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Showing posts with label david finch. Show all posts

Monday, September 17, 2018

Justice League of America (vol.3) #1 (2013)

Justice League of America (vol.3) #1 (April, 2013)
"World's Most Dangerous, Chapter One"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Art - David Finch
Colors - Sonia Oback w/Jeromy Cox
Letters - Rob Leigh
Associate Editor - Katie Kubert
Senior Editor - Brian Cunningham
Cover Price: $3.99

Hey, waitasec... is that a variant cover?!

Yep, this is one of the handful of times I decided to order a variant instead of the "regular" edition... not that it's all that much different, just a state flag instead of Old Glory.  In this case, Arizona's state flag.

I've said before how little patience I have for variants... but I don't think I've ever gone into detail with the "why's".  First, I feel like they make covers, in and of themselves, less special... and ultimately less memorable and iconic.  I don't think I can name a single memorable cover from the past several years.

Also, it makes ordering comics a whole lot more complicated than it ought to be!  I use DCBS to order my books, and in an age where damn near every single book has at least one variant cover, it sometimes feels like I'm stomping through a minefield wearing tennis racket shoes when I try and complete my order.  I shouldn't have to pore over the order page the way I do just to make sure I don't accidentally choose a $50 variant cover of Wolverine as a baby, or Harley Quinn eating a hot dog.  Of course, I get the opportunity to review my order, but still... it's a great big pain in the butt.

Now, don't get it twisted.  If variants are your thing, more power to ya.  Though, I can't say I'm not looking forward to the day where we look back at them the same way we currently look back on the era of "enhanced" covers.

With that bit of kvetching out of the way... onto the book!


We open five years ago... hey, that's such a New-52! thing to do, ain't it?  We're in London, where Professor Ivo has a meeting with... somebody, about the recent appearance of super-heroes.  Since they're the opposition, they suppose this makes them super-villains.  We jump to the present, and find a green-clad fella wearing a demon mask being followed through a forest by... the Justice League?!  They claim that their "creator" wants this guy dead.

Speaking of the Justice League, next we shift scenes into the offices of Amanda Waller.  I swear I read her voice as the Chief's from that Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego kids game show.  Anyhoo, she's meeting with Steve Trevor about putting together another Justice League... one that reports to the United States government.  He doesn't think it's all that great an idea... the Wall just believes he's too emotionally invested in a certain member of the real Justice League.

To attempt to "bring him around", Waller shows Steve a photo of Superman and Wonder Woman making out.  I think that happened in or around Justice League (vol.2) #12.  It's also that thing that Booster Gold wanted to make sure never happened... and when it did, he vanished into the timestream.  Man, they did so much planning in these early stages of the New-52!, didn't they?  Remember all that awesome and riveting follow-up?!  Yeah, me neither.

Trevor's still not 100% on-board, but is now willing to listen.  Waller uses this super-tryst as the rationale for putting together a League who answers to the government.  After all, what happens if/when Superman and Wonder Woman break up?  Will there be a super-war?  What happens if/when Superman and Wonder Woman... have kids???  According to Waller, there are a number of ways that this can "end badly".

And so, she begins rattling off members of this supposed new team... starting with, Hawkman!  Steve wonders why Hawkman would ever agree to joining the JLA... Waller explains that they've offered him diplomatic immunity, so that he can continue doing whatever it is he's doing without worry of repercussions.  We get a look at the man himself, and it looks like he's kiiiiiinduva dirty cop.

The next member is Katana.  Steve protests immediately, as Katana is... ya know, a killer.  Waller explains that she's no longer an assassin... then goes on to say that she is vying for the title of "World's Deadliest Assassin".  Huh?  So, is she... or not?  C'mon.  Anyhoo, she'll join because Waller can connect her with some targets.  So... definitely still an assassin then?

Next... the "funny ha-ha" member.  The fella chosen for alllllll the retweets, Vibe.  He's a young fella with vibrational powers... no longer a break-dancer (which actually kind of surprised me).  He is portrayed as not being the most adept at super-heroing, but his heart is in the right place.

Remember that demon-mask guy from earlier?  We rejoin him... still running through the woods... and he's losing blood fast.

Next new member... Stargirl, and she's... eesh, a celebrity.  I thought the whole charm to Courtney was that she was just a normal girl swept into the superhero world.  I wasn't a fan of this take.

Anyhoo, after being regaled by her teenybopper fandom, she saves a kid from a burning building.  Looking back, she sees a pentagram, which reminds her of "Pemberton"... likely/definitely a reference to Sylvester Pemberton, the original Star-Spangled Kid.

We get the next few members in rapid-fire succession... just looking at photos on the Wall's desk.  We see Martian Manhunter, Simon Baz... and Green Arrow.  Steve ain't pleased to see any of these guys.  There's reference to J'onn having been a member of the Justice League previously, which ended in a terrible fight (that I'm still not sure we've ever seen play out).  Simon had recently been arrested (though, as Waller points out, not convicted)... and Ollie... well, Steve just doesn't think he's up for the job.

Steve's got his own idea for Ollie's "spot" though... Selina Kyle, Catwoman.  He hides out in a suite under Kyle's name... and waits for her to arrive.  They fight for a bit, naturally... with Catwoman getting the better of the scuffle, again naturally.  Steve offers her membership in the JLA in exchange for information.  I feel like we're leaning on that gimmick a bit too much here.

And so, our team is assembled.  Each member specifically chosen as a "counter" measure against the members of the original League.  For Superman there's a Martian Manhunter... Batman, a Green Arrow Catwoman... for Wonder Woman, Katan... wait, what?... Hal's got Simon... Barry's got Vibe... Stargirl is Cyborg's opposite (somehow)... and finally, Aquaman's got Hawkman.

The meeting wraps up when the Wall is called away for a debriefing on Baz.  After she leaves, Steve tell J'onn it's safe to come out.  Turns out he was here the whole time... and he knows the real reason Steve is going through with this.  He promises, if anybody in A.R.G.U.S. tries anything funny, he'll erase everybody's minds.  Fair enough.

The discussion is interrupted by word that somebody is "back" and "in bad shape".  Steve rushes to the medical ward, and finds the man with the demon mask on the table.

Turns out... it's Green Arrow!  He reports in that he was targeted by a group calling themselves the "Secret Society".  Steve presses for more answers, however, Ollie decides to flat-line instead.


Not... my favorite.

First things first... I am so burned out on the concept of a superhero team working for the United States government... or an acronymed organization in cahoots with the United States government.  One of the reasons I stopped reading Marvel was that I grew so tired of the Avengers having to stop to check in with S.H.I.E.L.D. before committing to even a bowel movement.  It got so bad, it almost felt like parody!  I remember opening Uncanny X-Men #1... one of the several we've had over the past half-decade... and instead of opening with, ya know... the X-Men, we get Maria Hill and S.H.I.E.L.D.?!  Ya kiddin' me wit' dis?

Even though I hated it (and still do), I could excuse it... because Marvel did have a S.H.I.E.L.D. television program.  Did DC/CW have an A.R.G.U.S. one I'd never heard about?  Are they cashing in on the mainstream appeal of A.R.G.U.S.?!

So yeah, the very premise and predication of this series has already turned me off.  The fact that, with the power of hindsight, I know that this series became an afterthought after Johns left... well, that might color how I receive it during this reread as well.

The team we are offered here is pretty rag-tag, I suppose.  Not quite to the point of a CBR "wouldn't it be cool if...?" thread (well, besides Vibe), but really... not one that would make me come back month after month (if I weren't already a completionist, that is).

This whole endeavor feels, I dunno... "empty" to me.  It's as though DC realized that there's strength (and $$$) in the Justice League brand, and understood that they might be leaving money on the table by not having a Justice League of America book on the shelves.  If our pals in mainstream comics know anything... it's how to flood dem shelves (all the while, cautioning the rest of the industry on "glut", hmm...).

Overall... yeah, this wasn't my favorite.  The art was spectacular, I'll give it that much.  Perhaps if I weren't so burned out on government-sponsored superheroes, I'd be more "rah rah"... but, I yam what I yam.


Channel-52 (your moment of Vartox):


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Monday, June 26, 2017

Superman: War of the Supermen #0 (2010)

Superman: War of the Supermen #0 (June, 2010)
"War of the Supermen, Prologue"
"Filling in the Blanks"
Writers - James Robinson & Sterling Gates
Pencillers - Eddy Barrows, Julian Lopez, Aaron Lopresti, David Finch, Gary Frank, Cafu, Ethan Van Sciver & Diogenes Neves
Inkers - J.P. Mayer, Bit, Joe Weems & Vicente Cifuentes
Colorists - Rod Reis, Blond
Letterer - John J. Hill
Assistant Editor - Wil Moss
Editor - Matt Idelson
Free Comic Book Day

Today we're gonna look at one of my, relatively-recent Superman blind spots... and I'm going to complain about contemporary Free Comic Book Day offerings.


We open with a rather peeved off Superman bursting through a wall.  He has arrived at a Kryptonian Military Installation located one mile below the surface of New Krypton.  He's there to... you guessed it, talk to Zod.  Can't have a Krypton story without him... unfortunately.  To fill us in a bit, Zod was made General of New Krypton's army (seems a stellar idea, don't it?)... and Superman had left Earth for a time to serve in that army... and make sure Zod doesn't act all Zoddy.

Speaking of acting "Zoddy", Superman is here to confront the big Z has because he's declared war on Earth.  The two exchange punches for a bit, until Ursa (who I initially mistook for Zaora) slashes Superman across the chest with a Kryptonite knife!  She claims it hurts to even hold the thing, but the satisfaction wielding it brings outweighs the pain.

Superman blasts the knife away with heat vision before once more, stepping to Zod.  Zod's having a grand old time, and brings Superman up to speed, advising him he was about to surrender... and I am pleasantly surprised and thankful Robinson and Gates didn't resort to using this to shoehorn a "hilarious" "Kneel before..." reference.  As Superman approaches, he is crushed from above by the body of Non (who I mistook as Quex-Ul).  Zod always seems to have one big dude and one lady as his seconds.

With Ursa and Non holding Superman at bay, Zod reminds him that on New Krypton, he's no "super" anything... he's simply one of one-hundred thousand... all with the same powers.

He continues running through his justification for the war declaration.  It appears General Sam Lane and his spies were responsible for the death of Supergirl's father, Zor-El.  Zod's own spies claimed to have uncovered Earth/Sam Lane's own plans to declare war on New Krypton... before they were killed.  It all feels very he said/he said... but whattayagonnado?  Zod does wrap up his monologue by ensuring Superman that this isn't just about New Krypton's safety/sovereignty... it's also personal.  He hates the House of El, and is still looking for revenge.  If he can destroy Kal-El's adoptive home, and kill everyone he holds dear... well, that's all the better.

Superman breaks free, swearing to stop Zod before he can initiate the plan.  As Ursa and Non tackle our man again, Zod just laughs and goes all Ozymandias on us... ya can't stop what's already happened, Clark... everybody knows that.

Our back-up is framed around Lois Lane writing a story for the Daily Planet... nothing we haven't seen before.  This is pretty good stuff though... it serves to fill all of us Johnny-DC-come-latelies (and, read-this-stuff-so-long-agos,-we-can't-remember-what-happeneds) in on the New Krypton clusterschmazz.  Of course, we open with a page telling us about that fateful day a rocket was sent from Krypton with a "baby on board" placard.  Seems we can't go more than an issue and a half anymore without reading about that.

We jump ahead years later to Superman and Supergirl rescuing the Bottle City of Kandor from Brainiac.  Upon enlarging it, they discovered 100,000 new Kryptonian brothers and sisters.  Humans would invade the city (Which apparently wasn't destroyed-to-dust upon enlargement like the first time this story happened) and Supergirl's father Zor-El would be killed.  This led to Zor-El's wife Alura creating a new planet for the Kryptonians... a New Krypton, if you weeeeell.

For protection, these New Kryptonians would turn to... no, not Superman... General freaking Zod.  Ya kinda get what you deserve sometimes, right?  I don't understand the logic of grabbing a fella you imprisoned... for e-ter-ni-ty... and asking him to protect you.  Gotta figure there might be some sour grapes there, no?  Anyhoo, this is where Superman decides to move to the new planet, and join its army.

While away from Earth, Superman made arrangements for his adoptive home to be protected.  This crew includes, Kon-El, Mon-El (and, I just realized their names are only one letter apart!), Steel, Krypto, the Guardian, and Nightwing and Flamebird.

Lois next discusses Project 7734, which is a military black-ops organization focused on countering potential alien invasions.  It is being run by her father, ol' General Lane.  She talks about some of the operatives, which includes some 1st Issue Special love in Atlas... also, Lois' own sister Lucy Lane is now somehow a "Kryptonian killing machine" going by the name Superwoman.  I don't remember that at all.

She begins to wrap up her article, discussing the death of her pal and co-worker, Jimmy Olsen!  It appears he "got too close" while investigating Project 7734, and was found at the bottom of the harbor.  If only that were true... because a few panels later (a still wet?) Jimmy arrives with all the information Lois was looking for.  He claims that Natasha Irons rescued him and kept him out of sight (but not dry).  Now, Lois can learn the whole truth about her father.


Man, whatever happened to DC Free Comic Book Day issues that meant a damn?  All we get these days are garbage reprints with zero context aimed at people who only go to the comic shops one day a year... if they remember "which Saturday in May" they get free crap handed to them.

This is how ya do it!  What a great way to kick off a story... a free issue front-loaded with prologue, and back-loaded with everything you might need to jump into the impending event.  Both stories promise "to be continued... in four days".  If you wanna get readers (new, old, lapsed, whatever) interested and excited, this is the way to go.  You don't promise something "in thirty days" or "Summer 2017" or with a nebulous "Next", you give them less than a week.  You remind some of them that comic book shops are open more than one day a year... and you also catch shop regulars who may not necessarily be into Superman... but decide to give him a go after checking this out.  It's crazy, it's almost as though DC thought this one out!

For the story itself... well, it's called a prologue and that's precisely what it is.  We learn of our threat... and it ramps up to the point where it's about to boil over.  A great bit of storytelling that sets the stage for whats to come.  I'm still no fan of Zod... I find him kind of a bore.  I'm just thankful there were no requisite cutesy "Kneel before..."s in here.

The backup was really well done, even if framing a story with "writer writing about something" is a bit tropey.  I suppose things become that way for a reason.  This worked well for me, as a lapsed reader... who, if I'm being honest, walked away from the Superman books early/mid-New Krypton... so a bunch of this was new to me.

The art throughout the issue was another high point.  Another really good use of the platform (and opportunity) that Free Comic Book Day can (and should) be.  I hope I'm not coming across too angry (or old-manny) sounding here, I just feel pretty strongly about using things like FCBD as ways to promote comics and comic shops... not whatever movie might be coming out.  Contemporary "throwaway" offerings, like an issue of Suicide Squad without context or a half-decade old (and no longer in continuity) issue of Action Comics are part of why I sometimes refer to the event as "Pretend you care about Comics Day".

Overall, if I were to have read this during that weekend in May, 2010... I'd be totally psyched to check out the War of the Supermen and the entire New Krypton schmazz.  Having read it in 2017... I only wish I had the time to!  If you're interested in checking this one out, you've got no excuse not to... it's available digitally FOR FREE!


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