Showing posts with label fantastic four. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantastic four. Show all posts

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Weird Comics History - Sue's Coiffure Contest


Weird Comics History - That Time the Invisible Woman Got a Mullet

Fantastic Four #258 (September, 1983) - Fantastic Four #287 (February, 1986)
A Saga by John Byrne with a little help from his fans

Here's something a little bit different for your Sunday -- dusting off the ol' Weird Comics History brand, and chatting up a bit of... well, weird comics history. It's nothing Earth-shattering, and you probably won't actually learn anything today -- but, I thought it would be fun to pop in on a happening from the early-mid 1980s that -- does get a bit of chatter, but that chatter is more about the destination than the journey.

There are some notable instances in comics history in which the fans of the funnybooks get a "say" (or at least the perception of a say) as to certain story beats, team makeups, or what have you. Sometimes these decisions leave a long-lasting impact... other times, it's barely a blip. This one transcends all'a that. This is bigger than any "comic book story". This is an event which actually changed society as a whole. Now, you can keep your Jason Todd 900 numbers, and your Hellfire Gala X-Men Votes -- because this, my friends, is far more important than any of that. This is all about the time the comic fans held the very fate of Sue Richards...'s hair in their hands.

But first, a little backstory. As I've said time and again, my first exposure to many of the (non-X) Marvel Superheroes was via the Marvel Universe trading card sets. Back in the long ago, I never saw myself as a "Marvel Fan" -- I was an X-Men fan. Didn't have time for the Avengers, Fantastic Four... heck, I'd only pop in on Spidey every now and again. So, all of my (vast) Marvel knowledge came from what was written on the back of these cards. And, since these facts were among the first things I learned... well, I think my brain kinda prioritized them as being the most important bits... even to this very day!

Let's take a look at the Invisible Woman's card from Marvel Universe, Series I (1990):

The "Didja Know" boxes on the bottom of these cards included some of the neatest information -- nothing all that important, but something different than the usual "Name/Rank/Serial Number". Looking at Sue's, hers is all about how she changes up her hairstyle pretty often. At the time, I didn't have much of a frame of reference to back that up. I only knew the Sue who was currently on the racks. I certainly wasn't dipping into the back-issue bins for old issues of Fantastic Four -- what do I look like, some sort of comic book fan?! It was just a bit of info that I dumped into my mental archives, and never really thought of again.

Fast-forward to a handful of years later, and Heroes Return was the big thing in comics. I'll admit, I got sucked in -- and, for the most part, I stuck. Curiosity, too much disposable income, as well as too little common sense and self control led to me, for the first time ever, regularly buying books outside the X-Line. And, being something of a rabid completionist, I started dipping my toe into the back issue bins... looking for "classics" (ie. 80s-90s books that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg) to add to my collection. This was just barely post-boom -- 1997 or so, when the back-issue bins were still the home of books that'd put you thru college and pay off your mortgage. What I'm trying to say here is, they were still demanding decently high prices.

Though, there were books that appeared to be immune. Books like Excalibur, Alpha Flight, and... Fantastic Four. I'm sure there were others, but -- these three were among those on my "backfill list", so they stand out. I began to amass quite an impressive (to me, anyway) collection of FF... going all the way back to the, sorta-kinda mythical Byrne run. As a young comics enthusiast in the early 90s, I'd hear tell of the "glory days" of the 80s. Walt Simonson's Thor, Chris Claremont on X-Men (duh), Mark Gruenwald on Cap... and, of course, John Byrne's Fantastic Four. Any time I was able to grab an ish... any ish... from one of these runs, I felt as though I was holding a piece of history. Yes, I do tend to overromanticize things... why do you ask?

It was an especially great day when I happened into the very first issue of the Byrne FF run. It was in a dollar bin, of all places... and, I guess it's safe to say that the back-issue bonanza "worm" had turned. Shops, at least those in my neck of the woods, were in what felt like "liquidation mode", just get 'em gone. A great time for collectors like me... but, maybe not the greatest sign in the strength of the industry (and the retailer arm of).

Now, I say all of that - so I might say this. Cracking open that first Byrne issue, which I have covered here on the site -- in the then-novel (for me) and inaugural "Marvel May" article, in 2020. Within the first few pages, we see Sue Storm getting her hair done at a fru-fru salon. Here's a snip (no pun intended) from that piece:

Fantastic Four #232 (1981) - (w/a) John Byrne

When I wrote about this issue, I commented that this was a "very Byrne-y scene" to include... and we'll talk more about that in just a bit. First though, it was in seeing this scene that I recalled that silly li'l "Didja Know?" box on the trading card. And, being the more "seasoned" comics enthusiast that I was at the time, I suddenly realized that -- yeah, Sue does change her look an awful lot. More so than most comic book characters (well, intentionally anyway -- we're not talking editorial oversight or lack of artist consistency here). I can appreciate that as a character beat... and, as such, I enjoy seeing scenes like this play out on-panel -- or, at the very least, get mentioned on-panel. I'm also a very big fan of the concept of "style sheets", as in -- if you're drawing such-and-such book, here's what the character(s) LOOK LIKE. Nowadays, there are certain characters who's "look" can't stay consistent from panel to panel, much less issue to issue -- I'll spare y'all the cute "*cough*" sound effect, and just say - Carol Danvers.

To explain my "very Byrne-y scene" comment -- well, being a fella who often gets lost in the weeds of the comics hobby... and, tries to look for patterns... or really anything "noteworthy" that I might be able to dig into and discuss, I couldn't help but notice that JB has had some of female cast members drastically change their looks when he hopped onto a title/franchise. Here are just a couple of the noteworthiest examples (in my opinion):

Despite looking like they could be twin-sisters, or - ya know, the same person -- this is Lois Lane and the Scarlet Witch. I suppose we might say they've got "RBF"... Resting Byrne Face. And, hey, I love JB's work -- but, even Marvel has acknowledged RBF.

Marvel: Year in Review 1991

Where was I? Oh yeah, John Byrne designing "new looks" for characters under his purview. I may be projecting, but his adherence to and appreciation for how certain characters are supposed to look really comes through in his work. If he makes a change to attempt to update them to current-year, or if the character faces some sort of internal crisis -- those changes feel organic. A character like Sue Storm... who, as the trading card said, often changes up how she looks, doesn't really need much reason.

However, since that is part of her character -- mebbe JB can have a bit of fun shaking up her look a bit. Mebbe he might even reach out to the readership to get some of their thoughts on how Sue oughta be brought into the mid-80s? Enter: Sue's Coiffure Contest. In the Fantastic Four Fan Page (Letters Page) from Fantastic Four #258 (September, 1983), Byrne makes the following announcement:

Fantastic Four #258 (September, 1983)

FF #258 also includes that scene where it's revealed that the Dr. Doom who Arcade lit a match on over in Uncanny X-Men #146 (June, 1981) was a Doombot. So, the Coiffure Contest and JB being a bit precious! In retrospect, this is a far more important issue than I initially thought -- I'd better slab the thing ASAP! Anyway, I guess that goofy haircut Milo gave her during Byrne's "Back to Basics" wasn't one of her faves. It's worth noting, at this point in the comic, Sue's taken to wearing a "very unglamorous" brown wig, as part of an attempt at having a secret identity (Susan Benjamin). Hmm, if Sue thinks that look is unglamorous... well, just you wait!

Fantastic Four #259 (October, 1983) - (w/a) John Byrne

It's worth noting here, that Sue "Benjamin" Storm was pregnant with her and Reed's second child at this point -- and, there were rumblings in the letters pages (and in the comics themselves) that she was about to undergo some sort of "coming of age" -- shedding the Invisible Girl name, becoming the Invisible Woman (though, the Letters Pages seemed more keen on her going by "Mrs. Fantastic"). Speaking of "changes", hatchi matchi... here's a look at the Fantastic Four Fan Page from FF #263 (February, 1984):

Fantastic Four #263 (February, 1984)

It's announced here that, within the first few months of this contest, Marvel has received 528 entries! Good grief -- though, it's worth noting that a grip of those entries were requesting that Sue revisit some looks from the past. We get some "honorable mentions" listed here -- which, if I were a real comics historian, and not just a fake-ass one, I'd have probably made some effort to tracking down some of these folks for comment.

Some of the parameters of the contest are better laid out here -- the winning style has to be: a) practical, b) attractive, c) suitable to Sue, and d) not too painful to have to draw a few dozen times per issue. Well, I'm guessing this disqualifies like nine outta every ten entries right there! John Byrne does take the time to render a couple of the suggested looks here -- these are apparently the two that have gotten the most votes. They're not going to win, for a variety of reasons -- but, the people have spoken -- further proving that old Stan Lee quote "Don't ever give the fans what they think they want" true. I can actually see Sue wearing the look on the left -- though, it does look like it'd be a pain in the ass to draw. The mohawk though? C'mahhhhn. I'm sure JB had fun with this though.

Issue #263 was the official END of the contest -- as in, quit sending us yer stuff.

Fantastic Four #266 (May, 1984) sees Sue hanging out at the wig shop -- looking for a more glamorous hair-hat. Worth noting, that her own hair looks a lot different than it has in these last several issues -- so, you might've assumed that this scene right here was the "big reveal" of the Coiffure Contest Winner! But... no such luck, Chuck. This is just a stop-gap hairdo on our way to something so tragic that FEMA may have to be called in.

Here's a look at Sue from Fantastic Four #268 (July, 1984) -- a storyline that is much more important than the silly Coiffure Contest -- however, since we're talking about the silly Coiffure Contest, I gotta show it. Um, what was that I was saying about Byrne being consistent with character appearances? This is literally the third hairstyle Sue's had... in as many issues. Ehh, let's just blame Secret Wars. Yeah, I know she wasn't there... but, we'll blame it anyway.

Fantastic Four #268 (July, 1984) - (w/a) John Byrne

The following issue features Sue with some very long hair... the lengths of which I don't think we've ever seen her wear.

Fantastic Four #269 (August, 1984) - (w/a) John Byrne

This issue, Fantastic Four #269 (August, 1984) is also very notable for our contest... as, the WINNER is announced! Well, sorta. Ya see, whoever sent in this winning style... neglected to include a note with their drawing! And, I mean... in hindsight... I guess it'd make sense that nobody would wanna take credit for this thing. Well, "clear" credit anyway -- the did sign the piece... and, as far as Marvel can make out they've got a last name of Mayes... and a first name of... well, somethin'. Their best guesses are Tyron, Byron, or just-plain Ron. So, if you're reading this Mr. (or Ms.) Mayes -- reach out. That is, of course, if Ty-By-Ron Mayes isn't just another name for John Byrne. From the Fan Page:

Fantastic Four #269 (August, 1984)

So, you might be wondering... how long are we going to have to wait in order to SEE the winning Coiffure? Well, just a couple of issues, actually. Fantastic Four #271 (October, 1984) opens with the gut-punch that is... Sue's Mullet.

Fantastic Four #271 (October, 1984) - (w/a) John Byrne

Happy Birthday, indeed. Gotta wonder if JB used Florence Henderson as a point of reference for this one... Sue's lookin' very Carol Brady here.

Sue's bad decision isn't the only notable bit about this issue -- it also marks the shift in the letters page from the Fantastic Four Fan Page to the Fantastic Forum. The letters page has been busily taking JB to task for murdering characters left and right... and thus, Byrne challenged the readership to send in their thoughts on who they would kill (in the book, natch) if they could. Apparently this got quite the response... however, not near as many replies as the Coiffure Contest!

Fantastic Four #271 (October, 1984)

Now, for such a popular and engaging contest, you'd assume that the letters pages for the next several issues might be full of reactions to this dramatic change in appearance for Sue, right? Well... notsomuch. This change of appearance isn't even commented on once in the Fantastic Forum... and heck, far as I can tell, Reed doesn't even compliment her on her new look. I mean, this might be a case of "If you have nothing nice to say..." but still. Weird that something that had a bit of pomp and circumstance doesn't get any play on-panel.

So, how long was Sue bemulleted anyway? It's funny, looking back, memory being what it is, it feels like the Sue-mullet era lasted for like... several years. It wasn't quite that long, however... though it was around for some pretty memorable little ditties, like the time Sue became the Hatemonger's sidekick-of-sorts, Malice.

Fantastic Four #280 (July, 1985) - (w/a) John Byrne

Which also gave us this little sequence...

Fantastic Four #261 (August, 1985) - (w/a) John Byrne

It was also while mulleted that Sue changed her name from Invisible Girl to Invisible Woman.

Fantastic Four #284 (November, 1985) - (w/a) John Byrne

Sue was mud-flapped during the Return of Jean Grey!

Fantastic Four #286 (January, 1986) - (w/a) You Know Who

And, in the very next issue -- in a "very Byrne-y scene", Sue finally gets turned back into a normal human - on-panel.

Fantastic Four #287 (February, 1986) - (w/a) John Byrne

Sue's Mullet: Fantastic Four #271 (October, 1984) - Fantastic Four #287 (February, 1986). Sixteen months of style -- and probably one of the sillier things I've spent any amount of time researching and writing about. If you're still reading at this point, I humbly thank you for joining me on this odd little adventure.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 020 - Fantastic Four Annual #3 (1965)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Twenty

Fantastic Four Annual #3 (October, 1965)
"Bedlam at the Baxter Building!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Pencils - Jack Kirby
Inks - Vince Colletta
Letters - Artie Simek
Colors - Idunno
Cover Price: 25¢

Welcome friends, to a most blessed event - it's the Wedding of Sue Storm and Reed Richards, and we're all invited... along with many of the movers and shakers of the Marvel Universe in its relative infancy!  Without hyperbole, this might just be the most important Marvel comic of its time! 

The X-Men not only show up... but get a few good shots in as well!  It's the first time I'm reading this in decades, so it's basically new to me!


Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode 009 - Fantastic Four #28 (1964)

The Essential X-Lapsed, Episode Nine

Fantastic Four #28 (July, 1964)
"We Have to Fight the X-Men!"
Writer/Edits - Stan Lee
Pencils - Jack Kirby
Inks - Chic Stone
Letters - Art Simek
Cover Price: 12¢

It's the highest-profile X-Men guest-appearance yet... and perhaps their highest-profile appearance period!

Today the X-Men meet and fight the Fantastic Four... for the first of many times!  We're going to talk a bit about how this appearance might just have legitimized the world's strangest teen-agers to the fans of the wider Marvel Universe, and much more!


Friday, May 1, 2020

Fantastic Four #232 (1981)

Fantastic Four #232 (July, 1981)
"Back to the Basics!"
Words & Pictures - John Byrne
Inks - Bjorn Neyn
Letters - Jim Novak
Colors - Glynis Wein
Edits - Jim Salicrup
Chief - Jim Shooter
Cover Price: $0.50

Waitasec... what in the world?  Why is there a Marvel book in this DC Comics site?  How in the heck is your humble host going to shoe-horn this issue of Fantastic Four into jiving with the DC-centric mission statement of this place?!

Well, the short answer is... I ain't!

The long answer is... writing about DC Comics of late has been... I dunno, not so satisfying.  I feel like I'm letting my disdain for "current year" DC Comics affect my enjoyment of the older stuff... and figured, with the month of May upon us, maybe we go for a bit of a "gimmick" (while also making advantageous use of alliteration!).  A...

[Imagine a "Marvel May" logo here...]

That's right, it's #MarvelMay!  It's time to revisit some old favorites from the company that "brought me to the dance" as a comics fan.  I hope this isn't too off-putting to regular readers... and I apologize if it is.  I'm just at the point where I've reached burn out (or perhaps... "byrne out") with DC... and it came down to either a brief change in format, or just calling it a day.  I even briefly thought about reviving #BrightestMay... but, I don't know if I could handle the disinterest!  Ain't nobody cared none 'bout dat!

In many of my recent pieces, I've had to edit out a lot of snark... and a bit of vitriol.  For instance, anytime I'd discuss Superman, I'd have a pithy remark about "current year" Superman.  I don't wanna be "that guy", ya know?  I want this place to be somewhere we can all come, and just bask in all that's good about this medium we all hold so dear.  I suppose we can thank and/or blame Flash Forward for tippin' that final domino, haha!

Anyhoo, it's been a long while since I've read much Marvel... so, this is going to be a bit of a "rediscovery" situation for me.  I think it's going to be a lot of fun and evoke a lot of memories... I hope you decide to accompany me on this journey!


We open with the villainous Diablo working on some alchemical concoction... in his apartment.  At first blush (and from the cover), you might figure he's in some sort of crazy church... or even, the bowels of Hell itself... but, nah... he's just in his apartment.  Turns out, he's making so much racket and stinkin' up the place that his landlord interrupts... whatever it is he's doing.  Well, what's doing is playing with "elemental forces"... more on that, shortly.

We shift scenes to Sue at Casa Tindolini Salon, where she's getting her hair done.  Feels like a very Byrne-y scene to include here.  Anyhoo, her stylist... Mr. Tindolini hisself, is a pretty sassy fellow, who is either famous for his asymmetrical haircuts... or, just didn't finish Sue's new do, because... it kind of look like the bowl slipped a bit.  Anyhoo, a giant earthen beast rises from the ground... and attacks the Salon!

This Monster has designs on our Invisible Girl.  Tindolini gets the heck out of dodge, basically tellin' poor Sue that she's on her own.  The Monster bashes its way into the joint, and sprays Sue with cement!  Boy, that'd be a difficult line to deliver verbally.

We shift scenes across town, where Ben and Alicia are leaving a showing of The Elephant Man.  I assumed this was a reference to the 1980 David Lynch film, but Ms. Masters says it was a play.  Whatever the case, this performance really tugged at Mr. Grimm's heartstrings.

Suddenly... it starts raining?  Well, no... not really.  It's here that Ben finds himself attacked by... a water-themed elemental force!  The drink engulfs him, threatening to drown him where he stands.  Ben thrashes his way down the street trying to bust out of the bubble.

Meanwhile, in Central Park... Johnny Storm meets up with his on-again/off-again Frankie Raye.  They have a sort of contentious chat... but, it's clear to see that they still care for one another.  Just then, it's Johnny's turn to get (literally) swept up in the elemental nonsense!  He's attacked by a miniature tornado!

Next stop, the Baxter Building... where Mr. Fantastic is labbing away in his laboratory.  We've already seen Earth, Wind, and Water... so, it's clear to see where this might be headed.  Before we know it, Reed is attacked by some living flame!  He manages to escape by turning himself into a bit of a ping-pong ball and bouncing out to safety... so he can ponder the situation further.

Out in the open, Reed makes like a flying squirrel, and starts to glide.  As he soars over Central Park, he is signaled by Frankie.  Ya know, it's hard to just call her "Frankie"... I always wanna say "Frankie Raye".  Anyhoo, she fills Reed in on what just went down with Johnny and the Wind...

... and it isn't long before Stretcho is able to catch-up with his brother-in-law.  In his pursuit, Reed starts to tangle with the tornado... and manages to sort of "wrap it up" in his elongated appendages.  By this point, the Living Flame arrives on the scene as well... so, the odds are evened!  Johnny Flames On and takes the fight to the flame.

Suddenly, Reed has an idea.  He lures the tornado somewhere.  We next rejoin Sue at the Salon where... as luck would have it, she was able to use her force-field to bust free of the cement tomb.  This is actually a really cool use of her powers, which Byrne makes sure to mention she had been working really hard in mastering control over power-set.

Speaking of which, Sue then attempts to use her powers to propel herself out of harms way.  She compares this to the way Ice (hyphen) Man uses his ice (hyphen) slides!  Realizing the Monster she's fighting is earthen in makeup, she immediately thinks that the Thing might give it a fairer fight.

Now, speaking of the Thing... he's still drowning in the bubble.  He makes his way down the street until coming across Keith Hernandez's Sporting Goods shop.  He figures that his best bet for survival would be if he were able to get his hands on some SCUBA gear... which, is actually pretty clever!  Once inside, he collapses... but is SCUBA'd just in time.  The Water Elemental then releases Benjy... and hops onto one of the employees of the shop!

Ben then returns the favor, shoving the SCUBA back into the blob to save the girl.  The Elemental then tries to jump bodies again... only to find itself stuck by some invisible force!

It's Sue, and she's nimbly able to trap the Water Elemental in her force-field.  Ben gazes behind her to see the Earth Elemental bounding up the street.  Before we know it, it's Clobberin' Time!

While Ben get positively pounded by the Earth Elemental, Mr. Fantastic swoops in.  He realizes they're not quite paired-off with their proper foes just yet.  He asks Sue to trap the Air Elemental (who is still tangling with Reed's own elongated bod), and... release the Water Elemental!  Sue isn't quite sure... but obliges nonetheless.  Once the Water Elemental is free, Reed plunges some live wires into it... transmuting the drink into a gaseous state!

Reed shares his hypothesis with Ben, that in order to beat the Elementals... they're going to need to change their "states".  And so, while Ben's being clobbered by the Earth, he himself is pounding his way deeper and deeper into the ground... until he reaches a sewer pipe.  Ben busts through the pipe, which sends an explosion of water into the Earth Elemental... softening the beast until it becomes nothing more than liquid mud.

Reed then turns to Sue, and tells her that in order to end the Air Elemental, she's going to have to pressurize the force-field more than she's ever tried pressurizing anything before.  It's a struggle, but she is ultimately able to do it... transmuting the air into a liquid.  Interestingly, Ben brings up a rather sobering thought... isn't what they're doing right now, sorta-kinda tantamount to... murder?  Reed's response is... get this... "Please be quiet."!  Wow!  Cold-blooded, Stretcho...

Now, we're three Elementals down... with only the Living Flame to go.  Reed says... once again, get this... "The Torch is on his own!".  Way to lead, Reed.  Anyhoo, we shift up to the skies above the City, where Johnny and the Flame are fighting it out.  It's here that, thankfully, Johnny has a pretty bright idea.  He baits the Flame wayyy up high, then... bada-bing, bada-boom... hits the beastie with a Nova Burst!

This winds up sucking all of the oxygen out of the air for a mile around.  The Living Flame was snuffed out into nothing.  Unfortunately, Johnny himself couldn't hold onto most of his flame either... and so, he falls... falls... falls... falls... before splashing into the nasty East River.

We jump ahead twenty-minutes, where Reed has already deduced that the big bad this time out was Diablo.  And somehow, he knows exactly where he's been holed up.  Well, sorta... he's actually got a friend who can suss out even the most unsussable.

We wrap up with the Fantastic Four nabbing Diablo at his ramshackle apartment.  Whatta revoltin' development!  Anyhoo, we learn here that, in order to track the baddie down, Reed enlisted the aid of everybody's favorite Mystic ex Machina... Doctor Strange!


Ya know, I (and plenty of people) have given John Byrne a lot of guff for his incessant need to bring heroes "back to basics"... which, if you noticed, is the title of this very issue.  The first of his legendary run on this title.  Usually when one (or I) think of "Byrne's Back to Basics", I'm thinking about some old, stodgy, outdated take on a character or concept... or, something so wildly out of left field that the "back to basics" descriptor seems misplaced.

We've seen what Byrne's done with Spider-Man: Chapter One, the fourth volume of Doom Patrol... even his very short stint on the early 90's X-Men books.  He attempts to take things "back" in a way that sort of tramples on everything he didn't like that came before.  Asamattafact, on the next episode of From Claremont to Claremont: An X-Men Podcast (out tomorrow!), we discuss a Byrne interview where he reveals his intention to have a second Mutant Massacre to wipe out 85% of the mutant characters he didn't have any use for!

On the other hand, I think about things like his take on the Incredible Hulk, where his "back to basics" was marrying the lead character off!  Which... ya know, doesn't feel "basic" at all.

Anyhoo... I'm taking the scenic route here... but, what I'm ultimately trying to say is... this issue was "Back to Basics" done right.  I'll be honest here, with few exceptions, I don't have much use for the FF that came before Byrne.  This is sort of where I'd start my FF rereads back when I still had the time to read comics "for fun"... and every time out (including today), I'm surprised by what a perfect jumping-on point Byrne gives us here.

So often, when we are told that "such-n-such" issue is the "Perfect Jumping-On Point", so much of the issue is poo-pooing or contradicting what came before, picking and choosing what would continue into the new run... which doesn't do much in the way of service for a potential new-reader.  This issue, though?  You didn't need to know all that much going in.  Byrne concocted a story here, which provided ample opportunity for the characters to "show their stuff".  We get to see their powers, and their many unique uses.  We get bits and pieces of characterization... we see how they interact with one another... we see how they interact with the greater Marvel Universe.  What I'm trying to say here is... this was very likely the best possible way to kick off a brand-new direction.  Just all-around excellent.

Let's chat a bit about depth.  One of the scenes that always "gets" me when I revisit this issue is Ben's attempt to process what they're doing to the Elementals.  He wonders aloud if what they're actually doing could be comparable to murder... and, ya know... that's a toughie!  Sure, they're alchemical concoctions... but, they seem to have the ability to communicate... think... they certainly have a purpose.  Is Ben all that far off his nut here?  Interesting food for thought.  I thought Reed's reply of, basically "shut up, Ben" was pretty cold... and definitely didn't make me like him all that much.

Let's talk art.  Ah, the art, well damn... it's Byrne in his prime.  I've often said, if you took the concept of "comic book artist" and boiled it down to its chemical and component parts... you'd get John Byrne.  This is the John Byrne I'm talking about when I say that.  This is clean, dynamic, easy to follow... just an absolute treat!  It's visual candy.

Overall... duh, I loved this.  This is one'a those runs that holds a special place in many'a comics enthusiast's heart... myself included.  If you haven't read any Byrne FF, I'd say you owe it to yourself to do so.  This is where I'd usually link to the digital availability of the issue, but ya boy doesn't know diddly and/or squat about Marvel Unlimited.  If I were a betting man, I'd say this has almost gotta be in there.  If you're, like me, more into the physical media... this has been reprinted a number of times (I'm almost sure this would be one of Marvel's "dollar reprints" or replica books, no?  Sorry, I'm not much help here, haha)... and heck, the original shouldn't break the bank either.


(Not the) Letters Page:


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