Showing posts with label franco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label franco. Show all posts
Monday, April 3, 2017
Green Lantern: The Animated Series #0 (2012)
Green Lantern: The Animated Series #0 (January, 2012)
"True Colors"
Writers - Art Baltazar & Franco
Illustrator - Dario Brizuela
Colorist - Gabe Eltaeb
Letterer - Saida Temofonte
Editor - Kristy Quinn
Cover Price: $2.99
I don't have much of an intro today... your humble blog-host is fumblin' stumbling and rumblin' through something that might be a lesser-migraine, or a terrible sinus headache... so, we're gonna just jump right in.
We open with some narration from Hal Jordan that introduces some of the concepts of the Green Lantern Corps. In the distance, there is a green light floating in space. Hal and Kilowog decide to deboard their spacecraft (which they call Aya) to investigate.
They head ever closer and are shocked to learn that it is a Green Lantern ring. Upon closer investigation, Hal notices that the symbol engraved on it is not quite right.
Moments later, the ring changes to it's real color... red! Before they know it, Hal and Kilowog find themselves surrounded by several Red Lanterns.
A fight breaks out, despite Hal's suggestion that they try and discuss things (like civilized beings). Outmanned, Hal suggests they beat a hasty retreat... and so, he heads back to Aya. He doesn't even look back to see Kilowog's capture. Whatta pal!
Onboard Aya, Hal learns that his oversized buddy didn't make it back. Hal orders Aya head back, despite her thoughts to the contrary. She feels the odds of him rescuing 'Wog are too slim to pursue... but, orders is orders.
Aya offers that she is detecting a strange secondary signal... and Hal is cool with the pit-stop. They soon arrive at a site where they find a Quantum Refractor.... which is like a "darker than black" cube, that has the ability to bend light around objects. This is how the Reds lured our boys in with the phony-colored ring. This also gives Hal reason to believe Kilowog might still be alive.
Speaking of Kilowog... moments later Hal is able to locate him. That's pretty convenient, but we'll allow it. 'Wog is surrounded by about a half-dozen Red Lanterns... and is shackled at a sort of alter.
Hal considers his options, as a head-on assault would likely not work in his favor. He runs a few scenarios past Aya... and concludes that his new Quantum Refractor could be of use... and so, he uses it to bend light around Kilowog, rendering him invisible!
The Reds are taken by surprise, and after getting in a few good punches, Kilowog and Hal retreat... that is, until Aya informs them that there are actually two energy sources coming from the Quantum Refractor... and it would be best if they retrieve it. Why Hal dropped it in the first place, I'll never know!
Kilowog runs a distraction, willing up a giant hammer... and Hal slides in for the nyoink.
They return to Aya, and Hal pries the box open... inside it they find a Particle Feeder... a little critter that feeds off of itty bitty ions and atoms. At this point it's so pale it's almost transparent... however, mere moments later it's back to it's bright and vibrant form.
Eh. I think I'd mentioned when we discussed Superman Family Adventures #1 a few months ago that the concept of "All Ages" or in this case "Rated E" books is kind of lost on me. Maybe that's my "1980's privilege" talking, but it's still definitely something that hinders my ability to fully enjoy a book such as this. The distillation of characters down to catch-phrases and the keyest of character traits really doesn't help.
I mean, I get it. Just not the way I was introduced to the characters... and my current attitude toward the comics industry makes it so I'm quite annoyed that my kids won't have the same introduction to some of my favorites. Instead, they will get the "animated series" version, or the "adventures" version. I dunno... something about that just bugs me.
For the story itself... it serves as a perfectly fine introduction to Hal Jordan (and Kilowog). I suppose if this series really wants to emphasize the Corps, it's easier to launch it by having them face off with a whole 'nother Corps rather than a villain like Sinestro. Perhaps his story will come later... and will include his betrayal to the Green Lanterns. I dunno.
The art here was fine... although, man Hal's got himself some humongous shoulders! I mean, dude must have to get his shirts custom made. Wasn't too keen on the fact that Hal wasn't portrayed as being especially smaller than Kilowog. I mean, 'Wog is clearly larger... but not by as much as I'd have wanted. Overall, the artwork inside the book was nice... colors were bright and poppy. The cover however, looked a bit cheap. I can't really put it into words, but it's got this sorta digital look... that you'd see in commercials for a local "Technical Institute". There's a genericness to it. Dunno, don't dig it.
So yeah, not for me. Hindsight tells me it was probably quite unfair to subject a book of this sort to my brand of analysis... but, here we are. Kids will probably dig it, and comic fans less anal than me should as well. I suppose I can best sum it up by saying "It's not you book, it's me." If you think this book might be for you, it is available digitally.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Superman Family Adventures #1 (2012)
Superman Family Adventures #1 (July, 2012)
Writer & Artist - Art Baltazar
Writer - Franco
Editor - Kristy Quinn
Cover Price: $2.99
Hey, check it out... an "all ages" title. Now let me rub some liniment on my aching joints before I regale you with the fact that... ahem, back in my day... pretty much every mainstream superhero book was considered "all ages". Now, I'm not saying anything that folks haven't said, read, and heard a million times already... but it's weird to consider how far the comics have drifted where "all ages" becomes a selling point or imprint.
I'm glad I grew up when I did... I gotta figure, if I were a tiny tot who went to the comic shop for the first time and was presented with this type of book... I'd feel a bit ripped off. I'd want to read the "real" Superman... or Batman, or whoever... not this kids-stuff! I have my theories that the market for this kind of book is more for folks my age... I think it allows us to view familiar properties through a simpler lens, and maybe even get a few chuckles in. I think kids... if they're anything like I was back in the day... would want to read (if they were into comics at all) the main ongoing series'. We'll talk about that more below.
For now, however... let's see how the super-adorable Superman family take care of some pinchy-clawed robots!
We open as a meteorite enters the atmosphere... it's heading directly toward Metropolis. Thankfully, the city's protector is on the job... Superman, complete with New-52-esque v-neck handily catches the flaming stone, and then heat-visions it into tiny "harmless" pebbles. I dunno, Supes... I think a hail of pebbles to the streets of Metropolis might not be a good thing!
Back at the Planet, editor Perry White is looking for Clark Kent... who is in the middle of buttoning up his shirt and tightening his tie. The question is raised as to why Kent misses all the big action around town... to which Clark offers that maybe he misses out because he's secretly Superman. Lucky for him, nobody's buying what he's currently selling.
Suddenly, giant robots strike... and Lois runs off for the story, Jimmy runs off for the photos, and Clark... well, Clark just runs off. Sadly for the Chief (who seems to be fine with people calling him that) Jimmy ran off before he could order him to fetch his coffee.
Shortly, Superman is hovering before three giant robots. Each has a letter on it's "chest"... it reads E X L... which makes me figure they're probably out of formation. The bots start chucking hardware in Superman's direction, including a mailbox and car. Luckily the Superman Family hits the scene, in the form of Supergirl, Superboy, and Krypto the Super Dog.
During the fracas, Jimmy Olsen gets a bit too close to the action. Lucky for him, Supergirl is there to save his day... and his butt.
The L robot snags Superman with his pinchy claws and tentacle arm. Our hero notices that this bot's got an "evil eye". He swears somebody is looking back at him. Well, if you haven't figured it out by now... prepare to have your world rocked... it's Lex Luthor.
And he's got a plan! He's going to use his absorption ray to drain Superman's powers into his classic Luthor Battle Suit. He also has a very well coifed pet mouse... more on that in a bit.
Elsewhere... and much more importantly, Jimmy Olsen receives a text from the Chief... he wants his coffee, and he wants it... ya know, soon. I feel your pain, Perry... I know what it's like to want for a cuppa joe.
Back at Luthor's lair, he is preparing to flip the switch on the absorption ray. He's got Superman well in hand... er, claw. Unfortunately for Lex, just as he flips the switch... Krypto jumps in front of Superman! To make matters worse, Lex's mouse gets caught up in the power-transfer!
Our result is... well, the mouse can fly (and talk!)... and Lex gets the urge to scratch behind his ears with his (hind) leg. Oops.
From this point, the rest of the Superman Family battle is pretty academic. The robots get destroyed... and Lois uses her detective skills to deduce that Lex Luthor is behind the days event.
And so, as if on cue... Lex arrives on the scene. Superman pops him out of his power armor with ease... then tricks him back into the absorption ray booth by playing a quick game of fetch. With a flip of a switch... Lex and Krypto return to "normal". Everything's back to normal!
Or is it? It would seem as though Lex's pet mouse "Fuzzy" still has its powers... and so, we find ourselves with a brand-new Super-Pet!
We wrap up with Jimmy finally getting around to giving Perry White his cup of coffee... complete with dust, rubble, and robot debris! We out.
Now that was a lot of fun. I came into this thinking I was probably going to bag on this because I'm not the target audience... after reading it, I feel the opposite just might be true. I would argue that the aged comic fan might just be a sweet spot for a book like this. We might have a more attuned appreciation for a simple silly Superman story than a young'un would. We can see that these characters are acting as themselves... with the volume turned way up. There is a focus on specific traits for each supporting character, that we understand the context of... which makes the jokes land where they should.
I would maybe suggest that, outside the abso-freaking-lutely adorable art... that a kid might not be all that interested in the story. Granted, I am talking out my backside at the moment... I don't have any children that I can test this theory on, but it's just a feeling I have. While we (grown-children) can laugh at a blustery Perry White demanding Jimmy run through a war zone to bring him his coffee... a kid may just think Perry's a jerk. Like I said, I think it's the context that helps us (ya know, people too old to be discussing or analyzing a "kid's comic" to this extreme) appreciate what this book truly brings.
For the story itself? It's cute. Really not a whole lot to it... but we do get to see Superman face off with his arch-enemy, and there is an addition to the Superman Family Adventures lore in the adoption of a brand-new Super-Pet. I have a few more issues of this book floating around... I'll have to keep my eye out to see if Super-Mouse makes any subsequent appearances. The characters all feel "right"... again, with their volumes turned up. Not a bad thing in the slightest... and dammit, as mentioned, they all look pretty great!
Before we go... and since I'm not sure when we'll be discussing the "All Ages" deal again... I do want to bring up something kind of interesting (to me). Folks of my age, mid-to-late thirties-ish, we grew up during the waning years of the Comics Code Authority. Most every book we bought had that little beveled badge in the corner. It was an indication that the book was "safe" for readers... and we can define "safe" however we please, I guess.
Regular visitors to this humble blog know that often I'll link to where a digital copy of whatever book we're discussing can be found at the DC Digital shop. When I do, I generally make a mental note of how the books are rated. Seeing as though the Comics Code isn't a thing anymore, the comics companies have had to rely on their "in house" ratings system... and that isn't limited to new releases.
Let's take, for example... Superman (vol.2) #22. This is the issue wherein Superman is forced to kill the Phantom Zone criminals. This was a Code-Approved book when it shipped in 1988, which to me says "appropriate for all ages". Today however, via readdcentertainment, it is rated as "12+ Only". Hardly an "all ages" book anymore, right? I dunno, maybe I'm thinking about it too hard... that doesn't sound like me at all, right?
Anyhoo... despite my reservations on the "All Ages" classification, I think readers of... most-ages would dig this book. It is available digitally via DC Digital, where it is rated as "All Ages", so no worries there. This is a subject that I'm finding more and more interesting the more I think about it. Please feel free to let me know your thoughts on "All Ages Books" and "Then vs. Now Ratings"... I'm interested to hear what other people think!
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