Showing posts with label bicentennial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bicentennial. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom Fighters #3 (1976)

Freedom Fighters #3 (August, 1976)
Story - Martin Pasko
Penciller - Ramona Fradon
Inker - Juan Canale
Colorist - Liz Berube
Editor - Gerry Conway
Cover Price: $0.30

Well hey, it's the Fourth of July!  Happy Birthday America!

Now, last year we were able to sidestep the whole patriotic angle by discussing, er, a Marvel Comics mutant with powers not unlike fireworks... but this time around we're gonna go full red, white and blue.

I ask ya, what better way to celebrate the United States of America than by checking out an issue of Freedom Fighters?  Well, howsabout the DC Comics Bicentennial Month issue of Freedom Fighters?


We open with the heroes holed up in a deserted mansion.  The police have them surrounded and consider them fugitives from the law... we'll get there.  Inside, the Freedom Fighters decide their best course of action to escape the police is... er, escaping the police.  Good call, folks!  The Ray hurls some light blobs at the police spotlight, and they get away.  After they're gone, an officer notices that District Attorney Pearson is there... and the D.A. is to blame for "those freaks" being there.  Weird, I thought the FF were on DC Earth (one) right now... why not call in some other super-types to take them down?

Well, let's not worry about that... instead, let's head to the suburbs and meet Arthur T. Sommar, doting father and homicidal husband.  If I had to guess, I'd say his name is some sort of anagram... it's just too weird.  A quick anagram check reveals things like Ham Tart Rumors, Harm Rat Tumors, Ram Roast Thrum, and Smart Art Humor... it's, er... probably one of those, right?  The issue thankfully informs us that his friends call him "Ted"... presumably his middle name?  Eh?  Who knows...

Let's turn the page and meet Mrs. Tart Rumors, who is doing the dishes while humming some grindstep beat box.  This upsets Ted... so, he creeps up behind her, and bashes her head in with his briefcase!  Must'a been a Halliburton.

We rejoin the Freedom Fighters, who are now hiding out in an abandoned loft.  Uncle Sam questions why they ever left Earth-X... which, I dunno... seems like a silly question.  Gotta figure "our" Earth might be a little bit better than one under Hitler's Reich, right?  Phantom Lady suggests they just keep their cool and put their heroic alter-egos on the shelf for a bit.  Doll Man's all "not so fast", and (somehow) produces WANTED posters for each member of the FF... in and out of costume!  Ya see, they spilled all the beans to that District Attorney Pearson when they arrived on Earth-1.

While the team frets, Ray is busy turning scraps of metal garbage into a power transfusion machine.  He has a plan which involves he and Phantom Lady use the machine to mix their powers... Happy (Ray) can absorb light, and Sandy (Phantom Lady) can, well, become a phantom.  With their powers combined, they can cloak the entire team in invisibility.  Suuuure, stands to reason... I guess.  A-hem.

As luck would have it, just as our pals go transparent, some balaclava-clad roller skate-wearing goofballs are robbing a... sporting goods store?  The Freedom Fighters easily take down the geeks... because, ya know, a) they're invisible and b) c'mon look at these bad guys.  As the fight winds down, we are joined by our suburban psychopath, Ted!

At this point we shift to some Qwardian observers... they are able to see through the Freedom Fighters' invisibility trick.  They are displeased to see these colorful creeps spoiling the fun of the "noble thieves", and decide to even the odds by providing them with a "Straser" (strafing laser unit to us plebs).  They blast ol' Ted with a beam... which leaves him covered in, I dunno goo, or perhaps frost... anyhoo, he transforms into (the iconic) Skragg, the Super-Sniper! 

Skragg plugs his arm stumps in and flies upward on his goblin-glider where he begins decimating the New York City skyline.  Nearby, Uncle Sam thinks the boomings might be the result of his partner, the Human Bomb... but, nope!

The Freedom Fighters head back out to take down this new threat... and do so, pretty easily.  Worth mentioning (I guess) that Phantom Lady has vanished (pun!), as has Doll Man.  The remaining Fighters just write them off as being elsewhere together.  During the fight, however, Doll Man is not only present but instrumental in Skragg's defeat.

After being taken into custody, Skragg seems to waver between his Qwardian-effected persona, and his normal (homicidal?) one.  He freaks out that he no longer has hands... which, yeah... that sounds like something that would happen.  Uncle Sam proceeds to... read him his Miranda rights, welp, wasn't expecting that.  Skragg says he knows his rights, because ol' Ted's a lawyer.  He requests his phone call... and it's granted.  We get a neat panel of him dialing a phone with his wrist-turrets, before he is taken over by psychopathy.

Skragg starts blasting with his wrist-blasters, and the fight is back on.  It's just another fight... the only thing worth mentioning is Black Condor and Uncle Sam procuring a billboard with a... weird slogan on it.

The fight ends with Skragg hanging on to the side of a skyscraper.  He begs the FF for help, and Ray attempts to lend a hand... unfortunately, during the act his hand goes all "phantomy", a residual effect of the earlier power transfusion.  Skragg falls, presumably to his death.  After all, it's been over forty years, and we haven't seen him since.  Maybe he's still falling?

The issue ends with the gang back at their hideout, listlessly looking at their WANTED posters and wondering what their place in this world is.  Oh yeah, Phantom Lady also returns... having been buried under rubble for the second half of the issue, and had to dig herself out.  Now, who ever said chivalry is dead?


Well... that sure was an issue of Freedom Fighters.  It wasn't bad or anything... just kinda boring.  It looked nice though!

Really not a whole lot to say about this one.  I could ask why the police didn't call in any of DC's heroes to try and take down the Fugitive Freedom Fighters, but the next issue blurb promises that Wonder Woman's going to show up... so, perhaps after this mix-up, they do?

I wonder why so much went into Arthur/Ted's backstory.  I mean, if the Qwardians were just going to transform a random passerby into Skragg, why did we need to know that dude is homicidal?  Why did we need the scene of him bludgeoning his wife to death?  Seems like they might've had bigger plans for ol' Mr. Sommar... hell, even the cover copy tells us we've never seen a villain as deadly as he is!  Weird.

The members of the Freedom Fighters don't come across as terribly engaging... though, to be fair, this really wasn't a character spotlight sort of issue.  I think I can say that Uncle Sam's a pretty annoying character though.  All those tarnations and consarnits... and wanting to go back to Earth-X... ay yai yai.  That's something I can't wrap my head around... ya gotta figure most any Earth would be better than Earth-X, right?

Overall, to wrap up... this is an issue that sorta feels like filler... it's not stunningly great or painfully awful... it just "is".  Ramona Fradon's art is wonderful, her faces look pretty amazing.  Not an issue I'd tell ya to rush out and find... or avoid if you come across it.  It's books like this that are the hardest to discuss... just so middle-of-the-road, safe and inoffensive.

Anyhoo, I hope y'all have a great day of barbecues, family and fireworks.  Tomorrow's forecast is... brr, chilly.


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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Action Comics #461 (1976)

Action Comics #461 (July, 1976)
"Kill Me or Leave Me!"
"The Toughest Newsboy in Town!"
Writers - Cary Bates & Bob Rozakis
Penciller - Curt Swan
Inker - Tex Blaisdell
Editor - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $0.30

Wouldja look at that cover... a Clark Kent Fan Club?  Who does he think he is... Jimmy Olsen?

While we're looking at the cover... what's that Number 30 in the top right hand corner?  Are... oh no, are the DC Bicentennial Books numbered?!?  Don't they know how that messes with my completionist nature?  Dammit, DC!


Our story opens with Daily Planet nudnick Steve Lombard working out in the gym when he is approached by... well, some strange-looking fellow.  This green-and-gold clad baddie proclaims that he knows for a fact that Lombard is, in fact... Superman!  Little does he know that at the very same time, the real steel deal is saving a Senator from a crew of geeks wearing asbestos suits.

Superman wraps up saving the rescue and heads back to the Galaxy Building.  He comes across the baddie (who, according to a helpful note, he'd met last issue) and Lombard playing cat 'n mouse in the Galaxy staff gym.  A battle rages and Steve, seeing the opportunity for to get a big scoop grabs a handheld camcorder.  We learn that the bad dude goes by the palindromic Karb-Brak... and he's really having his way with Superman.

Karb offers that he and Superman share many powers... however, he can also make things go boom!  He 'splodes the gym.  In the blast, Superman grabs Lombard and makes like a tree.  Moments later, an ordinary gentleman nonchalantly moseys out of the Galaxy Building.  This is Andrew Meda (get it?), and he and Karb-Brak are one in the same.  He was sent from the Andromeda galaxy due to his having an allergy to the super-powered folks on his home planet.  Upon arrival on Earth, he ran into the similarly-powered Superman, causing his allergy to flare up... and costing him his "Earth-guise".  He knows that the Earth isn't big enough for both he and Superman.

We follow Mr. Meda home where he heads over to his Psi-Machine which had narrowed Superman's true identity down to either Steve Lombard or Clark Kent.  With Lombard ruled out, Karb knows it's gotta be Clark Kent.  And so, he "implants ideas" into the minds of those close to Clark... then turns sets his machine onto the rest of Metropolis!

The next morning, Clark Kent heads out for his morning trek to the office... and runs into throngs of adoring fans?!  Upon arrival, he meets up with Lombard and Lois... who are also unable to resist Clark's unspoken charms.

Normally if he's in a tight spot, Clark "supes" up and flies away... however, with his newly found celebrity status, he can't seem to pull himself away long enough to change.  And so, he just runs out of the building... and is chased by his fan club... into the park, where he runs into Karb-Brak... who knows his secret!

They enter into battle, complete with cheering audience.  Karb hammers Clark into the ground like he was a cartoon character.  Clark recoups and yanks a water main out of the ground, spraying the baddie away... but also, revealing his secret identity to the public!

Krab-Brak flees.  With the cat already out of the bag, Clark decides just to fly after him... to the apartment of Andrew Meda and his wacky Psi-Machine.  Superman uses the machine to do the ol' Professor X mindwipe on the citizens who saw mild-mannered Clark Kent's super-feats.

The story wraps with a weakened Karb-Brak spilling the beans on his history... and giving Superman an ultimatum.  Either leave the Earth... or kill him!  [To be continued...]

Our back-up story features the Amazing Exploits of Perry White.  Wow.  It begins with the White family finishing up their Easter dinner.  He asks the other adults to leave him and the kids so he can share some a story from his youth.  I'll bet you never knew that Perry White was at one time, the Toughest Newsboy in Town!  I sure didn't.

Anyhoo... back in the day, young Perry was shillin' papers on the corner.  One patron gave him a shiny quarter... not bad, for a paper that goes for 2-cents.  Perry theorizes that this customer was, in fact the missing Toy Company heir, Victor Larsen in disguise.  Sure, why not?

Perry gives chase, taking all manner of transport... hoppin' on the back of a pickup truck, skitching behind a car, riding another kid's handlebars... whatever gets the job done, right?  He winds up at Larsen's office... where inside, Victor is holding a scientist named Norton hostage.  He wants the plans he believes he designed for a "super-weapon".

Perry continues his story, informing his grandkids that Norton had evidently designed an atomic bomb!  Back in flashback, Perry enters the offices just as Larsen draws his gun.  They fight back and forth for a bit, Perry monkey-flips Larsen... then socks him good.

The story ends with Perry getting a job at the Daily Planet due to his "aggressiveness".  Unfortunately the then-editor in chief refuses to print his story about Norton's atomic bomb.


Well... with as neat as the cover was, this was a bit of a let down.  Really wasn't expecting this to be the second part of three, though that's not really the issue's fault.  The story we do get here though... ehh, wasn't great.  I can't help but wonder what crazy story would have been under a cover like this had it been released ten years earlier.

I've often seen folks complain that Bronze-Age Superman stories place too heavy a focused on Superman protecting his secret identity.  In my (admittedly limited) Bronze-Age experience, I think this complaint is valid.  It seems as though every issue is an exercise in secret identity related shenanigans... usually with (at least) one other person (good or evil) being tipped off.  Again, I've got limited experience with the era, but this describes much of what I have read.

Not much more to say about this issue, though I will admit that I am interested in seeing how this story ends.  I suppose if we're judging by that metric, this issue was a success.  Disappointing sure, but successful in making me want to come back for the next issue.

The back-up story... I actually didn't mind.  It was silly, but a good kind of silly.  I like the idea of Perry White being a rough 'n tumble neighborhood kid who would just as soon sock a guy in the nose if he thought he were bad news.  I'm actually a bit surprised that Perry didn't get his own ongoing during the Silver Age.  Seems like all of Superman's pals had their own books!

Overall... a couple of silly stories that I'd tell ya not to break your back (or bank) looking for.  If you come across this issue on the cheap, you could do far worse.


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