Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #70
Christmas With the Superheroes #1 (1988)
"Wanted: Santa Claus - Dead or Alive!"
"The Man Who Murdered Santa Claus!"
"The TT's Swingin' Christmas Carol!"
"Star Light, Star Bright... Farthest Star I See Tonight!"
"Twas the Fright Before Christmas!"
"The Silent Night of the Batman"
Writers - Denny O'Neil, Len Wein, Bob Haney, Paul Levitz, E. Nelson Bridwell & Mike Friedrich
Pencillers - Frank Miller, Dick Dillon, Nick Cardy, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Curt Swan & Neal Adams
Inkers - Steve Mitchell, Dick Giordano & Murphy Anderson
Letterers - Ben Oda
Colorists - Glenn Whitmore, Helen Vesik & Jerry Serpe
Editors - Len Wein, Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $2.95
Keeping our Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July festivities rolling along, today I'm sharing Reggie and my first Holiday special... DC Comics' Christmas With the Superheroes #1 from 1988.
This was one of our longer episodes... as we were looking at like skatey-eight hundred creators and a half-dozen stories. This was also my longest ever blog post to that point... and, actually, it very well still might be! I still haven't published that "full-length" Bizarro World piece yet, so I think this one still might take the length-crown!
With that said... Just as with yesterday, if podcasts ain't your thing, there is a text-n-pics variation on this discussion that you can check out if you decide to click the cover below! While you're at it, you might wanna check out my discussion of Christmas With the Superheroes #2 (1989)!
Showing posts with label art adams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art adams. Show all posts
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 70: Christmas With the Superheroes #1 (1988)
art adams,
bob haney,
chris and reggie's cosmic treadmill,
curt swan,
denny o'neil,
dick dillin,
e. nelson bridwell,
frank miller,
jose luis garcia-lopez,
len wein,
nick cardy,
paul levitz,
Thursday, May 7, 2020
X-Factor #42 (1989)
X-Factor #42 (July, 1989)
"All that Glitters..."
Writer - Louise Simonson
Pencils - Arthur Adams
Inks - Allen Milgrom
Letters - Joe Rosen
Colors - Tom Vincent
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00
Well, we've come this far... why not take a day to finish up Our Alchemical Romance?
We open in the Troll Tunnels, and X-Factor is still all chained up. The baddies reveal their plan that, with the use of Thomas Jones' alchemical powers, they can destroy the British economy... and, ultimately drive everyone out of the country, reclaiming it as their own. Sounds like an air-tight plan, dunnit? Anyhoo, the Troll Associates, who are named Phy, Phay, Phee, Phough, and Phumm (not that I can tell 'em apart), work out their plan... two will remain with the prisoners, the other three will start turning things to gold with Thomas. Worth noting, these Trolls are annoying. The Trolls that stayed behind spot Baby Cable! The one called Phumm (I think) shape-shifts into a dinosaur and goes to crush the tot, but the Cablet protects himself with a telekinetic bubble.
Jean starts to stir and knocks some of the baddies over with her TK abilities... after which, X-Factor makes short work of their bindings. I mean, they're still super-powered mutants, right? It's not like they've been inhibited or anything. We get two or so pages of X-Factor bustin' loose.
Meanwhile, we join the rest of the Trolls (and Thomas), as they're reaching the Tower of London via magic carpet. They want Thomas to turn the White Tower, which is apparently the oldest part of the Tower of London... to gold. Tower, tower, tower. I don't think I've ever typed that word as many times as right now. Anyhoo... Thomas isn't so sure. Suddenly a dog arrives on the scene, and starts yippin'. One of the Trolls... slashes the dog's throat? Oh, c'mon, flag on the play... I didn't wanna see that. If I rated things on a numerical scale, this scene would've just cost this issue an entire point.
Thomas uses his alchemical powers to transmute the dying and suffering dog into gold. The Trolls are oddly tickled... and decide, perhaps the Tower of London ain't important enough a place to turn to gold... and so, they set their sights on Buckingham Palace. Hey, there's a place even I've heard of! Thing is, he's not to transmute the building... but, the actual Royal Family!
The Palace Guards do their damnedest to hold off the Trolls... but, I mean... they're Trolls. Do guns even work on them? (No, they don't). Suddenly the Police show up, and flash the baddies with their headlights. This causes the Trolls a fair amount of pain... and does not go unnoticed by young Thomas.
The Trolls go to flee... and it's at this point that X-Factor arrives on the scene. A fight ensues over the course of several pages, finally ending with the Trolls running back to the tunnels... and not a minute too soon, ya see... the Sun's just about risen. X-Factor continues their pursuit, and Thomas is able to inform them that the Trolls' weakness is... Sunlight!
And so, another fight breaks out. Iceman attempts to block off the Trolls' path with a wall of ice... but, it barely slows the bad guys down. At this point, Thomas actually considers using his newly-minted alchemical powers to... turn the Trolls into gold. He quickly dismisses this notion, almost equating it to murder... as there's no way he'd ever be able to return them to flesh and bone.
As the chase continues, Thomas calls out to X-Factor, revealing their current location (they're actually very close to his house... just, ya know, underground). He asks Cyclops to smash a hole in the ceiling of the tunnel to let some sunshine in... and so, ZAPT! Unfortunately for the good guys... it's just another rainy London day... ain't no Sun in the sky right now!
The Troll Associates are soon reunited in full... so, those two that X-Factor gave the slip earlier on, are back in the picture. The Trolls decide that... maybe the best way to get this alchemical kid to do their bidding would be to, well... threaten his mum. And so, they nab her! If Thomas doesn't turn all the things to gold... they're going to flick her head clean off her shoulders.
Thomas is outta luck. He's kind of run out of choices here... and so, he mulls it over. He equates the Trolls to terrorists... who have no qualms about threatening and endangering innocents. And so, he does what he'd thought about doing earlier this issue... he... turns (two of) the Trolls to gold! Not sure where the other three got off to, but... I'm glad they're gone regardless.
After this, Thomas vows to the Golden Trolls that he'll become a Molecular Biochemist, and one day return them to flesh and blood. Well, whatever helps ya sleep at night, Tom.
X-Factor and the Joneses decide to drop the Troll Figures in Hyde Park... but, before leaving, Thomas transmutes the gold into lead... ya know, this way they won't be so enticing to thieves. Beast offers the kid a spot at their School for Mutants... but, Thomas turns 'em down... he's set on going to University so he might eventually bring the bad guys back to "life". Ah, what could'a been!
We wrap up with X-Factor heading back to their Ship... and a teaser that there's about to be a kidnaping (with one p?). The Judgment War is upon us!
I definitely don't have quite the same "soft spot" for this issue as I did for the first half of the story. Frankly, I feel like we paid a bit too much attention to the darn Trolls here... and, boy... weren't they just a bit on the annoying side? Eesh.
That said, I suppose I can be a bit more objective about this issue... and the story, than I was yesterday. What we have here feels like... I don't wanna say "filler", but it's definitely doesn't feel like "must reading", ya know? Gotta wonder if they already had the upcoming Judgment War plotted out, and wanted to end it in the milestone 50th issue of X-Factor... and, maybe this two-parter was more a "means to an end" than anything that absolutely needed telling. I mean, it did give us an extra issue of Art Adams... which, might make the whole thing worthwhile... but, I think, as a story, this probably could've been tightened up, and told in one.
Let's talk Thomas. We see that he realizes that actions have consequences. He's got this unbelievable power to tinker with the chemical makeup of... anything, living or otherwise! He knows that, if he were to turn the Trolls to gold... it'd very likely be a one-way trip... and, as such, really has to be pushed to his limit before he does so. I thought this was pretty cool... and added a bit of nuance to his character, as well as direction for the future.
Though... just a few pages before he begrudgingly turns the Trolls to gold, he does tell X-Factor that sunlight will "destroy" the bad guys... so, maybe he's not really above killing... just as long as he ain't the one actually doing it? Whattayagonnado?
Overall... as much as I had a hard time remaining objective about the first half of this story... this one, I dunno... kinda felt a bit sloggy. The Trolls were almost aggressively annoying... and, I'd be fine never seeing them again. I do wonder if there were some sort of jargon in the fine-print of the Mutant Registration Contest, where "Alchemy" (which he's never referred to as) couldn't become a regular featured character? I remember something similar went down in the pages of Thunderbolts in the late-90's with the character Charcoal (who was the winner of a contest run for Marvel in Wizard Magazine, if I'm remembering right)... it got pretty sticky, if I recall. So, maybe Alchemy couldn't (legally?) ever be more than what he was here? I dunno... I ain't a lawyer, and I'm one'a the few guys on the Internet who won't pretend he is either!
Overall... I think if you read this two-parter in one "go", you'd really enjoy it. In going through it one-per-day, I feel like the "seams" show a bit more. So, I don't not recommend this... but, if you do decide to check out the dazzling debut of Alchemy, I'd suggest you hit up both issues at once. And, uh... did I mention... Art Adams!
Bonus Book??? (No, not really...)
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Today I dropped the latest episode of the show named after this site, in which I discuss our recent visit with Leonard the Duck!
Also, this week...
Morituri Mondays, Episode 18!
From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, Episode 2!
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
X-Factor #41 (1989)
X-Factor #41 (June, 1989)
"Golden Boy!"
Writer - Louise Simonson
Pencils - Arthur Adams
Inks - Allen Milgrom
Letters - Joe Rosen
Colors - Tom Vincent
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.00
Here's a book that holds a very special place in my heart. It is... my first-ever X-Men back-issue. The first one I ever plucked out of the back-issue bins... and, boy howdy... did I feel like I was hot-stuff after finding it!
Ya see, not only was this an X-Book back-issue... it also featured, gasp, a first appearance! This was like 1992, so that sort of thing informed many of our buying habits. Our good friends at Wizard Magazine really had a hand in this... ya see, if ya flip over to the X's, to check out this issue... you'd see the magical and coveted "one-colon".
Not proud of it... but, also... not ashamed of it. It's one of those things where you really had to be there to understand.
Anyhoo, X-Factor was kind of the unsung X-Book back then... especially in light of the bombastic launches of X-Force and X-Men (vol.2). X-Factor kind of flew under the radar in the back-issue market. Whereas the new "hot" books were climbing in value on an almost daily basis... these mid-run X-Factors sort of stagnated. Nobody wanted 'em... and so, once I realized that a) X-Factor wasn't a brand new book when I started collecting*, and b) X-Factor wasn't going up in value... I decided this would be the X-Book I collected!
*If you've listened to the first episode of From Claremont to Claremont (which I don't assume most have), I told my "X-Factor Origin Story", which included my revelation that circa X-Cutioner's Song, I noticed that the book was rapidly approaching its 100th issue! I was shocked... and stunned, when I realized the book had launched with the "original five"!
So... what else makes this issue so special? Well, it's the first-appearance of bah-gawd Alchemy! Who the hell is Alchemy? I'm so glad you asked! Let's jump back to the X-Books, cover-dated December, 1987. Marvel was running a contest... a "Mutant Registration" Contest. Here, take a look (pics from my copy of X-Factor #23):
In addition to promoting the upcoming Fall of the Mutants, we've got us a contest. A contest that would ultimately be won by a fella named Paul Bestow... the creator of the kid we'll soon know as Alchemy.
Now, you might've noticed that the contest states that your "new mutant" would appear in the pages of... well, New Mutants, but some scheduling conflicts (possibly due to the number of crossovers and events that were brewing among the X-Books) pushed it back to this here issue of X-Factor. I do believe that both New Mutants and X-Factor were being written by Louise Simonson at this point... so, it's not like this was a "pawned off" story or anything.
Having this as my first X-Back-Issue really inflated the importance of young Alchemy among Marvel Comics lore (it probably helped that he looked a heckuva lot like your humble host back in the long ago)... but, it just wasn't to be. Oddly, even though he'd only appear a handful of times from then til now, Alchemy proved... uh, important (?) enough to be one of the 198 mutants to retain their powers after the Bendis "No More Mutants" boner!
I'm going to guess they just kept him powered for "cred" and to show the fans that "hey, we know our obscure muties!". There were a handful of odd "gimmes" in that 198 list.
Anyhoo... with all that pre-ramble out of the way... let's get into it!
We open with a Troll emerging from an opening... under a bridge. I wonder if this fella realizing what a cliche he's being... and how he's setting Trolls back decades in as far as stereotyping goes? Tsk, tsk. Whatever the case, we're in London and this bugger smells gold... and, so... he follows his nose to the loot. What he finds is a young teen named Thomas, who is dutifully working on his Chemistry homework. As the boy taps his pen, it transmutes into different elements... lead, platinum, and finally... gold! Tom's mom calls him down to dinner, and it looks like the lad doesn't even realize what he'd just done.
The Troll enters Thomas' bedroom to go check out the pen. Sinking his teeth into it, he knows this is real-deal. The Troll decides to hide out in the kid's room... and plans to kidnap him upon his return from dinner. Ya see, the Troll Associates could really use an influx of gold.
We shift scenes to X-Factor's Ship, and it's a packed house! We've got X-Factor, we've got the New Mutants, we got the X-Terminators... and, of course we've got li'l baby Cable. We enter the scene as Cannonball is being put through a techno-organic obstacle course, courtesy of Warlock.
The rest of the kids are looking on... with Boom Boom looking quite dejected. Ya see, she's got the hot-pants for Sam... but, he's not paying her much mind. Also, Dani's got some residual flu-like symptoms from a previous adventure. Tabitha decides to spice-up Sam's training session by... well, tossing a time bomb into the mix. She's a little idiot... and thankfully, X-Factor is able to (literally) diffuse the situation before it explodes.
Iceman, of all people, heads over to Boom Boom in full-on lecture mode. Worth noting, this was back when Bobby had to wear that inhibitor belt in order to control his powers. Sam flies into the scene to kind of stick up for Tabitha... which totally melts her ice cream, if ya know what I'm sayin'.
Warren and Jean are watching all of this go down... and are in the middle of a rather heavy discussion about all the changes they'd all undergone of late. This is a really good way to drop a bit of exposition... it's done so naturally, you almost don't even notice that we're being "caught up".
Back in London, Thomas returns to his studies... only to be nabbed by, well... the big Troll. Being the polite beast that he is, our Troll informs Thomas that he's being taken for his alchemical powers. Our boy, however, doesn't have the faintest idea what he's getting on about. A struggle ensues, with the Troll eventually overcoming this gangly teen-ager. Not this Troll's best showing, izzit? Thomas calls out, and his mother arrives... and proceeds to beat the Troll about the head 'n shoulders with a broom! Really, dude... is this your first time trolling? Anyhoo... the Troll eventually gets away... and we can see that the bricks that Thomas was holding onto for dear life are now... solid gold.
Back to Ship. The Muties are having a barbecue... roasting weenies on... er, Warlock's Phalanxian phalanges? That's... kinda gross, right? What's more, ol' Rusty is making the fire to cook 'em with... so, uh... that's a bit nasty too, innit? Note to self, don't ever attend a mutant bbq. Rictor gives Boom Boom a soda, which naturally explodes in her face. I mean, would you ever accept something carbonated and combustible from a dude who's power is shaking things? Dani's symptoms are getting worse. Jean tells her they'll get her to a doctor the following day.
Suddenly... Ship has a message! Young (and totally not unusual) Thomas Jones has been kidnapped by a "giant mutant" in London. Are X-Factor bad enough dudes to save him? Do they even want to in the first place? Well... Cyclops isn't too sure at first. Ya see, they've got their hands full with the New Mutants and Baby Cable. The kids interject, and assure Slim that they're more than capable of holding down the fort while the elders are away on mission. Jean co-signs with the kids, and Scott decides they're London-bound.
Before we know it, X-Factor are at Tom Jones' house... where his mother fills them in on the 'napping. Oh! Also worth noting... for whatever reason, Scott decided to bring baby Cable with them! Well, I guess fighting Trolls might be a little bit safer than leaving the tot with a girl who makes time bombs...
After getting the low-down, and learning that Mama Jones' windowsill had turned to gold... X-Factor heads out on the town to track down the teen. What they find is... almost a path of golden breadcrumbs left by Thomas. He alchemitized a whole bunch of stuff during his struggle... finally leading the team into a Red Hot Chili Peppers song. Under the bridge, X-Factor find a door of... you guessed it, solid gold. They know they're getting close.
Cyclops pulverizes the wall with an optic blast... and inside, well... there be gold in them thar tunnels.
Also... Trolls.
The next several pages see our heroes battling the trolls... and coming out of it much worse for wear. They're ultimately beaten, and bound... in golden chains. You'd figure those would be some easy chains to break free from, right? Especially if you're the Beast, no? Anyhoo, it's here that the Trolls introduce X-Factor to Thomas Jones.
Oh... and yeah, it's also here where the team realizes that Baby Cable's gone missing! Whoops...
It's hard for me to be subjective about this issue. I swear, it being my first X-Back Issue, I've read it cover-to-cover dozens... if not hundreds of times. I just love it. Even reading it back today... it was like I was 12 years old again. It's almost enough to kick off some waterworks, and I'm not joking. These are characters I've missed... so, so much.
Is it perfect? Of course not. But, it's "perfect X-Men" to me. These are the characters I fell in love with back in the long ago. I've typed and deleted the next several sentences... like a half-dozen times. I'm just not sure how to put into words how important this silly, throwaway, side-issue of an X-Men side-series is to me. I suppose it really speaks to the talents of Louise Simonson... she manages to craft a story with action, strong characterization, while dedicating half the book to a Troll kidnapping a kid in London!
I, in no way, feel like we were deprived of X-Factor/New Mutant "maturation" here. It feels as though (nearly) every character involved gets a little bit of "shine"... and progression in their own specific stories. This is the "bubbling subplot" approach that absolutely drew me into the X-Books. What's wrong with Dani? What's going to happen with Sam and Tabitha? These are just little bits, added to the greater "whole"... that don't get much panel-time, and yet... you want to follow where they're headed. Just wonderful stuff.
As for Alchemy? I like him! Granted, I'm not being totally subjective... this is an important introduction for me... and also, as mentioned above... this fella looks a lot like I did when I was reading this for the first (hundred) times! I wanted to see more of this character during the 90's... but, (outside a two-parter in Excalibur which was too expensive for my blood at $1.75 an issue!) it just wasn't to be. Would've been neat to see him pop up in some more random issues of whatever, to help out. Would've popped me, anyway! Oh well.
Anything else? Ohhhhhh... yeah, this issue features interiors Art friggin' Adams! What an absolute treat this was. Could you imagine... like even for a half-second... creating a character for Marvel via a contest... and having Art friggin' Adams draw its first appearance? I mean, just try and process that! Goes without saying, this is a very pretty book... and only makes me wish we had more Adams interiors.
Overall... what can I say? I've gushed a bit about this very special issue... so, I mean, yeah... I recommend it, with the caveat that... without my odd context, you might find this to be a very middling issue... with very pretty art.
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Friday, July 8, 2016
Superman (vol.2) #165 (2001)
Superman (vol.2) #165 (February, 2001)
Writer - Jeph Loeb
Pencillers - Ed McGuinness, Humberto Ramos, Rob Liefeld, Mike Wieringo, Art Adams, Ian Churchill, & Joe Madureira
Inkers - Cam Smith, Wayne Faucher, Norm Rapmund, & Tim Townsend
Letterer - Richard Starkings
Colorists - Tanya & Richard Horie
Editors - Tom Palmer, Jr. & Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.25
This is one of those issues that I would have bought even if I didn't care a whit about Superman... I mean, that cover is just too much! My tree needs those ornaments on it this Christmas!
I hope folks are enjoying this Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July week. I've humbled by and grateful for the positive feedback I've received thus far! I'm having a great time sharing these books... I even broke into the wife's candle stash and lit one of the three-wick Fresh Balsam ones to really get into the holiday spirit! Take that, 110 degree Arizona Sun!
We open with the Linear Men as they find that Pluto (the planet... yeah, I still call it that!) has been transformed into Warworld. I'd almost forgotten that DC did away with Pluto around the turn of the century. I remember that getting a bit of play in Wizard Magazine. One of the rare times they said anything positive about DC...
We shift scenes to the JLA Watchtower. Superman, Martian Manhunter, and Plastic Man are engaging in some relaxation exercises. We learn that Superman is still fretting over the new President-Elect, Lex Luthor.
He and J'onn discuss how they have the unique distinction of being aliens... and the levels at which they choose to assimilate into Earth/American culture. J'onn continues, by stating that as soon as Luthor breaks his first law, Superman can count on him to help take him down.
Plastic Man tries to interject a touch of levity by telling a very "Plas" joke... which garners a smirk. Superman gives his pals their Christmas gifts, and takes his leave. Plastic Man gets rubber bands, while J'onn gets himself a box of Chocos. Boy, Supes... hope ya didn't break the bank here!
Next stop, the North Atlantic... where Superman meets up with an incredibly angry looking Aquaman. This is the Rob Liefeld section, so I'm not sure if Arthur's meant to be angry or not. Superman solicits Aquaman's opinion on the Luthor situation, to which, Arthur offers that Lex Luthor is the first Head of State to publicly declare their support for Atlantis.
Superman suggests it was just an empty promise from a politician looking for favors. Arthur grimaces (again, Liefeld...) and replies that it better not have been. Superman heads out, but not before giving Aquaman his Christmas gift... a Metropolis snowglobe. Yeesh... Arthur looks about as impressed as you'd imagine.
Later, in space... Superman meets up with Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner. They are cleaning up space-waste, and engaging in political discussion. Clark asks if Kyle votes, to which he replies that he does. When asked why, the only reason Kyle can muster is the word "hope". He doesn't say who he voted for, but I'd figure it wasn't Luthor. Superman gives Kyle his Christmas gift... a small tub of jewelry polish. Laaaaame....
Next up, Wally. Superman and the Flash are going on a casual run, from Keystone City to San Francisco... for chocolate (Ghirardelli, perhaps?) . They too discuss the results of the recent election, and whether or not Wally votes. "Early and Often" is Wally's reply. As they continue along, Wally tells Clark that if he wants to drag Luthor out of the Oval Office, just say the word. Clark thanks him, but says they're going to wait it out. Wally's gift is... tube socks. Wonk wonnnnk...
Later in Antarctica, Superman and Wonder Woman are wrestling. The first thing I notice here is Wonder Woman's hair... yeesh, imagine trying to drag a comb through that! Painful. Anyhoo, Superman's mind is elsewhere, resulting in Diana pinning him twice in a row. Yeah, they're really wrestling here.
Clark and Diana wrap up their match, and discuss the events of the year prior. Diana suggests that Clark should take some time away... time to just be with Lois. Before leaving, Clark hands over her Christmas gift... a mjolnir. A trinket to remember the 1,000 years they'd spent together earlier that year.
Last stop, Gotham City. Batman and Superman are together on a rooftop... in complete silence. Finally, Batman speaks... repeats something Clark had told him about putting trust in the American people to ultimately do the right thing. Superman gives Batman his Christmas gift... a magnifying glass... and claims that it's from Lois.
Batman thanks "Lois" for the gift... and before he leaves, turns to Clark are reassures him that they'll take Luthor down... when the time is right.
We close out the issue with Superman and Lois on a getaway... to the Bottle City of Kandor.
Boy, Superman is a cheapskate. Talk about some crummy gifts! All kidding aside, this issue holds a very special place for me as it's among the books that got me reacquainted with the DC Universe after some time away. I'm not sure I mentioned it here, but there was a time during the late-90's that I kind of fell out of full-time comic collecting. I never quit cold-turkey or anything, but dropped plenty of books that I could either no longer afford, or those that weren't holding my interest. Many of my DC books fell into the former. Superman was going strong, however, with the never-ending battle "triangle numbering" format, it was quite difficult for me to keep up financially. It just got so overwhelming to try and stay on top of things... and I have kind of an "all or nothing" mentality... where it's easier for me just to drop everything rather than picking and choosing what I'll still pick up.
The turn of the century got me dipping my toe back into the DC Universe... and I quite liked what I was reading. The Bat-books were going great guns with No Man's Land, JLA was the book... and I found myself wrapped up in Superman once again. This particular issue afforded me/us the opportunity to just "hang out" with these larger than life characters. There's no urgent threats, no fighting or squabbling... it's just people, acting like people. I love it!
I usually don't cotton to "jam" books... that is to say, I generally like it better when there's only one artist in a given book. Here, however, I appreciate the various takes. It gives the book a feeling of grandeur (rather than "dreaded deadline doom")... it almost feels as though the disparate segments were plucked from different books. I think this works really well given the narrative and occasion... and what a mix of artists they've got. Joe Mad, Mike Wieringo, Art-frickin-Adams... great stuff! Even Liefeld and Churchill (who seems like he's cribbing a lot of Liefeld here) help set the tone for their particular segments.
The story is also great. This is only a minor detour from the overarching narrative woven throughout the Superman titles of the vintage... but it's Christmas... life kinda stops for a lot of folks around that time of year... I know it does for me. The Luthor as President storyline is still addressed and discussed by all members of the Justice League. We get some great insight here from each member, and find out their opinions on the situation. You get the impression that Superman's not entirely sure what he wants them to say... as he gets a wide array of replies. Wally's gung-ho about dragging Lex out, while J'onn is waiting for Luthor to slip up. Aquaman is playing his cards close to the vest, as he has a special interest in some of Luthor's campaign promises. This is all very compelling, Superman serves as a sounding board here... and, I'm guessing now he's even more confused and conflicted than he was prior!
All told, I really enjoyed this issue. From the excellent cover, to everything between... this was a lot of fun. Definitely keep an eye out for it, if you are so inclined.
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