Showing posts with label gene ha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gene ha. Show all posts

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Justice League of America (vol.2) #0 (2006)

Justice League of America (vol.2) #0 (September, 2006)
"Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"
Writer - Brad Meltzer
Pencillers - Eric Wright, Dick Giordano, Tony Harris, George Perez, J.H. Williams III, Luke McDonnell, Gene Ha, Rags Morales, Ethan Van Sciver, Kevin Maguire, Adam Kubert, Dan Jurgens, Jim Lee, Howard Porter, Andy Kubert, Phil Jimenez & Ed Benes
Inkers - Paul Neary, Kevin Nowlan, Dexter Vines, Jesse Delperdang, Andy Lanning & Sandra Hope
Letterer - Rob Leigh
Colorist - Alex Sinclair
Assistant Editor - Jeanine Schaeffer
Editor - Eddie Berganza
Cover Price: $2.99

Well, that be a lotta pencillers, eh?  Wow, for the first time in ever I couldn't fit'em all into the tags/labels!

This is bound to be an amazing book right?  Either that or a colossal mess, to be sure?  Well, nah... it's neither of those things really... but we'll get there.  I guess I'm still in a post-Infinite Crisis mood (is anyone ever in an Infinite Crisis mood?  This might be a first!), so we may as well see how the new-look League (starts to) shake out!

This bugger features a lot of callbacks (it's basically a series of vignettes of the past and "future")... and I'll do my best to fill in the bits and pieces as we go.


We open in the Batcave... a long time ago.  This is happening right after Justice League of America #9 (February, 1962) "The Origin of the Justice League" (Gardner Fox/Mike Sekowsky)... ya know, the one with where the Leaguers are almost turned into trees?  Superman is trying to convince Batman that when a threat becomes too big for one of them, they should band together as the Justice League to take it down.  Batman kinda hems and haws, before accepting.  This is drawn in a time-appropriate style, the "face" part of Batman's cowl is darker than the rest, sort of like the Adam West '66 show.

After the handshake heard 'round the world... both men look a bit ill at ease.  Turns out they aren't alone.  Wonder Woman is also there... invited by both men without checking with one another, it's a pretty cute bit.

We jump ahead in League history to around issue #102 of Justice League of America (October, 1972) "... And One of Us Must Die!" (Len Wein/Dick Dillin) where Red Tornado sacrifices himself to save the team.  Our trinity really starts tearing into one another about this... Diana thinks Red Tornado was kind of their best bet for a sacrifice, as "it's better we lost a machine than one of our own."  Batman is furious... he always thought they considered Tornado "one of their own" regardless.

Next stop, the future... or a possible one, at least.  The trinity is attending the wedding of... Hal Jordan?  Ehhh? They are joshing one another about the betting odds for some of the male Leaguers taking a wife.  Behind the three is a woman lost in thought... I'm gonna take a stab and say this is Carol Ferris... and Hal's marrying another woman.  This story (to my knowledge) never came to pass, so it's pretty moot.

The talk of weddings leads us to a flashback to an issue we discussed here not too long ago!  The wedding of Donna Troy and the Creep... er, Terry Long in Tales of the Teen Titans #50 (February, 1985) "We Are Gathered Here Today......." (Marv Wolfman/George Perez).  We get a neat callback (via Perez's own pencil!) to a discussion Dick and Bruce had during the reception.

Tales of the Teen Titans #50 (Feb, 1985) / Words-Wolfman - Art/Perez

Back to... the future, where we see the trinity fighting Lex Luthor!  Lex has actually punched Batman in the face so hard he knocked a tooth out!  He's ranting about something having happened to his son... which, again... this is a possible future, I suppose.... buuuuut, being as though this is right after Infinite Crisis, an event that saw the death of Superboy (Kon-El/Conner Kent), who was cloned from a DNA cocktail featuring the mojo of Superman and Lex Luthor, he might be referring to that.

Back to the past, and we're at around Justice League of America Annual #2 (1984) "The End of the Justice League" (Gerry Conway/Chuck Patton).  This is at the dawning of the Detroit-League run by Aquaman, and featuring characters like Vibe, Gypsy, Vixen, and Commander Steel.  Batman ain't quite feelin' it... I feel like that's something of a theme here.  Superman and Wonder Woman try to get him to settle his tea kettle... and tell him it's Arthur's turn to run the show.

Back to the future... and this is a story that actually came to pass.  We're in Smallville, and in the shadow of Pa Kent's passing (at the end of the Brainiac storyline right before the New Krypton saga), Clark has returned to try and remove all traces of Superman.  Of interest, he fills in the tunnel from his childhood bedroom, which I've always associated with pre-Crisis Superboy... hmm...

Back to the past... and the Batcave!  Batman and Wonder Woman spar as Superman looks on.  Batman is excited that he's found himself a new partner... Jason Todd!  This kid's gonna be great, really great!  This is the first time in awhile Batman feels "alive".  Can't really place this one... since, ya know... Batman met Jason Todd twice.  His happiness here makes me think pre-Crisis, however everything Red Hood related from here on makes me think post.

To the future!  We're on Paradise Island as Wonder Woman is preparing for her upcoming nuptials.  Apparently her taking a husband brings with it a sacrifice... her immortality!  Can't say that this story ever happened... my Wonder Woman knowledge is pretty spotty.  I'm gonna go with "never happened".

In the past, we get a little bwa-ha-ha, when the trinity huddles around a photo of a kayoed Guy Gardner.  This occurred in Justice League #5 (September, 1987) "Gray Life Gray Dreams" (Keith Giffen/J.M. DeMatteis/Kevin Maguire) They ask Batman about the (to my mind, kinda "over referenced" by this point) "one punch".  It's sad that an entire (amazing) run of Justice League is often reduced to Batman punching Guy Gardner.

In the future, Superman arrives to the new JLA Satellite for his annual meeting with the rest of the trinity... alas, they are a no-show.  Clark sheds a single tear.  Not sure this one ever came to pass either.  It looks like the League has the head of the Incredible Hulk in their trophy room though!

Back to the past, looks like we're hopping into my wheelhouse, 1992.  Batman and Wonder Woman see the news of Superman's passing.  That of course happened in Superman (vol.2) #75 (January, 1993) "Doomsday!" (Dan Jurgens).  All Bruce can say is that they're going to need to build a stronger League next time.  A reference to Doomsday absolutely wrecking the current League, and perhaps the justification for Wonder Woman joining the "new" League immediately following the Death of Superman.

In the future, the trinity discuss a recent revelation by the Flash... wouldja believe, there's a second Earth out there?  I remember there being some rumblings and measures taken in regard to doing some Earth-2 stuff post-Infinite Crisis, but it never felt like it took off.

Back to the past!  Superman and Wonder Woman are reading Batman the riot act on his secretly having protocols on taking out each member of the League should they go rogue.  This doesn't sound like a terrible idea, until you consider what might happen if say... Ra's al Ghul were to get a hold of them.  This happened in the Tower of Babel arc in JLA, issues 43-46 (Mark Waid/Howard Porter).  In the fallout of this arc (JLA #50 - February, 2001 - Mark Waid/Bryan Hitch), the League members revealed their secret identities to one another.

And, back to the future... Wonder Woman and Superman are at Crime Alley in Gotham City discussing the passing of Batman.  This would (sorta) eventually come to pass nearly a half-decade after this issue!  Superman/Batman #76 (November, 2010) "The Brave and the Bold" (Judd Winick/Marco Rudy) featured Superman's reaction to the death(s) of Batman.  I get fuzzy here because Batman died in Final Crisis... and during Batman R.I.P., right?!

We next get a very brief flashback bit regarding Batman's involvement with Brother Eye... like one panel brief.  They are discussing events that occurred during the OMAC Project miniseries (2005-Greg Rucka) which was part of the lead-up to Infinite Crisis.

That's our last time-traveling moment here, as we (finally) arrive in the present.  Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are having their latest annual Trinity-Meeting.  Batman accidentally refers to the League as "friends", which is pretty cute.

Our issue ends with the big-three knowing they've got a few big decisions ahead of them... and, ya know, gets our hopes up about what new members they're going to add to the ol' order.


It's hard to really review this as a story... but it's still something worth checking out.  Not only does it provide a fun Justice League history lesson (including art from the original artists, or in the style of) but it also helps us conceptualize what the current post-Infinite Crisis DC Universe may look like.

I remember having a ton of questions following Superboy-Prime's reality punch insofar as what is and isn't part of continuity anymore.  This issue allows us to observe vignettes to answer (even nebulously) some of those questions.

I think I could have done without some of the "flash forwards", which wound up not panning out.  Not sure if they were included as red herrings, or if they simply didn't wind up happening due to... whatever reasons.  It is interesting to consider that even as Infinite Crisis was a thing, DC already had an eye toward Final Crisis (if, in fact, that's what the Crime Alley scene was alluding to). Seems like an unreal amount of forethought for a comic book company of any era.

The first time I read this, I think my main takeaway was the idea that perhaps Superman was, at one time, Superboy.  I wasn't terribly familiar with the concept, or even fond of it at the time... but it was still intriguing.  I saw this as, potentially, the first radical shift (that didn't serve a larger story) to a character I'd "grown up with".  Hell, it's possible I was reading too much into it... but, that underground tunnel in Clark's room always yelled "Superboy" to me.

It was neat revisiting some older incarnations of the League... even if I could do without the "cheap pop" Batman "one-punching" Guy Gardner reference.  It really bugs me that when folks talk about that era they're all "One Punch!  One Punch!" rather than talking about all of the great stories and character work that amazing run brought with it.  Though, I guess it's good enough people remember it at all.

The art was... ya know, kinda jarring... but in the right way.  This is supposed to be something of a Justice League community quilt... it's supposed to look different as it goes.  I'll say that I wasn't a fan of all the art here, but feel it did all serve the tone(s) the book is going for.

Overall, as I read this I thought to myself "Self, this would'a made a really good Free Comic Book Day issue!" and upon further review, saw that it actually was the year after it came out!  Then I thought... hey, I can tell folks to check this one out digitally for free!  But alas, no... it is available digitally, but it's gonna cost ya some credits.  I'd say it's worth a look, though I would advise against breaking the bank to do so... it does, after all, feature Terry Long.


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Friday, December 16, 2016

Green Lantern (vol.3) #36 (1993)

Green Lantern (vol.3) #36 (February, 1993)
"The Ghost of Christmas Light"
Writer - Gerard Jones with Joe Filice
Penciller - Gene Ha
Inker - Romeo Tanghal
Letterer - Albert DeGuzman
Colorist - Anthony Tollin
Assistant Editor - Eddie Berganza
Editor - Kevin Dooley

When I picked this issue for today's discussion I really had no idea that it picks up with Hal's day immediately following the Superman (vol.2) #76 we talked about yesterday.  Let's check in with Hal and see how he spends Christmas Eve...


It's Christmas Eve and we open with Hal and his on-again off-again, Carol Ferris passing the Northern Lights as they begin their descent.  This was a time in which Hal tried running his own air-cab company.  Carol is tagging along on Hal's family Christmas, because he didn't want her to be alone.  In the Northern Lights we see the familiar visage of our old friend Dr. Light... the male one... who did some really lousy stuff to Sue Dibney.

They land and are immediately met by Hal's brother's family.  The kids are excited to have Uncle Hal take them up for barrel rolls, and Jim Jordan mocks Hal's gray temples... remember those?  Jim's wife, the nosey Sue catches up with Carol, and mistakenly refers to her as Hal's girlfriend.  Carol is quick to correct her, as she's decided they're gonna keep it casual for the time being.

What follows is a fairly uncomfortable car ride through town... well, at least for "Aunt" Carol, who is getting the third-degree from Sue.  Sue's "thing" during the Silver Age was that she was, well... a pain in the ass.  It's nice seeing this carried on into the Chromium Age.

They arrive at the third Jordan brother Jack's house.  Inside Uncles Jeremiah and Titus Jordan are debating the merits of crime-fighters.  I really like this... I think many of us know which relatives are going to try and bend our ear for some political clap trap during a family get together... this scene was well done.  I really like that everyone outside of the immediate debate are vacating the area so they don't wind up involved.  Of particular note, they are discussing the recent death of Superman.  Hal is interested to hear how people outside of his normal "social circle" have taken the news, and seems perplexed that it has somehow become a political issue.  C'mon Hal... everything ultimately becomes a political issue.

Uncle Titus (or maybe Jeremiah) calls over to Hal and tells him to be careful... that Green Lantern character is back, and is hanging about in Hal's hometown.  C'mon Unc'... a Green Lantern... with graying temples... in the same city as your nephew... with graying temples... Anyhoo, Sue and Carol are still talking, discussing Sue's belief that her husband Jim is (or was) Green Lantern.  Carol is about to spill the beans about Hal... but luckily he stops her.  I mean, really Carol... what's your problem?  Just giving out a man's secret identity like that.  Not cool.

After a contentious squabble, Hal is pulled away.  Ya see, it's his turn to play Santa Claus!  He does some fancy verbal footwork, and convinces his brother to don the beard and bells while he takes care of the camcordering.  All throughout the issue we've seen Dr. Light's ugly mug showing up in various light sources... here, perhaps the funniest of all, his face appears superimposed over the angel atop the Christmas Tree!

We check in with Dr. Light, wherever the hell he is... we learn that he had died in an issue of Suicide Squad... and has been transformed into, whatever the hell he currently is... kind of a being of light itself... but still with a physical form.  He was attracted to the Jordan house due to Hal's green light.

Back with the fam, Hal and Carol argue again... Carol is stressed out by all the pressure on her to... I dunno, grow up... having people dependent on her, people wanting her to make babies, it's all just too much for the former Star Sapphire.  Hal kind of humors her until he hears his brother, Santa Claus enter the living room.  He leaves Carol on the porch to start filming.

Inside, the kids are going wild for Santa... and it looks like, for a brief moment, Carol might just be enjoying herself.  Hal is doing his best Ansel Adams-with-a-camcorder, when suddenly... the Christmas tree attacks!  Well, the string of lights on the Christmas tree, that is...

Suddenly, and as if by magic... Green Lantern is on the scene.  Curiously, Hal has gone missing... c'mon Jeremiah (or Titus) notice things!  One of Hal's nephews goes to pull the plug... but gets friggin' shot by a laser for his troubles.  This causes Sue to go into a blind rage as she starts beating up the Christmas lights... it's really quite a scene.  With the distraction in place, Hal is able to fire off a shot to sever the power cord.

Crisis averted?  Nah, not yet... Dr. Light is now in the real world.  He blasts Hal with a yellow blast of energy... then just takes Lantern to pummel-town.  He is able to split into a number of Dr. Lights... and each one has two fists with which he can punch Hal up real good.

Hal tries to reason with the baddie... asks why he's here.  Light tells him he's there for his green light... and so, Hal's all "okay"... and lets him look into the power battery... which either explodes or sucks the poor fool in... the art isn't clear.

With the coast clear, Hal helps Jim outside with the rest of the family.  Jim, brain surgeon that he is, ponders if perhaps he is unconsciously Green Lantern... oi.

After making sure everybody is okay, we rejoin Hal and Carol as they talk in private... the issue draws to an end with Carol... get this... proposing marriage.  Ruh roh.


I've often seen this era of Green Lantern written off as "skippable" or of no consequence... and while there is certainly an argument for that, that shouldn't be the blanket statement for the latter Gerard Jones era.  This issue right here was some pretty good stuff.

The Dr. Light stuff I could take or leave, but I really enjoyed visiting with the Jordan clan.  Weird seeing Silver Age concepts like Hal's nosey sister-in-law thinking her husband is Green Lantern popping up... that stuff was silly way back when, but somehow it fits in and doesn't seem too terribly out of place here in the moody 90's.

Speaking of moody... the art was kind of ehhh.  This Gene Ha isn't quite the Top 10 Gene Ha yet, but his work is perfectly serviceable here.  Not spectacular... and certainly not helped by the muddy coloring, but didn't really hurt the overall package.

Quite the change of heart for ol Carol here, no?  I guess nobody is immune to being overcome by the Christmas spirit.  During this time, she is still recovering from having the Star Sapphire persona "permanently" removed from her psyche... just another step by DC in endowing a measure of progression unto their characters.  We also see Hal getting some "old" jokes here too.  Silly Jordans, don't you know he's not old... just possessed by a giant yellow fear bug!

Overall, a decent enough issue with enough Christmas in it to be enjoyable.  A nice slice of life piece... with enough superheroics to keep the action fans pleased.  Won't rock your socks but it's worth checking out.


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On the fourth day of Christmas on Infinite Earths, I gave to you... Green Lantern (vol.3) #36Superman (vol. 2) #76JSA #55, and a Batman and the Outsiders #19 Review
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