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Showing posts with label cave carson has a cybernetic eye. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

DC's Young Animal "Gatherum", Episode One

Before we start, I just want to address yesterday's episode of Morituri Mondays (#20).  While listening back to edit, I... I dunno, I feel like I might've sounded a bit "off".  If that was indeed the case, and it isn't just me looking for odd pauses and gaffs, I apologize.  For all I know, that's how I always sound regardless of the situation.

I'm working hard at getting back "into form", assuming of course there is a "form" I used to have.  Also assuming anybody noticed or cared in the first place...

Anyhoo, onto an almost embarrassingly "stream of consciousness" discussion about how Reggie and I became de facto Young Animal experts... mostly by process of elimination.

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