Six issues just wasn't enough, was it? Anyone else up for another romp with the Major and M'Koy? Well... uh, howsabout we spend this final episode of Major X-Lapsed talking about a two-part Wolverine story from the year 2000 instead?
That's right folks - we're spending all but eight pages of this $5 zero issue looking at a story that appeared in Wolverine (vol.2) #154-155 (September-October, 2000) - featuring characters who haven't been seen since! As for those other eight pages... well, they might just cause an X-Istential crisis... we're going to meet a whole lotta bucketheads... who we'll probably (hopefully?) never see again.
Whatever the case - Major X-Lapsed is now complete... I want to humbly thank everybody who has hung on for this weird little seven-week sidebar!
@acecomics / @cosmictmill /