Showing posts with label eduardo barreto. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eduardo barreto. Show all posts

Friday, May 31, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 073 - Batman Chronicles #17 (1999)

NML Crossing, Episode Seventy-Three

Batman Chronicles #17 (Summer, 1999)
"Little Bat Lost"
"Turn On, Tune In, Freak Out"
"Identity Crisis"

Writers - Scott Beatty, Dafydd Wyn, Chris Renaud
Pencils - Pascal Alixe, Eduardo Barreto, Graham Nolan
Inks - Wayne Faucher, Bill Sienkiewicz
Colors - Rob Schwager, Ian Laughlin (or) Pam Rambo, Noelle Giddings
Letters - Willie Schubert, John Costanza
Edits - Vincenzo, Gorfinkel, Illidge, Carlin, O'Neil
Cover Price: $2.95

A trio of tales to continue fleshing out No Man's Land. Today we're going to invade an unaligned neighborhood to make some Bat-tots, broadcast some Public Access Television, and finally figure out Batman's secret identity! It's a good time as always on this Mark of Cain-Eve!

The Bada-Bin!

NML Crossing on Youtube

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

NML Crossing, Episode 014 - Batman: Huntress/Spoiler-Blunt Trauma #1 (1998)

NML Crossing, Episode Fourteen

Batman: Huntress/Spoiler-Blunt Trauma #1 (May, 1998)
"Blunt Trauma”
Writer - Chuck Dixon
Pencils - Eduardo Barreto
Inks - Bill Sienkiewicz
Colors - Jason Wright
Letters - Tim Harkins
Edits - Vincenzo & Peterson
Cover Price: $2.95

When methodologies clash!  Today's episode features a look into the secret diary of Stephanie Brown, the Spoiler... as she gets the opportunity to sit under a different sort of learning tree, and learns that the "by the book" Bat-stuff she's learned from Robin might not be the best way of vigilante-ing, especially in a post-Quake Gotham!

Plus: A soul-bearing NMaiLbag!

Saturday, October 5, 2019

ACW #635 - The Crash of '88!

Action Comics Weekly #635 (The Crash of '88)
"The Crash of '88!"
Writer - Mark Verheiden
Pencils - Eduardo Barreto
Inks - John Nyberg
Letters - Carrie Spiegle
Colors - Tom Ziuko
Editor - Robert Greenberger

Ya feel that?  That buzz... that hum... the pure electricity in the air?  Why, that can only mean one thing... it's crossover time!

Friends, we're about to find out that Crisis on Infinite Earths has nothin' on... The Crash of '88!


We open in the stormy skies over somewhere in South America.  Our pilot is Weng "Chop-Chop" (don't call him "Chop-Chop") Chan... and it's 1988?!  Anyhoo, he along with two of his associates, are doing a job for Blackhawk Express, when suddenly... they're shot out of the sky!  When they come crashing down, we find out that one of Weng's partners is Clay Kendall, formerly of Ferris Aircraft.  The other, a redhead I don't recognize.

Anyhoo, they leave the plane to assess the damage, only to find themselves under fire once more.  Before long, they're surrounded by some Generalissimo type and his men.  This Colonel Diaz demands they be apprehended... and so, they are.

As they're being marched toward... wherever they're going to be kept, Weng flashes back to how this all came to be.  We learn that he's not the President and C.E.O. of Blackhawk Express... and kinda hates the gig.  None of his employees seem to respect him... hell, some still refer to him as "Chop-Chop".  He gets a call from the Board of Directors where he's advised that he and Clay Kendall would be sent on this present mission.

We shift scenes to Green Lantern.  He happens upon Batman and Green Arrow... annnnnd, blasts them to smithereens?!  Well no, he just dreams that he does.  Ya see, he's still kinda peeved at them for turning their backs on him way back in Action Comics Weekly #606!

Later on that day, Hal meets up with Dinah Lance for lunch.  He's surprised she wants to hang out with him at all, considering how nobody else in the community wants to touch him with a ten-foot pole.  Before they order, Dinah suggests maybe Hal reach out to some of his pals who don't wear capes.  The first fella he thinks about is... Clay Kendall!

We shift back down to Sumango, where the Blackhawk Expressers have been tossed into a holding pen.  Diaz arrives, and takes Weng out to show him something.  They walk deep into the jungle until they reach... this super high-tech base!  This is just him "flexing", however (that is what the kids call it, right?).  He wants Weng to spill the beans on whatever it was he was transporting.  When our man keeps his lip zipped, he's tossed back in the pen.

Back in the U.S.A., Hal and Dinah decide to pop in on Clay.  Of course we know, he ain't home... his gal-pal, April answers the door and expresses concern for her guy-pal.  She explains that three days earlier, he got wrangled into a "sensitive" delivery endeavor down South America way... and she hasn't heard anything since.  Hal tells her that he'll do whatever he can to track him down.

Naturally, Dinah insists she come along for the ride.  Their first stop is the Blackhawk hangar... then over to the F.A.A, to check on whether or not a flight plan had been filed.  Turns out, it had... which prompts Dinah to say, "Brilliant work like this must be how you got your nickname, 'The Emerald Detective'."  Hmm... I don't recall anyone ever calling him that, but okay!

They follow every fuel point between Blackhawk Hangar and Sumango, and eventually come across the downed cargo plane.  Outside it lays Kendall's wheelchair... but, no bodies!

Just then, our heroes are rattled by the arrival of a hyooge crimson giant!  This sucker is looking to destroy everything in its path... and so, Dinah rushes toward a nearby hut to ensure any occupants get to safety while Hal endeavors to "hit 'em high".

While Green Lantern fights with futility, Dinah finds herself surrounded by Diaz's men.  Things ain't lookin' great for the good guys.

Hal continues to get knocked from pillar to post by this beast... and all Dinah can do is watch.  Diaz's men have her restrained... not that she'd be all that much help against whatever the hell this giant is... but, it stinks all the same.  Hal, seeing no other option... sends his Power Ring off to find the "one man who can help".  Give ya three guesses who that might be.

As Dinah and a kayoed Hal get dumped into the holding pen with the Blackhawks, we shift scenes to Metropolis... where Clark Kent is sitting in on a very boring City Council meeting.  He's eating Cracker Jacks and chatting up an equally bored-looking fella sitting next to him.  Suddenly, the Power Ring bounces into the frame, which Kent, naturally, recognizes.  Claiming it to be the "prize" from his Cracker Jacks, he snags it and excuses himself.

Before long, Superman arrives in Sumango... and engaged in battle with the crimson giant!  As he exchanges blows with the beast, Dinah and Weng set up a bit of subterfuge to escape captivity.  They manage to pull off the okey-doke and outsmart the guards... which really begs the question, have these guards ever actually guarded anything before?!

Canary and Weng give the bad guys the slip, and manage to make their way into the high-tech base thing.  Inside, there are a bunch of monitors... and a curious crimson cube!  Inside the cube... is something shaped like a rotund man.  Hmm.  Well, before they can really do much investigating, Weng gets shot in the shoulder!

Dinah decides to do what anyone would do if they happened across a curious crimson cube... she kicks the bejeezus out of it!  Inside... well, lookit that, it's Colonel Diaz!  Looks like this cube was something like a military-grade "Sega Activator".  The Crimson Giant was just mimicking his moves!  Anyhoo, Dinah beats the hell out of him... and the effects can be seen by Superman, who is still fighting the big guy.

The Giant soon disappears... which, is a good thing... but, then... it reappears at the high-tech base, which is a bad thing.  Back at the cell, Hal finally stirs awake.  He finds Clay on his belly trying to hold down their position, returning fire to Diaz's men.  Lucky for them, however, Hal's Power Ring arrives just in the nick of time.

Before long, Green Lantern and Superman arrive at the high-tech base, and resume their battle with the crimson giant.  Just like before, this is more an exercise in futility than an actual fight... neither hero can seem to make a dent in the beast!

Luckily, since Diaz and his Monster were so concerned with Green Lantern and Superman, he doesn't notice when Weng literally pulls the plug on the entire operation!  Diaz finds himself without his monster... and Weng superkicks him into next week.

We wrap up with Superman and Green Lantern corralling the bad guys for arrest, Clay Kendall heading home to April, and Weng returning to his position at Blackhawk Express, with a whole new confident attitude.


Woof, I'm a bit woozy... it's been a long while since I covered something quite this long in the daily-blog format!  30 Pages... is a lot.  Don't know how I did that for so long without my eyes permanently crossing!  I also don't know how I was able to dedicate 2-3 hours every day on any of this... but, here we are again!  Might actually have to break my rule and share this one on social media to get a little bit of engagement-return on my time investment!

So... whatta we have here anyway?  Just what is The Crash of '88!?  Well, it's a weird one-shot, that happens to include several pieces of the Action Comics Weekly puzzle.  Is it "must reading"?  No.  No, it's not.  In fact, if I were reading this as it was coming out, I'd have probably skipped this chapter.  Hell, I've actually never read this before right now... it just always felt so unimportant and skippable.

In finally buckling down and reading it... well, it's still not all that vital to any of the characters involved.  I'm not sure if we come across the elder Weng Chan again, though, I am admittedly still quite ignorant of the final-whereabouts of "war" characters.  Further, I can't really neatly "place" this anywhere.  Sure, that shouldn't matter... and, for the most part, it doesn't.  But, considering that this is part of Action Comics Weekly... is this before or after Superman's dealings with the Fellowship?  Has Hal met Malvolio?  Did Dinah already live through her two arcs?  Again, questions that don't matter in the slightest... and yet, I still kinda get hung up on 'em.

Let's push all of that aside though, and just look at The Crash in as tight a vacuum as possible.  This is Weng's story... and, lemme tell ya, I love the way Verheiden portrayed him.  He's still this sorta snotty punk... grey temples and all, he's still a snarky pain in the ass... and I just adored it!  It was great being able to catch up with him, despite my not really knowing all that much about him in the first place.  Seeing him as a weary and stepped-upon figurehead C.E.O. ... then, seeing him find his backbone to the point where he lets the Board of Directors know that he'll be the one deciding the direction of Blackhawk Express.  Really strong stuff!

Hal was here... well, to tie into Clay Kendall's inclusion, and to be kayoed.  That's some of what Hal does best... get knocked out.  I appreciated that they tried to tie in the superhero community turning their backs on him... especially since that scene will be one we're going to revisit and emphasize toward the end of Action Comics Daily.  That scene, with Hal going "door to door" for help, informs the way Action Comics Weekly concludes... it actually "ends" twice, and we're gonna look at both.

Dinah's inclusion was well done, and I enjoyed her back-and-forth with everyone in the cast.  She and Hal make great partners, and I'm glad she was here.  Superman... well, we needed some way to illustrate how powerful/invulnerable the Crimson Giant was... and Superman was as good a punching bag as any.

Something to keep in the back of our minds: I find it interesting that Hal's Power Ring was able to find Clark Kent... it's going to be made clear that Hal doesn't know Superman's secret identity... but, does that mean his Ring doesn't either?!  Have they decided that Hal doesn't know just yet??  Am I just really overthinking this???  Just keep this in mind, as again... that whole secret identity hoopla really figures into the way this all wraps up.

I think if I were to make any complaints, I wonder why the roster was limited to Green Lantern, Superman, Black Canary, and Blackhawk?  There have been a bunch of characters in Action Comics Weekly that could have gotten little cameo appearances or asides.  Captain Marvel and Starman could have showed up to battle the beast... Deadman and Phantom Stranger could have stood off to the side being boring... I dunno, maybe if this story ran the entire 48-Pages of ACW #635 more folks would've shown up.

Overall... this was okay.  It's likely not going to rock any socks and it isn't "must reading" by any definition, but it's still quite good.  I nice palette-cleanser to break up the series, as next week (as in, four days from now), Action Comics Weekly will be getting a new coat of paint, and will look drastically different.

Tomorrow: The Fellowship... Powerless!

Saturday, September 15, 2018

New Teen Titans (vol.2) #21 (1986)

New Teen Titans (vol.2) #21 (June, 1986)
"On Top of the World"
Writer/Editor - Marv Wolfman
Pencils - Eduardo Barreto
Inks - Romeo Tanghal & Pablo Marcos
Letters - John Costanza
Colors - Adrienne Roy
Cover Price: $1.50

Now, this is the issue I wanted to discuss yesterday... but realized we really needed to "set the table" before tackling it.  A few big things happen in this issue... the Titans' reputation takes a hit, Roy meets his daughter, and perhaps most tragically... Terry Long gets fired!

Let's get right to it!


We pick up right where we left off yesterday... Cheshire is both threatening to kill Roy, and informing him that he's the father of her baby.  Before she can pull the trigger, Robin swoops in for the distraction.  There's a brief tussle, which Cheshire gets the better of... however, she realizes that she just can't go through with killing Speedy.  She tells him that she spared his life... so, he may as well git while the gittin' is good.  If they cross paths again, things will be different.

Meanwhile, on the Matterhorn, the Titans are fighting with Cheshire's goons.  Wonder Girl looks on in horror as Hawk just throws one of the baddies off the mountain!  She thinks to herself that he's a "cold-blooded murderer" as she leaps after the falling man.  Dunno... can you really call someone who is in the middle of a battle to the death, a "cold-blooded murderer"?  I mean, Cheshire's goons probably wouldn't have any problem if a Titan just happened to die in the skirmish, right?

By now, Cheshire has made it outside, and is stood before the, uh... cabin... where the peace talks are currently underway.  Roy, it turns out, did not heed her earlier warning... and is hot on her tail.  She reiterates... informing him that he is "forcing her to kill him".  Meanwhile, Wonder Girl is still falling... remember, she cannot fly, only glide on air currents.  She manages to nab the fallin' fella, and use her lasso to momentarily halt their fall.

Back up top, Cheshire pleads with Roy to take a step back.  She warns that nothing he sees is really what it seems, as she tosses a grenade inside the Peace Summit Cabin.  Roy fires an arrow into her right shoulder, and she responds with a swipe of her venomous claws.

She makes a hasty retreat just as Hawk makes his way over.  Seeing the shape his teammate is in, he does not pursue the departing assassin.  Inside the cabin, Garth grabbed the grenade and gave it one helluva toss.  Roy ain't worried though... everything is starting to make sense to him.  He realizes that the grenade likely isn't "live" and also that the venom Cheshire used on his face probably won't kill him.  This... was a set-up!

As Donna and the goon safely make their way down the mountain, the "boss man", King Faraday, finally pipes up to the boys.  Ya see, this wasn't exactly a government mission.  Faraday and the SIA took it upon themselves to get involved.  Part of the peace talk "deal" was that neither side (U.S.A./U.S.S.R.) would bring "back-up"... just the Ambassadors and their translators were to be present.  This would be a way to build trust between the superpowers.  With the Titans showing up... well, that isn't really a good look for the United States, now is it?  Cheshire's "assassination attempt" was just a ruse to discredit the Teen Titans.

Down below, Wally has decided to leave the hotel and join his fellow Titans.  Along the way, he passes Cheshire... who is still trying to yank that arrow out of her shoulder.  Wally refuses to give her a hand, and is then attacked by... the Church of Brother Blood?!

With Flash kayoed, the Bloodites help Cheshire with her wound and thank her for her aid before they all leave together.  Moments later, the Titans reconnoiter... and it looks as though the damage is already done.  We see various news reports placing the blame for the peace talks falling through squarely at the feet of the Titans.  Whoops.

As the Titans head home, with their heads hung low... we pop over to Zandia... where the Church of Brother Blood is doing their thing.  We see Lilith's old squeeze Azrael (not that Azrael) as he is being prepared to resurrect the dead.  We move in deeper to find Raven and her mother held captive in the dungeon.

We next see the arrival of several converts to the Church... including an incognito Dick Grayson!  He's gone so far as to wear a fake beard and a "heart-dampener" to change the rhythm of his heart... buuuut, the Bloodites see through it anyway.  He's allowed entry... seems like they might just want him there.

Back at Titans Tower, the team licks their wounds.  The Island is surrounded by an anti-Titans mob, waving signs and what-not.  Jeez, you extend the Cold War just one time... Anyhoo, Donna tries calling Terry at a Certain New York University... but doesn't get an answer.  This is because... he's currently in the Dean's office... gettin' canned!

In order for Terry to keep his position, he had to be published.  Despite several extensions on his deadline... he's still got bupkis!  So, he's given the boot.  As he walks off campus, he's cat-called by several young co-eds... which tells me this might be a college for the blind?  Anyhoo, he thinks to himself that this is all Donna's fault... after all, she was supposed to help him write his papers.  Donna arrives as a Certain New York University just as Terry leaves.

Terry's (now former) secretary fills Donna in on what just went down... and she freaks out... and, get this, blames herself!  Silliness.  Anyhoo, she rushes home to comfort her man... only to find the apartment empty!  Terry Long has flown the coop!

Speaking of flying... Roy Harper wings it to Hong Kong for a visit with Cheshire.  After a bit of awkwardness, she allows him to meet his daughter, Lian.

Back in Zandia, Dick Grayson fights his way to the dungeons of Brother Blood.  Seems like it's going almost too easily... and there's a reason for that.  He finds Raven... and is shocked by how she currently looks.  We don't get a good look at her, though.  Mother Mayhem is pleased that things are going according to plan... and asks that nitwit TV Reporter Bethany Snow be updated.

Three days later, we rejoin Donna.  Terry Long is still missing in action... or missing in inaction, I suppose.  Well, not no more.  He's returned home and he's full of apologies.  He says he went up to Cape Cod to clear his head, and came to the conclusion that his termination is his own damned fault.

We wrap up with Terry taking full responsibility for his inaction, and asking for Donna's forgiveness... which she gives.  I dunno, I'd probably be asking a question or two about his stay in Cape Cod... I doubt he was searchin' for his lost shaker of salt.


Boy-o-boy, you sure got a lotta bang for your buck (fiddy) back in the day, didn'tcha?  I mean, this is like three completely different issues in one!  We get the Matterhorn stuff, the Brother Blood bits, and the Terry tragedy.  Really interesting, and well-done, package!

I'm not even sure where to start!

Okay, I always know where to start... Terry Long.  When I reflect on the Titans, and Terry's "affiliation" with them, I usually conflate him losing his job with the souring of his relationship with Donna.  For whatever reason, I remember his blaming her to be a much longer-lived issue.  It was sort of surprising that, now that I'm "paying attention", it didn't even last half an issue!  I wanna say it comes up again from time to time, but that might just be my confirmation bias speaking.

Now, I tell ya what... if I lost my job, and then took a three day vacation to reflect without telling the wife... I'm guessing she'd be more likely to let me have it for skipping town than losing the gig.  I don't think she'd be overjoyed upon my return... and, really... I wouldn't blame her!  Terry losing his job is one thing... that just happens!  Sometimes you're to blame, other times, you're not.  It's just part of life.  But to take off to Cape Cod for three days?  That's just ridiculous.

Over to Roy... it was pretty neat getting to witness his first meeting with his daughter.  I really appreciated Jade's struggle as well.  She blames Roy for using her while undercover... taking advantage of her, and never really having "true" feelings for her.  Of course, that's not entirely true.  She wants him dead... and honestly, had him at her mercy more than once in Switzerland... but, just couldn't do it.  Just couldn't deprive Lian of her father.  Good stuff!

The Brother Blood stuff... ya know, once we're "inside" the compound... they do very little for me.  The church isn't as boring as the H.I.V.E., but still, I can't get all that excited for them.  What I did love was how they discredited the Titans.  I thought that was pretty fantastic.  What better way to weaken an enemy than by affecting how they are perceived by the public?  Hell, maybe Mother Mayhem ought to consider running for public office, she's got all the right tools for it!

Overall... really good (and super dense) issue.  I wouldn't recommend starting with this one... but, if you're already strapped in for a New Teen Titans read-through, I'd bet that you'll really enjoy this chapter!


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Friday, September 14, 2018

New Teen Titans (vol.2) #20 (1986)

New Teen Titans (vol.2) #20 (May, 1986)
"Past Imperfect"
Writer/Editor - Marv Wolfman
Penciller - Eduardo Barreto
Embellisher - Romeo Tanghal
Letterer - John Costanza
Colorist - Adrienne Roy
Cover Price: $1.50

Today we're going to pick up on an issue we'd covered quite a long time ago.  Actually a lot further back in "the long ago" than I'd even realized!  That piece is actually notable for being the one where I decided to begin including letters pages to the blog!  So, how 'bout that?

Anyhoo, we left off with the Titans splitting up, leaving Donna no choice but to "call in the reserves" when Kind Faraday offers them a gig.  The team we're left with is an odd mix of old and post-Crisis new.  Let's get right into it.


We open in South Africa, where Cheshire has been hired to, well, do what she does.  She enters Kwazulu's Black African League and murders their Director, Robert Zembo.  She also plants some dirty money in his pocket, and scatters some clues around the office to link the South African Black Government to the Soviets.  This would certainly effect the perception of the Black Government among the citizenry.  It should come as no surprise that she'd been hired to do this by... a Secretary from the White Government.  Even though she just committed murder and linked an entire movement with "the enemy", she acts as though she's above this fella.  I kinda get where they're going with this... but, it kinda falls flat.  After accepting payment, Cheshire heads to a pay phone and throws the Secretary under the bus for the whole thing.

She returns back to a hut and rejoins an old man named Ch'ang.  She tells him that they're done here... and next, they're off to Switzerland.  Ch'ang calls her Jade... which really ticks her off.  She's only to be called that when she's a) out of costume, and b) holding her... child?!

Switching scenes, we head to Titans Tower... where Donna is letting the new/old team know what's going on.  Hawk doesn't care what's going on... so long as he can punch some "Commies".  With as over-the-top as Hawk will be depicted in this issue, I can't help but get the feeling Marv's getting some frustrations out.  Wally sees this as his first "real" opportunity to live up to Barry Allen's legacy.  Aqualad just broods.  Jason Todd is psyched to be there... and finally, Roy wonders just why Faraday chose the Titans... and not, say, the Justice League for this mission.

That mission?  Making sure the upcoming United States/Soviet Union peace summit goes off without a hitch.  The reason the Titans were chosen?  Soviet radicals hired an "outsider" to throw a wrench in the peace talks... that outsider: Cheshire.

After some... more goofy dialogue from Hawk, we're in the T-Jet and headed for Switzerland.  Donna's at the controls, but her head is anywhere but "in" this.  She's so distracted by all of the Titans drama that she... very nearly, flies right into the World Trade Center.  We'll... just leave that alone.

Donna owns her near-miss, and doesn't make any excuses.  The rest of the flight goes off without a hitch, and several hours later they arrive in beautiful Zermatt, Switzerland (seriously, if you're unfamiliar with this place - like I am/was - Google it, it's pretty breathtaking).  Wally gives the place the once-over, and Roy fires a recon-arrow into the sky.  So far, the coast is clear... though, Donna is certain that Cheshire is there, and also... that Cheshire is aware of the Titans' presence.

The team checks into a hotel, and begins to make their plans for the following day.  Donna can't shake the feeling that she's assembled a "broken" team.  Hawk's a loon, Garth is emotionally-comatose, Jason is a child.  Her mind then wanders to how everything "fell apart" with the New Titans... and how, at this point, it's as though everyone has gone their own way.

Before the gang decides to hit their respective pillows, we can see that explosives have been set up outside their window.  Garth, having a keener sense of hearing, is able to pick up on this.  He alerts the team, and Wally rushes out to confront the threat... and, wouldn'tcha know it... it's Cheshire!

Wally is able to take down a few of her men, however, is struck in the shoulder by one of her heat-seeking mini-missiles.  Cheshire then calls for her men to evacuate the area before the bomb goes off.

Luckily, the Titans seemed to have heard that warning as well!

Then... it's fightin' time!  Hawk is absolutely ruthless in his pounding of Cheshire's men.  He even steals one of their guns, and threatens to use it on them!  Donna catches this from the corner of her eye, and puts a stop to it.  This distraction proves to be enough for Cheshire to get away.

Donna and Hank begin to fight... Donna explains that under absolutely no circumstances are they to "intentionally murder".  Hawk ain't diggin' that, so he starts throwing fists.  Donna, being Wonder Girl, catches said fists... and proceeds to slam Hawk into a nearby tree... and she presses... and presses... and presses, until Robin pulls her off.  It's a good thing too, as she very nearly caved Hawk's chest in!

Donna then turns to Jason and... quits as team leader!  She assigns him the spot, after all... this is Robin's group anyway.  Worth noting, this is post-Crisis, but Jason Todd is still very much a "golly, gee" superhero at this point.  Hasn't been completely post-Crisisified just yet.

After standing stunned for a sec, Robin rushes back over to Donna and accuses her of engaging in a bit of ol' fashioned transference.  She isn't looking at Jason as Jason... all she can see is a Robin costume.  She's transferred all of Dick Grayson's attributes, skills, and experiences onto this poor kid... and is expecting him to act in kind.  Donna falls to her knees in the snow, and starts to cry.  She apologizes... and reclaims the "reins" of the team.

Elsewhere, Cheshire kneels by the fallen Wally and Roy.  She's thankful they're still alive, and insists they stay that way... for now... and, for reasons we'll get to.  Wally begins to stir... and she tells him to pass along the message "Cheshire Remembers"... before kayoing him with a kick.

We jump ahead to the following morning.  The Titans are licking their wounds over coffee... and discussing their plans for the day.  Hawk acts like a cartoon character... still.  I feel like he and Guy Gardner could've started a support-group for characters that writers used as strawman caricatures back in the 1980's.

Due to the injuries he'd suffered, Donna insists that Wally stay behind.  He doesn't dig the idea... but he gets it.  Next stop for the rest of the team, is a tram heading toward the Matterhorn.

After reaching their destination, they rendezvous with King Faraday.  He explains just how high the stakes are... which, I mean... is kinda like "dropping the knowledge" that water is wet.  I'm sure we've all worked with or for a person just like this.

Speedy and Robin head back inside the cable-car, in attempt to escape the cold.  They share a brief conversation, where Jay engages in some armchair psychology/detectiving before... Cheshire zooms in!

We wrap up with Cheshire facing off with Roy.  As she holds him at gunpoint, she reveals that they'd once shared a passionate night together... and, not only that... Roy is the father of her child!  Well, if that doesn't just shout "cliffhanger", I don't know what does!


Kind of a weird issue, no?

There was definitely this underlying... I dunno... discomfort (?) about this one.  It felt like we never had the opportunity to "settle in" with the team... which, I'd imagine, was the intention.  I gotta say, looking at these issues... ones I'd read more times than I can count... with an "analytical" eye, is rather a challenge.  I'm so used to just bullet-training through these issues, just one after the other, that I don't often get the opportunity to reflect... and, thus, don't really take the time to appreciate all of the disparate "moving parts" some of these issues have.

Let's bring in a bit of context here for our team... the Crisis did quite a number on most of them!  Aqualad is depicted as emotionally detached/numb... due to the death of his girlfriend Tula who died in Crisis on Infinite Earths #9 (December, 1985).  Hawk is shown as being even less "balanced" than usual... which is saying something.  This very well might be due to the loss of his "cooler half", his brother Don "Dove" Hall died in Crisis on Infinite Earths #12 (March, 1986).  Wally is already in "Saint Barry" mode, and is trying to live up to his mentor/predecessor.  Barry, of course, died in Crisis on Infinite Earths #8 (November, 1985).

Jason Todd is a bit of a wild card here.  It's hard to really reconcile his behavior and demeanor here, as this is post-Crisis... however, his post-Crisis origin wouldn't be established until a year after this issue hit, in Batman #408 (June, 1987).  He's still very much a Dick Grayson-lite, "golly gee" sorta kid here.  I suppose it's easy enough to write it off as either a) he was starstruck being with the Teen Titans, or b) he's just putting on an act... perhaps even feeding into Donna's transference.  Seems like the kinda thing a jerk might do, right?

Let's talk about Cheshire.  I gotta say, that whole do-si-do at the start, didn't really work for me.  When she turned in the white secretary, I'm not sure if our takeaway was supposed to be in the vein of "no honor among thieves"... or, that Jade has this weird sense of honor.  Either way, I mean... she killed that one dude!  You can't really claim the "high ground" when, you took the money... and, you were the one actually pressing the knife into someone's back.  I feel like I get what Marv was going for here... just thought it was a dumb way to go about it.

Another character where... I get what Marv was going for, was Hawk.  Now, I get it, Hank Hall has been sort of a punching bag for writers ever since Ditko left.  All of their social and political frustrations are put in this guy, that at some point he actually ceases to be a character.  Halfway through this issue, I resorted to just skimming Hank's dialogue, because I knew it wasn't going to be anything important... just ranting.  He's only here to be the antithesis to the Titans' tolerance.  Not sure it was necessary... even in being the "problem child" who tested Donna... because nobody else on the team even came close to taking his side.  Everybody just dismissed him as a loon... not that I could blame them... but, still.

The only reason I'm okay with his presence was that it facilitated that scene where Donna very nearly caved his chest in.  This entire issue has been a very strong look at Donna Troy... her self-doubt, her feelings of guilt... it was all very well done.  That scene where she almost killed Hawk though, that was some really excellent stuff.  I feel like we've all been, at one point or another, so angry... or frustrated, that the only reaction we're capable of is... bursting into tears.  This really emphasizes how at "wits end" Donna is.  She's trying to stay cool under pressure... but, just can't!  It's a very human reaction, and I'm glad they "went there".

We get just enough King Faraday here to remind us that he's that jerk boss we've all had who states the most obvious thing as though it's the most unique concept ever thought up by a human brain.  Fair enough... he didn't overstay his welcome... though, the two or three panels we do get of him are more than enough.

Overall... a weird issue.  Not one of the greatest, but far from the worst.  It's horribly dated, of course, with its Cold War intrigue (and even that near-miss with the Twin Towers)... but, certainly worth checking out.  Our main takeaway (with hindsight, of course) is the revelation that Roy and Jade share a child.  I gotta plead ignorance here, I'm not sure this is still "a thing" in our current day continuity.  I feel like it's the sort of thing that "sometimes is/sometimes isn't".  This issue has been collected, and is available digitally.


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