Green Lantern (vol.5) #1 (November, 2011)
"Sinestro, Part One"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Pencils - Doug Mahnke
Inks - Christian Alamy w/Tom Nguyen
Colors - David Baron
Letters - Sal Cipriano
Assistant Editor - Darren Shan
Editor - Brian Cunningham
Cover Price: $2.99
Here's a little secret... I've never read the book we're about to cover today. Ya see, where DC planned for The New-52! to be a jumping-on point, I viewed it more as an opportunity to leave certain books (and families of books) behind.
When I saw the title announcements and solicits, and saw that there were going to be four Lantern books as part of this reboot (Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps., Green Lantern: The New Guardians, and Red Lanterns), with the edict that everything is starting "fresh", I didn't see any reason to pursue a family-of-four (books)... and if you know me, I'm kind of an "all or nothing" sorta comics guy. If I wasn't going to commit to all four... I was going to commit to zero.
It wasn't until a couple of years later, (oddly) after Geoff Johns left the book, that I decided to dip my toe back into the Lanternverse. Me, being me, had to madly dash through town to fill in the issues I missed... but, that really wasn't ever in question. In fact, if you're familiar with cover variances, you'd see (above) that my copy of Green Lantern (vol.5) #1... is actually the second-printing! I don't even own a first-printing of this one!
Anyhoo... let's see how they rebooted Hal. That's what happens in this one, right? Right? Right...?
We open this... Brand-New Era for Green Lantern, by... picking up from the end of the previous issue? Waitasec... I thought The New-52! was for new readers?! Anyhoo... Sinestro is now Green Lantern, having been chosen by Hal Jordan's ring following the events of the War of the Green Lanterns. He says the thing, charges the ring... and gets a stern talking to by the Guardians of the Universe. They look at this opportunity as a chance for redemption... but Sin just ain't feeling it. He's not sure he wants this in his life again. Either way, he takes the battery and heads off, leaving a quarreling bunch of little blue fellers in his wake.
We shift scenes to Earth, and check in on now-former-Green Lantern, Hal Jordan... who is three months behind on his rent, probably plenty of other bills too. He's told his checks are no longer going to be accepted, which sounds pretty fair considering they never clear anyway.
As he's being harangued by his landlord, Hal overhears a struggle going on in the next apartment building over. Without even thinking, he leaps from his patio (which is seven stories up) across to the next building to save a woman from her attacker...
... only, it turns out they were just filming a movie. Wonk wonk?
We jump ahead a couple of hours, and Hal is in jail waiting to be picked up by Carol Ferris, who doesn't really get what I'd consider to be a proper "New Reader friendly" introduction. Actually... nobody really does!
As Carol and Hal leave the clink, Hal asks her if he can have his old job back. She'd love to have him, but if she were to take him back, their insurance company would drop them due to his recklessness. Then they talk about the recent Sinestro-happenings, which Hal doesn't know the complete results of. Carol suggests that might be a good thing, and comments that she hasn't put her Star Sapphire ring on since the War either. Hal then asks her out to dinner.
We rejoin Sinestro at his homeworld of Korugar, where he sees that his own Sinestro Corps have gotten a bit out of control. He finds himself attacked by one of them, mistaking him for a "real" Green Lantern, before realizing who he really is. Sinestro kinda flips the script on them by acting like a "real" Green Lantern... annnd then sawing through one of their necks with a construct-garrote.
Jumping ahead to the next night, Hal and Carol are out at a swanky joint for dinner... when Hal pops the question. "Carol Ferris, will you... co-sign on the lease for my car?" Just what every woman wants to hear, am I right?
Wellll... Carol thought he was going to ask a different question, surely, as she tosses her drink in his face and storms out of the restaurant. It takes Hal a minute or two to realize what she was expecting... which, I mean, these two are so "on-again/off-again" why in the world would he ever ask her to marry him?! They'd likely break all sorts of records for "most divorces and remarries for a single couple".
Hal then walks back to his place (Carol left him behind... and she was his ride). He is greeted by an... eviction notice.
But that's not all! He's also greeted by... Sinestro, who has a whopper of a proposition for him... and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with co-signing on his Ford Focus.
This kinda goes against type, but... I loved this! It just goes to show that if you're a writer with the right amount of pull and "cache", and your book was pulling in the sort of numbers DC was happy with... you could beat The New-52!
This issue could just as easily been the next issue of Green Lantern (vol.4)... and for all I know, was exactly the direction that book was going before that "other shoe" dropped, and the toilet was announced as being about to be flushed.
I mean, we literally pick up right where we left off in the pre-Flashpoint series... which, is good news for someone like me... but, what about the new readers, maaaaaaan?! How could someone wandering in off the streets pick up this issue... with Sinestro on the cover and in the green duds, and not instantly feel like they'd missed something (because they had!)?
This is just another check mark in the "DC didn't know what the hell they were doing with The New-52!" column... and also, fuels my own speculation that the entire endeavor was some sort of a last-minute decision, with precious little more in the way of planning than "Hey, New #1's"... and little more in the way of goals than "Maybe we'll beat Marvel for a month or two". Such short-sighted dunderheadedness... that they're still paying for nearly a decade later.
Now, for this issue... Hal's no longer a Lantern, which... if you read the War of the Green Lanterns crossover in the closing months of the pre-Flashpoint continuity, you'd already know. Sinestro was chosen... and Hal's back to being a bum.
We get mention here that Carol is a Star Sapphire... which, I mean, a "new" reader is probably going to glaze over without realizing just what that means... or they'll have to go to Wikipedia until they get bored... or even more confused. Really... the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that... regardless of how much I personally enjoyed this one, since it didn't go tabula rasa... or half-ass tabula rasa, I don't think this one is anywhere near "new reader friendly".
I mean, even if you're a "new reader" who prefers to read your comics in trade collections... you'd still be pretty lost with this opening "chapter". You'd almost have to read War of the Green Lanterns... and in order to fully appreciate that, you'd have to read Blackest Night... and in order to full appreciate that, you'd have to read the entirety of the Geoff Johns run... and in order to fully appreciate that, you're reading Green Lantern: Rebirth. I could go on... but I'm sure you've got the point. This isn't a "fresh start", which sort of undermines the entire New-52! endeavor... in my opinion.
So, as a "welcome" to new readers, who may or may not exist, this isn't that great a jumping-on/jumping-in point, in my opinion. If you're a seasoned reader, and want more of what came before... this is as good as a lot of it. Art is solid-to-great, and it's a fun (though breezy) little chapter. Worth a look, and as with anything post-Flashpoint, is available digitally... this one for only 99-cents!
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Superman: The Man of Steel #91 (August, 1999)
Writers - John Rozum & Mark Schultz
Art - Charlie Adlard, Doug Mahnke & Tom Nguyen
Letters - Phil Felix & Ken Lopez
Colors - Glenn Whitmore
Separations - Digital Chameleon
Associate Editor - Maureen McTigue
Editor - Joey Cavalieri
Special Thanks - Scott Koblish
Cover Price: $1.99
We've got a weird one today... one that kinda feels like the result of "dreaded deadline doom"... but, very fun nonetheless.
We open with Lois returning home to find her husband typing away at the computer... with his tights uniform on! She asks him what he's working on, and he explains that it's a "story"... one which he was unwittingly a part of. He prints out a copy so she can give it a (not-so-analytical) scan... and we hop right into it ourselves! We meet a man named Musgrove, who is speaking to a counselor named Dr. Samenpur... remember that name. Musgrove is convinced that Superman... is out to get him.
Ya see, it all started not too long ago, when Musgrove worked for Wackyland Toy Company. He was an "idea man", who came up with new concepts for board games and the like. He worked for a man named Morgan, who had no issue taking complete credit for Mussy's ideas. As you may imagine, this rubbed our man the wrong way.
And so, he decided from that point on to never to share an idea until it was ready to go into production... this way, he'll be able to get full credit. The paranoia is setting in... only compounded by the fact that he's noticed Superman flying past his apartment window three times in a single hour. He's convinced that Morgan has hired Superman to "keep an eye on" him.
The next day, Morgan visits Musgrove's cubicle and asks what he's working on. Tight-lipped, our man doesn't say much... to which, the boss comments that he's sure, whatever it is, it's bound to be "Super". Uh-oh. According to Musgrove, the way he said "super" was very suspect.
And so that evening, Musgrove returned home to his apartment... and realizing that he didn't have the resources to completely line his apartment with lead... he lined a box for his game ideas instead. He then worried that maybe Superman could read his thoughts, meaning he'll still be able to steal his game idea... and so, it's tinfoil (and lead) hat time!
He became so obsessed with his new game idea, that he quit Wackyland Toys and devoted all of his time to it. Some time later, his game was finally done... and ready to be shopped around. Wouldn'tcha know it, while on his way to try and sell the thing, he finds himself stuck in the middle of a(n on-foot) jewel heist getaway! Superman takes up the tail, and catches the baddies... but not before all of Musgrove's notes are flung all over da place! Superman does his thing to recover them... but, as far as Musgrove is concerned, all Superman wanted to do was get a peek at his idea.
Dr. Samenpur asks Musgrove what his game's all about, and we learn that it's called "Invasion Earth"... and get this it's based on what he believes Superman is up to! He explains that the game is sort of like Risk... only, instead of countries, it's a battle between planets. So, yeah... it's exactly Risk, with a re-skin.
Ya see, Musgrove isn't convinced that Superman was the sole survivor of Krypton... and, ya know, judging by how many Kryptonians are running around at this time, it's hard to tell him that he's wrong. What he's actually thinking, is that the Kryptonians are laying in wait for Superman's "signal" to invade and take over. That's where "Invasion Earth" comes in. Musgrove compares Generals using Chess as a means to employ strategy, and he figures that once "Invasion Earth" gets some play, folks will be able to fight off the supposed Kryptonian invasion. Ya follow?
Only one problem with that plan though... ya see, kids ain't playing board games anymore. Upon visiting with Felix Walton of Brad Lee Norman Games, our man discovers that it's all about the video games nowaways. Which, I mean, if he could turn "Invasion Earth" into a video game, it might actually "train" people to fight off the aliens, right? I mean, the military uses 'em, don't they?
While Musgrove is getting the bad news, he notices a copy of the Daily Star on Walton's desk. He learns that Superman will be at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the Children's Hospital, and decides that might just be the place to confront his foe.
As Superman delivers his speech, he realizes that there is a building on fire nearby. He cuts the ribbon with his heat vision, however before he can take his leave, Musgrove runs up to shake his hand. While shaking, Mussy pins a tracer to Superman's sleeve. He also whispers that he's "on to" him. A confused Superman flies off.
Musgrove checks in on his tracer... and is shocked to learn that Superman is actually headed directly for his apartment building... ya see, that's the building currently on fire. Musgrove runs in for another confrontation... and, assuming Superman burned down his building to keep "Invasion Earth" from hitting the public, even throws a punch at the Man of Steel's jaw...
Superman warns the fella that he's got a few broken digits, and suggests he see the paramedics before taking off. When he does, however, Musgrove stabs one of them in the eye... and bites off the thumb of another. Uh-oh... dude's lost it. Ya see, this session with Dr. Samenpur, is actually court-ordered.
Musgrove is starting to lose his patience, and asks that Samenpur deliver his message... get his game out into the ether. Frightened, and perhaps looking to diffuse the situation, the Doc agrees. Then, Musgrove thinks on it a bit... ya see, Samenpur... is just Superman with the letters rearranged!
Enraged, Musgrove throws Samenpur out the window! Lucky for her, Superman just happened to be flying by.
Next thing we know, Musgrove is being wheeled into the Mount Hope Home... where he tries to pitch his game to some other troubled souls.
We wrap up with Superman and Lois, having finished going through this weird story... and Superman taking inventory of just what it means to be a "symbol".
What a strange little story! Had a lot of fun with this one.
Ya know, concepts like "paranoia" can be pretty fascinating... and perhaps don't get enough play in superhero comics. I mean, if we look at this story, and consider that Harvey Musgrove is just one guy... gotta wonder just how many Metropolitans are there that are constantly looking over their shoulder expecting that Superman is watching them?
Now paranoia isn't an altogether alien sensation for me... I've been known to partake in delusional worries and irrational frame of mind myself. I think we all do to an extent... which is why a story like this might resonate so well, even if it's amped to the nth degree. I'll concede that I've looked over my own shoulder a time or two... but, I promise you that I've never bit anyone's thumb off.
Now Superman as a "symbol"... not the ending I was hoping for. I wanted there to be introspection, sure, but the symbolic nature of Superman kind of hinders the nuances that this story could have. I mean, lets take Superman out of the equation altogether...
... I think it's safe to say we all have certain people in our lives that we really don't want to look foolish in front of, right? And doesn't it always wind up being those people who see us screwing up or looking foolish? There's this confluence of coincidence... almost a joke on a cosmic level, that the people we want to look our best for are the ones who see us at our worst. It's almost without fail!
Let's look at Harvey Musgrove. Superman just always happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time to feed into his delusions, his paranoia, and his victimization. He feels as though he's a target... perhaps a bit like how many of us feel on the highways and expressways when we notice a "speed trap". We feel singled out, even though there are hundreds of vehicles passing the Officer every minute. Though, perhaps I'm paranoia-ly projecting!
Maybe it's because I grew up in New York... I mean, who didn't feel like they were being watched by... this guy?
Though, with Musgrove... there sure was an awful lot of coincidences, I'm not sure even a rational person in his position wouldn't become a bit unnerved. Though, a rational person probably wouldn't lock themselves in their apartment to work on a game to stop a supposed alien invasion... but, whattayagonnado?
Anyhoo, It's rare that an issue that so clearly feels like a fill-in can be so captivating. This was an interesting transitional period in the Superman books... one that I'm always tempted to go back and re-experience. Maybe one'a these days, when I discover the 25th through 30th hours of the day! This issue is well worth a look, and is available digitally.
Letters Page (featuring a familiar face):
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Action Comics #976 (May, 2017)
"Superman Reborn, Part Four"
Writer - Dan Jurgens
Pencils - Doug Mahnke
Inks - Jaime Mendoza, Christian Alamy & Trevor Scott
Colors - Wil Quintana
Letters - Rob Leigh
Associate Editor - Paul Kaminski
Editor - Mike Cotton
Group Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.99
Alrighty, today we're going to wrap up the latest (as of this writing) of the skatey-eight hundred attempts to straighten out Superman's continuity. Four issues to fix 'em all!
As with most other of our "completed" subjects, you can pop over to our Collected Editions Page and check Superman Reborn out in it's entirely... chronologically even!
Let's wrap this puppy up! Tomorrow begins our Third Annual Twelve Days of Christmas on Infinite Earths!
We pick up where we left off, and ol' Mxy sure is ticked! He lambastes the high-collared Kryptonian for being a cheater... but, here's the thing... the fix is already in. Jon celebrates the return of his parents, though when he calls out to his father... Superman doesn't recognize him as his son! What's worse, neither does Lois. They just figure him for a delusional lost boy.
Mxyzptlk celebrates his victory... and the Super-Fam is confused as to just what he's getting all excited about. Mxy comes clean that this whole mess is way above his pay-grade, and there's someone far more powerful pulling the strings... but doesn't say who. Superman has about had it with the imp, and goes to choke him out.
Mxy shape-shifts into Clark Kent, and jokes about fixing the "secret identity problem". Yeah, yes and no, I guess. Meanwhile Jon pleads with Lois to remember him... and, sadly she just can't. Mxy then grows real big and reminds Superman of the contract they signed last issue before racing to the top of the Infinite Planet Building. If you recall, if Superman won... Mxy would screw off back to the Fifth Dimension... what wasn't made so clear is that, he would be taking Jon with him.
Amid the chaos, Jon is approached by a pair of glowing blue orbs (you see where this is headed?). They encourage him to use his power to fight of Mxyzptlk... and he does! Only, it's a weird telekinesis-type thing... but, I guess the "normal" rules don't quite apply right now.
Suddenly, Mxy's world begins to crumble... Superman and Lois look at the boy, and, although they still don't know who he is... they realize that he is the key to everything.
The blue essences merge with Superman and Lois... making them remember everything... also, making them complete.
The whole situation is being monitored by Mr. Oz... who can't quite believe what he's seeing. Upon turning the page, I'm not sure I quite believe what I'm seeing! It's as though everything has been put into its place. Superman's entire history made (relatively) linear! He and Lois were never on the run as the "White" or "Smith" family... they've always been at the Daily Planet. Jimmy and Perry know all about their son, Jon. They're married. Doomsday once killed him. It's a blend of new and old... and for the most part, it works well!
Then... Superman appears with a brand new-ish costume! I remember them making a pretty big deal out of this... and it had a shelf-life of less than a year! Oh well.
We wrap up with the Super-Family returning home... to Metropolis. Another event that Mr. Oz is paying keen attention to... and it's here that we get the impression that all of these changes are even above his pay-grade. There's someone else out there...
Okay, let me get this much out of the way. I was satisfied with the ending. Despite my misgivings with The New-52! overall, I'm still a stickler for the "everything matters" school of thought when it comes to comic book storytelling. To my mind, if something from continuity hinders a story you wanna tell... you've got a couple of options. You either rewrite the story you want to tell (ha!), or you just don't draw attention to the contradictions.
So often these days writers and editorial go out of their way to prove their stories are correct by simply taking the old ones out of existence... see also: 52!, The New. There is a way to "fix" things without ticking off entire generations of your customer base though... and I think stories like this (also DC Universe Rebirth) does as good a job of that as any.
Dare I say... if they used a story like this (but sorta-kinda in reverse) to introduce The New-52!, I'd have actually been more on-board with the entire endeavor! All we got in the Summer of 2011 was... hey, everything's new... because we want a few awesome months on the sales charts. I honestly believe there wasn't much more thought put into it after that. The way much of the line meandered (even right out of the gate) might be more evidence of that.
Now, while I really like the result... the story here, is kinda all over the place. Over the past few days I've referred to these issues as "breezy"... which I stand by. You could read through all four part inside a half hour... and that's including making a sandwich beforehand. So part of me feels like we spent far too many pages telling this story...
... but, another part feels like we didn't use enough. Let me try and put my thoughts together and explain this. I feel like Dan and Peter tried taking us on a roller-coaster ride here. If we were interested in playing along (and not spoiling things on social media), the sky really was the limit for this storyline. It could have resulted in the loss of Jon Kent. It could have resulted in the dissolution of the marriage. It could have resulted in a return to the Bronze Age "protect the secret identity at all costs" type of stories. Hell, it could have even brought back The New-52! Superman as "they guy" going forward...
... but they didn't take enough advantage of the uncountable possibilities. So many potential gut-wrenching moments left on the table. Lois and Clark don't remember Jon? Well, don't worry, they'll remember everything in 3-4 pages. I just feel like this was a missed opportunity to really play with our emotions... really make this feel like just one of a million outcomes it could have been, instead of just speeding along to the one we all had a pretty good idea it would wind up being from the get-go.
I mean, we had four issues to tell this... and, as mentioned... they were all five-minute reads. Why not "compress" a little bit, and explore some of the possibilities? Make this a true celebration and acknowledgement of Superman's entire history... even if some bits of it were to be kinda molded to fit the new(est) chronology?
Oh well... what do I know anyway?
Overall... I'd say this is certainly worth reading (in collected format), but you might wanna bring a second book to bed with ya, because this one will zip on by. It's important, and it's pretty... but, that's really about it.
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