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Showing posts with label gary frank. Show all posts

Monday, January 29, 2018

Action Comics #870 (2008)

Action Comics #870 (December, 2008)
"Brainiac, Finale"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Penciller - Gary Frank
Inkers - Jon Sibal & Bit
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Colorist - Brad Anderson
Associate Editor - Nachie Castro
Editor - Matt Idelson
Cover Price: $2.99

It's weird... last week we discussed a five-part story in Day of Judgment, and today we wrap up another in Brainiac.  I swear it took us about three times as long to get through DoJ!

It's the same writer too, which makes it all the more weird.  I guess nearly a decade's worth of writing experience can really help out!

Anyhoo, let's burst through the finish line!


Picking up where we left off yesterday, Brainiac has "collected" Metropolis, and is set to send our Sun into super-nova... so that he's the only entity with the knowledge from (and of) the Earth.  What's worse is he's detained both Superman and Supergirl in the meantime.  Superman is finally able to focus after hearing the tiny voice of tiny Lois Lane.

Superman is back up and at'em... and bashes Brainiac in the face.  He rushes into the "collection room" and grabs both the Metropolis and Kandor domes.

He next rushes into the area where Supergirl is being kept.  He downs her captors and brings her up to speed.  It's going to be up to her to stop whatever it is that's heading toward the Sun.  Kara expresses that she's too slow... too scared.  Superman tells her that it's okay to be scared, and also that he has all the faith in the world in her.

And so, she jets.  At this point, Brainiac has recovered... and is looking for a fight.  Unfortunately for him, he appears to have brought a knife to a super-breath fight.  Superman blows him right out of his Skull Ship with ease.

Brainiac SPLLLTTTs down face-first in an Earthen swamp.  It's really a cool scene.  He's suddenly overwhelmed by the amount of microscopic bacteria he's among.  I guess there might just be such a thing as "too much knowledge".  I wouldn't wanna know what kinda microscopic buggers might be hanging out in the neighborhood park... yeesh.

Wait'll you try a public pool, Brainy!
Superman curb-stomps him into the muck... at which time, Brainiac reveals that the containment domes will not hold forever... and so, Superman's going to have to return Metropolis to it's normal spot... and find a place to plop down Kandor.  After he leaves, we learn that Brainiac has figured out where Superman calls "home"... and decides to do something about it.

At this point things become really cinematic... which is really fun to read, but not so much to synopsize.  We'll do our best.  Superman drops Metropolis where it belongs... and it returns normal.  A rocket blasts into the American midwest.  Supergirl is still en route to saving the Sun.

It's soon clear that the rocket is heading directly for the Kent farm.  Ma and Pa see it coming... Superman, however, is at the Fortress of Solitude making a deposit.

The rocket hits the Kent home, but Pa is able to get Ma to safety.  Supergirl is able to save the Sun.  Superman is still otherwise engaged.

Everything seems to be hunky-dory... however, the stress has triggered a heart attack in Jonathan Kent.  He slumps down in Martha's arms while she frantically calls for their Son...

... who is still busy, with the no-longer-bottle city of Kandor.

Eventually, Ma's cries make their way to his ears... and he's off to Smallville.  Sadly, it's too late to even say goodbye.


Okay... we've got a bunch to unpack here.

Let's start with the ending.  Pa Kent saves Martha... then succumbs to a heart attack.  It's not as though we didn't see this coming.  Of course, we weren't quite sure of the "how", but I think we could deduce the "when".  This was telegraphed all throughout this arc... it was pretty clear ol' Pa wasn't going to make it out of this story alive.

Telegraphing isn't always a bad thing though.  I don't think it was a bad thing here asamattafact.  The closeness shown between Pa and Clark... while a bit "heavy", didn't feel out of line with the way they're normally written.

Also, there was enough subtlety to make these interactions feel natural.  I mean, it's not like we got Pa telling Clark, "Ya know, Son... I'm not always going to be here" and Clark didn't say, "I don't know what I'd do without you, Pa!" as they played catch... or were fishing or something.  Instead we get scenes of them appreciating one another... and we get a real understanding of how important they are in each other's lives.

So... yeah, telegraphed, but not blatantly so.

It is a bit troubling that Clark was busy dealing with Kandor when all of this went down... but I suppose that's a way to introduce some internal conflict.  I'm never all that keen on pushing guilt on characters (who aren't Peter Parker... that's his thing, after all)... but, I think I'm okay with it here.  The forthcoming New Krypton story should be chock-full of conflict for the Man of Steel... so, I'm cool with it.

I appreciated Brainiac going out the way he did.  Through all of his machinations and collecting, he made himself almost too aware.  Sensing all of the icky bacterium and whatnot in that nasty swamp threw him off just enough for Superman to get the drop on him.  On the face of it, he comes off looking like something of a chump, but in actuality... he wound up beating himself, so he doesn't look quite as bad taking the "L".

It's brief, but we get a bit on Supergirl coming into her own here.  She's petrified that she's not powerful enough to complete her task... but Superman's belief in her is enough for her to begin believing in herself.  She's able to save the Sun... and with it, the universe.  Pretty good showing!

Overall, this was a lot of fun.  I really enjoyed this the whole way through... and I'm left wanting more.

Of course, not too long ago... we discussed the issue this flows into:

So, if you'd like my thoughts on that... just click'a da cover.


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Sunday, January 28, 2018

Action Comics #869 (2008)

Action Comics #869 (November, 2008)
"Brainiac, Part 4: Mind Over Matter"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Penciller - Gary Frank
Inker - Jon Sibal
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Colorist - Brad Anderson
Associate Editor - Nachie Castro
Editor - Matt Idelson
Cover Price: $2.99

Well, here's an issue with a cover that proceeds itself, eh?

Many folks might remember that this bugger caused quite a stir back in ye' old 2008.  It depicted Superman and Pa Kent having an evening chat... each holding a beer.  Wha-wha?

Yeah... there was a bit of backlash against this... folks didn't want to see Superman with a beer, and so... there was a recall and reissue... with some very poorly Photoshopped "Soda Pop" labels added to their... very brown bottles.

The updated image almost appears annoyed at the backlash... as, if we look at it... how hard would it have been to make that label say "Root Beer"?  I mean, just take a look:

Oh well... whattayagonnado?  Apparently, 1,000 copies of the "beer cover" made it out into the world... so, if you managed to get your hands on one, make sure to get that bugger slabbed.

Where do I stand on the non-troversy?  Well... I really don't have a problem with Clark sharing a beer with his father, but I'll admit... I'm not exactly torn up about it being changed to soda.


Picking up where we left off yesterday, Brainiac's skull-ship has arrived in the skies over Metropolis... and it's causing quite a mess!  On the rooftop of the Daily Planet, Supergirl looks on in shock... this isn't the first time she's experienced... or at least heard about something like this.  She insists Lois leave while she still can, as she prepares to fight off the Brainiac-bots.

Meanwhile, inside the ship, Brainiac appears to have Superman in some sort of claw-hold... pressing his thumbs into Superman's temples... to the point where he begins to bleed!  He mocks Superman for being Kryptonian... but acting human.  He insists that no matter how powerful he (Brainiac) becomes, he would never assume to be anything but Coluan.  Superman's had about enough... and bites through Brainy's... er, umbilical-like cord? 

Luckily, this is enough to cause Brainiac enough distress to back off.  Superman then punches the baddie right through the pod he'd come out of.  With him out of the way... he looks through Brainiac's "collection" in search of Kandor.  He is drawn to one bottle in particular by the sound of... his father's voice?  Well, not exactly... he learns that it's actually the voice of his uncle, Zor-El... Supergirl's father!

It's here that he (and we) learn that the people of Argo City used Brainiac's own leftover technology to erect a dome over their city... which is how they escaped the devastation of Krypton.  Pretty sneaky, huh?

Some time passed... and Brainiac kinda "homed in" on his dome-y tech.  He approached the floating Argo City, and began to integrate it into Kandor.  It's at this point, Zor-El and Alura sent their daughter Kara to Earth.  Everything's being woven together... and I'm digging the heck out of it.

Superman continues to listen to his uncle's story, until Brainiac recovers and resumes his attack.  In Metropolis, Supergirl continues to hold off the bots... until she is brain-probed.  Lucky for her, Lois didn't heed her warning... and slams the attacking bot with a fire extinguisher.  She then looks skyward... and realizes that a dome is growing over the city!

It looks as though Brainiac has won!

What an awesome page!
His final act for this chapter is... taking care of Earth's pesky Sun (just as he'd done with all of the other cities he'd added to his collection).  In Smallville, the Kents see a red blur heading toward the Sun.


Another great installment as we rocket toward the conclusion of Brainiac!

As mentioned yesterday... this definitely feels decompressed, however, I can't get mad at it!  The pacing all feels pretty perfect.  Of course, this time around we're not only looking at this once a month... I'm sure that affected the way I received it back in '08.

So...what do we have here?  Well, we get some new "lore", for starters.  The people of Argo City were able to nab some of Brainiac's leftover tech... and used it to erect a dome over themselves.  This protected them from the destruction of Krypton... and would ultimately lead to their being discovered, and integrated into the bottle city of Kandor.  I dig that.  I really like it when everything is connected... probably why I'm so stuck on continuity... eh, pobody's nerfect, right?

The cliffhanger we get here... actually feels important!  Metropolis has been "collected", and just as he's done every other time he added something to his collection, Brainiac sets to putting out the Sun.  We gotta remember, he needs to wipe out the planet/galaxy entirely so that he's the only one with the knowledge.  Very sinister... and I really dig it!

Overall... this Brainiac story, as said several times before, feels like a modern classic.  Definitely recommended.  Johns and Frank feel like a real dream team here... and, even though we're in the "nebulous interim" between Infinite Crisis and Secret Origin... this feels like "must" reading.


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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Action Comics #868 (2008)

Action Comics #868 (October, 2008)
"Brainiac, Part 3: Greetings"
Writer - Geoff Johns
Penciller - Gary Frank
Inker - Jon Sibal
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Colorist - Brad Anderson
Associate Editor - Nachie Castro
Editor - Matt Idelson
Cover Price: $2.99

Hey everyone, today we're going to be discussing a "key" issue... lemme tell ya what, it's the first-appearance of Brainiac!

Wait, whattaya mean he's been around since 1958?  No, that was just a robot probe!  This is Brainiac's first appearance!  Get this bugger bagged and boarded... Hell, get it slabbed!

I, uh... appear to be the only one excited about this.  Hmm...

Okay, enough of that... of course this isn't the first-appearance of Brainiac... buuuuut, it's the first time (in the canon of the Nebulous Interim) that Superman is actually meeting the green-skinned geek.  Boy, I'm glad I don't write for the DC Wikia... this kind of stuff would drive me nuts!

Let's get to it!


We open in Metropolis where the male employees of The Daily Planet are positively falling all over each other in order to be drafted as an errand boy for Cat Grant.  I really don't get it... are we supposed to think she's like drop-dead gorgeous here?  I'm really not getting that.  Anyhoo, at this point everyone's attention is directed to a nearby window where... Supergirl has popped her head in looking for her cous... er, Mr. Kent.  Using her x-ray vision (with a dash of naivete) she notices some odd plastics in Cat's boob-al region.  Lois is able to diffuse the situation... and pulls Kara into a stairwell for a chat.

Supergirl is desperately seeking her cousin... which is our cue to transition spaceward, where we can see him being probed and tubed by some leathery-lookin' Brainiac drones.

While "under" Superman has visions of what Brainiac did to that planet last issue.  This causes him to spring awake.  He noggin' knocks his captors... and in a pretty gross scene, pulls this... sort of organic-looking... tube out of his throat.  He then vomits all over the floor.

He gets a hold of himself and begins to wander through his new environment... finding pods containing various forms of alien life.  A disembodied voice calls for "Koko"... which triggers a white beast (which is likely named "Koko") to launch itself in Superman's direction.  It doesn't take much for the Man of Steel to kayo the thing... he even knocks out a few of its teeth for good measure.

And so, Superman continues... finally coming across a room full of the miniaturized stolen cities.  Picking up on a bit of (untranslated, natch) Kryptonese, he follows his ears to... Kandor!

"Do you see that?"
"A shadow"
"A shadow of the sky"
"There has never been a shadow of the sky"
"What is it?"
Kandor is pulled away right before Superman's eyes... and then, finally... he (and we) meets the real-deal Brainiac.

Annnnnd, they fight.  Brainiac claims that Superman now "belongs" to him.  He captures these cities... before destroying their home planets... in order to be the only entity with the knowledge... with which, he will "be evolved into perfection".

Back in Smallville, Pa Kent is mendin' fence... when he is joined by Ma.  Together, they see a blue bird falling from the sky... and an ominous wind begins to pick up.

Back at Brainiac's, Superman has been tied up in some more organic tentacle-things.  Here it is definitely alluded to that Brainiac had something to do with what happened to Krypton's Red Sun.  Also that he'd been hunting for that escaped child... Kal-El himself, for quite a long time.

After some more fighting, Brainiac threatens Superman's new home planet... and his cousin.  And so, we wrap up with the ominous sight of Brainiac's skull ship in the skies over Metropolis.


Ya know... I usually give "decompressed" stories a lot of grief... but this is really very good!  The pacing just feels right... and even though it very much is decompressed, I don't feel like I'm being robbed of story reading this in single-issue form.  Though, to be fair... I'm not exactly waiting a month for the next installment either.  I can't remember how I felt about this back in 2008... I know I was still buying it, perhaps I just wasn't as engaged.

It's here that we finally meet Brainiac, and the crux of our threat is introduced.  We learn that Brainiac was very likely the reason Krypton's Red Sun went kaput... and boy oh boy, does he come across as a creep!  Johns (and Frank) really upped the scare-factor on this dude, transforming him from an arguably less-serious character into a cold, calculating "means to an end" truly frightening villain.

The concept that Brainiac wants to be the only person with various bits of knowledge is intriguing... and really plays in to his compulsive hunt for Superman over the past few decades.  This was all really well done.

The Earthbound bits were also quite good... providing some much-needed comedy between the more serious Superman scenes.  I still think the new-look Cat is pretty creepy though... but, I'll bet I'm supposed to.

Overall... this bugger is decompressed, but still just so good.  It's not often I can wholeheartedly recommend something this stretched out... only other thing that comes to mind is the early arcs of Ultimate Spider-Man!  I've said it before... but this feels like a "modern classic", and I'd certainly urge anyone interested to check it out.


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