Showing posts with label hart d. fisher. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hart d. fisher. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode 93: Kill Image #1 (1993)

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #93

Kill Image #1 (1993)
by Hart D. Fisher and Joe Duncan
Boneyard Press

Before getting into today's piece, I'd like to engage in my daily-kvetching over how awful Blogger (and Blogger Support) have been over the past few days.  It's really one of those "good news, bad news" situations... where, there are a bunch of people making the exact same complaints as me... but, Blogger doesn't seem to care a whit.

I'm also coming to learn that there are "blind" Blogger fans out there... it's just like comics (any fandom, I suppose!).  They ignore very real problems, shift blame to the user, all in the hope that someone with a "blue check" next to their name gives 'em a thumbs up!  It's pathetic.  Anyhoo, let's talk about probably the episode of the Cosmic Treadmill I'm probably the most proud of: Our coverage of Hart Fisher's Kill Image.

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