Showing posts with label craig boldman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label craig boldman. Show all posts

Monday, January 15, 2018

Action Comics #563 (1985)

Action Comics #563 (January, 1985)
"Black Beauty"
"Mr. Mxyzptlk, Media Star!"
"Jimmy Olsen--Blob!"
Writers - Keith Giffen, Robert Loren Fleming, E. Nelson Bridwell & Craig Boldman
Pencillers - Keith Giffen, Alex Saviuk & Howard Bender
Inkers - Bob Oksner, Dennis Jensen & Pablo Marcos
Colorist - Anthony Tollin
Letterers - John Costanza, Ben Oda & Milt Snapinn
Editor - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $0.75

Well, yesterday I announced my intent to cover one-hundred issues of Action Comics before the release of Action Comics #1000 (on April 18, 2018)... and, folks seem to be pretty keen on the idea!

Lemme tell ya, that was a relief.  I was halfway expecting a "Oh boy, this idiot's going to be talking about Superman until Spring...", but the response I received was all positive... even got some suggestions for issues to cover... one of which, we'll be chatting up today.

This suggestion comes from R.T. David... and it's a doozy!  Three wild pre-Crisis stories (that sorta evoke the Silver-Age) in an issue I just recently found.  I nabbed this during one of my first post-move bin-dives... which is likely why I forgot all about it.  I mean, just take a look at that cover... that's not an issue you're likely to forget you've got in your collection!

Sooo... let's get down to it.  Big thanks to R.T. and everyone who offered suggestions, I already have them pulled and ready to run!  Tomorrow we'll be covering a very special Guy Gardner issue.

To everyone, thanks for joining me on this Action-packed journey... and remember, if there are any issues you want me to ruin cover, just lemme know!  If you want to see if I already covered it, just click the handy Action Comics 100 icon to the right ->


Our first story opens with our old friend Ambush Bug trying to repair a little "baby bug".  He's got the TV news on in the background... which includes, the tragic news that Chuckles the Clown has passed away!  Didn't even know he was sick!  Anyhoo, A. Bug keeps fiddling away at the baby bug... but winds up triggering some electrical discharge, blowing the poor thing to bits!  He then finds that he's changed color... first to pink... then to black?!

Black?  How can that be... he was nowhere near the Secret Wars!  I love that this gag was included.  Gotta tell ya, the hardest part about covering an Ambush Bug story is the fact that I want to include every gag!

Not wanting to face the world in his new duds, our man pops into a costume shop... and buys a cartoon horse outfit!  Well, I guess in some places that might be less conspicuous than a black Ambush Bug costu-- oh, f'rget it!

Across town, a man is trying to steal a television set from an apartment.  Well, since this is Metropolis, you gotta figure Superman's on the case.  The would-be robber is not terribly pleased to see the Man of Steel... and fakes motion sickness to avoid being flown away.  That is, until the "Rogue Horse" pops into the scene!  So freaked out was the robber, he hops into Superman's arms... and is totally cool with turning himself in.  At this point, Superman and Ambush Bug have themselves a little chat.

What we're about to cover is the secret origin of the Bug.  Ya see, there was once a man named Brum-El who lived on the planet Schwab.  One day he broke a chain letter (the same one Jor-El of Krypton broke, actually)... and the planet was doomed!  And so, Brum-El built a rocket... and decided to save his... clothes.  Also on board the ship was... a giant radioactive spider!

The ship crashed atop a building in Metropolis... where in one of the apartments our man Irwin dwelt.  He broke himself away from the television to check on the ruckus... and discovered a suit.  Since he never had a suit (but always wanted one) he decided to... er, adopt it.

Back on Schwab... the countdown to destruction is on.  Turns out the chain letter's warning didn't really pan out.  Brum-El sacrificed his entire wardrobe... for nothing!

Superman ain't impressed and flies away commenting how dumb Ambush Bug's origin story was... before, well... you know, putting two and two together.

Our second story stars ol' Mxy... who really wants to be a star!  During a meeting at the Galaxy Building, Clark Kent overhears the arrival of the thorn in his side... and engages in some old-fashioned super-ventriloquism in order to distract and "supe up".

Superman heads into Morgan Edge's office to find that Mxy's turned the place upside down.  Before Superman can act, Mxyzptlk zips out.  Our man wishes they'd instead been visited by Mr. Kltpzyxm... Mxy's Bizarro double who only does good deeds!  This'll be important later.

Clark brainstorms a way to get Mxy to bug back to the Fifth Dimension... and decides to offer him a talent contract from Galaxy Communications... with his name written backwards on it!  Well... it turns out that Mxy ixnayed the ackwardsbay itingwray.  No matter how many times Clark tries... he can't write the Imp's name backwards.  He checks with Lois... who is also incapable of writing anything backwards!

We shift scenes to later that evening where Lois and Clark attend the premiere of Galaxy's latest blockbuster.  Turns out this most definitely isn't the "director's cut" of the film... as Mxy now has a co-starring role!

Superman attempts to interject... but winds up just flying through the screen.  Whoops.  Elsewhere, Morgan Edge is about to... er, get down with his bad self with some good old-fashioned pornography.  Boy is he in for a surprise when the centerfold is... well, you know... Mr. Mxyzptlk.

Turns out Mxy's really serious about being a pop-culture phenomenon.  Good thing there was no such thing as online social media back in 1985!  Anyhoo, we shift into a montage... and can see that the Imp has caused all sorts of mischief inserting himself into all kinds of events.

Finally, Clark has a plan!  Superman and Morgan Edge approach Mxy with... a contract... a legit one.  They also have him read over the poster they produced for his brand-new show.  A poster which claims that Mxyptlk is greater than his Bizarro double, Kltpzyxm.  Pop!

Our third and final story concerns Superman's Pal.  We open with Superman hauling away a glass globe... inside which, is a freckly blob.  I wonder who that might be?  Well, I suppose that's a silly question considering the title of the story, eh?

Now the question remains... how did Jimmy Olsen turn into a blob?  Well, it turns out earlier that day he went to the museum to retrieve many of his adventure artifacts.  Things like his Elastic Lad serum... and a, er... "glowing paperweight" from the planet Ravager.  Hopefully not that Ravager.  Anyhoo, he bores Lois with his trinkets during an elevator ride.

Once outside, Jimmy notices a little girl falling from an apartment window.  Acting fast, he takes a swig of Elastic-serum... only, it transforms him into... well, a blob.  He is still able to save the child by breaking her fall.

Passers by, however, think the blob was trying to attack the girl... and proceed to pelt him with garbage.  So far it's just a regular day in the life of James Olsen, right?

It isn't long before a full-on mob assembles around our boy... including Lois Lane, who... seeing Jimmy's clothes strewn about believes that the blob must've eaten him!  Well, stands to reason...

Jimblob manages to escape the unruly masses by slipping into the... alligator-infested Metropolis sewers.  I mean, what?  Are we supposed to believe that the sewer-system of Metropolis is teeming with 'gators?  Underworlders, sure... but alligators?  C'mon.  Anyhoo, Jimmy is able to escape again... and actually makes himself useful by scaring some battery thieves.

After that, Jimmy... get this... decides to pick up his date for the evening... as a boy blob.  Really.  Suffice it to say, she's not too keen on this idea.

Dejected and rejected, Jimblob returns to the streets... where he finds himself surrounded by police officers... with their guns drawn.  Luckily, Superman finally wanders by... and loads the blob into the bubble from the open.

He brings him to a far-off planet... and it begins to downpour.  Before he (or we) knows it, he's changed from annoyingly ugly blob back to a annoyingly ugly boy.  Superman reveals that while Jimmy's artifacts were in the museum... the Ravager paperweight must have let off some radiation... which somehow fouled the Elastic-Serum (and probably everyone who went to visit the exhibit!).

We wrap up with Superman (and Pal) returning home.


Now this... was a blast!

It's so weird... if an issue like this were to come out today, it would be looked at as something of a "throwaway".  Probably because we don't get too many "done in one's" these days... if this were to come out, it would likely be cutting into an ongoing story.  I think back to that odd issue of Action Comics (vol.2) that was all Bizarro from a few years back (2015?)... that felt so out of place, and not in a good way.

With all that said... this was great!  I think we started off hot with the Ambush Bug story... and went down from there.  So, let's start our discussion by chatting up the weakest (in my opinion) of the three stories... the Jimmy Olsen one.

Maybe it's just my knee-jerk bias to Jimmy Olsen... but I definitely had the least amount of fun following his blobby adventure.  He just comes across as so annoying.  I mean, even as a blob... he still manages to have a "punchable" face!

I feel like this was the most Silver-Agey of the three stories presented... so it's hard to actually get mad at it.  I'll just say that it wasn't as fun as the other two, and move on.

The Mxy story, however, was a bit more fun.  The other day we talked about how writers would have to be a bit creative in how they used the Yellow Peri's powers.  They'd need to come up with a sort of "monkey's paw" result to her magic spells to make her something of an unwitting foil.  That sort of creativity needs to be present when coming up with ways to get Mxy to say his name backwards.  We've covered him before on the humble blog... and it never ceases to surprise me when a writer is able to "pull it off" in a fun way.

Here, we get a mention of Mxy's Bizarro double... which presents Superman with a loophole in which he can write the Imp's name backwards... without actually writing a backwards word!  Pretty sneaky, Supes.

The definitely highlight (at least for me) would have to be the Ambush Bug opener.  So whacked out... and so much fun.  This story pulls no punches, and doesn't pretend to take itself too seriously.

From Ambush Bug talking "jive"... to an E.D. joke... to a Secret Wars mention... and a gag at Superman's origin's expense... this was a story you have to see to truly appreciate.  Honestly, the opening story was so much fun, it could've been followed up by sixteen blank pages... and I'd still recommend you track down this issue!

It doesn't look like this issue is available digitally... however, if you're down for just the Ambush Bug story (and don't mind black and white art), the opener is included in SHOWCASE Presents: Ambush Bug (which looks to be, unfortunately out of print... but shouldn't be too terribly hard to track down).  It might just be easier to track down this issue... any way you do it, I'd recommend that you do... it!


Letters Page (featuring The Mad Maple!) in which they discuss Action Comics #559:


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Monday, August 29, 2016

Superman #405 (1985)

Superman #405 (March, 1985)
"The Mystery of the Super-Batman"
"Yes, Lowell, There is a Superman"
Writers - Craig Boldman & Bob Rozakis
Artists - Alex Saviuk, Kurt Schaffenberger, & Karl Kesel
Letterer - Ben Oda
Colorist - Gene D'Angelo
Editor - Julius Schwartz
Cover Price: $0.75

Found another great pre-Crisis Craig Boldman Superman story... let's get right into it!


We open with a thief hot-footin' from the Metropolis City Museum with a messenger-bag slung over his shoulder.  On the way he bumps into a poor unfortunate just sitting on the steps (he's important!)  He hops into his waiting ride and shows off the loot... a gilden pan flute!  Suddenly a batarang (?) slams into the hood of the car... wrecking it real good.  A batarang?  Wrong city pal... or is it?  We see that night Lana Lang is reporting on the strange amalgamated Super-Batman who made an appearance earlier that day.

Clark is watching Lana's report, and he thinks back to earlier that day.  He and Lana were preparing to run a story on a prized new acquisition at the Museum... and wouldn'tcha know it, it's a gilded pan flute!  Now Lana, being a goofball thinks it wouldn't be any problem to just give the pipes (which originated with a CULT that worshipped Pan) a toot!  This causes Clark to recoil in pain.

This is back in the time where Clark was very much a wimp when not in costume, so Lana just takes this as another account of his softness acting up.  Clark returns to his apartment and takes one peek in the mirror... only to find he's sprouted horns!  Next stop, the Fortress of Solitude!

While up north, Superman does some Pan-research.  He deduces that if he were to give the pipes another play, his hornyness will subside.  He uses his telescopic vision and sees that the magical instrument had been stolen... again... He's gotta go fetch it, but he can't with these damn horns!  What's a man to do?  Well, if that man has a Batman exhibit in the next room, you borrow it's cape and cowl!  He quickly nabs the no-goods, and keeps the pipe for good measure.  He takes it home and gives it a toot... and nothing!

Clark notices that the gold is flaking off of the flute... meaning he's got some bogus goods!  He decides to go out on patrol at Super-Batman... to maybe strike some fear into the hearts of the baddies.  This doesn't go quite as well as he'd hoped.  He gets laughs and scoffs rather than trembling.  He chases a pair of geeks who just held a young couple up... and he, get this... bursts a fire hydrant to soak the guys... then freezes the water... encasing these fools in ice!  Super-Batman does not mess around!

The next day, Clark shows up at the Galaxy Building for his live report... in which he's gotta jump out of a plane!  No big deal, right?  Well... right.  Clark (somehow) pops a helmet over his horns and hops from the plane.  Morgan Edge is absolutely shocked that his "jellyfish" Kent showed some real guts.

That night, Superman uses his "mind's eye" to play back what went down the other day.  He is able to see that the poor hobo (derelict is what Supes calls him) the crook bumped into during his escape pulled the ol' switcheroo.  Super-Bat's next stop is the jail cell of the baddies... nice of the police department to let these guys bunk together, right?  They're hesitant to spill the beans on their boss, but Super-Batman convinces them that they were patsies (see?) and the big boss left 'em hangin' out to dry (see?).

We learn that Wesley Wood is the middle-man between the thugs and a fella called Frederick Forrest.  Super-Batman enters through the window and... get this, uses his spooky voice to (unsuccessfully) try and strike some fear.  As he approaches, Wood plays the pipes and knocks Superman to the ground.  Luckily, he didn't just grab the cape and cowl... he's got some goodies from the world famous utility belt to boot!  He snags Wood and gets the goods on the real man behind the "Big Crime Wheel".  As Superman takes Wood to the clink, he hopes that he'll eventually be able to scare at least one person!

Well, when Superman pays Forrest a visit... be does so without the cowl.  It just so happens that Forrest is a pretty big fan of Pan... and wildly superstitious to boot!  He retrieves the Syrinx, and relieves himself of his heady dilemma.

Our second feature is a Christmas story!  You know how I love Christmas stories!  Well this one features an irritating little twit named Lowell.  Ya see, he doesn't believe in Santa Claus (which he proudly declares in front of his younger sister... the jerk) nor does he believe in Superman!  Like he's really reading Perry White the riot act here.  Pictorial evidence just isn't enough for this clown!

Clark Kent pops his head in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, as he's set to return home to Smallville to spend the holiday with Lana's parents.  He leaves, and figures he'll do a quick patrol... then return to give ol' Lowell a shock.

It turns out that this is probably the worst day in Metropolis history... as everything that could go wrong, has!  The streets have changed to an ice skating rink, and traffic has turned into bumper cars... A pair of kids are having a snowball fight while standing next to a downed live power line... a woman accidently burns her Christmas tree down... and a senior citizen passes out while shoveling his driveway.  Man, this is taking longer than he thought!

Just as Lowell and family were getting ready to split... with Lowell giving some passive-aggressive barbs to Perry.  I mean, really... slap this little bastard!  Well, lucky for the Chief, Superman has finally arrived... and offers to give Lowell a lift.  Which he does... and sadly, it doesn't end with Lowell splattered all over the sidewalk!


This was a silly but fun story... the kind that totally wouldn't work these days.  I mean, Superman gets enchanted by Pan's Pipes and sprouts horns... so he has to fight crime while wearing the Batman cowl he keeps on display at the Fortress... that's amazing!

The only problem with an issue like this is... outside of "I really enjoyed it", there just isn't a whole lot to say about it.  I did really dig Superman getting frustrated that his Bat-costume wasn't quite striking the same fear into the crooks as it does when Bruce wears it... that was pretty funny!  I will say, this Boldman fella... he hasn't let me down yet.  The pre-Crisis Superman is more or less a mystery to me, and I'm pleased to say I've enjoyed my education thus far... a lot of the thanks to that goes to Craig Boldman.  Definitely a name to keep an eye out for while trawling the bins!

The back-up story... man, that Lowell was a punk!  I was hoping Superman would bobble the twerp just to put the fear of God in him.  What a smug little brat... should've had his shoes heat-visioned for a few seconds.  How real does Superman feel to ya now, Lowell?  I will say that I enjoyed the art on both stories, however... I gotta say it tickles me that the streets of Metropolis literally turn into a ice-skating rink come Christmastime!


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