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Showing posts with label david lloyd. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wasteland #3 - Chapter 2

Wasteland #3 (Chapter Two)
"Dies Illa"
Writer - John Ostrander
Art - David Lloyd
Letters - Steve Craddock
Colors - Lovern Kindzierski
Edits - Mike Gold

Today we're going to really crank up that "For Mature Readers" suggestion... because, this one's pretty dark.  Consider this little pre-ramble your warning... if you don't wanna see any depravity, this ain't the chapter for you!


It's after-dark in the city... just before 8 PM.  A pair of officers prepare for all the "crazies" to come out... and, wouldn'tcha know it, they just happen to run into one of their regulars.  This is a (mostly harmless) pickpocket.  They do the thing, where they rattle his cage... only this time, dude's packin'!  He pulls a gun on the officers, and gets perforated pretty good.

Before the fella dies, he gurgles something or another about something of a second coming.  He claims that, after midnight, only the damned will remain on Earth... and so, he thanks the officers for "saving" him.  Ya dig?

Lieutenant (I hate spelling that word!) D'Amano turns to his partner, Stu and asks about all this rapture stuff.  Ya see, Stu's kind of religious... or at the very least, more so than D'Amano.  Stu tells him of the second coming... and how there are supposed to be "clear signs" of such a thing coming to pass.  Just then... he is struck by a massive coronary.  He is pronounced dead at 9:10 PM.

D'Amano is sent home by the doctors, and told to get himself some rest.  He declines a ride home, and proceeds to walk... through a rather seedy portion of the city.  He happens across a pair of muggers beating the hell out of a fella.  D'Amano doesn't even think about it... he just squeezes off a few rounds down the alley.

He stands over one of the muggers... and asks why they attacked (killed, actually) that man.  The mugger says he wanted the dude's hat... and so, D'Amano blows his brains out!

D'Amano's walk continues... and, it only gets more depraved from here.  We're about to crank up the "Mature Meter" here... so, here's your warning.

In the subway, he comes across a man forcing a woman at knife-point to, well, service him... orally.  She notices D'Amano and begs him to help her.  What he does is... blows her brains out.  Ya see, she's not one of the damned... she deserves to pass before the clock strikes midnight.

Moments later, the clock does strike midnight... and so, Lieutenant D'Amano throws himself in front of a car!

He wakes up hours later... surrounded by Doctors who tell him they saved him!  Here's the thing though... a) he has no arms or legs, and b) the Police Department wants to know all about that dead woman in the subway.  Welcome to Hell, pal! 


Now this... this, is more like it!

This one kept me riveted throughout.... and actually didn't fumble the ball with its ending!  So many of these Wasteland Chapters have been "almost good", before getting tackled on the one yard-line.

Let's take a look at this.  We've got a pair of officers working the night shift... in a really unpleasant part of the city.  You gotta figure this is "old hat"... these two have done this every night for the past many nights.  So, what's so different about this night?

Well, besides the fact that one of 'em dies of a heart attack early in the evening... this night was jump-started via the "power of suggestion".  Lt. D'Amano is hyper-keen on all of the depravity around him.  But, why?  You gotta assume that this night, on the face of it, is no different from any other night on the beat.  There are always going to be bad people... ne'er do wells, creeps, killers, predators, perverts.  But tonight... with the slightest possibility of a "second coming" looming, D'Amano seems to be viewing the world through a different sort of prism.

He doesn't bother arresting anybody... he just kills 'em.  Is he just hopeless?  Or is he trying to make himself into a "good person" so he doesn't wind up "left behind" in the post-midnight Hell on Earth?  It's a pretty interesting dichotomy, innit?  His "mercy-killing" of the assaulted woman was particularly striking... I actually had to look it over twice to make sure I was seeing it right!  I really wasn't expecting that!

Poor D'Amano winds up, for all his trouble, limbless... and likely about to be incarcerated.  I guess no good deed goes unpunished... orrrr, he just overreacted to the passing of his partner, and let the ramblings of a lunatic skew his view... and now he's paying for it.  A wonderfully creepy story.  More like this, please!

Tomorrow: A Lotus by any other name...

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Wasteland #2 - Chapter 3

Wasteland #2 (Chapter Three)
"Warning Signals"
Writers - John Ostrander & Del Close
Art - David Lloyd
Letters - Steve Craddock
Colors - Lovern Kindzierski
Edits - Mike Gold

Today we cover the last story for our first Wasteland Chapters outing.  Tomorrow will be our compilation post, which will include things like ads, editorials, the actual cover of the issue... stuff like that.


Our story opens in a hallway, where three folks from Child Welfare are meeting with an Officer Krupke (likely fresh from the West Side) who brought in a boy for making some pretty wild claims.  The boy is Jimmy Mitchell... and the claim in question is...

One of the Agents (Sandra) sits down by Jimmy to get some clarification.  Is this "werewolf" thing just some sort of game he and his step-father play?  That doesn't appear to be the case, as the boy is rather adamant that he'd seen Step-Pop (Art) literally transform into a beast!

When asked if maybe he dreamed it, Jimmy presents his bruised arm.  He tells the Agent that, when he saw this go down, he pinched himself to ensure he was awake.  The Agent doesn't like the way this is going... and asks if Art might have ever hurt or touched him.  Jimmy says no!  Art's a good dude... it's just, he's a werewolf!  The trio of Agents huddle up and decide they're going to need to call in Jimmy's folks.

The parents arrive, and are kinda mortified.  They feel as though their guilt has already been decided.  The Agents assure them that they just want to ask some questions... more of a "ruling things out" approach.  Worth noting, Step-Dad Art looks kind of creepy... sort of like that Snyder from One Day at a Time... who always gave me the creeps.

We jump right into the interviews... and learn that Jimmy's mother got pregnant, and was forced to get married.  Jimmy's biological father ran off... Jimmy's maternal grandparents disowned them... just an all-round unpleasant scene.  Art was a Marine, who kinda drifted after being discharged... he wanted a normal life... a wife and a kid... and, as luck would have it, wound up finding that here.

After the interviews, the professionals put their heads together and try to come up with a hypothesis.  Jay thinks it's Oedipal... as in Jimmy's making all this up because he's jealous that Art has taken his mother's affection.  He'd run Art through a battery of tests, and nothing really "pinged" to the effect that he's some sort of predator (though, I'm not sure there's any psychological test for werewolfism... then again, I'm still early in my post-grad studies) Sandra isn't sure.  All Norbert can offer is, the bruises on Jimmy's body don't seem out of the ordinary for an active boy.

Sandra wants to talk to Jimmy one last time before sending the family on their way.  Second verse, same as the first... he feels as though Art's a good dude... it's just that he's a werewolf.  Hey, nobody's perfect!

The Child Services Trio has no reason to keep the fam... so, they send them home.  We learn via a little caption that Jimmy was dead one month later.  Wait, what?  That's our ending?  Ya kidding me?


Um... ya know... I'm thinkin', maybe I just don't like Wasteland.  This was one of them "tackled on the one-yard line" sort of deals... where the story was decently told, and intriguing... but, that ending?  Woof... what in the hell was that?  What were we supposed to take away with that?

Jimmy's dead, right?  Well, in one-month's time he will be.  But... is that even relevant to this story?  I mean, it's called "Warning Signals", so we might be able to assume... but, really... without any sort of context, who can say?  Maybe he was beaten to death by Art... maybe Art actually is a werewolf?  Though, then... perhaps it would have been more appropriate to end this with a caption that read "Jimmy died during the next full moon"?  Maybe Jimmy just fell down a well, and there wasn't a dog nearby to go alert the townsfolk?  Yeesh.

Maybe this is a commentary on how handcuffed Child Protective Services can be?  But, again... Jimmy's folks haven't given us enough of a reason to be concerned.  All we have is a wild claim that Art's a werewolf... but, otherwise, is a really good dude.  Sandra and Company, even if they were in full agreement (which they weren't), wouldn't have a leg to stand on if they decided it would be in Jimmy's best interests to separate him from his parents.

Just don't know what to think about this one.  Lots of great build-up... but, just like most episodes of the Twilight Zone, had an almost aggressively weak ending.  Almost feels like all of the build was just time wasted.  Good art though!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Wasteland #1 (1987)

Wasteland #1 (December, 1987)
"Foo Goo"
"Sewer Rat"
Writers - John Ostrander & Del Close
Artists - David Lloyd, William Messner-Loebs, & Don Simpson
Lettering - Steve Craddock, William Messner-Loebs
Coloring - Lovern Kindzierski
Editor - Mike Gold
Cover Price: $1.75

Here's another weird one I've wanted to talk about.  Wasteland was an anthology series that was primarily horror, however, kind of dabbled in black comedy and satire.  It was the brainchild of Suicide Squad creator John Ostrander and comedy improv master Del Close.  This was most definitely one of those "ahead of its time" books, as if it were released during the heyday of Vertigo Comics it would have likely lasted longer than 18-issues.  Although, if I'm being honest, I suppose 18 issues is a fairly healthy run for an out of the ordinary book such as this.

I remember this book not being so much scary, but still somewhat disturbing.  Some of the social commentary is rather biting, to the point where it is a bit off-putting.  You get a sense of discomfort reading through this... You remember that one kid in school... he was kind of different, dangerous.  Your parents didn't want you hanging around him, and you were almost thankful for that fact... because deep down, he scared the bejeezus out of you too.  That's Wasteland... that's Del Close.  Intriguing, and tempting, but overall something you know you shouldn't get involved with...

... and yet, here we are.


Foo Goo

The first of three stories in this issue has to do with the remains of what appears to be a suicide party.  A pair of investigators enter a dining room and find four corpses sitting around the table.  They claim that this is the third such party they'd encountered, and find signed waivers from all of the invitees.  Initially when I was reading this, I was expecting to see a Japanese puffer fish (or at least the remnants thereof) on the table.  Instead, the party cuisine consisted of a lone mushroom cap.

A brief bit of research brings up that in Finland they have a way of preparing a toxic mushroom that should... but doesn't guarantee... neutralizing the toxins.  It is compared to the way the Japanese prepare the puffer fish, in fact.

As the investigators circle the table, we get some insight as to the motives of the participants.  We actually watch their final discussion.  Initially, the party host, Beltrane gives his guests the lay of the land.  One bite of the foogoo will give you the greatest high of your life... and lead to an immediate, though painless, death.

Guest George Zern is skeptical and decides to partake first.  Zern is a "Teflon" criminal, who is constantly just getting away with something... he feels invincible, and knows he can beat the foogoo.  Just as Beltrane said, one taste was all it took.  He barely touches the mushroom cap with his tongue before slumping dead on the table.

The next to try is a junkie, Stanley P. Johnson.  He knows the risks, and doesn't care.  He is just out to chase the ultimate high, something that will make him "God for a second".  He takes a bite, and like Zern before him, drops dead in a moment.

The final guest is a young woman.  Beltrane attempts to talk her out of it, claiming she is free to leave if she so decides.  She refuses, saying she made an oath with first victim, George to do this together.  She asks Beltrane if he will actually go through with it after she's dead to which he answers in the affirmative.  He's bored of life, he's already done everything he wanted to do.  The young lady dives in to the 'shroom, and falls back... dead.

Beltrane looks around the table, viewing his deadman's party.  He takes pause, and ultimately takes a bite.  He dies with a terrifying smile on his face.

The detectives take their last notes, and as they're about to leave, the lead 'tec curiously picks up what's left of the mushroom... and takes a bite.


This is where we move into some social satire.  It is the future, people appear to be nothing but interchangeable integers, and the planet is terribly overcrowded.  One woman, Sal, decides she is tired of being alone and goes about the normal societal way to find a mate... video dating.

Sal dresses down to her bra and sits in front of her vid-screen... perhaps a commentary on digital culture, her desk chair is a toilet.  She logs on, and lists her parameters for her perfect mate.  The screen is being displayed at a bar where two men show interest... Hal and Mal.  Sal says she's a one-man kinda gal, to which Hal pushes Mal away.

The two hit it off, and 47 hours later they are married.  They move into the state mandated "two-person" unit and discuss procuring a child from the local Egg and Sperm Bank.  Hal's got a pal who works there (wonder what he does... no, strike that) and can get them a child in three years.  Among their wedding gifts is a shiny new CEO-ship for Mrs. Sal.

Three years later, much to their dismay a child is delivered to their door.  We watch over the next several months as Hal and Sal's courtship goes south.  They hate each other, and what's more... they hate their child.  They discuss divorce, but cannot decide on which one gets "stuck with" baby.

As they continue down divorce avenue, a man visits to see what they plan to do with the baby.  They still cannot agree.  The man asks if they'd ever considered a "R.ab." (hey, that's the title of the story!).  Neither of them knows what this means...

Well, ya see... R.ab. is shorthand for Retroactive Abortion.  Just backdate a few legal documents and it'll be as though the kid was never born.  They excitedly sign, and moment later the poor tot is chucked out the window of their three-hundredth floor apartment.

This act made the couple realize that they still love each other, and maybe they should give the whole "marriage" thing another shot... and what the hell, Hal's pal still works at the bank... maybe in three years they have another kid!

Sewer Rat

This is the first installment of the potentially "real life" stories of co-creator Del Close.  These sorta-autobiographical pieces continue the whole way through the series, and are among the most... I don't wanna say disturbing, but they make me feel a bit, well, gross.

A man with a welding torch taped to his head makes his way through the sewer, shooting rats all along the way.  He questions his actions, as in reality... he's actually quite fond of rats.  He briefly considers suicide, but it's just a fleeting thought.

He thinks about what drugs he's taken to put him in such a spot... he's taken more than often today.  He leans against a wall, and feels a half dozen hands grope him, he spins around and shoots another rat.

His attention turns to a marching band walking through the sewer, decked out in what I figure members of a Barbershop Quartet would wear.  Suddenly he is approached by himself.  He is then surrounded by nearly a dozen of himself as he takes solace in his drug-induced hallucinations.

He bends down thinking he's found himself a map out of the sewer... but then it's a wiring diagram... then a dictionary page... and finally just a candy bar wrapper.  There's an explosion, and he begins to panic... he runs into Whistler's Mother, no... his mother.  He sees a light... he approaches it.

He's not in the sewer, I'm not sure he ever was.  He's just meandering through the nighttime Chicago streets.  He finds a hat and puts it on, before... climbing down a manhole.  He comes out moments later only to be slapped in the face by the front page of the Tribune.  Beatles Invade America reads the headline... he questions what's what and roller skates away.

The issue (close)d out with a text piece discussing the concept.


Weird, right?

Like, I read this... and I'm not scared so much as I am disturbed.  I think I pride myself on having very few fears... like, fake fears... ya know, scary movies, ghost stories... stuff like that.  I'm cool with all that.  There is one thing that scares me, however... cannibals.  Cannibals just freak me the hell out... and hear me out, it's not because what they do.  It's the thought process behind it.  I'm not talking their motivation, or any potential urges they're trying to satisfy or quell.  It's their thoughts.  That's what bothers me.  That's why Wasteland bothers me, it's the thoughts behind it all.

I feel as though I'm not smart enough to truly appreciate this series for what it is.  I feel there has to be a deeper, darker meaning to the whole thing.  Something, that perhaps one day will 'click' in my head, and terrify me to my soul... and that's why I keep coming back.

There was a bit of a snafu with issue 6 of this series.  There was a printing error that put the complete contents of issue 5 (which had already been released) under the cover of issue 6.  This resulted in the following month, DC releasing a blank-covered Wasteland, that was listed as the "Real Number 6".  That bothered me... I always thought there was, I dunno, something more to it.  Something, perhaps meta-textual... maybe a commentary in and of itself... something I'm missing...

... and that's why I keep coming back.


Interesting Ads:

The 12 issue miniseries... that only went 7.
I don't remember the Man of Bronze having a mullet
Wonder if this will catch on?
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