Showing posts with label bob gale. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bob gale. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 063 - Detective Comics #733 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Sixty-Three

Detective Comics #733 (June, 1999)
“Shades of Grey”
Writer - Bob Gale
Pencils - Phil Winslade
Inks - Phil Winslade & Sal Buscema
Letters - Ellie DeVille
Colors - Pam Rambo & Wildstorm FX
Edits - Illidge, Gorfinkel, O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.99

Wrapping up our dip into the one-n-dones with a story wherein our hero must summon the wisdom of Solomon, and learn how to properly wear his Bat-shirt!

The Bada-Bin!

NML Crossing on Youtube

Sunday, March 31, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 050 - Detective Comics #730 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Fifty

Detective Comics #730 (March, 1999)
“No Law and a New Order, Part Four: Language”
Writer - Bob Gale
Pencils - Alex Maleev
Inks - Wayne Faucher
Colors - Dave Stewart
Letters - Willie Schubert
Edits - Illidge, Gorfinkel, Vincenzo, O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.99

A special Sunday appearance of NML Crossing for our landmark, milestone FIFTIETH episode!

Today, we're wrapping up our discussion of No Man's Land's opening salvo "No Law and a New Order", wherein our hero tussles with the Quakemaster... and reestablishes himself as a force to be reckoned with in the post-quake Gotham City!

Plus: The NMaiLbag, where we talk more about comics hobby naming conventions... and why I'm a little too precious about all'a that stuff!

NML Crossing on Youtube

Friday, March 29, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 049 - Batman #563 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Forty-Nine

Batman #563 (March, 1999)
“No Law and a New Order, Part Three: Tactics”
Writer - Bob Gale
Pencils - Alex Maleev
Inks - Wayne Faucher
Colors - Dave Stewart
Letters - Willie Schubert
Edits - Illidge, Gorfinkel, Vincenzo, O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.99

After... another... extended moving break, NML Crossing is back!  Today we're going to be discussing the penultimate chapter of "No Law and a New Order" by Bob Gale and Alex Maleev.  We're also going to be talking about the proceeding chapter, since I neglected to share my thoughts on that last time out!

In this issue, the GCPD adapts to the new normal of No Man's Land... by crossing a few lines into ruthlessness!  Also, our titular hero finally returns and makes his presence known!

NML Crossing on Youtube

Monday, March 18, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 048 - Batman: Shadow of the Bat #83 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Forty-Eight

Batman: Shadow of the Bat #83 (March, 1999)
“No Law and a New Order, Part Two: Strategy”
Writer - Bob Gale
Pencils - Alex Maleev
Inks - Wayne Faucher
Colors - Matt Hollingsworth
Letters - Willie Schubert
Edits - Illidge, Gorfinkel, Peterson, O’Neil
Cover Price: $1.99

Back after an extended moving break... which is hopefully not going to lead to any further interruptions, it's time for us to meet the All-New All-Different Batgirl!  Who could she possibly be... or, has she been the BatMAN this entire time?

Also: Commissioner Gordon incites a gang-war in Old Gotham in hopes of taking back the area his daughter currently resides in.

NML Crossing on Youtube

Thursday, March 7, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 047 - Batman: No Man's Land #1 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Forty-Seven

Batman: No Man’s Land #1 (March, 1999)
“No Law and a New Order, Part One: Values”
Writer - Bob Gale
Pencils - Alex Maleev
Inks - Wayne Faucher
Colors - Digital Chameleon
Letters - Willie Schubert
Edits - Joseph Illidge, Gorfinkel, Peterson, O’Neil
Cover Price: $3.95

It's taken us over two months... and many, many, many hours to get here... but, today we finally enter NO MAN'S LAND!

Welcome to the "new normal" where apples are worth more than diamonds, crudely-sharpened spears are more valuable than firearms, and the GCPD is nothing more than a roving street gang. The Penguin rules the roost, and Batman hasn't been seen in over three months... or, has he? We're laying the first few bricks in our massive year-spanning crossovent... and it's gonna be a good time (for us anyway, notsomuch the poor Gothamites).

NML Crossing on Youtube

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