Showing posts with label eduardo risso. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eduardo risso. Show all posts

Monday, June 7, 2021

WC #1 - Batman

Wednesday Comics #1 (Batman)
Writer - Brian Azzarello
Art - Eduardo Risso
Colors - Patricia Mulvihill
Letters - Clem Robins
Edits - Mark Chiarello

What is a fella to do when he... misses blogging, but also still hates the format with which his blogging platform operates?

Hey everybody... it's been awhile!  Well, it's been awhile for actual written content, anyway.  I hope everyone's been well - and I apologize for the shift from words to audio... and from DC Comics to X-Stuffs.  I know the X-Books aren't for everybody...

So yeah, I've been wanting to write again, for a long time... but, every time I set to do so, I'm reminded of just how un-user-friendly Blogger has become since last year's "upgrade".  It is such an astonishing pain in the ass to do what I used to do here... that, if this were the way it was back in early 2016, I can guarantee that this blog would have never made it past a day or two.

So, here's a new project... that will hopefully mask enough of the Blogger negatives to make it worthwhile... and also facilitate me finally getting around to a reading project I've been dying to get to for over a decade at this point.

Folks, it's Wednesday Comics!  An initiative run by DC Comics for twelve weeks during the Summer/early Fall of 2009.  For folks who have been following this blog for awhile, I've mentioned a few of my "hiatuses" from comics... and, how I was out of work from early 2008 until the end of 2009.  During that time, the wife and I lost just about everything we had... very nearly lost each other, asamattafact.  That wasn't a sensation novel to me and mine... plenty of families were struggling and in a bad way back in 2008 - to the point where, if you say "2008" to anybody... you'll usually get a response not unlike "Nuff Said".

That said, I missed out on Wednesday Comics back then... and, due to their unique composition, it doesn't usually pop up in the cheap-o bins... or, the regular back-issue bins, for that matter!  Except for issue #6... I always seem to see that one in the wild... not sure why!

Anyway... I've wanted to discuss this strange and fun little run for ages now... just wasn't quite sure how to go about doing so.  I figure this will be kinda like "Superman Day" from our Action Comics Daily endeavor... just, well, everyday.  I'm not going to be including the entire strip here... as, that would be me just sharing this entire little collection... hopefully, I can shake off enough of the "blog rust" and choose decent images to compliment the discussion... what little of it there may actually be.

Oh well, that's enough pre-ramble... I'm hoping to get one of these out every day (not sure about weekends just yet), with a compilation post to wrap it all up at the end.  There are fifteen strips here... and, naturally, it starts with Batman.


We open with Batman arriving atop the GCPD where he meets with Commissioner Gordon who had summoned him there via Bat-Signal.  Gordon mentions that he feels like a failure every time he has to flip that switch.

Batman asks what's up... and learns that an Investment Banking bigwig named Franklin Glass has been kidnapped... with the threat that he'll be murdered at midnight.  Batman asks about a ransom... to which, Gordon explains that the kidnapper didn't bother to ask for one.

Batman realizes that the clock has just now struck midnight... which, ya know... is too late to save the fella.  We wrap with a man, who I'm assuming is Franklin Glass having his nose plugged while gagged by a large goon.


Not a bad way to start this off!

I think one of the most interesting bits about this entire Wednesday Comics endeavor will be seeing how our creative teams manage to "stick the landing" in writing using the "comic strip" format, rather than long-form storytelling.  Especially looking at if though the 2009 prism where decompression and writing for the trade was becoming something of an artform.

As we saw when we looked at the Superman two-pager each week during Action Comics Weekly... this definitely isn't the easiest format to work with.  There's only so much room to play with... where basically every single panel has to count.  I think this will be a fun little dive - and I'm looking forward to it.

Let's talk story... what little there is of it.  I do want to preface here that Brian Azzarello has never really been a favorite of mine.  He's a writer who caused me to drop both Superman and Batman within a single year during the mid-2000s - so, hopefully this little outing will fare better for me personally.

Now, this opens the way any number of Batman stories could have (and have) opened.  Batman responding to the Bat-Signal to check in on what Jim Gordon needs.  Here though, Jim comes across a bit different... defeated.

He comments that he feels like a failure having to turn to Batman for... well, I suppose calling it "an assist" wouldn't be quite right in this instance, would it?  Here, it's more like he called Batman just to not be alone when the clock struck twelve.  It's odd.

We don't know how long Gordon has known about the Glass kidnapping and ultimatum... and, if he's known for a little while, why he didn't call Batman sooner?  We're building a mystery here... and, I gotta say - I enjoyed it.  It's quick and breezy... which, I mean - they're basically all going to be... but, it's definitely a promising start to this neat little project.  I can immediately see why folks still remember the Wednesday Comics experiment so fondly.  Hopefully I won't be singing a different tune as we continue!

Worth noting, the art is very nice too.  The large newspaper format really gives the art room to breathe... and allows for us to, well... just plain see it so much better.  Great start!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Spirit #13 (2008)

The Spirit #13 (February, 2008)
"One Hundred!"
"Family Treasure"
"The Cold Depths of the Icicle Heart"
Writers - Glen David Gold, Denny O'Neil & Gail Simone
Pencillers - Eduardo Risso, Ty Templeton & Phil Hester
Inker - Ande Parks
Colorists - Alex Sinclair & Jim Charalampidis
Letterer - Jared K. Fletcher
Assistant Editor - Kristy Quinn
Editors - Ben Abernathy, Scott Peterson
Cover Price: $2.99

Hey, it's the shortest day of the year... right?  So, howsabout we take a look at three short stories to really get us into the holiday Spirit.  See what I did there?  How's that for a stretch!

Full disclosure before we begin.  I might be killing my "comics historian" cred here, but I know next to... er, make that absolutely nothing about The Spirit.  Other than he was created by Will Eisner.  I always thought he looked cool... but growing up in the 90's, the only way (that I knew of) where I could read his stories would've been to cough up fifty-bones for an Archive Edition.  That just wasn't going to happen.

So, with that said... we'll try and get through best we can.  My apologies ahead of time if I miss any obvious connections or references.


Our first story opens on Halloween (well, that's not the Holiday I had in mind) with a gaggle of goons (called the Argonauts) all dressed as The Spirit.  In between some... fairly annoying dialogue (including a gag about Emily Blunt which refused to end), we learn that they have stolen one-hundred blue azure diamonds.  They plan to cut through the zoo as they cross Central City (probably not that Central City).  While there, they visit a monkey cage... which facilitates another Emily Blunt joke... and also allows one of their number to break rank.  Ya see, one of these Spirits was actually... The Spirit!

A fight takes place in this tangle of trench coats... and in the struggle, the bag of diamonds falls into the tiger cage!

We rejoin The Spirit (should I refer to him as just "Spirit" or is it always "The Spirit"?) as he meets with Commissioner Dolan.  He's advised that there's only one person capable of of nabbing the diamonds, and it's a girl grown woman named Felicia Stripe.

And so, we join the pair back at the zoo.  Felicia greets the Tiger, Vida... and laments the fact that there are only ninety-eight of them left in the world.  Suddenly a Spirit-dressed Argonaut arrives to confuse the proceedings... in the struggle, the tiger becomes agitated... and is ultimately shot.

Back at the office, Spirit and Dolan discuss what just went down.  Spirit looks at the gun that shot the tiger... and learns, the hard way, that it wasn't loaded with bullets... but a sleep agent.

Turns out Ms. Stripe just kayoed the big cat to take her back to her own wildlife preserve.  One year later... we see that, thanks to her, there are now 100 tigers.

Our second story opens with an old woman being dragged into a car by a nogoodnik.  Luckily, The Spirit was in the vicinity... and pops in for a rapid rescue.  Spirit recognizes her as Sonia... an immigrant from East Klovonia that Dolan had told him about.  Apparently she's looking for a buried family treasure in the "Rowdy Forest".

She and the Spirit hop into his car and head out to search.  Along the way, The Spirit realizes that she might just be talking about the Wildwood Cemetery... get it?  Rowdy Forest... Wild Wood.  A half-hour later, they arrive... and our man proceeds to dig.  While he works, a pair of baddies arrive.

The Spirit uses some shovel-fu to make short work of them.

With the geeks out of the way, the Spirit continues to dig... until he finds the buried treasure... a photograph of Sonia's Aunt.

The Spirit notices that while the photograph is quite old... the frame looks brand new.  He pulls the photo out... revealing a bearer bond (with plenty of zeroes) hidden behind it!  Sonia nabs the loot and rushes away.

We wrap up some time later with the revelation that the riches have gone to Sonia's head.

Our third and final story opens with "Ice" McQueen shaking down a local man who looks a bit like Alfred Pennyworth for "protection money".  The Spirit witnesses this go down, and attempts to intervene... only to have his lights knocked out by a blackjack.  This story uses a pretty neat "dialogue" gimmick... we'll talk more about it below.

"Ice" ponders her next move... and decides it might behoove her crew to dispose of The Spirit in the nearby frozen lake.  And so, they tie a cinder block to his body and hurl his unconscious body from a bridge.

Luckily, the shock of cold is enough to wake our man up... and he pulls himself from the slushy drink.  Not so lucky, he's forgotten who or where he is!

He's eventually taken in and given clothes by some hobos... and almost remembers who he is.  He's got all the letters, just doesn't know the order.  What happens next isn't entirely clear.  There's a man (maybe Dolan?) crying at the bridge... who is approached by a police officer... who goes to beat him with his billy club... I think.  I dunno... either way, The Spirit is there to save the day.

Another hobo fills The Spirit in on what's gone down... and suddenly "Ice" McQueen and her gang strike again.  Our man is able to win this round... and in so doing, remember who he is.

We wrap up with... The Spirit giving a hobo his hat... "Ice" behind bars... the bad cop being reamed out... and the Spirit lounging by the warmth of his fireplace.  I guess that's as "Christmassy" as we're going to get this time around.


Well... some "Holiday Special", eh?  I guess "Holiday" is vague enough to get away with not having a single Christmas story included, right?  I mean... it's not like we'd have any hint from the cover as to what might be inside... right?


What we do have here is three fun stories.  As mentioned, I have no frame of reference for anything Spirit-related.  I don't know his backstory... hell, I don't even know his real name (if he even has one!).  That said, I enjoyed this... for the most part.

Before going into detail... I wanna give it up for the art.  All three stories look fantastic.  I feel like this is the kind of style you want for a character/world such as this.  Really... excellent stuff!

Now... let's start with the first story.  Never-ending Emily Blunt gag notwithstanding, this was pretty neat.  Though, there is this odd dissonance here.  The Spirit talks very much like a detective in a pot-boiler mystery... talking about "the two types of girls" out there... however, this story takes place during the present day.  Was this fella frozen in ice like Captain America?  I dunno... is he a relic from the 1940's thrust into the present?

The play on the "100" was pretty clever.  The whole time you assume that the title is referring to the azure diamonds... when really, it was about the endangered tigers.  Thought that was a cool twist.

The second story was a cute little affair.  Nice balance of humor and action... we get to see the Spirit doing some of the more unglamorous aspects of his work.  Digging up graves is probably not on anybody's short-list of fun things to do.  At the end, it was all a gag... the poor immigrant woman turns into a hawty socialite.  Silly fun.

The final story... well... I really wanted to like it.  I think the gimmick employed was a great one... very creative work using symbols and "hieroglyphs" in lieu of actual dialogue.  My only problem was... I couldn't follow the damn thing!

It started out straightforward enough... however, gets muddled (at least for me) during the climax.  Maybe if I had a better familiarity with the cast it would help... I just don't get why an officer would attack the man on the bridge.  Also... I couldn't keep the hobos straight... how many were there?  Was it the same guy all along?  What about the dude from the beginning who looked like Alfred?  Why was he running up with a shovel toward the end?  Dunno... maybe I'm just too dense.  That's always a possibility.

Overall... if you're looking for a good Christmas story... I'm sorry, but you're not going to find it here.  If you wanna have a little bit of noirish fun, however... give this a look.  I think I'll keep an eye out for Spirit books of this vintage should I come across 'em in the cheap-o bins.  It doesn't look like this one's available digitally... I'm pretty sure DC no longer has the rights to the character.  Shouldn't be too hard to track down, though...


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