Showing posts with label chris and reggie's total package. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chris and reggie's total package. Show all posts

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Doom Patrol (Young Animal)

 Doom Patrol Young Animal

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Doom Patrol (vol.6) #1-12 (November, 2016-December, 2018) [Young Animal]
(00:00:00) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #1: "Brick by Brick, Part One: Happy Birthday, Casey Brinke"
(00:09:57) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #2: "Brick by Brick Part 2: Negative World"
(00:18:34) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #3: "Brick by Brick, Part 3: It's a Doomed World After All"
(01:08:10) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #4: "Brick by Brick, Part 4: I'm Sorry I'm Late"
(01:40:47) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #5: "Brick by Brick, Part 5: Let's Go Fast"
(02:20:13) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #6: "Brick by Brick, Part 6"
(02:54:03) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #7: "Into the Scantoverse or Emotional Robots and Psychic Werewolves: A Doom Patrol Adventure"
(03:27:54) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #8: "Nada, Part 1: Nothing Matters"
(04:01:11) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #9: "Nada, Part 2: Nineninenine99999"
(04:21:37) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #10: "No Control"
(04:44:44) JLA/Doom Patrol Special #1: "Milk Wars, Part One"
(05:12:06) Doom Patrol/JLA Special #1: "Milk Wars, The End"
(05:37:13) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #11: "At the Bottom of Everything"
(06:10:28) Doom Patrol (vol.6) #12: "To Tame a Land: Into the Daemonscape"
Writer - Gerard Way, Steve Orlando, & Jeremy Lambert
Art - Nick Derington, Mike Allred, ACO, Hugo Petrus, Dale Eaglesham, & Dan McDaid
Inks - Tom Fowler
Colors - Tamra Bonvillain, Laura Allred, & Marisa Louise
Letters - Todd Klein & Clem Robins
Edits - Bond, Mahan, Rich, Howell, Doyle

A descent into absolute MADNESS... in all the wrong ways!

Here's a collection I've been wanting to (re)share for a long time... when Reggie and I were covering the entirety of DC's Young Animal boutique pop-up imprint (the first go-round, from 2016-2018), one of the titles... or, more accurately, THE title we were most excited for was: Doom Patrol (vol.6) -- and, boy did we start off optimistic!  That is, until the writer of the thing stopped giving a crap about whether or not it ever came out!  Then, when it DID come out... it definitely had a "phoned in" sorta feel.

Over the course of the next seven hours, you can hear Reggie and I go from wildly excited... to mildly annoyed... to somewhat apathetic... then finally, to full-blown angry that one of our favorite comics properties was being held hostage by a fella who'd rather shill Hot Topic t-shirts than comics!

It's a wild ride, and some of the most fun I had in my early podding "career"... and I hope you'll give it a listen!  Content Warning: There's some "colorful" language in these episodes!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Image Comics "Big Four" Launch Books (1992)

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE Image 1992

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Image Comics "Big Four" Launch Books (1992)
(00:00:00) Youngblood #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 022
(01:26:45) WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 028
(02:35:22) Savage Dragon #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 046
(03:43:37) Spawn #1 - Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 068
(04:59:54) BONUS - Chris and Reggie's "Real Comics History": 1992
Writers - Rob Liefeld, Hank Kanalz, Jim Lee, Brian Choi, Erik Larsen, & Todd McFarlane
Art - Rob Liefeld, Jim Lee, Erik Larsen, Todd McFarlane, & Scott Williams
Colors - Brian Murray, Joe Rosas, Gregory Wright, Steve Oliff, Reuben Rude, & Digital Chameleon
Letters - Diane Valentino, Mike Heisler, Chris Eliopoulos, & Tom Orzechowski
Edits - Chris Ulm, Ruth Grice, Wanda Kolomjec

Compiling four classic episodes of Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, wherein we discussed and gave the full "Treadmill-Treatment" to the first issues from the "Big Four" Image Comics launch titles from 1992 - Rob Liefeld's Youngblood, Jim Lee's WildC.A.T.S: Covert Action Teams, Erik Larsen's Savage Dragon, and Todd McFarlane's Spawn!

As a special "Bonus", I'm also including our "Real Comics History" Episode, during which we talked about the comics fandom (our own as well as widespread) during the year Image Comics started hitting the shelves: 1992!

This was originally intended to be an ongoing Cosmic Treadmill project... with "Wave Two... and beyond" to include titles like Cyberforce, Wetworks, Shadowhawk, Pitt, The Maxx... and more!  Whether this is your first time listening to these... or, just a blast-from-the-past - I hope you all enjoy!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, December 17, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Miracleman

 Chris and Reggie Weird Comics History Miracleman Marvelman

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE
Exploring the Mysteries of Marvel/Miracleman

For the first time ever, Chris and Reggie's three-part Marvelman/Miracleman Weird Comics History deep-dive (originally featured in episodes 27-29 of that series), compiled in one over-stuffed episode!

Part One:

You ever have a Dream of Flying?  Join Chris and Reggie as they dive deep into the world of Marvelman.  From his humble beginnings as a British replacement for a certain Big Red Cheese, to the stories people actually care about (ie. those written by Alan Moore, err... we mean "The Original Writer".

We will be sharing this crazy story over the next three installments. 

This time around you will be introduced to the reasons behind Marvelman's creation, we'll introduce you to his creator Mick Anglo... and discuss the move from Silver Age silliness to cynical 80's grittiness (including a purposely brief synopsis of the WARRIOR Magazine run... because we really don't want to "spoil" that for our dear listeners).

It's a fun-filled hour of chatter... and we don't even get to the lawsuit yet!  The... other lawsuit... the other, other lawsuit.

Part Two:

There comes a time when everybody has to leave home... and that's no different for our new friend Marvelman, who, during this episode makes the trek across the Atlantic, and starts getting published stateside by Eclipse Comics.  Not before a little tweak in his title though.

For their middle installment of Exploring the Mysteries of MarveREDACTED... let's try that again.  Exploring the Mysteries of MarREDACTED.  Hmm... okay, we'll do it their way... For this installment of Exploring the Mysteries of Miracleman, Chris and Reggie discuss more growing pains than a house full of Seavers when they continue their long-form look at our Kimota-shouting hero.

This week they will set the stage for the domestic (if you live in the United States) arrival (and sorta-kinda revival) of Miracleman... and briefly discuss the remaining Alan Moore run as well as the still unfinished Neil Gaiman run.

Then... they start getting into the nitty-gritty, and really the "meat and potatoes" of any real Miracleman discussion... the rights!  Welcome to the story, Mr. McFarlane... hope you survive the experience!

Part Three:

Order in the court!  (Ham and Cheese)

For the final installment of "Exploring the Mysteries of Miracleman", your favorite legal eagles Chris and Reggie don their long robes and powdered wigs and do their darnedest to figure out just who owns Marvelman!  

They will discuss the wheelings and dealings of one Spawny fellow... and spend far too much time discussing the characters of Angela, Cogliostro, and Medieval Spawn... but they promise it all (mostly) fits the story.  

Overall, it's an hour and change of audio likely to make you even more curious and confused about Marvelman, and just how his story finally "shook out".


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - The Death and Return of Superman

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

The Death and Return of Superman (DC Comics, 1992-1993)
(00:00:00) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 63: Doomsday!
(01:45:08) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 64: Funeral For A Friend
(03:07:32) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 65: Reign of the Supermen
(04:57:09) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 66: The Return!
(06:33:58) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 75: Grounded
Total Running Time: 8 Hours, 13 Minutes, 28 Seconds

Welcome, friends - to the collection of Cosmic Treadmill episodes wherein Reggie and I commemorated the 25th Anniversary of the landmark Doomsday storyline that shook the comics industry back in the Fall/Winter of 1992-93!  In these shows, we broke down what was going on in the world of Superman leading up to his final battle with Doomsday, the story itself... and all of the fallout in Funeral For A Friend and Reign of the Supermen.  If you weren't in the fandom (or perhaps even on the planet back then... you might enjoy hearing about what was going on in the biz and the world.  If you were, well - I hope this scratches a nostalgia itch!

Then, as a special bonus, I've decided to include events even more tragic for Superman than death itself... J. Michael Straczynski's opus Grounded from 2010-2011.  Sending the post-Crisis Superman shuffling outta continuity (at least for awhile) with a... thud.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - The History of the Direct Market

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

The History of the Direct Market
Originally Published as Weird Comics History, Episodes 30-31

Today I am sharing a compilation of the last deep-dive Reggie and I did together, wherein we focused on another "tent-pole" series of Weird Comics History.  From the very start, we knew this was a topic we really wanted to sink our teeth into... and we were very fortunate to get that opportunity!

We cover it all... from newsies shillin' papers, to the origins of the "organized" comics fandom, and how that fandom kicked off an aftermarket for comics, thereby creating the "back issue".  We'll meet Phil Seuling, for better or worse, the "Father" of the Direct Market.

From there, we'll get into the nitty gritty of what it meant for comics to be "direct marketed" in comparison to "newsstanded"... how this affected retailers... and how, ultimately we wound up with a monopoly over the entire thing (well, at the time of these recordings, anyway...).

It's a couple hours of fun chatter, from comics, to speculation, to aftermarkets, to seemingly phasing comics out altogether!  I promise, it's not as glum as it sounds!  Give'r a listen!


Sunday, August 22, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!
(00:00:00) Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 20
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Special #2 (1983)
(01:10:40) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 35
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Specials & History
(02:59:45) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 107
American Honda & Supergirl Teach us how to Buckle Up!
Total Running Time: 4 Hours, 32 Minutes, 29 Seconds

Gather 'round gang, it's time to learn about being a responsible citizen!

Today's TOTAL PACKAGE revisits the times Reggie and I discussed the Public Service Announcement specials released by DC Comics during the first-half of the 1980s, chock full of Gestalty goodness - and in our own inimitable style!

In addition to the Cosmic Treadmill episodes, and in the interest of completionism, I have also included an episode of the old Chris is on Infinite Earths show, where I spend an hour blabbing about psychological addiction and how one of these comics actually realizes that it's a thing that exists!

I hope you enjoy!

Blog-Posts Covering Each Issue Discussed!

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Age of Apocalypse

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Age of Apocalypse (1995)
(00:00:00) Part 1: X-Men in the early-mid 1990's, all the events, LegionQuest, and X-Men: Alpha
(02:09:22) Part 2: All of the AoA #1 issues!  Astonishing X-Men, Amazing X-Men, Factor-X, Gambit & the X-Ternals, Generation neXt, Weapon X, X-Calibre, X-Man, & X-Men Chronicles
(04:20:28) Part 3: X-Men Chronicles #2 + Issues 2-4 of Astonishing X-Men, Factor-X, Generation neXt, and Weapon X
(05:58:52) Part 4: Issues 2-4 of Gambit & the X-Ternals, X-Calibre, X-Man, & Amazing X-Men
(07:29:23) Part 5: X-Universe #1-2
(09:09:56) Part 6: X-Men: Omega, X-Men: Prime, and the Legacy of the AoA!
Total Run Time: 10 Hours, 37 Minutes, 5 Seconds

The celebration of Five Years of Chris and Reggie rolls on, with a compilation of the series we used to commemorate the one-hundredth episode of the Cosmic Treadmill.  In our Crisis on Infinite Earths style, we break down the entirety of Marvel's Age of Apocalypse event from 1995... providing bios for all of the creators involved... as well as every single character to make an appearance!  Things get especially crazy once we get to the X-Universe issues!

It's a long one indeed... but a project we were very proud of!  I hope you enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - Crisis on Infinite Earths

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

Crisis on Infinite Earths
(00:00:00) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 50: Crisis on Infinite Earths #1-2
(02:12:44) Weird Comics History, Episode 22: The Pre-Crisis DC Multiverse
(03:37:25) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 51: Crisis on Infinite Earths #3-5
(06:15:37) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 52: Crisis on Infinite Earths #6-8
(07:28:41) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 53: Crisis on Infinite Earths #9-11
(09:19:41) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 54: Crisis on Infinite Earths #12, History of the DC Universe #1-2
Total Running Time: 11 Hours, 18 Minutes, 33 Seconds

The Celebration of Five Years of Chris and Reggie rolls on with a compilation of one the projects we were most proud of -- our coverage of Crisis on Infinite Earths!  This was a series several months in the making... and was comprised of hundreds of hours of research and writing.  This was an "around the clock" production... and the notes we took on Crisis actually filled more pages than Crisis itself!

It's a heck of series... and we had a blast getting to the bottom of it.  We bio EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER who appears (even if that appearance is in a single panel), we discuss the behind the scenes of Crisis-Era DC Comics, we cover every pre-Crisis appearance of the Monitor, we dissect EVERY SINGLE pre-Crisis alternate Earth (even those retroactively named via the Absolute Crisis Edition).  We also look at The History of the DC Universe, and chat up the fallout and the early post-Crisis landscape.  If you've got 12 hours to kill... this might be right up your alley!

Blog Posts (featuring "behind the scenes" information):
Part One (including EVERY Pre-Crisis Appearance of The Monitor)
Part Two (including "that" page... you know the one)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - The History of Underground Comix

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

The History of Underground Comix
(00:00:00) Part I: Tijuana Bibles, Joe Shuster, Harvey Kurtzman, Wally Wood, and More!
(01:13:54) Part II: 1968, Robert Crumb, art spiegelman, Trina Robins, Marvel's "Comix Book", and More!
(02:47:49) Part III: Aline Kominsky-Crumb, Harvey Pekar - Underground-to-Indie: Peter Bagge, Wendy & Richard Pini, Dave Sim, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and More!
(04:23:18) Part IV: Underground-to-Corporate: Marvel's EPIC Comics, DC's Vertigo, Webcomics, Minicomics, and More!
Originally Weird Comics History, Episodes 12-15 (2017)
Total Run Time: 5 Hours, 41 Minutes, 53 Seconds

Continuing the celebration of FIVE YEARS of Chris and Reggie with a compilation of another one of our "tentpole" series' wherein we go deep into the somewhat seedy, certainly salacious, world of Underground Comix!  We start with Tijuana Bibles... and don't stop until present day... talking about what Underground Comix were, what they became, and how they're still relevant to this day.

I hope you enjoy!


Will Eisner speaks well of Harvey Kurtzman at the Dallas Fantasy Fair on July 5, 1990

BREAK CLIP (Part Two):

Excerpt from Arena: The Confessions of Robert Crumb, British Broadcasting Corporation, 1987

BREAK CLIP (Part Three):
Harvey Pekar on Late Night with David Letterman 7/31/87

Break Clip (Part Four):
Levi's 501 "Button Your Fly" commercial from 1990, directed by Spike Lee, starring Rob Liefeld

Tijuana Bibles: Art & Wit in America's Forbidden Funnies, 1930s to 1950s by Bob Adelman (Simon & Schuster, 1994)
Vintage Tijuana Bible Library (WARNING: VERY NSFW)
The Incredible True Story of Joe Shuster's Nights of Horror
Harvey Kurtzman: The Man Who Created MAD and Revolutionized Humor in America by Bill Schelly (Fantagraphics, 2015)
Humbug (2 volume set) by Harvey Kurtzman, et al. (Fantagraphics, 2008)
Trump: The Complete Collection by Harvey Kurtzman et al. (Dark Horse Books, 2016)
witzend (2 volume set) by Wallace Wood et al. (Fantagraphics, 2014)
A History of Underground Comix by James Estren, Ronin Publishing, 1974
Comic Book Creator #5, Spring 2014, "The Comix Book Life of Denis Kitchen" pg. 34-79

The Best of Comix Book by James Vance and Denis Kitchen, Kitchen Sink Books, 2013

Amazing Underground Comix Resource

The Aline Kominsky-Crumb Interview, The Comics Journal #139 (December 1990)

"I Felt Like I Didn't Have a Baby But at Least I'd Have a Book": A Diane Noomin Interview, The Comics Journal

Harvey Pekar: Conversations, edited by Michael G. Rhode, University Press of Mississippi, 2008

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - The Comics Code Authority

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

The Comics Code Authority
Weird Comics History, Episodes 1-5 (2016)

Hello Friends!

Something a little bit different... yet familiar today.  I was recently feeling kind of melancholy, and decided to start digging through the old Chris and Reggie Archives... which, I do from time to time.  Perhaps too often.

We put out a lot of audio content together, but that's just the "end product".  Our endeavors would always start with copious amounts of research... and our first "big" project was our five-part deep-dive into the Comics Code Authority.

It was five years ago, near to the day, where we began deep-diving into the post-war comics landscape... dissecting tons of information, including reading Seduction of the Innocent in its entirety, and going line by line through the Kefauver Senate Hearings on Juvenile Delinquency.

If you've never listened to these episodes before... and you believe that Dr. Frederic Wertham was the sole reason why the CCA was established (he wasn't... not even close), I invite you to take the plunge into this nearly eight-hour compilation of classic Chris and Reggie content.

If you've already listened to these episodes... well, it's probably been awhile - have another listen!  Lemme know how well these aged!


(00:00:00) Part 1: "Before the Comics Code"
(00:39:39) Part 2: "Seduction of the Innocent"
(02:23:04) Part 3: "The Kefauver Trials"
(04:06:27) Part 4: "Life Under the Code"
(05:35:40) Part 5: "Life After the Code"
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