Showing posts with label chris is on infinite earths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chris is on infinite earths. Show all posts

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE - DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!

Chris and Reggie's TOTAL PACKAGE

DC Comics' 1980's PSAs!
(00:00:00) Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 20
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Special #2 (1983)
(01:10:40) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 35
New Teen Titans Drug-Awareness Specials & History
(02:59:45) Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 107
American Honda & Supergirl Teach us how to Buckle Up!
Total Running Time: 4 Hours, 32 Minutes, 29 Seconds

Gather 'round gang, it's time to learn about being a responsible citizen!

Today's TOTAL PACKAGE revisits the times Reggie and I discussed the Public Service Announcement specials released by DC Comics during the first-half of the 1980s, chock full of Gestalty goodness - and in our own inimitable style!

In addition to the Cosmic Treadmill episodes, and in the interest of completionism, I have also included an episode of the old Chris is on Infinite Earths show, where I spend an hour blabbing about psychological addiction and how one of these comics actually realizes that it's a thing that exists!

I hope you enjoy!

Blog-Posts Covering Each Issue Discussed!

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Five Years Later...

Howsitgoin everybody?

Something a little bit different for this little text piece - not entirely comics-related, but I thought I should do something to commemorate the fact that today marks the five-year anniversary of this daily humble blog.  That's 1,827 days in a row... which, hey - that and a fiver might buy me a cup of coffee... but, it's still something I can sorta-kinda hang my hat on, eh?

At the risk of boring you all to tears, and being a bit too self-indulgent - I'd like to share, I believe for the first time in written form, some memories of how this place came to be in the first place.  It's not exactly a riveting story... but it's mine.

This wasn't something I planned.  None of it was, actually.  It was all born out of, of all things, academic writers block - on January 31, 2016.  There was no running start, no planning process... no goals or aspirations, this little spot was nothing more than a means to an end to try and break up a bit of a logjam in my brain.

Back in the Winter of 2016 I was a Junior in college... working on my B.S. degree in Psychology.  I was taking a Forensic Psychology course... which, at first I had dreaded - thinking I'd have zero interest in the subject.  I always saw myself in a more clinical role... and saw Forensics as nothing more than a waste of time.

Well, I was wrong.  Like as wrong as wrong can be.  Wrong-er than I'd ever been before.  I was absolutely taken by my Forensic Psych classes... and I became obsessed with concepts like profiling and crime scene analysis.  I was hooked... perhaps a little too hooked.  If you've seen my body of work as it pertains to comic books - it's probably clear to most that - yeah, I can be a bit obsessive... so, this might not come as any sort of surprise.

In the weeks after Christmas 2015, I started either my second or third Forensics class - and we were tasked with researching a cold case... using the skills we'd learned in previous forensics classes to put together a profile for who might've done it.  Now, this is an intriguing assignment - because, as these cases had gone cold - there would be no definitive "right answer", ya know?

After about a week of mulling - because choosing a cold case to research, especially when you're as indecisive as I am, is quite the task in and of itself.  I'd much prefer just having one assigned to me - but, that wasn't in the cards.  I'd wind up choosing to "investigate" the Amber Hagerman case from 1996.  Amber is the namesake for the AMBER Alert here in the U.S., the child abduction alert system.

And, me being me - I got REALLY into this case.  I'm kind of an idiot -- so, I might've actually convinced myself I could solve it (20 years later).  Remember, the first word of "Delusions of Grandeur" is delusion.  Anyhoo... after spending the better part of a month putting together my case... while researching every bit of information I could find, it came time to write it up and turn it in.  The due date for this assignment was - January 31, 2016.

And so, five years ago... probably to the minute as I'm writing this - I plopped myself down to summarize and organize my notes - and wrap up the assignment.  Thing of it was -- I couldn't.  I'm not sure if I just didn't wanna let the case go... or, if I just couldn't put together my thoughts in a cohesive fashion - but, the fact was... I just couldn't.  No words were coming... and, I mean - I can usually write just to "hear myself talk" (as evidenced daily on this very site) - but, on this day... for this assignment - I couldn't even B.S.

I started to panic a bit.  I have a predisposition to Panic Disorder which I deal with even today... so, this wasn't exactly a surprise.  I'd never been in this exact spot before - I'd never just not had words, ya know?  I stepped away from the assignment several times throughout the day... hopeful that the next time I'd sit down, the words would come to me.  But they didn't... and the clock was ticking - I had to have the assignment in by 10pm that night... or lose points.  I was rocking a 4.0 GPA at the time... and, the thought of blowing it -- well, that just wasn't an option, ya know?

So - what could I do?  Well... I decided to check out some blogs I was following -- trying to take my mind off of things for a bit.  Hopeful that maybe a distraction would "lube the tubes", right?

I remembered that one of my favorite sites had just opened up a message board - the Weird Science DC Comics site.  Among the forums was one where readers/listeners could submit their own comic book reviews.  I'd made a mental note of it a few weeks prior... thinking it might be fun to be a part of something like that - but, having blogged before in the past, I knew that it could be something that could turn into a chore -- so, I briefly mulled it over, before dismissing it completely.

Well, on this day - January 31, 2016 - I thought that maybe writing about a hobby I was passionate about might clear the logjam enough so I could write about an academic pursuit I was passionate about.  I came over to Blogger... and, with resignation that I was about to start yet another blog that I'd more than likely quit on in less than a week... I opened up Chris is on Infinite Earths.

Ya see, Weird Science uses Blogger... and so, I figured I'd write everything in the same format - because, naturally - when they'd get a load of my absolute genius... they'd BEG me to join the site - so, it would be best if I was using the same platform.  Right?  Right???  Yeah, that didn't exactly happen.

So, what's a fella to write about is the question?

By late 2015 - early 2016, I was kinda "done" with Marvel Comics.  We'd just wrapped up Secret Wars... and, to me, the entire Marvel Universe was pretty lacking.  Current DC Comics... ehh, we were in that interim between The New 52! and DCYOU... so, lotsa garbage I didn't wanna think about over there too.

Now, I'm a weird guy (clearly)... I've long said that I hold the Sins of the Son against the Father - since I especially disliked the direction of "current year" Marvel... I found that I no longer enjoyed the Marvel books that I loved growing up.  It was as though I couldn't look at them with anything but sadness... like, I knew what these characters I loved would eventually turn into... ya know?  That probably doesn't make much sense (unless you're insane).

My comics "happy place" was now older DC Comics.  In fact, in my first email to the Weird Science show, I'd asked them if they'd consider including some retro-reviews onto their site and show.  They responded that they just wouldn't have the time for that.  And so, I saw a "need" - one that I could possibly fill.

But - where to even begin, right?  What could (or should) be my "opening salvo"?  Well, I went with - one of my very favorite single-issue stories of all time: Tales of the Teen Titans #55.

I still remember the mix of excitement and embarrassment as I headed upstairs to try and dig this one out of the longbox... knowing that I would soon be writing about it.  I hid this fact from my wife - because, a) I really should have been concentrating on my Forensics assignment, and b) I wasn't sure what she'd think about me, at the ripe old age of 36, writing about comic books.  This wasn't something I'd tried doing since I was a kid -- so, maybe, in some ways it felt like a step backwards... or a regression.  I dunno.

Well, I did the thing - wrote up my first piece... bada-bing, bada-boom - copied and pasted it into the Weird Science Message Board... and waited to be bathed in both adulation and adoration.

And waited.
    And waited.
        And waited.

Yeah, it didn't quite make the sort of splash I was expecting.  One fella looked at it, and commented that he appreciated that I included some advertisements from the issue.  We called that fella Reggie - and, he might come up again a time or two(hundred) during my reminiscences.

Turns out that writing about Beast Boy and Deathstroke hanging out at a Denny's was enough of a "tube luber" to get me to finally be able to put together my thoughts on the Hagerman case - and I managed to turn it in on time.  Not sure if it was a mental-logjam-clearer... or, maybe it was the fact that I enjoyed writing about comics so much, I needed that assignment out of the way so I could write s'more?

That very night-into-morning, once I had the Hagerman case "closed", I wrote my second "Discussion and Review" piece - on a book I really enjoyed, but (for un-comics related reasons) can't really get into anymore - Green Lantern: Mosaic #1.  The next morning, I wrote my third - Mister Miracle (vol.2) #7.

And the ball just kept rolling.  I was so psyched to write about these comics, that I just couldn't stop.  I never meant for this to be a daily thing... in fact, at first - there wasn't going to BE a schedule - I was just going to pile in posts as they came to me.  Could be 3-4 in a day then nothing for a week - I didn't really know.  In hindsight, that probably would have been the healthier approach... but, the smart healthy way has never been my style, has it?

After writing my fourth piece, Who is Donna Troy?, I decided that I wanted to shoot for an entire week of posting.  How quaint, right?  I wanted to prove to myself (and any other hopefully-interested parties) that I could be a "valuable" addition (or "pinch writer" if need be) to a comics review site.

But, much to my chagrin - after publishing a week's worth of random DC Comics reviews - I was still flyin' solo.  I wasn't scooped up by any comics sites, I doubt I had a single actual (non-me) visit to the blog - it was a weird feeling.  An embarrassing one - made me feel like a real "late bloomer".

Anyhoo - seven days in a row turned to ten... then I decided to try for a month... then it was one-hundred days... then it was a year.

I think that's where I'll put a "pin" in the reminiscence for now.  I might continue these over the next few days... if you'll indulge me.

I would really like to thank everyone for visiting... and sticking with this site and my content after all these years.  I know it's a very different place today than it was at the start - much of that is out of necessity... and just lack of time.  I'd love to do some "old school" Chris is on Infinite Earths style "Discussion and Reviews" again - hopefully one'a these days I'll be able to.

THANK YOU ALL for joining me - for this very low-key Fifth Anniversary.  We'll talk more soon.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 37: Big Daddy Danger #1 (2002)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #37

Big Daddy Danger #1 (October, 2002)
Creator, Writer & Artist - Adam Pollina
Inker - Tyson McAdoo
Colors & Separations - Thomas Chu
Associate Editor - Ivan Cohen
Editor - Mike Carlin
Cover Price: $2.95

Big Daddy Danger, what's that?  Well, it's a little discussed/little known DC Comic about a superhero professional wrestler.  Why are we talking about it?  Well, how else would I be able to shoe-horn a conversation about my own life and times as a professional wrestler... for about six months or so.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 20: Justice League of America #224 (1984)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #20

Justice League of America #224 (March, 1984)
"The Supremacy Factor!"
Writer - Kurt Busiek
Penciller - Chuck Patton
Inker - Dick Giordano
Letterers - John Costanza & Todd Klein
Colorist - Gene D'Angelo
Editor - Len Wein
Cover Price: $0.75

Today I'm revisiting an episode wherein I discuss my last trip to a Comic Book Convention... along with my overall distaste for the "current year" Convention racket, and how I let me preciosity get in the way of a great friendship.  Oh, also heat-stroke... because I got it that weekend!

And heyyy, I just found out I can no longer drag inserted images where I'd like them to go!  Way to keep letting me down, Blogger!  Just when I think you're the worst thing ever, you make me pine for how lousy you were just yesterday!

And Ho-lee crap, now I can't toggle HTML without great swaths of my writing vanishing into the ether?  Are you kidding me?  This is a product from Google, right?  I can't be the only person having these problems, can I?

Welp, lemme jump through the hoops and try and revert back to "Legacy Blogger".

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 36: Batman #458 (1991)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #36

Batman #458 (January, 1991)
"Night Monsters"
Writer - Alan Grant
Pencils - Norm Breyfogle
Inks - Steve Mitchell
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Letters - Todd Klein
Assistant Editor - Kelley Puckett
Editor - Denny O'Neil
Cover Price: $1.00

After an extended absence, the Chris is on Infinite Earths Podcast returns with plenty of housekeeping, some answers to your questions regarding the future, a lot of guilty introspection... and, if you can believe it, a comic book

Friday, July 17, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 7: JSA #55 (2004)

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode #7

JSA #55 (February, 2004)
"Be Good For Goodness Sake"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Pencils - Leonard Kirk
Inks - Keith Champagne & Wade Von Grawbadger
Colors - Hi-Fi
Letters - Jared K. Fletcher
Associate Editor - Stephen Wacker
Editor - Peter Tomasi
For Jordan Marquis
Cover Price: $2.50

With everything going on in the world and personally... it took me until the 17th of the month to realize we're in July!  Well, we have a little tradition at this here site... that I'd hate to let pass us by, perhaps this year more than ever.

I tell ya, if there were any year where we (or I) need a little bit of Christmas on Infinite Earths... in July, it's 2020.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 35: Crimson Avenger #1 (1988)

Picking up where we left off yesterday, Episode 35 of Chris is on Infinite Earths was sort of another "proof of concept" recording to see whether or not this could serve as the new (temporary) normal for future installments of the Cosmic Treadmill.

This was actually an episode that I'd really wanted to do with Reggie, as I feel the story-behind-the-story isn't one that gets as much discussion as it warrants.  Maybe it's just me, but there's a lot of sinister weirdness behind this one.  I thought this was right up the alley of a Weird Comics History X Cosmic Treadmill hybrid.

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I felt like doing this episode "solo" was kind of a waste.  The actual flagship show on the Chris and Reggie Channel is the one that gets the most listens... and, I thought just doing it as a Chris is on Infinite Earths was sort of doing the story a disservice as fewer people would listen... so, I really dragged my feet on actually pushing forward with it.

I was excited... but kinda nervous as well.  I had to use my own judgment and be very careful with my words, lest I make any undue allusions... and wind up getting the Channel into hot water with a prominent creator or two.  If none of this is making sense, maybe give the episode a listen... or, take a look at this piece I'd written about the True Crime aspects of this tale right here.

I was extremely excited for Reggie to hear this one in particular.  First, when I "pitched" this as an episode, he didn't know about Greg Brooks and what he'd done... which, lemme tell ya, it wasn't often I'd get to teach him something.  Also, once this recording was done... I had convinced myself that this was the right path/format for us to use for the immediate future of the show(s).

The day this episode went live... was also the day that everything changed.

On days where I'd release an episode, I'd usually do the social media "rounds" very early in the day.  I'm usually up by around 5-5:30am Arizona Voodoo Time... so, these are bright and early notifications.  Then, I wait a couple of hours and "check in" to see if there are any comments/likes/shares/problems.

When I checked on Facebook during my second "sweep", I had a couple of direct messages.  I very seldom use Facebook for anything other than dropping links, so this was quite weird.  The first message was from a friend, who said he was so sorry to hear about Reggie.

Now, me... being either far too dense, or uncharacteristically optimistic... just assumed they'd heard Reggie was back in the hospital with pneumonia.  I'd spoken to Reggie less than 24-hours earlier, and the last thing I knew was his pneumonia diagnosis (the doctors told him he'd be able to go home the next day).

The second message was similar, but with added anger toward 2020 (the year).  The clouds were starting to part for me at this point... but still, my knee-jerk thought was maybe... while pneumonia put him in hospital, maybe now he'd tested positive for COVID-19 on top of that... or something?

That, unfortunately, was not the case.  I popped over to his Facebook Page and found out what had actually happened.  The rest of that day (and morning especially) is a blur.  I know I was doing a few sets while doing this second social sweep... and I dropped one of my dumbbells, chipping the hell out of a tile in my living room floor.

I didn't tell very many people, at least initially... just a few close friends, as I thought they had a right to know.  I wasn't planning on making a "public" statement regarding his passing... mostly, as I didn't think it was my place, and I didn't want to do anything that put the focus on me.  Then, as they always do... the Twitter karma-farmers came, and tried making his passing all about them.  I had to make a statement at that point... because I felt it would've been weird if I didn't.

This episode of Chris is on Infinite Earths was pretty well received... and, it was just so weird getting likes and comments on it... in between receiving condolences.  It was such a strange disconnected sort of feeling.  Like, I dunno... a switch flipped in my head, and I thought about just removing the episode, and that day's blog post... just to make sure the focus was where I felt it needed to be.

I dunno.  I'm not good at this sort of thing... emotions, coping, and what-not.  Just a very surreal and sad day... that, will always sort of be connected with this Crimson Avenger "pilot" episode, which was supposed to inform the future of our recording process.

Welp, that's another weird stream of conscious piece... that I appreciate you reading.


Before we go, last night I was a guest on the Source Material Live Podcast on the Radulich in Broadcasting Network at W2M.  Mark and I discussed The Old Guard (2017) by Greg Rucka and Leandro Fernandez from Image Comics.  If you're interested in checking that out, you can find it right here.

I'll be guesting on a few shows in the near future... an extended run on Source Material, Bill Bere's Bat-Pod, and WIZARDS over at the Retro Network.  I'm really looking forward to getting my "pod-legs" back under me again.  If anyone out there has a show that's needing a marble-mouthed Brooklynite to garble up the airwaves, hit me up.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 34: Leonard the Duck??? (1996)

Before starting today, I'd just like to share that we hit a blogging milestone yesterday.  Right around 9am Arizona Voodoo Time, Chris is on Infinite Earths broke 800,000 pageviews.  I'm not sure quite how accurate Blogger's stats are... but, in this game, we take any victory we can get.

I'm well aware that if we discount bots and folks who don't know how to spell the word "Crisis", there are probably a few dozen genuine "hits" there... so, any celebration is a little bit tempered.

Anyhoo, onto today's conversation...


I've been in a mindset where I'm really trying to focus on the future... exactly what that's going to mean and look like for my "content creation" side.  I still don't quite know... at least not enough to make a definitive statement about anything.  I have some ideas, but... that's really all I've got at this point.

I am still gathering my thoughts, planning goals, and deciding whether or not there's even still a place for me in the already overcrowded and back-bitey commentary community.  Again, I have ideas... but, that's about it.

So, what in the blue hell does my existential/inertial/motivational crisis have to do with Leonard the Duck?  Why am I throwing this character in y'alls faces again?  Well, this episode of Chris is on Infinite Earths was a result of the last time I took a look into the nebulous "future".

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If you're a long-time listener of my solo-output, you might have been able to tell that this Leonard episode was something of a departure from my usual way of "doing business".  Gone where self-indulgent stories and anecdotes from my life... replaced with actual comics facts and history.  It wasn't exactly a subtle shift in tone...

... and, that was intentional.

Y'see, this episode of Chris is on Infinite Earths (along with the episode that followed it) acted sort of as a "pilot" for what Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill was going to look like moving into the future... at least for the immediate future.

Following Reggie's stroke at the end of 2019, we had to put a pin in the old ways of putting together Cosmic Treadmill episodes.  Reggie suffered partial blindness and was easily fatigued when trying to read.  For a while, he wasn't able to make out words at all.  He wouldn't be able to read or write the sort of scripts we usually worked with... and so, we'd have to "pivot", reevaluate... and adapt.

We still wanted to deliver the sort of content we were "known" for (even if it was only us who "knew us" for it), but we had to be a bit more creative about it.  The answer was to sort of create a "hybrid" program, wherein we mixed elements from our Cosmic Treadmill, Weird Comics History, and Comix Tawk shows.  Bits and pieces from each, in order to serve as sort of a band-aid/bridge until Reggie was recovered and confident enough for us to go back to "business as usual".

This Leonard the Duck solo episode was sort of my "proof of concept"... showing that it was possible to mingle the Cosmic Treadmill with bits of Weird Comics History... and the editorializing of Comix Tawk.  I feel like it was successful on that front... though, unfortunately, I wouldn't imagine Reggie ever got around to listening to it.

In our final few phone calls, we brainstormed pretty heavily about what the "Chris and Reggie Summer" was going to look (and sound) like.  I've still got a handful of partially finished scripts on my Google Drive.  The gimmick was going to be less verbatim scripting... more off-the-cuff... more "bullet pointy", with a reliance on me to deliver/feed things like dates and factoids... while he would focus on elaborating and editorializing.  It... ya know, it just felt "right"... one of those "So crazy it just might work..." sort of things.

I feel as though this Leonard the Duck episode put me in the proper head space for the evolution in the way we were going to create together... and, the fact that I felt as though I pulled it off decently enough, gave me the confidence to know that we'd definitely be able to make it work.

Thanks for reading this odd little stream of consciousness piece... and thank you for helping this little blog break 800k views.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 19: Flashpoint #1 (2011)

Moments of Profundity, to me, are those weird "pivot points" in life.  Sometimes they're clear... other times, you don't realize how profound an event you experienced was until long after the fact.  They can overt... they can be benign.  Whatever the case, it's due to these "moments" that our lives go the direction(s) they do.

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Yesterday I wrote a lot about "change"... and how a lot of times changes are sorta foist upon you.  You have no choice or control over the direction of your life.  We've all been there, and we all will be again at various points.  Today, we're still discussing change, but a less passive sort.  This episode, if you choose to listen to it (which I hope you do, but you probably won't), has to do with one of the biggest decisions and life-changes I made this past decade... and, no... that story has nothing to do with Flashpoint or The New-52!, I promise!

The Flashpoint #1 tie-in and discussion is simply due to the fact that I bought and read this comic book the same day where I experienced one of those "moments of profundity".  The day I finally decided to go back to college... a decision that still affects me to this very day (and beyond).


While (tangentially) on the subject of "change"... I think we're getting close the wrap-up point for this site.  Blogger (both versions) is still a disaster.  I'm still not a skilled enough writer to be concise and get a post written in under a couple of hours.  And, I'm pretty sure everybody has just "checked out" on me at this point.

There's a lot of competition online for your ears and eyes... and I totally get why you'd rather spend your time elsewhere.  I feel sort of foolish for assuming people would actually care about the stuff I have to say... especially going on a half-decade of daily content.  Hell, I can't even get my friends to share this stuff.  I guess my content just doesn't have the same karma-farming "cache" as some others.  Can't say that I blame them!

If you're still here, I thank you.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Chris is on Infinite Earths, Episode 18: Brightest Day #0 (2010)

Warning: Very self-indulgent and introspective post incoming.

It's Wednesday, which is the day I would usually release episodes of Chris is on Infinite Earths, the podcast named after this blog.  In fact, I was actually bellied up to the microphone yesterday fully intending to finally record Episode 36... but I couldn't.

There was something stopping me... a few things, I guess.  First, it just doesn't feel right.  I guess maybe not enough time has passed?  I'm very conflicted.  Last year, the Brightest Day episode I'm sharing today was my return to recording following Reggie's aortic dissection.  Back then, I told myself I would "get back to work" just as soon as I got the word that everything was going to be okay.  This year, that call isn't going to come.

How do you know when it's right to... not so much "move on", but... move forward?  This is all new to me, and it's really done a number on many aspects of my life.  Pertaining to this hobby in particular: It conjures up questions of why I do this in the first place.  I honestly can't answer that.  Why do I do this?  Why do I create content and share ideas about comic books?  Is it intrinsically motivated... or, is it just habit and "muscle memory"?

Since Reggie's passing, I have recorded a handful of shows... and a handful of segments, but it took a lot of effort... a lot of conflict, guilt, and pain.  It didn't feel natural, it didn't feel "right".  I feel like I did it for the wrong reasons.  I did it to "maintain a schedule", I convinced myself I'd be "letting people down" if I didn't.  Neither of those reasons sound very intrinsic, do they?

At the end of the day, nobody but me cares about "my schedule", and as the numbers show, nobody is interested/invested enough in what I do to be "let down" if I don't deliver.  I'd wager there are very few out there have noticed the absence of my voice on the digital airwaves over the past couple months.

I never wanted to find myself "slipping into a persona" when recording.  I always endeavor to be honest, true, and real when sharing/foisting my voice on listeners.  I never wanted to have to "flip that switch" from conversation-mode to "presentation-mode"... but, I can't deny that that's how it's been the last few times out.  To me, that's just not how "this" ought to work.

There's a lesson there.  It goes back to some advice Reggie had tried, many times over the years, to give me.  To focus only on the intrinsic qualities of everything we did.  Make the pursuit itself the goal.  Don't worry about end-users (and if there are any) or a "community" that doesn't want anything to do with us.  Don't worry about anything other than our own enjoyment, pride, and satisfaction.  I'm sure I'm babbling right now... but, I think there's a point in there somewhere.

Let's get to Brightest Day for a minute... again, this was the first show I put out following Reggie's aortic dissection.

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With this return episode of Chris is on Infinite Earths, I kinda just let it flow.  I let my own conversation take me wherever it wanted to go... which would sort of become the hallmark of the program.  I always envisioned the "Chris Show" to be more personal... and provide a bit of insight into both "the process" as well as my life in general.  Not that I've lived any sort of mindbogglingly interesting life or anything... but, there can be some poignancy in the mundane... I guess?

This episode was the most personal episode to that point.  I connected the Brightest Day "crossovent" with what was going on in my life around that time... also sort of intersecting it with the overall concept of "change".  Change isn't always something within our control... in fact, for someone like me who is terrified of straying from the "norm"... from the "template", change is very seldom something I would go out of my way to "effect".

The personal story I shared during this Brightest Day episode concerned my losing my job back in 2008... which, I'm sure I'm not the only person to lose their gig that year... and just how the next couple of years rolled out.  We lost our home, were literally within 10 days of being homeless... nearly lost the cars, we were really in a bad way.  We wouldn't find any semblance of normalcy and hope until right around the time of Brightest Day.  It was a very difficult, and character-building, time in my life.  Might've been the first time I was actually forced to build any!

So, this "new format" for the program, wherein I'd spend sometimes up to an hour sharing some personal stories and anecdotes before hopping into the comic discussion itself, gave me that intrinsic satisfaction.  The pursuit... the activity of "creating" was everything to me.  I didn't about anything else.

I've been writing for around an hour and a half at this point... and, honestly... I'm not sure I've even "said" anything.  Maybe I'm just trying to clear out a mental logjam... maybe I'm just trying to work out in my head whether or not there's still a "place" for me and my voice in this little world.... because at the end of the day, I still want to create, but I want to make sure I'm doing it for the right reason(s).

Anyways, if you made it this far (both of you), I greatly appreciate it.  I'll try and be less self-indulgent tomorrow.
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