Girls' Love Stories #138 (October, 1968)
"A Second Look at Love!"
"Tell Me How to Love!"
"Don't Leave Me Again!"
no credits
Cover Price: $0.12
People may have different reasons for getting into blogging. Maybe it's to make connections... maybe it's to make inroads into professional writing... maybe it's even to make money (!). I did not start blogging for any of those reasons. Sad as it may sound, one of my primary goals for getting involved in blogging was I saw it as a way to make... friends.
Being a dude in my mid-thirties, it's not too often "in real life" that I come across folks who dig comics as much as I do. All of the anecdotes I share here "above the fold" at the blog, boring as they may be... are even more so to the uninitiated. My offline social circle (as it were) could not care less about what books I found, or what they may potentially mean to me.
I feel lucky that in my short time blogging I have met a decent bunch of folks (please check out the great blogs on the sidebar) who share my passion about these silly comic books. I have been afforded the luxury of being able to share ideas while broadening my horizons. Even if it's a comment on a fellow blogger's site (of one of their's on mine) silly tho it may sound, I feel as though I'm part of a community. I'm honestly having more fun doing this than I have any right to.
I want to start talking about various bloggers and buddies who've been inspirational to me, helped me on my way, and made this as fun and satisfying an endeavor as it's become for me. Carving out a little while each day to read and write a bit has become something I look forward to. The bloggy-bud that I wanted to mention today is Mike Carlyle from the highly recommended The Crapbox of Son of Cthulhu. Mike reviews books he comes across in the cheap-o bins with regularity, covering all different publishers and various levels of quality. He has a great wit, and provides a ton of insight to what he reviews. The Crapbox is always a good time! Today, I'm gonna crib a page from his playbook (I hope he doesn't mind... and I hope I do it justice) by picking a somewhat-random DC book from my own "crapbox" finds.
Today, I present... Girls' Love Stories #138 from 1968... I hope we survive the experience.
Today's entry features three titanic tales of titillation and trepidation, all having a special moral or takeaway for the impressionable young women of the late 1960's.
We open with "A Second Look at Love!" in which our unnamed young lead had been left one year prior by the dashing Bill. Bill, a modern man, just couldn't be tied down to one woman... much less a "square" like our dear brunette.
That's cold-blooded, Bill |
One day, when it appears all hope is lost she receives a call. Wouldn't you know it... it's Bill! She excitedly prepares to renew her relationship with the "one that (almost) got away", and they plan to meet at a park. She is so attuned to her man that she can point him out by the sound of his footfalls.
When he shows himself, our girl is shocked. He just doesn't seem like the same Bill he was before. She is suddenly seeing him differently. It is only now that she knows that in seeing seeing him one more time she was finally able to let go. Our moral here is to "never mourn a lost love".
Our second senses-shattering offering is "Tell Me How to Love!", in which we join Nora a young red-head who so desperately wants to be in love.
As she watches her sister Ann break up with her beau Larry, Nora cannot help but be overtaken by emotion. She feels as though she could love Larry, and quickly devises a way to get his attention and help him forget.
You know it's love, when you drive in complete silence. |
You get an E for Effort there, Nora. |
Steve's a regular Doc Savage! |
They would meet at the community pool daily, and in between bumping into elderly water aerobics partakers and dodging used band-aids, developed something of a relationship.
The time came when they too shared a kiss. It was then that our gal realized, it wasn't love she was feeling for Steve... it was admiration, almost a hero worship. Maybe she was a closet Doc Savage fan.
Later at a dance, Nora met Nick. Nick and Nora? Hmm... Anyhoo. Nora was wallowing in what has become her trademark self-pity when Nick approaches and asks if he can "have this dance". Nora (almost literally) jumps at the opportunity and we are back in business.
Can we get a positive ID on this one? |
Finally, we are up to our Main Event... "Don't Leave Me Again!"
I really do love you Jim... you're like a brother to me! |
Amy keeps our man Jim in the "friend zone". She tells him that he'd made the perfect husband... for some girl, all the while malaising over the fact that she hasn't seen Bruce in well over a month. We observe Amy's endless struggle over her missing beau. She decides that she hates him... which lasts precisely until he calls, one panel later.
Bruce makes his triumphant return, and sweeps Ms. Amy off her feet. They share something of a magical week full of visits to the zoo and kisses, apparently. When Bruce disappears on that eighth day, Amy gives her "silver medal" a call and rattles his cage. They go to a movie, and have a heart of heart about Bruce. Amy volunteers that when it comes to Bruce, she has no pride.
Yeah, romantic drive-in movie... followed by a cold shower. Just another Friday night for our Jim! |
Once more, Bruce leaves (don't worry, he'll be back). Amy again finds solace in her second prize, Jim. This time, however, she promises that she will tell Bruce that it's over the next time she sees him. Jim is understandably skeptical... however, Amy ensures him that she is sincere.
One month later... Guess who's back... Even before Amy can tell him off, he forces one of his magical mystical kisses on her, rendering her his slave-girl. The two decide to head out to a local Discotheque, where Amy "goes through the motions".
Those are quite the... motions she's goin' through... |
In the epilogue of our tale, we see Amy and Jim... finally together.
Extra bits:
A lonely-hearts advice column? |
I will never again wear ski-pants or tease my hair before hitting the beach! Thank you Mad Mad Modes! |
Okay, I gotta come clean. This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be. The writing was silly, almost numbingly melodramatic... but, it had charm. The art was surprisingly solid! I enjoyed the visual aesthetics a great deal. The characters were all attractive, and the scenery featured more detail than a lot of books I'd read. When we look at one of these ladies' rooms, it truly feels as though they "live" there.
This unfortunately came from an era before creators got their due credit for working in comics. I did some research, and could not narrow down who may have been involved in this books creation. Whoever it/they was, they did a fine job. If anybody has any insight to the identity of the mystery creator(s), please pass that info on. Perfectly fine for what it is, simple stories with morals and far above average art.
If you come across any old DC romance books in your friendly neighborhood "crapbox", do yourselves a favor... snap that sucker up and get ready for some sweet silly saccharine tinged with young adult and teen-age (that hyphen is a must) angst!
Interesting Ads (like none I'd ever seen before):
Earn money for that new wardrobe, ladies! |
Motion Picture AND TV stardom! |
Good for housework! |
Do you have 10 people in your life you'd like to alienate? Write today! |