NML Crossing, Episode Thirty-Four
Detective Comics #726 (October, 1998)
“Fool’s Errand”
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Art - Brian Stelfreeze w/Scott McDaniel
Colors - Gloria Vasquez & Android Images
Letters - John Costanza
Edits - Vincenzo & Peterson
Cover Price: $1.99
Wrapping up the Aftershock Era with... a Red-Sky issue?!
Rather than going out with a Cataclysmic Bang, we ready ourselves to embark upon the Road to No Man's Land with a wonderful little "evergreen" story, featuring the Joker imparting quite the impactful lesson upon our Caped Crusader.
Potentially the strongest single-issue story of our NML Crossing journey so far! You're gonna dig this issue... and hopefully, this episode!
NML Crossing on Youtube