Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill, Episode #138
Action #37 (October 23, 1976)
By Pat Mills, John Wagner, & Steve McManus
IPC Media
Cover Price: 7p
The mornings around here have become this strange game of me opening a blank blog post and trying to "batch upload" pictures... just to see if any of my Blogger-worries have been assuaged. Welp... it's one'a those good news, bad news situations. I can, in fact, batch-upload... it's just that the images don't exactly stay uploaded. As soon as I set one image where I want it... the rest of them disappear completely. I know I must sound like a broken-record after a week of these "updates", but... this is Google, right? I mean, they are a pretty big company, no?
Oh well... I suppose this just gives me another excuse to reminisce. And so, today I'll share the story of Cosmic Treadmill... After Dark.