Showing posts with label don simpson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label don simpson. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2020

BIZARRO BREAK #11 - Batman 5.0

BIZARRO BREAK #11 (Batman 5.0)
"Batman: Upgrade 5.0"
By Dean Haglund & Peter Murrieta
Art by Don Simpson
Edits - Joey Cavalieri

It's been a minute since our last #BizarroBreak... and, it looks like I was pretty well overdue (apologies in advance!).

These certainly aren't the most popular or loved posts at this ol' site, but... desperate times call for desperate measures.  This week, time's sort of at a premium for your humble host... first, I'm a grad student, and... it's finals week.  Second, it's the last week of the month, which means I'm elbow-deep in another of my "creative endeavors".

Baptisms by Baubier... and much, much more!
From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, Episode 2... this Saturday!
I don't usually "cross the streams", so to speak between my audio and written works... but, heck... why not, right?  Some of the readers may know that I've just launched a pretty extensive podcast series called From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast, which looks at all of the X-Men/X-Related books from the time Chris Claremont left the X-Books in 1991 to his return near a decade later.  We're about to launch the second episode (hoping to have a semi-steady "first Saturday of the month" schedule)... and, there's just a ton of material here.  The first episode was ten hours long... and, after well over a hundred hours of prep, scripting, and recording... it also took me about 13 hours to edit!  So... with all that having been said, time is a crunch this week... so, Bizarro it is!


We open with Batman receiving a package from ACMESoft... which, doesn't inspire a whole lot of hope, does it?  It's his brand-new 5.0 Operating System, with which he's certain to catch even more criminals.  And so, he sets to the arduous installation process.  He's given the option to register the software, but decides he'll come back to that later... only to learn that he can't install the stuff until he actually does register it!  I... get that this is sort of "relatable"... buuuut, does that make it funny?

Anyhoo, Batman goes ahead and registers... and gets back to the installation.  Twenty-minutes later, after the OS finally makes itself at home on the Bat-Computer, our hero is informed that, before all changes can go into effect, he's going to have to... restart his computer.  Again... we've all been there... but, is watching Batman suffer the same install-waiting-game something we need to see?

Of course, one difference between Batman and we common rabble is... his computer is a lot cooler than ours, and is actually hardwired to a nuclear reactor.  And so, when he restarts, it risks a whole lot more than "lost data", if you know what I mean.  We jump ahead five hours... after Batman has dealt with a near-nuclear-meltdown.  He's ready to try out his new OS, only to discover that... wonk, wonk, wonnnnnnk... it's incompatible with just about everything he already had on his system!  All of the new features are either useless or wildly inconvenient.  Heyyy... that's like a lot of updates we get in the real world... wakka wakka.

Batman has no choice but to engage with... something probably less pleasant than even the Joker: PC tech support.  Of course, this is a belabored process... and, again... we've all been there!  Gotham City literally burns while our hero sits on hold.

He finally gets a "live body" on the line... and their first question is: "Is your computer plugged in?"

This sends Batman into an absolute rage... and before we know it, he's inside the ACMESoft offices beating the holy hell out of some poor tech support geek.  The End?


I've often said that, when setting to write a story, if you start your pitch with "Wouldn't it be funny if...?", the answer is almost always "No."

It feels like so many times I've been in the comic shop, and I'd overhear conversations that begin with that "Wouldn't it be funny if...?", and damn near every time it results in a cringe.  It's always something that puts the heroes on a similar plane as we mere mortals, or struggling with the same mundanities we do... and, while it may be amusing to think about in a fleeting moment, it certainly isn't something that should ever be committed to paper.

The one I recall hearing most often is "Wouldn't it be funny if... Batman got stuck in traffic?".  The answer, of course, is No... that wouldn't "be funny".  Sure, we can chuckle to ourselves about how bizarre something like that would be... but, you gotta ask yourself: "Then what?"  Sure, we had a giggle... but, then what?

I mean, surely I'm thinking too hard about this... I mean, this is a Bizarro humor story, and it isn't really doing anybody any harm... but still, I just don't find this to be near as clever nor humorous as I believe it's intended to be.  The art's nice!  I'll give it that.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Wasteland #4 - Chapter 3

Wasteland #4 (Chapter Three)
"Celebrity Rights"
Writers - John Ostrander & Del Close
Art - Donald Simpson
Colors - Lovern Kindzierski
Edits - Mike Gold

Who's ready for some "biting" satire?

Yeah, me neither...

Let's go!


Court is in session... the honorable Ubu Wilkinson of the Ubansi Cultural Revival is presiding.  Today's case, well... I hope you're ready for this.  We got a fella who was interrupted while gazing into a piece of, uh, poop... who then got up and proceeded to beat the hell out of the woman who interrupted him.  Ya dig?  Cuz I sure don't.  The lawyer for the Plaintiff (who looks like he'd fit in with the Mutants in Dark Knight Returns) questions our Dookie enthusiast, and we learn that he's an "artist"... he, well... paints poop.  All sorts of colors, but usually brown... which, I dunno, seems redundant.  He claims to have beaten the woman up because she "invaded his privacy".

The lawyer suggests that reg'lar guys and gals don't actually have a Right to Privacy (after all, what do we got to hide?)... and the crowd (of reg'lar guys and gals) goes wild!  We turn things over to the lawyer for the defense... what appears to be a rather heavyset old woman, who is actually a fella named Alfred Lord Mason.  Not sure if that's a reference to anyone in particular... Perry Mason, perhaps?  I dunno.  I'm sure this is "biting" satire... which isn't usually the most "evergreen".

Ol' Fred stands up, and with a flourish begins pleading the case.  He suggests that we're living in a stratified democracy, wherein celebrities have certain rights and privileges that poor shlubs like us aren't privy to (well, can't exactly argue that)... and, that's because they're better than us, ya see?

Alfred then admits that his client, the Poop-Painter, Mr. Pinn... did beat, cripple, and humiliate the woman... and states that was never in question.  Where the problem lay, is, Mr. Pinn... as a celebrity... has every right to "damage" this young lady to the "extent of his pleasure".  Okay.

Alfred continues... claiming that Mr. Pinn is a "superstar".  The judge cliks and claks that he's never heard of him... to which, we learn that this very trial is what made him famous.  In fact, Roy-o-Mania is absolutely running wild!

Well, that's the sort of logic not even a Judge can argue with... and so, he abides that Roy Pinn, the Poop Painter be raised two whole status notches... to Superstar!  We learn that when one goes up... the other goes down, and so, the Plaintiff drops two whole status notches... to Bum!

When she objects... the Judge decides to lower her yet another status notch... to Pig!  And, those of us who've read (or heard of) Lord of the Flies, knows what happens to Pigs.

The story ends with Roy Pinn finding representation... and the promise of fame and fortune.  He's also advised not to kill anybody, because only Millionaires and Senators can get away with that.


What was it I said about that Shakespeare story the other day?  Oh yeah, this suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.

Satire is hard... first, it's timely, and so... doesn't usually have a long shelf-life.  Second, it's really easy for it to overstay its welcome.  This story could have more effectively been told as a four-panel strip.  Hell, all we actually needed was a single word balloon saying: "Celebrities, am I right?"...

Now that, is a tale as old as time.  Celebrities and societal "VIPs" are treated differently than we common rabble.  And yeah, that really sucks.  But, pointing that out in an overlong, and overblown "satirical" comic story... ehh, it just feels petulant (especially when one of our writers has a pretty lengthy IMDb page himself).  There's a reason why most political and satirical cartoonists work with nothing more than a single image and a caption.

Now, I was just a child back when this came out.  I would've been 8-years old... so, I'm not entirely sure what this might be referring to.  If I were to guess, I'd figure that "Roy Pinn" might be a stand-in for Sean Penn?  Didn't he beat up a photographer (and basically get away with it?) or something in the mid-late 80's?  Maybe there's some Ollie North mixed in here too?  A lot of the DC Bullpen seemed to have him in their cross hairs around this time.

Overall... I get the point, you get the point... I think we all got the point about a page and a half in... this was just too much.

Tomorrow, we'll compile Wasteland #4 (for better or worse)... the next day, we'll celebrate our FIFTEEN-HUNDREDTH Daily Discussion... which is sure to knock ya out!

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Wasteland #3 - Chapter 1

Wasteland #3 (Chapter One)
"American Squalor"
Writers - Del Close & John Ostrander
Art - Don Simpson
Colors - Lovern Kindzierski
Edits - Mike Gold
Apologies to - Pekar & Crumb

Today's a weird start to Wasteland.  If you can see the teeny tiny thumbnail I included in the cover-edit (the teeny tiny thumbnail in-color), you might recognize that it's going to be a riff on Harvey Pekar's American Splendor.

If you don't know anything about Harvey, well... you can watch the movie based on his life... orrr, if ya wanna be a real savage, you can listen to me and Reggie talk about him on the Cosmic Treadmill.

Either way, I feel like Harvey's an important fella in comics history, and well-worth knowin' about.  For the story that's to follow under the dashes, however... I dunno... it might help ya, it might not.


We open with our Harvey Pekar-alike, Henry Pequod fresh off an appearance on the David Lettermaning Show.  He tells the story of how he's had to leave work a bit early of late... because, for whatever reason, he's had this overwhelming feeling that his bed was on fire.  Okay then.  This one time, it's around 4:15, and he tells a friendly janitor, named Mr. Boot about his fears... to which, he is told that ever since he's been making these TV appearances, he's been acting way-out weird.

Anyhoo, Henry heads home to check on his bed... and, unsurprisingly (?), it's not on-fire.

The story continues... the next time he'd gotten this feeling, it came a little bit earlier in the day.  The clock reads 2:45  Once again, Henry runs into Mr. Boot... who tells him that he really likes his comic book "American Squalor", but feels as though every time he goes on TV, "David Lettering" makes him look like a trained monkey.  We're getting deep here, folks.

Henry, once again, heads home.  This time, he finds that his bed... well, it isn't exactly "on-fire", but damned if it isn't smoldering.

The next day, Henry tells Mr. Boot about his smoking bed... to which, the Janitor's all "what does that prove?"  All it proves is that he's paranoid.  At this point, the clock on the wall reads 12:10... and that feeling has hit our man again.  He heads home, and well hot-damn, the bed is blazin'!

Another day, another conversation with Mr. Boot.  Henry tells him that the bed was full-blown in-flames.  Boot asks what might be behind it.  Henry suggests spontaneous combustion.  Mr. Boot corrects him, claiming that it's Henry's own fears manifesting as the inferno.

He then asks what Henry's greatest fear is... to which, we learn it's making a fool out of himself on television.  Well, how 'bout dat?  Boot tells him that he'd already done that... and suggests that he figure out how to not be afraid anymore.

And so, Henry Pequod learned a valuable lesson about fear... and his burning bed.  He tells us (or Lettermaning) that he doesn't go home early anymore... and, in fact, many nights he doesn't go home at all.


Last time we started a Wasteland, I mentioned the concept of the "No Occasion".  Those personal or secondhand stories and anecdotes you might think you have a reason to share, but at the end of the day, you really don't.  Because, with so many of them, it's a "you had to be there" situation, ya know what I mean?  I took "no occasion" from a line in the song, Tempted by Squeeze: "I said it's no occasion (it's no story I could tell)".

And yeah, this is another one of those.  Perhaps not as "inside baseball" as last issue's opener, since Harvey Pekar/Henry Pequod was a public figure, and many comics enthusiasts know of his life, times, and quirks... and yet, still kind of a disappointment.  I feel like we get a lot of build... and the dialogue's really on-point... but then, it just ends.  Actually, it doesn't even really "end"... it just stops.  That's the problem with anecdotes... very seldom do they have "endings" or resolutions.  They just kinda sputter out and stop.

Worth noting, the art here was pretty spot on for an American Splendor riff.  We're going to be seeing plenty of really strong work from Donald Simpson.  If you're familiar with his work, you know it's pretty great stuff.  If not, well, hopefully after our Wasteland journey, you will be.

Tomorrow: Some Del-less Noir

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Wasteland #1 (1987)

Wasteland #1 (December, 1987)
"Foo Goo"
"Sewer Rat"
Writers - John Ostrander & Del Close
Artists - David Lloyd, William Messner-Loebs, & Don Simpson
Lettering - Steve Craddock, William Messner-Loebs
Coloring - Lovern Kindzierski
Editor - Mike Gold
Cover Price: $1.75

Here's another weird one I've wanted to talk about.  Wasteland was an anthology series that was primarily horror, however, kind of dabbled in black comedy and satire.  It was the brainchild of Suicide Squad creator John Ostrander and comedy improv master Del Close.  This was most definitely one of those "ahead of its time" books, as if it were released during the heyday of Vertigo Comics it would have likely lasted longer than 18-issues.  Although, if I'm being honest, I suppose 18 issues is a fairly healthy run for an out of the ordinary book such as this.

I remember this book not being so much scary, but still somewhat disturbing.  Some of the social commentary is rather biting, to the point where it is a bit off-putting.  You get a sense of discomfort reading through this... You remember that one kid in school... he was kind of different, dangerous.  Your parents didn't want you hanging around him, and you were almost thankful for that fact... because deep down, he scared the bejeezus out of you too.  That's Wasteland... that's Del Close.  Intriguing, and tempting, but overall something you know you shouldn't get involved with...

... and yet, here we are.


Foo Goo

The first of three stories in this issue has to do with the remains of what appears to be a suicide party.  A pair of investigators enter a dining room and find four corpses sitting around the table.  They claim that this is the third such party they'd encountered, and find signed waivers from all of the invitees.  Initially when I was reading this, I was expecting to see a Japanese puffer fish (or at least the remnants thereof) on the table.  Instead, the party cuisine consisted of a lone mushroom cap.

A brief bit of research brings up that in Finland they have a way of preparing a toxic mushroom that should... but doesn't guarantee... neutralizing the toxins.  It is compared to the way the Japanese prepare the puffer fish, in fact.

As the investigators circle the table, we get some insight as to the motives of the participants.  We actually watch their final discussion.  Initially, the party host, Beltrane gives his guests the lay of the land.  One bite of the foogoo will give you the greatest high of your life... and lead to an immediate, though painless, death.

Guest George Zern is skeptical and decides to partake first.  Zern is a "Teflon" criminal, who is constantly just getting away with something... he feels invincible, and knows he can beat the foogoo.  Just as Beltrane said, one taste was all it took.  He barely touches the mushroom cap with his tongue before slumping dead on the table.

The next to try is a junkie, Stanley P. Johnson.  He knows the risks, and doesn't care.  He is just out to chase the ultimate high, something that will make him "God for a second".  He takes a bite, and like Zern before him, drops dead in a moment.

The final guest is a young woman.  Beltrane attempts to talk her out of it, claiming she is free to leave if she so decides.  She refuses, saying she made an oath with first victim, George to do this together.  She asks Beltrane if he will actually go through with it after she's dead to which he answers in the affirmative.  He's bored of life, he's already done everything he wanted to do.  The young lady dives in to the 'shroom, and falls back... dead.

Beltrane looks around the table, viewing his deadman's party.  He takes pause, and ultimately takes a bite.  He dies with a terrifying smile on his face.

The detectives take their last notes, and as they're about to leave, the lead 'tec curiously picks up what's left of the mushroom... and takes a bite.


This is where we move into some social satire.  It is the future, people appear to be nothing but interchangeable integers, and the planet is terribly overcrowded.  One woman, Sal, decides she is tired of being alone and goes about the normal societal way to find a mate... video dating.

Sal dresses down to her bra and sits in front of her vid-screen... perhaps a commentary on digital culture, her desk chair is a toilet.  She logs on, and lists her parameters for her perfect mate.  The screen is being displayed at a bar where two men show interest... Hal and Mal.  Sal says she's a one-man kinda gal, to which Hal pushes Mal away.

The two hit it off, and 47 hours later they are married.  They move into the state mandated "two-person" unit and discuss procuring a child from the local Egg and Sperm Bank.  Hal's got a pal who works there (wonder what he does... no, strike that) and can get them a child in three years.  Among their wedding gifts is a shiny new CEO-ship for Mrs. Sal.

Three years later, much to their dismay a child is delivered to their door.  We watch over the next several months as Hal and Sal's courtship goes south.  They hate each other, and what's more... they hate their child.  They discuss divorce, but cannot decide on which one gets "stuck with" baby.

As they continue down divorce avenue, a man visits to see what they plan to do with the baby.  They still cannot agree.  The man asks if they'd ever considered a "R.ab." (hey, that's the title of the story!).  Neither of them knows what this means...

Well, ya see... R.ab. is shorthand for Retroactive Abortion.  Just backdate a few legal documents and it'll be as though the kid was never born.  They excitedly sign, and moment later the poor tot is chucked out the window of their three-hundredth floor apartment.

This act made the couple realize that they still love each other, and maybe they should give the whole "marriage" thing another shot... and what the hell, Hal's pal still works at the bank... maybe in three years they have another kid!

Sewer Rat

This is the first installment of the potentially "real life" stories of co-creator Del Close.  These sorta-autobiographical pieces continue the whole way through the series, and are among the most... I don't wanna say disturbing, but they make me feel a bit, well, gross.

A man with a welding torch taped to his head makes his way through the sewer, shooting rats all along the way.  He questions his actions, as in reality... he's actually quite fond of rats.  He briefly considers suicide, but it's just a fleeting thought.

He thinks about what drugs he's taken to put him in such a spot... he's taken more than often today.  He leans against a wall, and feels a half dozen hands grope him, he spins around and shoots another rat.

His attention turns to a marching band walking through the sewer, decked out in what I figure members of a Barbershop Quartet would wear.  Suddenly he is approached by himself.  He is then surrounded by nearly a dozen of himself as he takes solace in his drug-induced hallucinations.

He bends down thinking he's found himself a map out of the sewer... but then it's a wiring diagram... then a dictionary page... and finally just a candy bar wrapper.  There's an explosion, and he begins to panic... he runs into Whistler's Mother, no... his mother.  He sees a light... he approaches it.

He's not in the sewer, I'm not sure he ever was.  He's just meandering through the nighttime Chicago streets.  He finds a hat and puts it on, before... climbing down a manhole.  He comes out moments later only to be slapped in the face by the front page of the Tribune.  Beatles Invade America reads the headline... he questions what's what and roller skates away.

The issue (close)d out with a text piece discussing the concept.


Weird, right?

Like, I read this... and I'm not scared so much as I am disturbed.  I think I pride myself on having very few fears... like, fake fears... ya know, scary movies, ghost stories... stuff like that.  I'm cool with all that.  There is one thing that scares me, however... cannibals.  Cannibals just freak me the hell out... and hear me out, it's not because what they do.  It's the thought process behind it.  I'm not talking their motivation, or any potential urges they're trying to satisfy or quell.  It's their thoughts.  That's what bothers me.  That's why Wasteland bothers me, it's the thoughts behind it all.

I feel as though I'm not smart enough to truly appreciate this series for what it is.  I feel there has to be a deeper, darker meaning to the whole thing.  Something, that perhaps one day will 'click' in my head, and terrify me to my soul... and that's why I keep coming back.

There was a bit of a snafu with issue 6 of this series.  There was a printing error that put the complete contents of issue 5 (which had already been released) under the cover of issue 6.  This resulted in the following month, DC releasing a blank-covered Wasteland, that was listed as the "Real Number 6".  That bothered me... I always thought there was, I dunno, something more to it.  Something, perhaps meta-textual... maybe a commentary in and of itself... something I'm missing...

... and that's why I keep coming back.


Interesting Ads:

The 12 issue miniseries... that only went 7.
I don't remember the Man of Bronze having a mullet
Wonder if this will catch on?
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