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Showing posts with label bruce jones. Show all posts

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Saga of the Swamp Thing #1 (1982)

Saga of the Swamp Thing #1 (May, 1982)
"What Peace There May Be in Silence"
"... In Shadowed Depths"
Writers - Martin Pasko & Bruce Jones
Art - Tom Yeates & Dan Spiegle
Letters - John Costanza & Philip Felix
Colors - Tatjana Wood & Adrienne Roy
Editor - Len Wein
Cover Price: $0.60

This is going to be fun.

I haven't read much pre-Alan Moore Swamp Thing... so this one's new to me!


We open with Swamp Thing rising from the muck.  We're immediately told that he was created by Len Wein and Berni Wrightson... which made me wonder if they already knew how special this character would become to folks... then, I noticed that the ad on the inside-front cover is for... the Swamp Thing feature film.  Welp.  Anyhoo, he rises up, and gives us a look into his secret origin.

The quick of it is, Alec and Linda Holland moved into a colleague's barnhouse laboratory in Louisiana in order to toil away on a biochemistry project without interruption.  Theirs was a sort of growth-accelerator... and wouldn'tcha know it... it worked!  It wasn't long before an interested party began paying them visits.  One, a fella named Ferret offered to purchase the formula... however, the Hollands weren't sellin'.

The second time Ferret came a'callin', he wasn't as patient.  Though in fairness, Alec did answer the door holding a shotgun.  Anyhoo, Ferret's goons kayo Alec... and when he wakes up he finds the whole barn had been rigged to blow.

And blow it did!

An engulfed Holland rushes out of the inferno... and into the cool murky depths of the swamp.

He emerges a changed man (we'll ignore the retcon for now)... more plant than human.  That's not the worst of it though, Alec then finds the body of his wife.

After a quick and dirty recapping of some of the events of Swampy's first volume, we move back into the present.  Well, the near present.  A few days prior, Swamp Thing made his way into the town of Limbo, North Carolina... where he happened across a handful of drunken hunters just as they're about to be mauled by a Mama Bear.  Swamp Thing hurls a tree into the fray to enforce a bit of separation... likely more to protect the bear than the hunters.

The hunters, naturally, turn their guns on Swamp Thing.  One unloads his shotgun into Swampy's chest... which, ya know... isn't terribly effective.  As our hero attempts to regain order, another hunter manages to cut off Swamp Thing's left hand.

Swamp Thing dumps the lumps in the bog so they can sleep it off, and continues making his way into Limbo.  In the (actual) present, he notes that his hand hasn't yet grown back and wonders if this means it's a no-go on any future regeneration... maybe, this marks the beginning of the end, and his final release from this cursed existence.  Well, I don't wanna break the news to him, do you?

Inside Limbo proper, we meet a slimy looking fella named Harry Kay checking into the Hotel Parsons.  He's holding a small box, which we'll explore the contents of later.  After sassing the girl behind the counter for a bit, he heads over to a pay phone to inform a "Mr. G." that Alec Holland is definitely in the area.

We rejoin Swamp Thing as he notices an erratically parked car near some docks.  He heads over to investigate, and finds a man about to shoot a young girl.  The man is in a frantic state... even apologetic.  He claims that he has no choice but to shoot and kill this young girl... we can assume this is his daughter.  Oh, he also "had to" kill his wife/her mother, so there's that.  The girl stands silent.

Swamp Thing interjects before the man can pull the trigger.  Well, on the girl anyway.  The fella proceeds to unload his pistol into Swamp Thing... which, of course, doesn't work.  Swampy grabs the man's hand... at which point, the fella begins to pray.  The girl, by the way, is still standing silently.  Swamp Thing and the man begin to struggle for control of the pistol... which results in the man shooting himself.

The man slumps to the ground, dead.  Swamp Thing then looks to the young girl... who still, appears to be unaffected.  Swampy struggles to speak... I love the idea that it's an actual struggle for him to "force sound from his misshapen throat"... that's an awesome touch!  The girl, however, does not respond.  Our hero extends a hand, which she takes... and they leave the docks together.

Back in Limbo, some locals (including those hunters from earlier) are tyin' one on and questioning the validity of the claims that there is a "Swamp-Man" lurking outside of town.  Heck, the hunters were almost "kilt" by it!  Little do they know, at that very moment, that "Swamp-Man" is right outside the bar!

Swamp Thing has brought the young girl (who we now know as "Casey") to the Sheriff's Office.  She hasn't yet said a word, however, somehow Swamp Thing feels like they can communicate.  Heck, I mean, he "knows" that her name is Casey.

Just then, "that blasted" Henderson kid blasts onto the street in his hot-rod.  The dumb jerk usually pulls these shenanigans, since most nights the streets of Limbo are empty.  On this night, however, there just so happens to be a great big muck-monstrosity in his way.

The hot-rod plows right into Swamp Thing... which, is about as effective as a shotgun blast (which is to say, not at all).  The impact sends "that blasted" Henderson kid flyin' through the windshield to his demise.  This rouses the locals who, without the benefit of context, assume that Swamp Thing murdered the kid!

The locals then go "full yokel" by fetchin' there torches and pitchforks.  Worth noting, they refer to young Casey as a "witch-child"... which gives us a bit of insight as to why her father was trying to "off" her earlier this day.

We wrap up with Harry Kay on the phone with his employer.  He informs him that Alec Holland isn't just "in the area", but right outside his window facing off with a gaggle of townies.  "Mr. G." tells Kay that Holland must survive this encounter... in fact, he must find a way to escape.  Our last image features that box Kay was carrying... inside it, Swamp Thing's left hand!  Kay deduces from it that... Alec Holland is dying!

That's not all, folks... we've got a groan back-up. starring the groan Phantom Stranger.  C'mon, I was in such a good mood there!  Alright, we may as well get to it.  We open inside a church where a Reverend David Foster is wrapping up service.  This one is about as subtle as a brick to the face, so prepare yourselves.  He collects the tithings from his congregation... playing up how these collections are used to help the church.

One member of Foster's flock is Mama Balloo, a former practitioner of voodoo.  Foster approaches her, and points out that while she still wears a "heathen charm" (a voodoo fetish), he's okay with it... because it can serve as a reminder of her former "wicked ways".  He asks if she can do him a favor, and make a delivery for him.  She's more than happy to oblige.

Foster leaves, and is about to hop into his car, when he meets the Phantom Stranger.  The Stranger accuses him of "fleecing" his flock... and Foster, to his credit, doesn't deny it... he just tells the Stranger to mind his own beeswax.

The Stranger does leave... but not because of anything Foster said.  Turns out, at that very moment, Mama Balloo is being mugged!  The Stranger takes out the baddies with the quickness you'd expect.

The next day, Foster visits Mama Balloo with gifts of chocolates... and, of course, that package he wants her to deliver for him.  On her way to the drop off, she runs into a young fella named Pele... who is a part of her "old life" in voodoo.  Balloo tells Pele she wants nothing to do with him, as she is now a "good Christian lady".  Pele tells her what's up... Reverend Foster ain't a good dude.  They struggle over the package... and it tears, revealing thousands of dollars worth of heroin!  Balloo is ticked.

That night, Foster heads over to the rendezvous spot to get paid for the "delivery".  Since the delivery never happened, his customers drive by and unload several guns in his direction.  Lucky for him, the Phantom Stranger just happened to be in the neighborhood.  The Stranger protects Foster from the gunfire... but promises, he's anything but safe.

Foster rushes to Mama Balloo's place to find out what's going on... and finds her sitting in a corner of her empty apartment in the middle of (I assume) a voodoo ritual.  She stops only to hand him a box full of cash...

... which he sees as a box full of roaches!  He rushes out of the apartment... and trips down the stairs to his death.  What an abrupt ending for Reverend Foster... and this story!


Well, I'll be... absolutely loved this (well, the "feature" story anyway).

I don't know a whole heckuva lot about this Pasko run.  It's not like it's necessarily "derided" or anything, it's just overshadowed by what followed it.  After reading this (and keep in mind, this is the only issue of his run that I've read) I feel like that might be a bit unfair.  I really enjoyed this.

I've been looking a long time for a comic that could actually scare me.  Don't get it twisted, this isn't that book... however, it did manage to make me feel uncomfortable.  There's definitely something about it that left me ill at ease.  Not sure if it was the art or the story itself, but... I dunno... it made me feel a bit "on edge".

Though, if I'm being honest, I could've done without going "full Frankenstein" with the torches and pitchforks... but, whattaya gonna do?  It's pretty clear from the "witch girl" accusations that Limbo is a superstitious little town... and, I'd wager that they know that pitchforks and torches might work in a pinch.

I appreciated the inclusion of a quick 'n dirty recap of the origin and first volume.  It didn't overstay its welcome, and got us up to speed so the "present day" story could begin.  Newcomers would know that this is not "just another" superhero book... or even a "superhero book" at all.  Swamp Thing is a tortured and undying soul... haunted by loss and regret.  Excellent stuff.

Then... there's the backup.  Man, nothing can pull me out of a cliffhanger better than a damn backup.  C'mon... this is the first issue of Saga of the Swamp Thing... did we really need a friggin' Phantom Stranger backup?!

The backup... was what it was.  Heavy-handed and as subtle as a shovel to the face.  Great art though... I'll give it that much.  I'd say the most interesting thing about the backup was that it depicted a Reverend as a thief and all-around jerk... and yet, this issue still shipped with a Comics Code Authority stamp!

Overall... for a pretty great introduction to (pre-retcon) Swamp Thing, I'd certainly recommend checking this out.  I had a blast with it.  If you're a Phantom Stranger completionist... well, there's something for you here too.  For higher-rollers, this issue has been collected in Swamp Thing: The Bronze Age Omnibus and is also available digitally... for a buck!


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Friday, October 28, 2016

Batman #351 (1982)

Batman #351 (September, 1982)
"What Stalks the Gotham Night?"
"Gentlemen Defer Blondes"
Writers - Gerry Conway & Bruce Jones
Pencillers - Gene Colan & Adrian Gonzales
Inker - Tony DeZuniga
Letterers - Ben Oda & Janice Chiang
Colorists - Adrienne Roy & Tom Ziuko
Editor - Dick Giordano
Cover Price: $0.60

Our senses-shattering... and soul-saving conclusion!


We open on a close up of Batman, fangs bared.  There's either some very thick cuaguly blood dripping from his open maw, or this Vampiri-ness has given him a messed up tongue to match his teeth.  We turn and get his point of view... he is watching his young ward Dick Grayson escort his on-again off-again Vicki Vale back to her apartment.

Dick gets a bit grabby, and lunges in to get a Vampiri "love bite" in on her neck.  He is distracted, however, by the shadow of the bat projected onto the building.  This gives Vicki enough time to pull away and tell him to cool his jets.  As she disappears into her building, Batman swoops down... reads Dick the riot act, then kayos him with the quickness.

At Wayne Manor, Alfred has prepared some tea... for who, that's anyone's guess.  He is taken completely off guard in finding Bruce Wayne sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper.  Why, that's not Bruce... that's Christopher Chance... the Human Target!  He was evidently hired by Wayne to impersonate him some time back.  He tears off his Bruce Wayne face mask, which seems like quite a waste... I'm pretty sure, all things considered, Alfred would have taken him at his word.  Anyhoo, he appears to be applying for the gig of saving Wayne from being murdered.  Okey dokey.

Before they can go much further, Alfred is alerted via a blinking light on the telephone that Master Bruce... the real Master Bruce is in need of him.  He rushes to the Batcave to find Batman carrying a konked out Dick Grayson.  They strap Dick to a table, and Batman takes a sample of his blood.  Not to go too far off subject, but Alfred didn't know Bruce way home... and wasn't expecting a visit from Chance, does he just walk around Wayne Manor carrying a tea service all day?

Anyhoo, Alfred pops out for a second and places a call to St. Jude's Hospital.  He feels it's finally time to take Father Green up on his offer of soul-salvaging.

We briefly shift scenes, to follow up on Bard and Gordon, Private Investigators as they pop in on Squeeze, the photographer from last issue.  He tries to play dumb, but Gordon doesn't let him slide... they know his style, and they know he's wrapped up in the photo-doctoring... or something.  As an aside, I really like the idea of Jim Gordon as a Private Eye.  I think it's a fun way to explore his pursuit of justice, outside the auspices of the GCPD.  This is something I'd love to see go down today.

Back at Wayne Manor, Father Green arrives and is escorted in by Alfred.  Christopher Chase (whose first name I keep misspelling... even though it's the same as mine) looks on, and decides there may just be more about this Wayne and Pennyworth than meets the eye... and he's gonna stick around until he gets to the bottom of it.

Father Green is led into the Batcave... and this is pre-Crisis, so he may have been one of the few folks in the DC Universe not to have already stepped foot there.  He gives Batman the spoo on the Vampiri, and as luck would have it, he knows how to end the curse.  They will need a blood sample from the man who passed it on, they need the Blood of DuBois.  That sounds like a Civil War era romance novel, no?

And so, Batman and Green head out... with Father Green riding shotgun in the Batmobile.  They arrive at Dala's place, she is apparently DuBois' sister.  I think I mistook her for her 19th century wife last issue... he did refer to her as "dearest", which is not something I've ever called (or been called by) a sibling.  They ask for his whereabouts, and she just laughs at them.  Off-panel, she tells them where to go... like seriously, her brother is hanging out at an old church.  Not too cliche, eh?  Batman decides to enter alone, as this whole ordeal has been made personal to him.  What he finds is a few desecrated graves and people strapped and bleeding out from upside-down crucifixes!

Suddenly DuBois pounces in.  He and the Batman roll around for a bit.  The screaming alerts Father Green, who decides to, cross-in-hand, enter the structure... where he gets jumped by Dala!

From here, and this is funny to say... things get comic-booky.  Batman punches DuBois... and then punches Dala.  Father Green pulls out is hypodermic, and retrieves the sample they require... Batman is all but cured.

This story wraps up with Vicki Vale rifling through her filing cabinet.  Just so happens she wanted to gaze into her photos of Bruce Wayne and Batman on this fine evening.  We shift to the actual whereabouts of the photos, as Boss Thorne has hired a very dangerous man to eliminate Wayne.

Our Catwoman backup picks up where it left off last issue.  She's "hangin' in there" as a man holds a gun on her.  She uses her cape (remember Catwoman used to wear a cape?  Weird) to swipe his gun, knowing that he's beat... the man pulls her up.  We learn that the man is Paul Henning of the F.B.I. and has no interest in harming Selina.

He spills the beans on the dead girl from earlier.  Her full name was Candy Carole, but before that she was Pam Powell... gotta hand it to her for keeping the alliteration up!  She found herself wrapped up in a bank heist at the behest of her husband Dwight... who had a bad case of bettin'-it-on-the-ponies.

After their new start in Cleveland as the Caroles, Dwight... now Roscoe got back into the betting game, and wound up running into a Jake Marley... a lot of baddies are called Marley around now.  Anyhoo, dude ran up his tab... and the baddies wanted their pound of flesh.  Somehow they mistook a brunette with her hair tucked into her hat as a bubbly blonde, and abducted Selina Kyle instead of Candy.  Well, to be fair... in the art, what hair that is sticking out of her hat is yellow.  Honest mistake...

Paul asks Catwoman if she can help him get his hands on Candy's safety deposit box using her most excellent Candy Carole cosplay.  She's down with it, and so they head to the bank... only to find the deposit box... empty!

As luck would have it, Jake Marley followed Candy into the bank!  He calls out to her, but she ducks away to throw on her Catwoman duds... she returns and, quite shockingly does not jump headfirst into his midsection... instead she wallops him with a flying kick.

The banker suddenly realizes that Candy's husband Roscoe was in a few hours earlier to empty the deposit box... yeah, that's kind of important information to be sitting on Mr. Banker.  How could you forget something like that?  Weird.  Anyhoo, now with the knowledge of who's got the loot... Catwoman knows that it's likely all going to be spent at the races... and so, we're off to 'em!  Wouldn'tcha know it, there's ol' Roscoe!  Upon seeing Catwoman he drops the dosh, and runs onto the track... directly into the path of a half-dozen speeding horses.  Wonk wonk wonkkkk...


Well, that was anticlimactic, wasn't it?

Not that I was expecting some huge game-changer of a conclusion... but this treated the whole thing like an afterthought.  We get upwards of 60-pages of build... two-panels of "alright then... here's your cure, Batman!", then rush to start the pay-off for a subplot with an appearance of Deadshot.  Can't help but feel let down here.

The whole story so far was tense and creepy, but it ends with DuBois and Dala getting socked in the mush.  "Sock" is literally the sound effect used when Batman bops Dala.  As there was no follow-up on what Batman did with Marley last issue, I guess we have to assume that he did, in fact, feed off another human being.  So Batman killed a dude... I guess?  Or turned him into a Vampiri?  Dunno, maybe this is eventually picked-up later down the line.

Anyhoo... just a bit disappointed with this one.  Was hoping there would be more to it than just "go to the baddie's place and punch 'em".  There are a lot of positives here, for instance... I am glad they kept Dick Grayson in this, as I feared he may just be presumed-to-be-cured and that this whole affair would just never be addressed again.  The photo subplot(s) received follow-up, and we get this odd wrinkle of the Human Target sniffing around Wayne Manor.  There is more than enough to keep a reader interested, engaged, and wanting to follow Batman and Detective Comics.  I guess, I just would've liked the main story to get a bit more in the way of closure.

To close, I suppose I should temper my disappointment a bit... this was a great issue that did end as a "to be continued" after all... albeit for one of the subplots.  There is a lot going on here, and a lot to like... this is from a time when subplots carried stories forward, and as such there weren't always "clean breaks" that would fit neatly into a collected edition.  Hell, for all I know this storyline still looms large in the background for a bit.  Guess I'm gonna have to dig through the ol' longboxes eventually to find out.


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