NML Crossing, Episode Forty-Seven
Batman: No Man’s Land #1 (March, 1999)
“No Law and a New Order, Part One: Values”
Writer - Bob Gale
Pencils - Alex Maleev
Inks - Wayne Faucher
Colors - Digital Chameleon
Letters - Willie Schubert
Edits - Joseph Illidge, Gorfinkel, Peterson, O’Neil
Cover Price: $3.95
It's taken us over two months... and many, many, many hours to get here... but, today we finally enter NO MAN'S LAND!
Welcome to the "new normal" where apples are worth more than diamonds, crudely-sharpened spears are more valuable than firearms, and the GCPD is nothing more than a roving street gang. The Penguin rules the roost, and Batman hasn't been seen in over three months... or, has he? We're laying the first few bricks in our massive year-spanning crossovent... and it's gonna be a good time (for us anyway, notsomuch the poor Gothamites).
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