ya know, not tell me?

Onward to... Otherworld!


We open up in Otherworld, which is where Captain Britain was whisked off to at the end of the previous issue.  He's here to be put on trial for his many... many infractions, not the least of which was his recent unprovoked attack on his teammate, Nightcrawler.  The entire joint is crammed full of Captain Britains of the Multiverse... and they're here to decide Brian's fate.  He is being represented by Captain U.K. of Earth-839... and we learn here that if Brian is found guilty... she will share in his punishment, by virtue of defending him.  The other Caps are almost giddy at the prospect of declaring our Brian Braddock guilty.

Back on our Earth... er, well Earth-616, Phoenix has caught up with Meggan, and they are sharing a moment.  Meg is dealing with some of the (literally) fuzzy memories of her youth.  She's searching for her parents, and doesn't know where to start looking.  Rachel attempts to perform a psychic probe, in hopes that she might be of some assistance.

What she learns, however, is that Meggan's memories are not so unlike her own, at least in their fragmentation.  While Rachel has plenty of excuse to have a jumbled mind, what with the time-travel and hound-stuff... Meggan's weird brain clutter strikes her as rather odd.  She suggests they look deeper into it sometime later.

Rachel mentions that during the Psi-Link, she found a memory of some old friends... which triggers Meggan to remember the Scott family in London!  She immediately flies in that direction, Rachel follows right behind.

We shift scenes to Alistaire Stuart of the W.H.O. (that's the Weird Happenings Organization, dontchaknow) arriving at the new-look Excalibur Lighthouse.  He laughs at the fact that it now looks sorta like a mushroom.  Well, there are a few things it "sorta looks like", but this is a family-friendly site.

He enters, and immediately finds himself in the midst of a TechNet battle royale!  He tumbles into the zero-grav elevator chute, and before he knows it, he's at the top of the world chatting up Kitty and Kurt!  He tells the Exies that he's there to see if Rachel wanted to check out some sort of dig in Ireland.  Kitty informs him that Rachel's out, but she'd love to go in her stead.  Al seems kind of uncomfortable with this... which, considering Kitty's probably all of 16 years old here, I don't much blame him.

When he inquires about the TechNetters, Nightcrawler fills him in on their hanging around while they repair the lighthouse.  When Al asks why they're fighting, Kurt shrugs it off and says it's their lunch break.  This book is so much more fun than I remember it being!  Anyhoo, Kitty returns after packing for the trip, and yanks Alistaire through the wall of the lighthouse on their way toward Ireland.

We hop over to E'erath, which we find out is Earth-148, where Kylun and Sa'tneen are still fighting the good fight, rebelling against Necrom... whoever that is.

Back in London, Rachel and Meggan have arrived at the Scotts' house.  Rachel chats up the oldies, while Meggan reconnects with the younger Josie Scott.  After awhile, Josie informs the gals about a psychic named Madam Zelda, who might just be able to give Meggan some insight as to the location of her folks.

At the lighthouse, Commander Thomas arrives along with a clairvoyant named Emelia Witherspoon... who is just dying to give Nightcrawler's fur a rub.  They're here because they need Excalibur's help... which, we'll explore deeper next issue.

Back in London, Meggan, Rachel, and Josie arrive at Madam Zelda's "office".  Only one is allowed to enter, and so Meggan heads up the flight of stairs.  Upon arrival, she gives her hand over to the Fortune Teller... who, kinda freaks out for a moment.

Outside, Rachel and Josie do some late-night window shopping.  Inside the interestingly-named "Arfur's Antiques", Rachel spies a knife being lifted by an invisible person!  She Phoenix's up, and heads inside.

She is then tackled by... Micromax!  He assumes she is the thief, and declares that she is under arrest.

Rachel rightfully protests this... and soon, Max is joined by some nebbish fella in glasses who informs him that, yes... there was an "invisible man" in the shop before Phoenix entered the scene.  Micromax begrudgingly lets Rachel off the hook... while, poor normal Josie isn't quite sure what to make of what she'd just seen.

Meggan returns, and shares her psychic reading.  She tells the gals that, initially Madam Zelda was telling her exactly what she wanted to hear... however, when asked for specifics, the poor ol' fortune teller revealed that her entire act was a sham!

Back in Otherworld, Captain Britain's many... many... many crimes against the Corps are shared via giant vid screens.  It's really very cool, they're calling back to several stories from the volume... and we also get to meet this old hippie Cap... Brother Brit-Man, from Earth-65!

Ultimately, Brian is found... duh, guilty.  His punishment... death.  When... right friggin' now!


Letters Page:

Monday, May 16, 2022

Excalibur #43 (1991)


Excalibur #43 (November, 1991)
"Home Comforts (or Who Exploded the Toilet?)"
Writer/Pencils - Alan Davis
Inks - Mark Farmer
Letters - Michael Heisler
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Edits - Terry Kavanagh
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.75

So, stop me if you've already heard this one... say, yesterday, or thereabouts.

Your humble host just ain't feelin' it right now. Got a lot of stuff I'm dealing with in the real life... and, lord knows I never wanted to be a content-creator who would fall back on the tired old, "life got in the way" excuse... welp, here I am. I'm finding that the grieving process washes over you less as a dribble and more of... like, when in a 90s sitcom, a family decides they're going to attend to their own plumbing problems. Ya know what I mean? It's a full-on blast... with nearly as much "facial wetness" resulting. I'm hoping this will pass... hell, I've been hoping it'd pass since mid-January.

Maybe actually talking about it would help? Maybe not? I haven't the foggiest. You'd never guess that I've got a dozen years of schooling and a couple'a degrees in psychology, eh?

*And, it's at this point, your idiot narrator realized nobody actually read this piece before... and, how he probably could've gotten away with playing it off as brand-new. Welp, I'm nothing if not transparent...


We open with Nightcrawler and Meggan seemingly doing a synchronized gymnastics bit throughout a giant jungle gym.  Upon landing, their eyes lock... and Meggan appears to take on a more Nightcrawlery appearance.  They embrace... and kiss.  Ya see, this is all a dream, and unfortunately for Kurt... he talks in his sleep.

He is startled awake by... well, Captain Britain's mitt being wrapped around his throat!  He accuses Nightcrawler of having "lust in his heart" for his woman... but, Kurt BAMFs out of his grip before he can do all that much damage.  Ya see, ol' Brian's rather frazzled.  Not only was the Lighthouse destroyed... not only did the team decide to take in the TechNet... but now, he's gotta worry about a Fuzzy Elf stealing his woman!  Poor dude just wants some peace and quiet so he can read his terribly pretentious book!

Just then, Meggan and Thug of TechNet pop in through a hole in the ceiling.  Meggan, who is blissfully ignorant of most things, innocently gives Brian a peck on the lips, before continuing down to the lower levels.  This sort of extinguishes the situation... for now.

Further down, Thug is using his Adamantine drill-bit to try and build a "null-grav elevator" for the team.  Meggan excitedly attempts to show Brian... but as mentioned, poor dude just wants to read in peace.  Worth noting, that creepy JoyBoy is looking on... and, Scatterbrain is really getting up in Cap's business.  She appears to have clung onto him... and is following him everywhere he goes.

Further down... Brian (and Scatterbrain) happen upon Kitty Pryde and Ferro... who are working on diagnosing whatever it was that Bert did to Widget last issue.  Ferro... is an idiot... and so, blows up the entire operation, setting Kitty back a ways in her research.  Brian smirks and gives her an "I toldja so", but she ain't hearin' it.  And so, Cap continues down the never-ending spiral staircase.

Further down (again), and Brian (and Scatterbrain) sees Bodybag sneaking into the temporary women's dorm.  Upon hearing a rather loud "chomp" and fearing the worst, he dives in to check out what's going on.  Turns out B.B. took a big ol' bite out of Kitty Pryde's teddy bear!  Brian has dropped his book... and we can finally see just how pretentious he is.  It's Philosophic Foundation of Quantum Mechanics... which is actually a real book written in 1944 by Hans Reichenbach... that I'd never want to read!

Kitty certainly isn't pleased to see her teddy devoured... as it was a gift from Alistaire (Stewart of the W.H.O.) who Ms. Pryde had quite the crush on.  Ferro pops over and learns that the teddy was made of nylon... and, uh-oh, Bodybag ain't gonna be able to properly digest that!  Think we might be about to find out "who exploded the toilet"?

Yes.  That's exactly what we're to find out.  We also learn that, while B.B. was blowin' it up... two entities materialized, and flew out the window.  Gross.  Kitty finally comes around to Brian's side, and says they never should have taken the TechNet in!

Further down, Brian goes... no longer is Scatterbrain attached to him, by the by.  He's in the basement area, and it's cluttered with rubbish.  He goes to enter a side room... only to discover Numbers making time with Lockheed the Dragon?!  Well, it's the Lockheed of Earth-597 anyway.  Numbers needed some sexual healing... or something, and so, Captain Britain sheepishly exits the room.

Then... Scatterbrain's back!  Brian completely loses it here, and tries to get her to back off.  It's here we learn, via China Doll that Scatterbrain feeds off of anger... and right now, Brian's one ripe apple.

Brian tosses his book, and gives up.  He decides he might as well get away from it all, and just head back to his London home.  He goes to fly up the to the top of the lighthouse... however, forgot about TechNet's "gift" of the anti-grav elevator, and so he's hurled all the way through the top of the recently-repaired lighthouse!

When he comes to, he sees Kurt attending to Meggan... and totally misreads the situation.  Unfortunately for Nightcrawler, in this case perception is reality.  There's about to be a fight!

And fight they do!  For the next four pages, Brian and Kurt knock the hell out of one another.  Kurt isn't sure exactly why they're fighting, and is only really trying to defend himself from Brian's blows.  Finally, Cap manages to land one... fracturing Kurt's femur!

Meggan calls for the fellas to cool it... and isn't quite sure why they're fighting over her.  With tears in her eyes she assures Brian that she gave him her heart... and loves her teammates like family.  She flies off to be alone.  Phoenix follows her to make sure she's okay.

The crowd disperses, and all we have left are Brian and Kurt... who apologize to one another, and drop some heavy truths.  Brian admits to feeling insecure since dropping the "solo-hero" act and assembling Excalibur.  The fact that the team sometimes defers to Kurt for leadership has really done a number on his self-esteem.

Kurt admits that he has dreamed of Meggan... but claims that he's not in love with her.  He dreams of her transforming into an "embodiment of all he desires".  Brian thinks to himself that he's acted like a fool in this situation.

He doesn't get all that long to reflect on it, however... as the Captain Britain Corps arrive to sweep him away to... somewhere else.

Speaking of "somewhere else", we have another epilogue on Ee'rath, where Kylun and Company have rescued Princess Sat'neen from a cloaked figure.  We wrap up with him preparing to take on the evil Necrom... whoever that might be.


Letters Page:

Monday, March 14, 2022

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode 12 - Giant-Size X-Men by Jonathan Hickman (2020)

X-Lapsed Triple Dip Giant-Size X-Men

X-Lapsed Triple-Dip, Episode Twelve

Giant-Size X-Men by Jonathan Hickman (2020)
(00:00:00) Giant-Size X-Men: Jean Grey & Emma Frost #1: "Into the Storm"
(01:02:19) Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler #1: "Haunted Mansion"
(01:53:33) Giant-Size X-Men: Magneto #1
(02:29:46) Giant-Size X-Men: Fantomex #1: "The World"
(03:12:46) Giant-Size X-Men: Storm #1: "Disintegration"
Writers - Jonathan Hickman & Alan Davis
Art - Russell Dauterman, Alan Davis, Ramon Perez & Rod Reis
Colors - Matthew Wilson, Carlos Lopez, David Curiel & Rod Reis
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles & Ariana Maher
Design - Tom Muller
Edits - Bissa, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $19.99
On-Sale: December 9, 2020

The weekend kinda got away from me, and so - in lieu of an all-new episode, we're indulging in another compilation piece.  And, I mean, let's face it -- it's doubtful anybody's gonna bother listening even if it WAS new... so, whattayagonnado?

Today we're looking at the wildly disjointed... and rather unnecessary run of Giant-Size specials the Head of X was putting out during the Dawn of X era.  Storm's sick... like really, really sick... so sick that it's never mentioned in ANY other books she appears in!  Don't worry though, she gets better.

Plus: We've got not one, but TWO iterations of "Baby's First Grant Morrison Comic" in a callback to the "Silence!  Psychic Rescue in Progress" Nuff Said! issue of New X-Men and a dip into Fantomex's The World.

Also: Magneto makes a deal with Namor to procure a certain island that will be the site of a certain Gala.  Oh, you didn't know there was a Gala coming up?



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The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, April 3, 2021

From Claremont to Claremont, Episode 2e - Excalibur #43-44 (1991)

From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast
Episode 2E

Excalibur #43-44 (November, 1991)
"Home Comforts"
"Witness for the Prosecution"
By Alan Davis
Inks - Mark Farmer
Colors - Glynis Oliver
Letters - Michael Heisler
Edits - Terry Kavanaugh
Cover Price: $1.75 per

In this segment for Episode Two, Jesse (@stiznarkey) and I have got TWO issues of Excalibur to cover!  For everyone who's tired of talking about Otherworld in our mainline X-Lapsed program (okay, maybe I'm the only one tired of that) - here's some more!

On the plus side, this is Alan Davis Otherworld... which is far more whimsical and less up its own butt than anything we see nowadays.

Also: Jesse's in the hot-seat for the dreaded Pod-File!  Who would play him in a movie about his life?  Hit play and find out today!


Thursday, April 1, 2021

X-Men Archives Featuring Captain Britain #2 (1995)

X-Men Archives Featuring Captain Britain #2 (August, 1995)
"Friends and Enemies"
"If the Push Should Fail..."
"A Crooked World"
"Graveyard Shift"
"a rag, a bone, a hank of hair"
"Attack of the Binary Beings!"
Writers - Dave Thorpe, Alan Moore, Paul Neary
Art - Alan Davis
Letters - Jenny O'Connor
Colors - Helen Nally
Edits - Paul Neary & Gary Russell
Cover Price: $2.95

Welcome to our second X-Men Archives compilation post!  If you're reading along with us daily... first, thank you - and second, there's actually an all-new chapter included at the end of this installment!

It ain't great - but, it does shed a bit of light on the departure of Dave Thorpe... which is quite interesting (in my opinion, anyway).

I hope you all enjoy!


We open with a "Crommie" walking down a darkened London street... we'll learn that "Crommie" is code for someone who lives on Cromdale Road... and that each neighborhood in this Crooked London is occupied by turf-protecting gangs.  So, this Crommie... Jeff, is wandering through "enemy territory".  He's doing so in order to check in on a girlfriend of his, who he misses dearly.  He is attacked.  Nearby, Captain Britain and some members of the Avant Guard prepare to taint the water supply with the Junkheap Juice in order to jumpstart "The Push".

Brian still seems kind of uneasy about going through with this... but appears to talk himself into it, by revisiting his own recent experience with the stuff.  If you recall, he was devolved into a monkey not too long ago... and only after dipping into the juice was he returned to his more Beautiful British Blonde form -- even stronger than he was before!  He also reflects on the fascist-led Status Crew members he'd had a run-in with... who, seems to evolve mentally after engaging with the juice.  His thoughts are interrupted by the nearby gang-beating of the poor Crommie lad.

Captain Britain swoops in, and gathers both Jeff and his local girlfriend, Sharon.  The hooligans hurl insults in his direction, but all Brian wants to do is get these kids to safety.  I mean, these baddies seem more annoyed than astonished to see a man who can fly!

Brian drops Sharon off at home before taking Jeff back to Cromdale Road.  There, he finds that the Crommies have taken up arms... and are looking to enter into some gang warfare with the hooligans.


Well... this was a pretty weak one, wunnit?

I kinda get what they're going for here... showing these Crooked Londoners as clannish, territorial, and warlike, and maybe justifying the use of the Junkheap Juice to enforce an evolutionary "push" onto them... but, this just kinda fell flat.

I mean, even if we take it as a Romeo and Juliet riff, where we have a couple in love, from two different (and opposing) groups... this still doesn't quite work.  Mostly due to the fact that Sharon doesn't seem all that interested in Jeff.  She doesn't want to see him hurt, but there's nothing here that says they're anything more than passing acquaintances.  Well, maybe Jeff's a bit smitten - but, Sharon seemed more put out than anything.

I gotta wonder if Dave Thorpe realized his time in the writer's chair was coming to an end here, is it feels like we're still in world-building mode.  Almost half of this story is devoted to recap, and setting the stage for what's about to come.  I dunno... just not a great outing.

Art was still top-notch... so, at least there's that.  Hopefully things will pick back up next chapter... which, again - is Dave Thorpe's swan song before these pages start getting even more crammed with words!


Picking up right where we left off, Captain Britain is delivering the Crommie lad, Jeff back to his Crommie kin.  They're happy and relieved to see him, however are outraged at the Block 45 Gang for attacking him.  They've bout had enough... and it's time to finally put an end to this turf war.  Brian bugs out to check in with a member of the Avant Guard to see how close they are to getting "The Push" flowin' through the reservoirs.  While there, chatting up the Guard, Cap is shocked to see -- his old pal Jackdaw!  Jack tells Brian that he's got a plan to stop the fighting while The Push is being prepared.

And so, lickety-split, Brian Britain is back in battle... well, stopping a battle, I suppose.  He uses his forcefield to push the warring gangs apart while making a sorta God-like speech, threatening retribution and whatnot.  This... doesn't work so well.

Thankfully, it does manage to buy Jackdaw enough time to enact his plan... which is, well -- so very British.  Ya see, he offers them all tea.  They ain't in the mood to drink, however.  And so, Jack uses his mental powers to convince them to drink... and so, they do.  Here's the rub -- the "tea" they're drinking is actually laced with the Junkheap Juice... so, a few sips in, it's all good in the hood(s).

We wrap up with our good guys celebrating the fact that The Push was a success... This weird London has been 95% successful in its evolution... so, high-fives all around!

But hey... we're certainly not going to leave this on such a high note, are we?  After all... who was that fella from the first chapter?  Ya know... dude with a little mustache, and a teapot shaped helicopter?  Who was that guy?  Anybody remember?  Well, Brian, Jackdaw, and Saturnyne (with a "Y" now) sure don't.  Whatever happened to Mad Jim Jaspers?  Well... seems he was just biding his time... letting the heroes do their thing before deciding to strike -- and boy, does he!  We wrap up this run of Captain Britain stories with this alternate London... going all shades of (literally) CROOKED!


Well, that'll do it for the Dave Thorpe run!  Really setting the table for what's going to be, perhaps, the most memorable and iconic work ever done with the character of Captain Britain.

So, whatta we got here?  Well... until the final page, it's hard to see this little "gang war" story as anything other than filler.  I suppose it gave us a bit of insight as to the "micro" and "macro" influence the Junkheap Juice was going to have on the UK.  We know that, in the grand scheme of Saturnyne's task - this UK needs to be a bit more evolved on the whole.  But, with this story, we were able to get a (literal) street level view of the evolutionary process.  So, in that regard... yeah, I suppose this worked.

We get the surprise return of Jackdaw... which, is definitely more set up for the Moore run... as will become evident... err, maybe next chapter?  His plan to serve the warring gangs tea was... kinda cute, I guess.  Not really sure why Brian didn't just grab a gallon of the stuff and just pour it on the street folks like he did with the Status Crew a couple of chapters back.  Seems like that'd be the "go-to" for a situation like this, doesn't it?  Oh well...

I think our main takeaway from this chapter is... obviously, the ending.  Mad Jim Jaspers... a fella we've only seen once before, and who was treated kind of like a joke... turns out to have been laying in wait for just the right moment to let loose with his "crookeding" of London.  For folks only familiar with our current-year "Ecks of Tens" era X-Books... this is why Jasper's area in Otherworld is referred to as "The Crooked Market".

I do have to wonder how this played out for readers of the day.  My first experience with this era of Captain Britain actually starts with the next chapter... where Mad Jim is already sorta-kinda established as our "big bad".  So, for me, this reveal wasn't all that shocking.  Well, it actually wasn't shocking at all.

Overall -- as much as I enjoyed these last nine or so chapters, I'm happy that we're through "The Push", and that the two-part Turf War story is in the rear-view. 


We open in England... not our England, of course - the Crooked one.  We see a bank of monitors being... well, monitored by the Status Crew.  They are identified as protectors, which is something we have seen in practice.  Of course, they answer to fascists - but, they are - to their minds - protecting the country.  They've been in power for a decade, and their first order of business was to kill all of the super-heroes.  All's been quiet ever since... until now.  The Major, upon seeing the Crookeding of London, assumes that the cause of this is the recent arrival of Captain Britain (and to perhaps a lesser-extent, Saturnyne)... he declares that they have no choice but to unleash -- The Fury!

We shift scenes over to the good guys... and the Crookeding of London is making the building they're holed up in start to crack.  Brian wonders if this is a side-effect of "The Push" - Saturnyne assures him that it's not.  They all head outside before being crushed... and find themselves faced by - well, The Fury!  This horrendous monster is introduced as a Cybiote whose specialty is... killing super-heroes.  It Blasts the Bejeezus outta Betsy's Beautiful Blonde British Brother Brian!

Brian slumps to the ground... but rallies for a counter-attack.  This is quite unsuccessful... The Fury doesn't even seem to notice that Cap bashed into him with all of his might.  Saturnyne siccs the Avant Guard on the beast... but, c'mon... that ain't gonna do jack.  Seeing that this fight is futile... her Royal Whyness blips out with her crew -- leaving Brian and Jackdaw to fight The Fury on their own!  Worth noting, that while The Fury is scanning Captain Britain here, the narration mentions that the monster was responsible for taking out "the atomic powerhouse called Miracleman" - that's isn't going to be the last mention of that character during this run... we're even going to get to see him (from behind) in a panel!

She also leaves poor Dimples behind!  The Fury makes short work of him.

Then -- Jackdaw!  Brian rushes over and cradles Jack's dying body.  The li'l Elf isn't too worried though... knowing that Merlin'll whisk him away to Otherworld before he dies just like the last time.  Only... he doesn't!

An enraged Brian lunges at the Fury... and is swatted away as though he's nothing!

We wrap up with our hero looking toward the sky... and seeing a teapot-shaped helicopter.  The man inside unrolls a ladder and introduces himself as -- someone who Brian has already met... Mad Jim Jaspers.


Well, this was just wonderful -- wasn't it?

This chapter was the first bit of vintage Captain Britain I got to experience back upon the release of that turn of the century "Alans" collection.  I was not expecting much, to be honest -- and really, only bought the thing because, a) I'm an X-Completionist, b) people online were so excited to see this back in print, and c) I heard about the controversy surrounding the indicia snafu, and didn't wanna miss out.

Well - this was all I had to see to know I'd be hooked.  I wanna say I read the entire collection in one sitting... such a captivating, and actually kinda scary story.  The Fury is an amazing antagonist... a horrifying perversion of metal with only a single mission statement: Kill Super-Heroes.  We don't have to worry about rationalizing, justifying, or humanizing The Fury.  It is only here to kill.  And, how bout that design?  Simple but horrendously scary.  I love how its eyes are instantly recognizable.  If you were to see those glowing shapes in the darkness, you'd know exactly what you're about to be dealing with.

I love the presentation here - I mean, how can you beat The Fury?  There's a reason why Chris Claremont originally wanted to use The Fury for the Mutant Massacre -- I mean, really - how do you beat it?  This is gonna be a fun read.

Let's talk "playing the ball where it lay", because this is a problem I have with a lot of current-year comics.  New writers come on and much of what came before their run is immediately jettisoned to make room for their "opus".  Here, Moore is playing with the concepts and table-setting established by the Dave Thorpe run.  Mad Jim Jaspers, the Status Crew, The Push.  Now, this is kind of a chicken and egg situation, I suppose - I'm not sure how much input Moore might've had in setting up what was to be his run... but, if he's simply building off of the foundation Thorpe had put down - this is a heckuva way to do it!

Now, we lose Jackdaw here.  This was one of the few things I remembered about these early Moore chapters -- and why I was kind of confused when Jackdaw was already killed a few chapters back.  I knew he wasn't long for the world -- but, was sure that wasn't his actual death.  As for his death scene here -- it's really well done!  I love that he isn't scared... he's sure Merlin was going to save him -- but then, he didn't!  Really such a powerful little scene there.

Saturnyne establishing herself as less heroic was a nice touch.  We've never been sure exactly what her constitution or alignment was to this point.  We know she had a task to accomplish -- and that she was willing to work alongside Brian in order to get it done, but that's really all we knew.  Now we can see her a bit more clearly -- she's looking out for herself, and only for herself.  She even leaves her poor lovestruck assistant, Dimples behind without a thought!

One last thing before we close out - this chapter includes a mention of Miracleman -- and, if you know me, you know I'm going to talk about that.  I'm a little confused here, as at this point (1982), Miracleman is still known as Marvelman.  I wonder, did these panels read "Marvelman" in the original Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) mags?  Or, was it always "Miracleman"?  One might suggest that this Miracleman isn't the same as the Miracleman we all know -- but, a bit later on during this run, we're going to actually see him.  It's from behind, but there's no mistaking that this Miracleman is Mike Moran.

Overall - this is a goodie, which I implore you all to check out.  This is just the opening salvo for The Alans... and, at the risk of over-selling things, it gets even better from here.


We open with The Fury watching the broken Captain Britain as he pulls himself into Mad Jim Jasper's teapot chopper.  It's made clear here (and even clearer in just a bit) that despite Brian apparently fleeing... the cybiote beast is not done with him.  We next join Beautiful Bri as he questions Mad Jim - blaming him for everything that's gone on since he'd arrived in this twisted version of London.

This leads us to a bit of a quick n dirty origin for Mister Jaspers... and the take on him that we would see very briefly during the Claremont run leading up to the Mutant Massacre.  James Jaspers was a power-player in the government, who made the suggestion that it would be in the best interest of everybody that super-heroes not only be banned... but wiped out.  He used scare tactics to sway the people to his cause... and even created The Fury as his means to an end in achieving his goal.  Ya see, the gimmick here is that Jaspers himself is a Mutant (with reality-warping powers, naturally)... and, he didn't want any super-powered competition.

It's also made quite clear here that "Mad" isn't just a silly descriptor for this fella... he's flat-out insane.  The scene twists a bit -- and Brian can see that the inside of this tiny teapot chopper is actually quite huge... impossibly huge.  Deep inside, he sees a banquet hall and a long table.  Seated there are some of his fallen friends, including Algernon, Dimples, and poor ol' Jackdaw.  They all have sinister smiles on their faces.

Brian is then approached by the face of a child, who asks him for some money.  This is the same child who Brian had creepily asked if they "believed in magic" a few chapters back.  Our hero can't take it anymore - and so, he books it out of the chopper.  Unfortunately for him, he cannot summon enough concentration to attain flight... and so, he crashes down to the ground below.  Turns out he's landed in a superhero graveyard.  He walks past several headstones (including one for... Miracleman!).

He finally comes across the open grave for Captain UK.  Now, we've heard a little bit about this Captain earlier in this run... but, outside of knowing that they had vanished, we don't know all that much.  Brian kneels down before the freshly dug grave and sobs.  He wants to know why Merlin would send him to such a place.  He doesn't get long to ponder this, however, as... The Fury has not given up its hunt.  The Cybiote Blasts Betsy's Beautiful Blonde Brother Brian from Behind until all that's left of him are a Bundle of British Bones!

We wrap up elsewhere, with a woman suddenly shocked to attention -- as though somebody had just walked over her grave.  Hmm...?


Another great chapter -- and what an ending!

The Fury achieves its goal in taking out -- what might be the only remaining hero on this Crooked Earth... and we get to learn quite a bit about Mad Jim Jaspers.  I love how silly and petty his entire rationale is.  He's a powered Mutant... and, ushered in this wave of fear over the masses simply because he didn't want any super-powered competition!  How great (and "Mad") is that?

I enjoyed seeing his origins... finding out that this weirdo creep was, at one time, a mover and shaker in the government.  Not only that, he was apparently a trusted member of government.  Seeing this again only makes me wish that Claremont was allowed to use him as part of the Mutant Massacre.  For folks unaware (though, if you're reading this minutia-laden blog post, you probably already know this), Claremont had introduced Sir James Jaspers during the Trial of Magneto in Uncanny X-Men #200 (December, 1985) - allegedly with designs on using him (and The Fury) as part of the Mutant Massacre.

From Uncanny X-Men #200 (December, 1985)
Chris Claremont (w) / John Romita, Jr. (a)

He is presented as a normal fella here... and, I would have to assume that most American X-Fans of the day didn't have much of a clue that this dude was significant in any way.

The "madness" effects here were very well done.  I loved Jaspers' hat changing from panel to panel... as well as the nightmarish banquet scene which haunted Brian to the point where he literally threw himself out of a hovering helicopter!  It was a great way to show just how Jaspers' madness was permeating into our hero's mind... and a sure sign of just how powerful a whatever-path Mad Jim truly is.

I suppose we ought to talk about the death of Captain Britain here, no?  I'm not sure anybody was buying this for a second... but, there's a certain amount of genius to it which might not be immediately apparent to those of us reading this in collected edition... or, with four-decades of hindsight.  This is actually the final Captain Britain chapter to appear in Marvel Super-Heroes (UK).  Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #389 (September, 1982) only features a three-page text-piece on Cap by Alan Moore (included below).

Captain Britain would actually vanish for five-months (publishing time), returning as a strip in Marvel UK's new anthology mag, The Daredevils - which, in addition to Cap, would feature: Daredevil (duh), and Spider-Man.  This sort of break in publication isn't something we see often... my mind immediately goes to the couple of months that DC Comics dropped the Super-books from the schedule following Funeral for a Friend.  It's a great tactic to really "sell" that our character might actually be gone.

We wrapped with a shot of a woman... who, I mean - we all know this is Captain UK, right?  It's not like it's being presented as a big secret or anything -- but, this is worth mentioning as it's a seminal bit in the journey to establish the Captain Britain Corps.

Overall - still really enjoying this -- and I hope you are as well!  Please feel free to drop a comment or shoot me an email!

NEXT CHAPTER: Captain Britain's strip returns... five-months later - in a completely different Marvel Mag!  Boy howdy, these British books are hard to navigate!


Alan Moore Text Piece from Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #389:


We open with the proclamation that Captain Britain is dead.  We zoom into a small planetoid shape, which the deeper we go looks more and more machine-like... full of metal pipes and whatnot.  When we finally arrive at the core, we meet Roma and her father, Merlin who have been able to collect a precious few pieces from the remains of Captain Britain... mostly some of Beautiful Brian's British Bones.  Also, I'd assume a rag and a hank of hair, if the chapter title is to be believed.

Roma is tasked with using these remains to craft a new body for our hero... while Merlin attempts to piece together splinters of Brian's personality - which conveniently facilitates a look back at Brian's memories... ie, his character-career to this point.  While Roma does her hoodoo, Merlin tells us a little bit about who Brian Braddock was.  He was a twin, part of a poor family, a somewhat introverted student of science.

He fancied himself a student of physics, as it was a cold and precise science, without any ambiguities.  Hmm... in the Marvel Universe?  I'd think concepts of physics would be anything but precise there.  Anyhoo, his parents would pass away in an accident, which only made Brian more introverted and withdrawn.  One day while working at the Darkmoore Research Centre, the place was attacked by a man named Joshua Stragg - also known as The Reaver.  Brian fled the scene, however, stumbled into his own origin story - wherein, he was offered that choice - ya know, the Sword or the Amulet.  Brian would become Captain Britain.  Roma wonders if he'd have been happier just living an ordinary life... but, Merlin ain't hearin' none'a that.

As Captain Britain, Brian would find his worldview challenged (science vs. sorcery) having some strange adventures indeed... tangling with Vampires, Dire Wolves, and the Children of the Shadowlands.  This would ultimately drive him kinda batty... to the point where, at one point he threw himself from a plane.  Hmm, that seems to be a tough habit to break for our hero.  He'd land in the drink, and wash up on a beach in Cornwall without any of his memories.  He'd live in solitude for two years before being called upon again... this time, teaming with Dane Whatshisface, the Black Knight in Otherworld.

From here, we skip ahead to Captain Britain (in his current day togs), finally at peace as a being of both science and magic, being sent outta Otherworld along with his Elfin Associate, Jackdaw.  Sent back to Earth... but, not his Earth.  This is the story we've been covering to this point.

Then, a quick n dirty retelling of the last several chapters - Mad Jim Jaspers creating The Fury as a way to eliminate all super-types in his crooked world (except himself)... and The Fury ultimately SKARAKing Beautiful Brian to death.

By this point, Roma has finished putting the pieces back together... and Captain Britain's body is finally ready to receive some magical shock paddles.  Merlin does the thing... and our hero is back among the living.  As he wakes, he's sent plunging back down to Darkmoor, and the circle of stones.  Brian wakes up, and thanks God that he's back on his home Earth.

We wrap up back in Otherworld, with Roma asking her father why he didn't show himself to Brian.  To which, Merlin shapeshifts (for some reason) asking which form he should have shown him.  Roma sheds a single tear for the poor doomed Captain, and we're outta here.


So, uh... I guess this goes to show that not ALL Otherworld Resurrections are wonky, eh?

All told, not a bad little chapter.  While I'd have preferred getting on with the story itself, I can certainly see why they dedicated an entire chapter to the retelling of Captain Britain's origin story here.  First, he's been off the board for a (relative) while at this point - five-months out of publication.  Second, this is the first issue of an all-new ongoing series - as such, this might be "somebody's first" issue, and therefore, their first run-in with Captain Britain.

It was well told, and as a chapter in an anthology, didn't overstay its welcome.  It gave us some context to just how complicated a character Captain Britain truly is.  I feel like many kids of my vintage might've written the guy off upon first meeting him as "England/Great Britain/UK's Captain America" and nothing more.  Just a derivative and dull character, who acted in the interest of his country - and really wouldn't be all that interesting to read about.  Well, many of us came to learn that there's quite a bit more to Brian Braddock than the Union Jack uniform.

Really not much more to say about this - I can't remember if they're heading anywhere nefarious with Merlin... as that final scene kinda creeped me out a bit.  Not sure what that was all about.  Also, the opening bit with the Satellite/Planetoid gave me some real Monitor/Harbinger vibes from pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths!  Wonder if there might've been any cross-pollination there?

Overall - a necessary chapter, but probably not the most exciting.  Still quite well done.


We close out this issue of X-Men Archives with... a bit of filler.  This is the story that appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #385 (May, 1982).  Ya see, the story that was supposed to be slotted here was, according to several British comics historians, supposed to be an overtly political tale which would mirror some at-the-time recent events going on in Northern Ireland.  Marvel UK wasn't keen on all'a that... and, in fact, artist Alan Davis allegedly threatened to quit the book if the story went to print.  This is what would lead to Dave Thorpe leaving the strip.  While on the subject of Dave Thorpe, my research tells me that Alan Davis attributes the Marvel Universe "616" designation to him.  That's news to me - I had always seen Alan Moore credited with that!  Anyhoo - there's not much to this story... it's pure filler, wherein "Binary Beings" spot Captain Britain and Jackdaw passing through limbo on their way from Otherworld to the Crooked Earth (if we were numbering this chapter, it'd be zero).  The gimmick here is... well, unclear.  One of the Binary Beings represents the mind... the other, the body - I think?  Our heroes find themselves zapped on board.

Brian finds himself before another pair of Binary Aliens... who have apparently taken Jackdaw for dissection.  Poor elf can't catch a break.  I think these aliens assume that, since they are two-person acts - then so too is Captain Britain and Jackdaw?  I think?  This is kind of a mess.

Captain Britain fights his way to Jackdaw - and rescues him before a chicken-headed scientist can start cutting him into pieces.  Brian grabs the chicken-head's "other half" (again, I think...) and threatens to take him out if they're not allowed to leave.

Our heroes go to flee... and find themselves engaged in battle with robots.  Jackdaw uses his psychic energy to amplify the alien teleport system... which ultimately boots them from - wherever the hell they were.  It's actually a cool little effect here - the panel itself actually crumples like paper, with Jack and Bri kinda getting tangled in it.

We close out with the revelation that neither of our heroes will remember this encounter... and, honestly - that's probably for the best... because I doubt they'd be able to explain it if they did!


So yeah... kind of a mess here, eh?  I mean, it's hard to hold it against them, considering the circumstances.  It reeks of "last-minute fill-in"... and, as it turns out, there's a reason for that.  Paul Neary was in a tough spot... Dave Thorpe had set up his story... and was getting ready to, assumedly "take it home" - it's not as though Neary was going to take the wheel completely and create his own ending for "The Push", right?

And so, instead we get "An Untold Tale of Captain Britain"... which doesn't do anything to muck with the status quo... or throw any wrenches into future stories.  It's a disposable outing... that the characters (and readers alike) will forget as soon as they read it.  It's just holding Captain Britain's place in Marvel Super-Heroes (UK).  Nothing more, nothing less.

More on Dave Thorpe's departure.  In my research for why we got this weird little filler story, I found some sites which stated that Alan Moore wrote the final page in Marvel Super-Heroes (UK) #386... ya know, the one that introduces the concept of Crooked London - and reintroduces the character of Mad Jim Jaspers.  Earlier in our coverage, I "thought out loud" in print, asking if Thorpe had set Moore up for his run -- turns out, if this information is accurate - he did not!  He wrote up until "The Push" went through... and was outski!

There are some great resources out there if you're interested in learning more about Thorpe's clashes with Marvel UK editorial and his leaving the book over politically-motivated storytelling.

Overall - as a story, this one wasn't at all interesting... but, the behind the scenes stuff almost makes up for it!


Captain Britain's Uniform (by Alan Davis):

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