Showing posts with label chris and reggie's cosmic treadmill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chris and reggie's cosmic treadmill. Show all posts

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Image Comics "Big Four" Launch Books (1992)

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE Image 1992

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Image Comics "Big Four" Launch Books (1992)
(00:00:00) Youngblood #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 022
(01:26:45) WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 028
(02:35:22) Savage Dragon #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 046
(03:43:37) Spawn #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 068
(04:59:54) BONUS - Chris and Reggie's "Real Comics History": 1992
Writers - Rob Liefeld, Hank Kanalz, Jim Lee, Brian Choi, Erik Larsen, & Todd McFarlane
Art - Rob Liefeld, Jim Lee, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, & Scott Williams
Colors - Brian Murray, Joe Rosas, Gregory Wright, Steve Oliff, Reuben Rude, & Digital Chameleon
Letters - Diane Valentino, Mike Heisler, Chris Eliopoulos, & Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Chris Ulm, Ruth Grice, Wanda Kolomjec

Compiling four classic episodes of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, wherein we discussed and gave the full "Treadmill-Treatment" to the first issues from the "Big Four" Image Comics launch titles from 1992 - Rob Liefeld's Youngblood, Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, and Todd McFarlane's Spawn!

As a special "Bonus", I'm also including our "Real Comics History" Episode, during which we talked about the comics fandom (our own as well as widespread) during the year Image Comics started hitting the shelves: 1992!

This was originally intended to be an ongoing Cosmic Treadmill project... with "Wave Two... and beyond" to include titles like Cyberforce, Wetworks, Shadowhawk, Pitt, The Maxx... and more!  Whether this is your first time listening to these... or, just a blast-from-the-past - I hope you all enjoy!


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The All-New, All-Different

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - The Death and Return of Superman

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

The Death and Return of Superman (DC Comics, 1992-1993)
(00:00:00) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 63: Doomsday!
(01:45:08) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 64: Funeral For A Friend
(03:07:32) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 65: Reign of the Supermen
(04:57:09) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 66: The Return!
(06:33:58) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 75: Grounded
Total Running Time: 8 Hours, 13 Minutes, 28 Seconds

Welcome, friends - to the collection of Cosmic Treadmill episodes wherein Reggie and I commemorated the 25th Anniversary of the landmark Doomsday storyline that shook the comics industry back in the Fall/Winter of 1992-93!  In these shows, we broke down what was going on in the world of Superman leading up to his final battle with Doomsday, the story itself... and all of the fallout in Funeral For A Friend and Reign of the Supermen.  If you weren't in the fandom (or perhaps even on the planet back then... you might enjoy hearing about what was going on in the biz and the world.  If you were, well - I hope this scratches a nostalgia itch!

Then, as a special bonus, I've decided to include events even more tragic for Superman than death itself... J. Michael Straczynski's opus Grounded from 2010-2011.  Sending the post-Crisis Superman shuffling outta continuity (at least for awhile) with a... thud.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!
(00:00:00) Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 20
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Special #2 (1983)
(01:10:40) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 35
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Specials & History
(02:59:45) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 107
American Honda & Supergirl Teach us how to Buckle Up!
Total Running Time: 4 Hours, 32 Minutes, 29 Seconds

Gather 'round gang, it's time to learn about being a responsible citizen!

Today's TOTAL PACKAGE revisits the times Reggie and I discussed the Public Service Announcement specials released by DC Comics during the first-half of the 1980s, chock full of Gestalty goodness - and in our own inimitable style!

In addition to the Cosmic Treadmill episodes, and in the interest of completionism, I have also included an episode of the old Chris is on Infinite Earths show, where I spend an hour blabbing about psychological addiction and how one of these comics actually realizes that it's a thing that exists!

I hope you enjoy!

Blog-Posts Covering Each Issue Discussed!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Age of Apocalypse

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Age of Apocalypse (1995)
(00:00:00) Part 1: X-Men in the early-mid 1990's, all the events, LegionQuest, and X-Men: Alpha
(02:09:22) Part 2: All of the AoA #1 issues!  Astonishing X-Men, Amazing X-Men, Factor-X, Gambit & the X-Ternals, Generation neXt, Weapon X, X-Calibre, X-Man, & X-Men Chronicles
(04:20:28) Part 3: X-Men Chronicles #2 + Issues 2-4 of Astonishing X-Men, Factor-X, Generation neXt, and Weapon X
(05:58:52) Part 4: Issues 2-4 of Gambit & the X-Ternals, X-Calibre, X-Man, & Amazing X-Men
(07:29:23) Part 5: X-Universe #1-2
(09:09:56) Part 6: X-Men: Omega, X-Men: Prime, and the Legacy of the AoA!
Total Run Time: 10 Hours, 37 Minutes, 5 Seconds

The celebration of Five Years of Chris and Reggie rolls on, with a compilation of the series we used to commemorate the one-hundredth episode of the Cosmic Treadmill.  In our Crisis on Infinite Earths style, we break down the entirety of Marvel's Age of Apocalypse event from 1995... providing bios for all of the creators involved... as well as every single character to make an appearance!  Things get especially crazy once we get to the X-Universe issues!

It's a long one indeed... but a project we were very proud of!  I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Crisis on Infinite Earths

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Crisis on Infinite Earths
(00:00:00) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 50: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1-2
(02:12:44) Weird Comics History, Episode 22: The Pre-Crisis DC Multiverse
(03:37:25) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 51: Crisis on Infinite Earths #3-5
(06:15:37) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 52: Crisis on Infinite Earths #6-8
(07:28:41) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 53: Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-11
(09:19:41) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 54: Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, History of the DC Universe #1-2
Total Running Time: 11 Hours, 18 Minutes, 33 Seconds

The Celebration of Five Years of Chris and Reggie rolls on with a compilation of one the projects we were most proud of -- our coverage of Crisis on Infinite Earths!  This was a series several months in the making... and was comprised of hundreds of hours of research and writing.  This was an "around the clock" production... and the notes we took on Crisis actually filled more pages than Crisis itself!

It's a heck of series... and we had a blast getting to the bottom of it.  We bio EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER who appears (even if that appearance is in a single panel), we discuss the behind the scenes of Crisis-Era DC Comics, we cover every pre-Crisis appearance of the Monitor, we dissect EVERY SINGLE pre-Crisis alternate Earth (even those retroactively named via the Absolute Crisis Edition).  We also look at The History of the DC Universe, and chat up the fallout and the early post-Crisis landscape.  If you've got 12 hours to kill... this might be right up your alley!

Blog Posts (featuring "behind the scenes" information):
Part One (including EVERY Pre-Crisis Appearance of The Monitor)
Part Two (including "that" page... you know the one)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 149 - Collected Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Bros #1 (1971)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #149

The Collected Adventures of the Fabulous Furry Freak Bros. #1 (1971)
By Gilbert Shelton
Rip-Off Press
Cover Price: $0.60

Hello Everyone... and welcome to the penultimate episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill.  This is the final episode from the formerly Patreon Exclusive "After Dark" Collection... and, it's not nearly as... uh, I think the word I've been using is "spicy" as the prior three.

Still... mature themes abound... lots of talk about drugs and the history of drugs in the United States.

I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 148 - Wally Wood's Gang Bang #1 (1980)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #148

Wally Wood's Gang Bang! #1 (1980)
"Sally Forth"
"Lil an' Abner"
"So White and the Six Dorks"
"The Farmer's Daughter"
"Perry and the Privates"
by Wally Wood
Nuance, Inc.
Cover Price: $5.95

This one's pretty gross, gang...  heck, I couldn't even upload the cover of the thing without stamping a big ol' black box over top of it!  As with the previous couple of episodes of the Cosmic Treadmill... listener discretion is strongly advised.  This one might be even worse than Cherry and Omaha!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 147 - Omaha the Cat Dancer #1 (1984)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #147

Omaha the Cat Dancer #1 (1984)
"The Adventures of Omaha the Cat Dancer"
By Reed Waller
SteelDragon Press
Reprinted by Kitchen Sink Press (October, 1986)
Cover Price: $1.60 / $2.00

What's New, Pussycats?

Keeping our limited-engagement"Final Five" episodes of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill rolling on... we're covering an interesting little comic, created by perhaps an even more interesting fella, in Reed Waller.

It's classic Cosmic Treadmill, as we go deep on the life and times of the creator... and his battles with various global governments attempts at slapping obscenity charges on his work.  So, all the stuff you love about the show... with all the explicit cat sex ya don't!

Just like with last episode's look at Cherry Poptart #1... listener discretion is strongly advised!  In fact, if you do decide to listen in public... without earbuds, you might get looked at even weirder for this one!

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 146 - Cherry Poptart #1 (1982)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #146

Cherry Poptart #1 (1982)
"Hot Rod Boogie"
"The Wholesome Twins"
"The Invitation"
"'S Cool Daze"
"The Psylicone Psyrcus"
By Larry Welz
Last Gasp
Cover Price: $2.00

Just wanna open this one with the first of several disclaimers... Listener Discretion is Strongly Advised for this (and the next three) episodes of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill!  There isn't much in the way of coarse language... but there are several mature creepy scenes that play out in this here issue of Cherry Poptart.  Earbuds are your friend!

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 54 - Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Five

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #54

Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Five of Five

  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 (March, 1986)
  • History of the DC Universe #1 (January, 1987)
  • History of the DC Universe #2 (February, 1987)
    • Marv Wolfman & George Perez

 Alrighty, let's take this baby home...

Friday, August 7, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 53 - Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Four

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #53

Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Four of Five

  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 (December, 1985)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #10 (January, 1986)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #11 (February, 1986)

In addition to starting down the home-stretch of our Crisis on Infinite Earths coverage, I'd like to present you all with a short video I recorded yesterday regarding an update as well as a Cosmic Treadmill "Call to Arms".

The gist of the thing is, on September 13, 2020 I'll be putting up the FINAL episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill... and, in order to really do it right, I want to send this project off on as happy a note as possible.  To do so, I need help.  If you are a listener of the Cosmic Treadmill, and would like to share some of your memories of the show with me, I encourage you to reach out.

I figure there are three ways we could go about this...

  1. If you record a bit of audio and send it to me, I can play it on the air
  2. If you write something and send it to me, I can read it on the air
  3. If you wanted to set up a call with me, where we can chat about the show and I can include that on the episode
Whatever is easiest for you, will be fine by me.  If you're a listener with a story to tell, I really hope you reach out.  I'm not putting any sort of time-restrictions on these segments... if you have a few words to share, or long stories... that works for me!  If you happen to know any listeners, that may not be blog-readers, please pass this video along to them.  Thank you!

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 52 - Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Three

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #52

Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Three of Five

  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #6 (September, 1985)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 (October, 1985)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 (November, 1985)
    • Marv Wolfman & George Perez

Today we're revisiting the episode with those issues of Crisis folks seem to care most about... featuring the deaths of Supergirl and Barry Allen!

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 51 - Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Two

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #51

Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part Two (of Five)

  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 (June, 1985)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #4 (July, 1985)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #5 (August, 1985)
    • Marv Wolfman & George Perez
This is one of those episodes that we in the biz would call "a doozy"... technical term, of course.  We're covering three issues of Crisis on Infinite Earths, including... the fifth one.

What's so special about the fifth one?  That's not the "big issue", right?  Well... if you're following along, or know anything about Reggie and my process, you'll know that we're giving bios and histories for every single character to show up in CrisisThat fifth issue... features that scene (included below), where like skatey-eight hundred major and minor DC characters all show up and meet up.  We covered them all.  It's nearly a three-hour endeavor, I hope you packed a lunch... or have an especially long commute.

Also: I neglected to mention this yesterday, but we prefaced our Crisis coverage in Episode 50 with an overview on the JLA/JSA crossovers of the Silver and Bronze Ages.  This episode continues that tour, taking those crossovers right up to Crisis on Infinite Earths.  We were eventually going to do complete Cosmic Treadmill episodes for each of the JLA/JSA crossovers... however, we only ever got around to doing one... but that's a story for another day.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 50 - Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part One

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #50

Crisis on Infinite Earths, Part One (of Five)

  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #1 (April, 1985)
  • Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 (May, 1985)
    • Marv Wolfman & George Perez
As we were approaching our landmark fiftieth episode of the Cosmic Treadmill, we racked our brains trying to decide the perfect "milestone" comic book event to cover.  I mean, Crisis was probably the first thing that popped into both our minds... but, was that really "fiftieth episode" worthy?  Like, shouldn't Crisis be saved for like our hundredth episode?

Well, the fact that we were a tiny comic book podcast that actually managed to make it fifty episodes when so many other shows peter out long before... and even fewer make it into the triple-digits, we decided not to put off a day that might've never come.  It did, of course... but, that's a story for another day.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 121: Limited Collectors' Edition C-24 (1973)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #121

Limited Collectors' Edition C-24 (December, 1973)
"New Giant Adventures of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer"
By Sy Reit & Rube Grossman
Edits - Larry Nadle & Whitney Ellsworth
Cover Price: $1.00

If my memory is right, today will be the last day of Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July.  I hope it's been moderately enjoyable... I know it's helped me come up with interesting (to me) ways to continue sharing content without the constant urge to punch my laptop screen in every time I try and upload images to Blogger!

Really, Google... ya gonna fix this crap?  Or just keep blaming the phenomenon on your userbase?  It ain't like you need us.  What's really troubling to me right now is that Podbean is currently undergoing a very similar dashboard "facelift".  Let's just hope it ends up being a little bit more friendly than this one.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 81: Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #81

Ambush Bug Stocking Stuffer #1 (1986)
"I Knew I Shoulda Taken That Left Toyn Back in Albakoyky"
"Night of the Living Doll"
Plot & Pencils - Keith Giffen
Script - Robert Loren Fleming
Inks - Bob Oksner
Colors - Anthony Tollin
Letters - John Costanza
Editor - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $1.25

Keeping it Christmassy for a couple more days during this muggy and miserable month.  Boy is it hot outside!

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 70: Christmas With the Superheroes #1 (1988)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #70

Christmas With the Superheroes #1 (1988)
"Wanted: Santa Claus - Dead or Alive!"
"The Man Who Murdered Santa Claus!"
"The TT's Swingin' Christmas Carol!"
"Star Light, Star Bright... Farthest Star I See Tonight!"
"Twas the Fright Before Christmas!"
"The Silent Night of the Batman"
Writers - Denny O'Neil, Len Wein, Bob Haney, Paul Levitz, E. Nelson Bridwell & Mike Friedrich
Pencillers - Frank Miller, Dick Dillon, Nick Cardy, Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez, Curt Swan & Neal Adams
Inkers - Steve Mitchell, Dick Giordano & Murphy Anderson
Letterers - Ben Oda
Colorists - Glenn Whitmore, Helen Vesik & Jerry Serpe
Editors - Len Wein, Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $2.95

Keeping our Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July festivities rolling along, today I'm sharing Reggie and my first Holiday special... DC Comics' Christmas With the Superheroes #1 from 1988.


This was one of our longer episodes... as we were looking at like skatey-eight hundred creators and a half-dozen stories.  This was also my longest ever blog post to that point... and, actually, it very well still might be!  I still haven't published that "full-length" Bizarro World piece yet, so I think this one still might take the length-crown!

With that said... Just as with yesterday, if podcasts ain't your thing, there is a text-n-pics variation on this discussion that you can check out if you decide to click the cover below!  While you're at it, you might wanna check out my discussion of Christmas With the Superheroes #2 (1989)!

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 134: Flash #268 (1978)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #134

Flash #268 (December, 1978)
"Riddle of the Runaway Comic"
Writer - Cary Bates
Pencils - Irv Novick
Inks - Frank McLaughlin
Letters - Mike Stevens
Colors - Gene D'Angelo
Edits - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $0.40
From DC Comics
Episode Published March 31, 2019

One of our oft-used taglines was that we put 40-hours of research into every episode of the Cosmic Treadmill.  Welp, I'm going to somewhat shatter that illusion here, and suggest that a time or two, what it actually took was one of us to handcuff ourselves to our computer for an 8-10 hour stint.

This was one of those times.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 144: Uncanny X-Men #287 (1992)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #144

Uncanny X-Men #287 (April, 1992)
"Bishop to King's Five!"
Story - Jim Lee & Scott Lobdell
Pencils - John Romita, Jr.
Inks - Chris Ivy, Bill Sienkiewicz, Bob Wiacek, Scott Williams, & Dan Panosian
Colors - Gina Going & Joe Rosas
Letters - Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Bob Harras
Chief - Tom DeFalco
Cover Price: $1.25
Marvel Comics

Today we're going to revisit a(nother) very special episode of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill.  This was the second installment of, what I'd planned to be, our "X-Men Mysteries" box-set.  Here we give Uncanny X-Men #287 from 1992 the full "Treadmill treatment"... as well as go down the rabbit hole for the X-Mystery that was born in this very issue: Who is... the X-Traitor?!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 138: Action #37 (1976)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #138

Action #37 (October 23, 1976)
By Pat Mills, John Wagner, & Steve McManus
IPC Media
Cover Price: 7p

The mornings around here have become this strange game of me opening a blank blog post and trying to "batch upload" pictures... just to see if any of my Blogger-worries have been assuaged.  Welp... it's one'a those good news, bad news situations.  I can, in fact, batch-upload... it's just that the images don't exactly stay uploaded.  As soon as I set one image where I want it... the rest of them disappear completely.  I know I must sound like a broken-record after a week of these "updates", but... this is Google, right?  I mean, they are a pretty big company, no?

Oh well... I suppose this just gives me another excuse to reminisce.  And so, today I'll share the story of Cosmic Treadmill... After Dark.

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