Showing posts with label david messina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label david messina. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

X-Lapsed, Episode 297 - X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #4 (2022)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Ninety-Seven

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #4 (January, 2022)
Writer - Leah Williams
Art - Lucas Werneck & David Messina
Colors - Edgar Delgao
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Amaro, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 17, 2021

Coming to us from the "Oh, is THAT still coming out?" pile - it's the skatey-eight hundredth attempt to "fix" the Scarlet Witch!  A character who they seem to break more every time they touch her!  Who knows... maybe THIS time, it'll stick!  Ya know, until the next superstar writer comes in and decides to ignore it...

Anyway, let's do this!

Plus: A full-on Mailbag segment, a belated "This Week in X", and a big question for friends of the show - Share with me YOUR "State of the X Books", lemme know what your thoughts are about this, arguably "lame duck" period in the line!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Monday, November 29, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 282 - X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #3 (2021)

 X-Lapsed 282 - X-Men: Trial of Magneto 3

X-Men: The Trial of Magneto #3 (December, 2021)
"Schrodinger's Corpse"
Writer - Leah Williams
Art - Lucas Werneck & David Messina
Colors - Edgar Delgado
Letters - VC's Clayton Cowles
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Andrew-Ballesteros, Amaro, Thomas, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: November 20, 2021

It's "hump day" for the (bordering on false-advertising) Trial of Magneto... and you all know what that means - it's time for a pointless fight to take up two-thirds of the issue!

Yes, folks - while we wonder what's going on with Wanda... and whether or not Magneto will be held responsible, the X-Men and Avengers team-up to fight off... giant kaiju monsters?  Oh... okay.

In addition to the story, we will touch briefly on the concept of the Triple Goddess concept from Neopaganism -- which might just be where this story will be headed once we get ridda Godzilla and Pals.

Plus - Mailbag, Shout-Outs, and news and hot-takes over whatever "Destiny of X" is going to be!


X-Lapsed Voicemail: 623-396-5375 (or, 623-396-JERK)

Twitter: @acecomics / Instagram: @90sxmen

The All-New, All-Different

Friday, July 23, 2021

X-Lapsed, Episode 223 - X-Factor #10 (2021)

X-Lapsed, Episode Two Hundred Twenty-Three

X-Factor (vol.4) #10 (August, 2021)
Story - Leah Williams & David Baldeon
Art - David Baldeon, David Messina & Lucas Werneck
Colors - Israel Silva
Design - Tom Muller
Head of X - Hickman
Edits - Andrews-Ballesteros, Thomas, White, Cebulski
Cover Price: $3.99
On-Sale: June 30, 2021

Welcome friends, to a day of Multiple Milestones!  Today we wrap up both the Hellfire Gala and the fourth volume of X-Factor... as well as celebrate TWO-THOUSAND days of Daily Comics Content at Chris is on Infinite Earths!

We bid a sad farewell to our Boneyard residents, mysteries are awkwardly solved, people are horribly dressed... and wrap up with the discovery of SPOILER ALERT's dead body!  Whodunnit... well, we're going to have to wait and see!

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