Showing posts with label bob brown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bob brown. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Doom Patrol #94 (1965)

Doom Patrol #94 (March, 1965)
"The Nightmare Fighters"
"The Chief 'Stands' Alone/Master of the Killer Birds"
Writer - Arnold Drake
Art - Bob Brown & Bruno Premiani
Letters - Stan Starkman
Editor - Murray Boltinoff
Cover Price: $0.12

Now... how's that for a cover?!

One'a those that really makes you wanna read the story... also, one that I'm surprised hasn't been homaged skatey-eight hundred times by now! 


We open with the Doom Patrol introduced as guests of the television show "Open Mind" by host Kenneth Devine.  Along with the Doomies, we've got the author of best-selling book Illusion and Reality, Dr. John Radick... and the Eastern Mystic Rama Kara, who has come to share photographic evidence of the "Spirit of Osra".  Cliff yuks it up, and accuses the mystic of being drunk.  The host appeals to the Chief for his opinion... and he thinks it's a bit of hogwash too.  later that night, the Doom Patrol jokingly toast to ol' Osra.  They seem kinda mean, don't they?  Anyhoo... should go without saying that... that very night, the Spirit of Osra shows up to wreak some havoc.

The Spirit destroys a warehouse... and Rita and Larry spring into action (Cliff is suddenly "away" on special assignment).  They wonder how a "ghost" could cause actual structural damage... and Rita suggests Larry send the Negative Man out to try and nab the spirit.  Unfortunately, he winds up flying right through it!  Seconds later, "Osra" vanishes!

Shortly, the police already have Rama Kara in custody... and they're questioning him about the event.  The Mystic pleads ignorance... he hasn't the foggiest idea what's going on himself.  The cops ain't buyin' it... but, the Chief believes there might be something to his story.  The cops aren't buyin' that either.

Back on the street, Osra has struck again... this time the spirit is riding a chariot in the sky.  Rita and Larry witness him crashing through another wall... which, ya know... ghosts ought not be able to do, right?  Rita decides to grow up... up... up... up... up... and snaps a wrecking ball off of a nearby piece of construction equipment.  She begins swinging it (Argentine-style), but before she can strike the spirit... it vanishes.

Later on, we rejoin the team back at HQ.  By this point, Cliff has returned from "special assignment".  The Chief is curious as to whether or not Cliff would be able to see this spirit... since the last time they messed with someone using illusions, Cliff wasn't fooled because of the steel alloy that surrounds his brain.

Steel alloy?  I think we're going to need to take a better look at that.  Lucky for us, the Chief produces the schematic for Cliff's Robotman body!  After taking a peek, the Chief wonders if Dr. Janus might be the one behind the "illusions".  Cliff chimes in to remind Niles that Janus bit the big one in prison (I didn't even know he was sick!).

Then... a news bulletin!  Osra's back, and taking names... at a nearby tractor plant.  The Doomies hit the streets... and upon confronting the Spirit, Cliff is shocked to realize... he can see it!  The Chief (who is watching via monitor), begins to question everything he's based his life on.  Just wait till you meet folks like the Spectre... and the Phantom Stranger... 

Back at the plant, Osra has inhabited a tractor, making it appear to have come to life (and boy, does it look ticked!).  The Negative Man battering rams Cliff into the thing to destroy it.  When the dust settles, Professor Radick (thought he was Doctor Radick?) approaches, claiming to have found Rama Kara creepin' around outside.

The Mystic will not allow himself to be searched, so Larry does the next best thing... he unwraps his face, and gives Rama the ol' radioactive once-over.  Looks like the fella is clean.  At the same time, Cliff gives Radick a rubdown... which, I'd assume would be weird with feeling-less robotic fingers.  I suppose they didn't want Rita rubbing the Doc.  Back at HQ, Niles has a plan... and it looks like he's really laboring over it!

Just then, the Doom Patrol (and their "guests") notice the tractor coming back to life.  They all see it... except Cliff!  All he can see are multicolored flashing lights popping around it... and deduces that this whole thing's gotta be the result of "radio-illusions".  And with that... not Rama Whatshisface, but Doc/Prof Radick runs off!  Looks like the Doomies might've been barking up the wrong tree all along!

Cliff chases the Doc/Prof into a Metal Processing Room... and is immediately nyoinked by a crane... and dropped on that Press 'n' Punch from the cover.

Rita grows big and rips one of the bars off the machine to save her partner... who then uses his freshly-pressed legs to whack Radick in the back!  It's probably not "Argentine-style", but it'll work in a pinch!

Then, one Robotman-body-swap later, they investigate Radick's... uh, corpse?  I mean, he's laying awfully still... and there's no mention of his going to jail or anything.  Anyhoo... they discover that Radick has a robotic arm where he concealed his radio-image transmitter.  Later, we learn that Radick was actually Dr. Janus's son... and the reason why Cliff was able to see the "Spirit" was due to improvements made to the illusion-technology.  The Chief explains that his "last ditch" effort was to increase a signal-thingie in Cliff's leg.  We'll just go with it.

We're not done though... it's time for our second-feature, the kinda cruelly-titled The Chief "Stands" Alone.  Get it?  Ohboy.  Anyhoo, we open with the Doom Patrol about to lower themselves into an active volcano, that's just about to blow... the Chief watches via monitor, knowing that as soon as they enter Monapula, he will lose contact with them.

Down in the hole, the Doomies reach the volcanic threat... and send Larry's Negative Man entity out to take a look.  No sooner does he vacate their air-conditioned capsule than he's "attacked" by wild radio waves.  Larry summons him back into his body before he gets taken out.

Next, Cliff decides to test his luck with the volcano.  He climbs out of the capsule and attempts to perforate the walls, to provide some ventilation.  Naturally, his fist melts into the wall.  Gotta wonder just how many Robotman bodies/replacement parts the Chief has laying around?

Turns out, punchin' holes does the trick.  Rita grows her hand real big and POPs Cliff's robotic arm-stub out of the volcano wall.  Job well done, they head back to HQ... only to find the Chief, missing!

And so, we jump into flashback-land... as earlier that day, the Chief was testing out his brand-spankin' new "Wheelchair Fortress" the Action Chair!  This baby's come equipped with all sorts of shenanigans that'll (in theory) make him more useful on the "front lines".

Around the same time... a bird robs an armored car.

This is the work of the villainous... Claw!  I'm tellin' ya, this fella... goofy gimmick that he is, has a pretty awesome costume.  It's too bad this is his one-and-only appearance!  The Chief watches a news broadcast, and decides this might be the perfect opportunity to test out his new Action Chair.  He, uh, doesn't know about Claw though... I'm pretty sure he thinks he's just going out to fight a pair of birds. Okay, okay... he probably knows about Claw too.

Back at the bank, one of the officers uses a special weapon lent to them by the Doom Patrol to combat the birds.  From the looks of it, seems like the Chief let them borrow his hair dryer?

Then, Claw sends the Chief a riddle of sorts... which, I think we're supposed to try solving.  See if you're as smart as the Chief (I'm not, by the way).  Then again, it is a pretty bad riddle.

Okay, guesses in?  Time to reveal the answer... as the Chief rolls up to Cardinals Stadium at 8 o'clock.  Upon arrival, he's attacked by Tonka and Meena... those damned birds!  And get this, they're wearing adorable little metal helmets!  Time for the Action Chair... to launch into, well, action.

Back at HQ, the Doomies crack the code.  Ya see, Claw mentioned a red bird... and Henry Tudor... which naturally means, Cardinals Stadium at 8 o'clock.  Cardinals are red... and Henry Tudor was King Henry the VIII of England!  Don'tcha all feel so smart right now?!

Back at the Stadium, the Chief is faced off by Claw... and the Action Chair really makes the baddie look like a goofball.

So, Claw steps back and... get this... throws a baseball at the Chief's noggin!  This actually manages to kayo Niles... or at least it seems to.  Lookit that pitch!  Claw's got some nice form!

Then, Claw comes closer to finish the Chief off with a "karate chop"... only to learn that Niles was "playing possum".  Looks like Claw's got a glass jaw, because one punch from Caulder is all it takes to put him down.  The Doomies check in with the Chief, and they call it a day.


Well, that was a couple of super-fun Doom Patrol stories!  It's funny, whenever we discuss the Silver-Age there isn't always much more to say than that.  More often than not, "This was fun" just about covers it!  I have this entire era of Doom Patrol in collected edition... but, as I prefer reading them in singles, I'm fairly certain this is my first time reading this particular issue.

I'm happy that the press 'n' punch scene from the cover actually happens inside the issue.  It probably speaks to my jaded nature as a "current year" comic fan, that part of me was sure it wasn't going to happen.  It was just a single page, and didn't have much to do with the story itself... but, it happened!

I mentioned in the synopsis... just how many extra Cliff-parts does the Chief have?  I mean, we've got two stories... and poor Cliff needs two completely different repairs!  After the run-in with the press 'n' punch, the Chief replaces most of Cliff's body in record time!  Like, one-panel later, he's good to go again!

Let's talk about Claw (from the second feature).  Man, what a cool character design... so familiar too!  It's hard to believe this was his only appearance.  I'm thinking... DC must've used this design again, right?  Am I thinking of the Court of Owls, maybe?  I dunno... whatever it is, I really dig this look!  I like that he controls birds to rob banks too... I mean, just the image of a bird flying in and out of an armored car, stealing sacks of money each time... that's kinda what comics should be all about.

The art here is pretty great... I actually had to confer with several sites to confirm the creative teams, and was pretty surprised to learn that these two stories had two different artists.  Premiani and Brown really complimented one another, and didn't look jarring in the slightest (to me, anyway).

Overall, if you're a fan of the Doom Patrol, I'm sure you'll really dig this issue.  It has been reprinted a number of times, including Doom Patrol Archives, Volume 2... SHOWCASE Presents: Doom Patrol, Volume 1... and Doom Patrol: Silver-Age Omnibus.  It is also available digitally.


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Monday, September 10, 2018

Superboy #195 (1973)

Superboy #193 (June, 1973)
"The Rock 'n' Roll Riddle of Smallville!"
"The One-Shot Hero!"
Writer - Cary Bates
Pencils - Bob Brown & Dave Cockrum
Inks - Murphy Anderson
Cover Price: $0.20

Dunno about you, but if I see the words "Rock 'n' Roll" on the cover of a comic, I really am powerless to resist it.  Not that I'm a huge music buff or anything, but the idea of a comic (especially of this vintage) using "Rock 'n' Roll"... I mean, you just know you're in for a corny-as-all-get-out treat.

Also, I think we're going to meet an all-new Legionnaire in the back-up... so, let's get to it!


It's the story of two loners... one, a blind boy named Don Blake... who, upon bopping his cane into the ground becomes the Mighty Tho-- oh, not that Don Blake?  Oh, okay.  The other, Clark Kent... Superboy!  One without enough ability... the other, with far too much!  We see Don get beaned in the belly with a baseball... and get lambasted for being "blind", that is, of course, before the kid realizes that he truly is blind.  I mean, how many blind kids attend Smallville High?  I'd figure the whole school would be aware of this guy!  Clark, on the other hand, is coerced into hula-hooping (they're the newest craze!)... his powers go out of control sending the thing sky-high.  He whips up a "freak dust storm" to explain the phenomenon.

Later that day, Clark and Don walk home from school together.  Don's holding his trusty radio up to his ear, and just DJ Michael Jay is about to spin the song "Bad-Time Baby", a terrific hurricane begins!

Since Don can't see, Clark doesn't need to come up with too elaborate an excuse... he "supes up" and heads into the thick of it, where he finds... a thunderball!  More like ball-lightning, but "thunderball" definitely has a better ring to it!  More punch!  Anyhoo, Superboy wraps his outstretched cape over the weather anomaly in attempt to contain it, when suddenly...

... it just stops!  The weather goes right back to normal, and barring all of the structural damage, it's as though the hurricane never occurred.  After checking in with some Smallvillians, Superboy "kents down" to check back in with Don.  We can hear via his radio that the song "Bad-Time Baby" just ended.  Hmm...

The next day, we join Don Blake in the Engineering Lab.  Smallville High has an Engineering Lab?!  In 1973?!  Really?  Okay.  Anyhoo, he's working on adding miniature "radar sensors" to his specs to assist his senses and give him better depth perception.  At that very moment, Superboy is sneaking out to go on his midday patrol.

The other students?  Well, you know how they be... they're sock-hoppin' in the cafeteria!  Wouldn'tcha know it, DJ Michael Jay is just about to spin "Bad-Time Baby" again!  WSMV is the only station that plays that song, by the way.

Shifting over to Superboy's patrol... he spots a pair of goons attempting to rob a bank.  He has everything well in hand, until... the thunderball returns... inside the bank, even!

Back in the Engineering Lab, Don Blake pops on his suped-up specs.  All of the "gizmos" he added are acting like electronic receivers, and he can hear a far off phone call between the bank robbers and... someone referred to as "Jay".  You don't think they're talking about WSMV DJ Michael Jay, do ya?!  They discuss using the thunderball as a distraction.

Moments later, and just like the previous day... the thunderball disappears.  Don Blake checks his radio, and... naturally, "Bad-Time Baby" has just concluded.  He thinks he's figured it all out, and heads off to... no, not the Police Station... to WSMV Studios to confront Michael Jay... and to show the world that being "blind" doesn't mean you're "helpless".

Of course, the next time we see young Master Blake, he is tied up.  Well, so much for that.  It's here that we learn that "Bad-Time Baby" somehow causes these thunderballs to occur.

Lucky for him, Superboy arrives on the scene right away!  He confronts DJ Michael Jay (who gives up in record time), and learns that he had no choice but to help out the goons.  Ya see, he's run up a "terrific" gambling debt.

He beats up all of the bad guys... even makes two of 'em kiss!  Okay, not really.  After neutralizing the goons, he grabs the Bad-News Baby "platter" and crushes it in his hand.

But, I know what you're thinking... how did Superboy know to head to the WSMV studio?  Well, naturally... Don Blake used a miniature transmitter, which he knew Superboy's super-hearing would catch.  Superboy gives the thumbs up (which Don can't see)... okay, no, I'm kidding.  He gives the metaphorical "thumbs up" and proclaims Don Blake's days as a loner are behind him.  Just like that?  Gee thanks!

Next, we head in for a NEW Tale of the Legion of Super-Heroes... and it's the first appearance of the Legionnaire we now know as Wildfire!  We open with, well, Wildfire (going by the name ERG-1... that is Energy Release Generator-1) as he is pitching to become a member of the Legion.

Phantom Girl's all "whattaya got, stud?" and so, he spills his secret origin.  His real name is Drake Burroughs... and he was an Astro-Engineer (I tell ya, that Engineering Lab at Smallville High must've been quite ahead of its time!).  While working on a propulsion system, he was pounded by some anti-matter discharge, which transformed him into a being of "pulsating anti-energy".  The only way he could survive after that was being stuffed into the containment suit that he wears.

Since that didn't exactly answer Phantom Girl's query, he continues to explain his powers.  Ya see, he can do many things that the Legionnaires can already do, including having similarly sensitive "senses" as Superboy", Chemical King's control over elements, size manipulation like Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet, even the intangibility of Phantom Girl herself!  While impressive, the Legion decides to pass... after all, according to their rules, each member must bring something unique to the table.

ERG meekly pleads his case, and hints that there is more to him than his Legionnaire gimmicks... however, when he's asked to demonstrate, he declines... and decides to accept his disqualification.

Just then, the Legion is contacted about some trouble brewing on Manna-5... an agricultural planet responsible for providing food to countless worlds and billions of folks.  Turns out, some baddies have concocted a... well, basically a giant vacuum to suck up all of the food.  The Legion head off to take a look.  What they don't know, is that ERG stowed away with them.

Now, the Legion takes the fight to the giant vacuum... and they're really no match for it!  The thing is even able to take down Colossal Boy... and just as it's about to suck him up, ERG swoops in and fires a terrific blast of "unimaginable destructive force" from his visor!

This destroys the vacuum, however also... leaves nothing but ERG's limp containment suit laying on the ground.  The Legion celebrate the win, however promise to honor ERG's sacrifice.  They vow to never forget him... and even build a monument in his honor!


Ya know... if you're ever down about comics "these days", or the constant behind-the-scenes bickering we're all (unwittingly) privy to... one place to find solace, and a reminder as to why we love this stuff to begin with... is the Bronze-Age!  There's just so much fun here.

Before we begin... one thing that stood out to me, which probably wouldn't have, had we not recently discussed that Silver-Age Superboy story a few days ago.  In it, the Kent General Store, and the Kent home were burned down... and Clark wasn't allowed to help them rebuild as Superboy... for fear that it would've revealed his dual-identity.  Well... after the "thunderball" struck, the first thing Superboy did was promise his newly-homeless Smallvillians that he'd "be back later to repair everything".  So, what's the deal?!

Oh well, just another case of me thinking too hard and being silly about Silver Age comics.  Nothin' ta see here, folks!

I did a little research on Don Blake... it looks like this is his only appearance.  That's really too bad.  Seems like a natural fit as Superboy's "techie" friend... someone who he can call on when he needs a hand.  Heck, I could see him being part of Superman's cast, even!  Despite this being his lone appearance, someone out there actually made a custom action figure of him!  Wouldja lookit that?  Looks pretty cool!

By the way, you could lose several hours of your life checking out Figure Realm's customs.  A ton of cool stuff there!  Everything you never knew you wanted!

As corny as Superboy's "declaration" that Blake was no longer a loner was... I still dug it.  Felt like the way a sitcom might end.  Nothing's really tied up, but since we're shuffling this kid into limbo anyway, it doesn't even matter!  For all we know, Don Blake went on to become the Casanova of the Engineering Lab... or, ya know, he might've just become Thor.

The Legion story... another fun one!  I'm not sure why, but I really dig young heroes "pitching" to join their ranks.  I mean, I could probably read a trade collection of just that!  It's part "Who's Who?" it's part "Secret Origin", added to that... we get a "Yea" or "Nay"... it's just a lot of fun.

The tragic cliffhanger was well handled.  Of course, from what we know now... it's kinda deflating, but I'm sure back in the long ago, there might've been actual feelings of loss.  The threat?  I mean, it's silly... the Legion were taking on a giant vacuum cleaner.  You gotta wonder what Dave Cockrum was using as inspiration there... like, did he head into the broom closet to get a better look at his own vacuum?

Overall... this was a blast.  Silly, sure... but a whole lot of fun.  The kinda book that reminds me why I still do this every day!  The Superboy story would be reprinted in a Digest Edition... and the ERG tale would be reprinted several times over.  Somewhat surprisingly, this issue is available digitally!  I'd say it's worth a look!


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